- 积分
- 9245924
- 威望
- 181
- 魅力
- 183
- 经验
- 9232682
- 热心度
- 17
- 注册时间
- 2005-11-5
- 最后登录
- 2025-3-12
- 主题
- 568
- 回帖
- 5781
- 精华
- 42
- 阅读权限
- 200
成长值: 32110
TA的每日心情 | 无聊 2020-5-27 00:09 |
签到天数: 24 天 连续签到: 2 天 [LV.4]狂狼人

- 积分
- 9245924

楼主 |
发表于 2007-2-10 13:55:42
- [wiki]ERM[/wiki]S_ScriptName=Peasants
- ERMS_ScriptAuthor=siegfried
- ERMS_ScriptVersion=1.3.1
- ERMS_ScriptDate=7.2(February).2007
- ERMS_ScriptERMVersion=2.70
- ERMS_ScriptLanguage=German or Deutsch (native)
- ERMS_ScriptUsedFunctions=FU614-FU619;FU817-FU818
- ERMS_PoweredBy=ERM Scripter v. 2004.10.5.945
- _WARNING_#1=IMPORTANT! This file is not in a plain text format. NEVER use any editor except ERM_S for making any kind of changes!
- ** Peasant script
- ** This adds resource production for peasants stored in towns or mines.
- ** This is an alternate to the H4 peasant script and as such disabled if the
- ** H4 peasant script is enabled.
- ** H4 peasant option is 286
- ** This peasant option is 334
- ** Towns
- ** Basic gold production in towns is 1 gold per peasant. It may be increased:
- ** +1% per average rank
- ** +10% for town hall
- ** +20% for city hall
- ** +40% for capitol (note: town hall, city hall and capitol do not sum up)
- ** +10% for market place
- ** +100% for grail
- ** +0...60% for estates (0..30% normal, 0-60% for gold or estates specialists)
- ** +10% per hero level for gold specialists
- ** +15% for equipped sack of gold
- ** +10% for equipped bag of gold
- ** +5% for equipped purse of gold
- ** May sum up to 230% for lvl1 hero and 1120% for lvl89 hero
- ** Vars from script00.erm:
- ** v2391 ($once$): 1 if first active color, 0 else (read only)
- ** v2393: day (read only)
- ** Vars from script127 (H4 peasant script) reused:
- ** z78: Peasant speciality text (set)
- ** v600 - v608: Players hero list (written)
- ** Message disabling option from script025: Option number 185
- ** If option set, disable messages
- ** v998, v999, v1000: Position of object.
- ** Rem: During function executing the content of these
- ** variables seems to be destroyed. So position is given
- ** by parameter, and after function execution the position
- ** is resoored.
- !#UN:P334/1; DEBUG: Manually enable
- ****************************************************************************
- ** Aux. function to iterate through slots
- ** Town version (town without hero)
- ** x1 = creature type (-1 = any)
- ** x2 = dummy (not used)
- ** x3 = fixed hitpoint growth rate
- ** x4 = additional experience
- ** x5 = xpos
- ** x6 = ypos
- ** x7 = level
- ** x16 = slot number
- ** v13 = function multiplexer (do not change inside function)
- ** returns:
- ** v1 = Number of (matching) creatures
- ** v2 = Sum of experience per creature (of matching creatures)
- ** v3 = Number of slots with matching creatures
- ** v4 = First empty slot
- ** v5 = First matching slot
- !?FU817&v13=98; Town
- !!VRv1&x16=0:S0; Init number of creatures
- !!VRv2&x16=0:S0; Init Experience
- !!VRv3&x16=0:S0; Init number of stacks
- !!VRv4&x16=0:S-1; Init first free slot
- !!VRv5&x16=0:S-1; Init first matching slot
- ** DEBUG
- ** Need that for now if there is a town without garrisoned hero
- ** plus a visiting hero. The EX trigger then looks for the hero
- ** at that position and throws an error, because type = town is
- ** specified.
