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[分享] Luther Vandross -If I Didn't Know Better

  • TA的每日心情
    2024-12-28 20:52
  • 签到天数: 1891 天

    连续签到: 1 天









    Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



    发表于 2007-5-2 15:08:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

    Luther Vandross是一个都充满了爱的节奏蓝调/灵魂艺人,只要他一开嗓,他那柔而不亢,油而不腻的高音就会把歌曲中的爱意与情意唱得是十分到位,他唱慢歌的时候,就像是一位爱的绅士,把乐迷当作是心所爱的人,带著深情的凝视,细细的表达自己的爱意,他唱快歌的时候,就像是一位全民情圣,带著自信的神采,无时不刻的释放著装载了热力与活力的爱情电波。这位把节奏蓝调/灵魂唱得雋永,迷人的传奇艺人在2005年7月1日,因2003年的中风所引起的併发症而辞世,享年54岁。


    "If I Didn"t Know Better"

    I think sometimes I can read your mind
    When you make things up I can tell you lie
    I see the things that your man can’t see
    And I wonder what kind of man is he
    The one who you say is your lover
    Who you insist takes care of you under the covers
    And who is there for you and loves you like no other
    When you kiss and tell me that you love me like a brother

    If I didn’t know better
    I’d think that you were mine
    you’re with me all the time
    If I didn’t know better
    I’d swear we’re more than friends
    you’re touching me again
    If I didn’t know better
    I’d think we were in love
    Girl, do you wanna tell me something
    Oh, oh, oh
    I could be wrong about the things you say
    But I don’t rub up on my friends that way
    You tell me that you’ve always been a flirt
    But if it goes wrong, I could get hurt
    But no, you insist it’s harmless playin’
    It’s just a part of who you are
    that it’s just your nature
    And that it’s fine
    You know I’m a friend, it’s really nothing
    You say that I’m just like a…
    That I’m just like a brother
    My idea of a friend is when you
    Do a lotta things together and have a lotta fun
    But my definition of love is different
    You touch and hold each other
    And you only want to be alone clinging to each other
    Like you and he should be, but like you and I are
    Well, I know it sounds crazy but…
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