- !!OBx5/x6/x7:T?y1; Type (maybe visiting hero)
- **IF&y1<>98:M^Error: No town found at location %X5,%X6,%X7^;
- **FU&y1<>98:E; Exit if not town
- !!VRy7:S0;
- !!CAx5/x6/x7&y1=34:M2/x16/?y5/?y6;
- !!EXx5/x6/x7/x16/2&y1=98:A?y5/?y6/?y7; y5=type, y6=number, y7=exp
- !!FU&y5>=160/y5<=163:E; No emissary growth
- !!VRv4&y6=0/v4=-1:Sx1; Found first empty slot
- !!FU&y6=0:E; Empty slot: Done
- !!VRv5&y5=x1/v5=-1:Sx1; Found first matching slot
- !!VRy1&x1<>-1:S-1;
- !!MA&x1<>-1:Ux1/?y2; y2 = possible upgraded version
- !!VRv1|x1=-1/x1=y5/x1=y2:+y6; Add number of creatures
- !!VRv2|x1=-1/x1=y5/x1=y2:+y7; Add experience per creature
- !!VRv3|x1=-1/x1=y5/x1=y1:+1; Increment number of stacks
- !!FU&x3=0/x4=0:E; Done
- !!FU|x1>=0/x1<>y5/x1<>y2:E;
- !!FU&y6>2000:E; No growth beyond 2000
- **FU&y5=139/y6>1000:E; EXPERIMENTAL: no growth for peasants > 1000
- !!MA:Py5/?y8; y8 = Hitpoints per creature
- !!VRy9:S0; Init
- !!VRy9&y8>0/x3>y8:Sx3:y8; y9 = Number of creatures to add
- !!CAx5/x6/x7&x3<>0:M2/x16/d/dy9; Add creatures
- !!FU&x4=0:E; Done
- !!FU&y1<>98:E;
- !!UN:P900/?y11; Stack experience enabled?
- !!FU&y11=0:E; Exit if not
- !!EXx5/x6/x7/x16/2&x4<>0:Ad/d/dx4; Add experience
- !!FU:E; Done
- ****************************************************************************
- ** Aux. function to iterate through slots
- ** Hero version
- ** x1 = creature type (-1 = any)
- ** x2 = Hero ID
- ** x3 = fixed hitpoint growth rate
- ** x4 = additional experience
- ** x16 = slot number
- ** v13 = function multiplexer (do not change inside function)
- ** returns:
- ** v1 = Number of (matching) creatures
- ** v2 = Sum of experience per creature (of matching creatures)
- ** v3 = Number of slots with matching creatures
- ** v4 = First empty slot
- ** v5 = First matching slot
- !?FU817&v13=34; Hero
- !!VRv1&x16=0:S0; Init number of creatures
- !!VRv2&x16=0:S0; Init Experience
- !!VRv3&x16=0:S0; Init number of stacks
- !!VRv4&x16=0:S-1; Init first free slot
- !!VRv5&x16=0:S-1; Init first matching slot
- !!FU&x1<0:E; Parameter error
- !!FU&x1>155:E; Parameter error
- !!EXx2/x16:A?y5/?y6/?y7; y5 = type, y6 = number, y7 = exp.
- !!FU&y5>=160/y5<=163:E; No emissary growth
- !!VRv4&y6=0/v4=-1:Sx1; Found first empty slot
- !!FU&y6=0:E; Empty slot: Done
- !!VRy1&x1<>-1:S-1;
- !!MA&x1<>-1:Ux1/?y2; y1 = possible upgraded version
- !!VRv1|x1=-1/x1=y5/x1=y2:+y6; Add number of creatures
- !!VRv2|x1=-1/x1=y5/x1=y2:+y7; Add experience per creature
- !!VRv3|x1=-1/x1=y5/x1=y2:+1; Increment number of stacks
- !!FU&x3=0/x4=0:E; Done
- !!FU&x1>=0/x1<>y5/x1<>y2:E;
- !!FU&y6>2000:E; No growth beyond 2000
- **FU&y5=139/y6>1000:E; EXPERIMENTAL: no growth for peasants > 1000
- !!MA:Py5/?y8; y8 = Hitpoints per creature
- !!VRy9:S0; Init
- !!VRy9&y8>0/x3>y8:Sx3:y8; y9 = Number of creatures to add
- !!HEx2&x3<>0:C0/x16/d/dy9; Add creatures
- !!FU&x4<>0:E; Done
- !!UN:P900/?y11; Stack experience enabled?
- !!FU&y11=0:E; Exit if not
- !!EXx2/x16&x4<>0:A?d/d/dx4; Add experience
- !!FU:E; Done
- ****************************************************************************
- ** Aux. function to iterate through slots
- ** Mine version (types 53 and 220)
- ** x1 = creature type (-1 = any)
- ** x2 = Dummy (not used)
- ** x3 = fixed hitpoint growth rate
- ** x4 = additional experience
- ** x5 = xpos
- ** x6 = ypos
- ** x7 = level
- ** x16 = slot number
- ** v13 = function multiplexer (do not change inside function)
- ** returns:
- ** v1 = Number of (matching) creatures
- ** v2 = Sum of experience per creature (of matching creatures)
- ** v3 = Number of slots with matching creatures
- ** v4 = First empty slot
- ** v5 = First matching slot
- !?FU817|v13=53/v13=220; Mine
- !!VRv1&x16=0:S0; Init number of creatures
- !!VRv2&x16=0:S0; Init Experience
- !!VRv3&x16=0:S0; Init number of stacks
- !!VRv4&x16=0:S-1; Init first free slot
- !!VRv5&x16=0:S-1; Init first matching slot
- ** DEBUG
- !!OBx5/x6/x7:T?y1; Type (maybe visiting hero)
- **IF&y1<>53/y1<>220:M^Error: No mine type %V13 found at location %X5,%X6,%X7^;
- **IF&y1<>53/y1<>220:M^found: type %Y1^;
- **FU&y1<>53/y1<>220:E; Exit if not mine
- **
- !!VRy7:S0;
- !!MNx5/x6/x7&y1=34:Mx16/?y5/?y6; y5=type, y6=number, y7=exp (vis. hero)
- !!EXx5/x6/x7/x16/3&y1=53:A?y5/?y6/?y7; without visiting hero
- !!EXx5/x6/x7/x16/3&y1=220:A?y5/?y6/?y7;without visiting hero
- !!FU&y5>=160/y5<=163:E; No emissary growth
- ** DEBUG
- **IF&y6>0:M^DEBUG: Mine, type %Y1, slot%X16, %Y6 Creatures^;
- !!VRv4&y6=0/v4=-1:Sx1; Found first empty slot
- !!FU&y6=0:E; Empty slot: Done
- !!VRy1&x1<>-1:S-1;
- !!MA&x1<>-1:Ux1/?y2; y2 = possible upgraded version
- !!VRv1|x1=-1/x1=y5/x1=y2:+y6; Add number of creatures
- !!VRv2|x1=-1/x1=y5/x1=y2:+y7; Add experience per creature
- !!VRv3|x1=-1/x1=y5/x1=y2:+1; Increment number of stacks
- !!FU&x3=0/x4=0:E; Done
- !!FU&x1>=0/x1<>y5/x1<>y2:E;
- !!FU&y6>2000:E; No growth beyond 2000
- **FU&y5=139/y6>1000:E; EXPERIMENTAL: no growth for peasants > 1000
- !!MA:Py5/?y8; y8 = Hitpoints per creature
- !!VRy9:S0; Init
- !!VRy9&y8>0/x3>=y8:Sx3:y8; y9 = Number of creatures to add
- !!MNx5/x6/x7&x3<>0:Mx16/d/dy9; Add creatures
- !!FU&x4<>0:E; Done
- !!FU&y1<>53/y1<>220:E; Exit if not mine
- !!UN:P900/?y11; Stack experience enabled?
- !!FU&y11=0:E; Exit if not
- !!EXx5/x6/x7/x16/2&x4<>0:Ad/d/dx4; Add experience
- !!FU:E; Done
- ****************************************************************************
- ** Aux. function to iterate through slots
- ** Garrison version (types 33 and 219)
- ** x1 = creature type (-1 = any)
- ** x2 = Dummy (not used)
- ** x3 = fixed hitpoint growth rate
- ** x4 = Dummy
- ** x5 = xpos
- ** x6 = ypos
- ** x7 = level
- ** x16 = slot number
- ** v13 = function multiplexer (do not change inside function)
- ** v998, v999, v1000 = position
- ** returns:
- ** v1 = Number of (matching) creatures
- ** v2 = Sum of experience per creature (of matching creatures)
- ** v3 = Number of slots with matching creatures
- ** v4 = First empty slot
- ** v5 = First matching slot
- !?FU817|v13=33/v13=219; Garrison
- !!VRv1&x16=0:S0; Init number of creatures
- !!VRv2&x16=0:S0; Init Experience
- !!VRv3&x16=0:S0; Init number of stacks
- !!VRv4&x16=0:S-1; Init first free slot
- !!VRv5&x16=0:S-1; Init first matching slot
- ** DEBUG
- !!OBx5/x6/x7:T?y1; Type (maybe visiting hero)
- **IF|y1<>33/y1<>219:M^Error: No garrison found at location %X5,%X6,%X7^;
- !!FU&y1<>33/y1<>219:E; Exit if not garrison
- **
- !!GRx5/x6/x7:Gx16/?y5/?y6; y5 = type, y6 = number
- !!VRv4&y6=0/v4=-1:Sx1; Found first empty slot
- !!FU&y6=0:E; Empty slot: Done
- !!FU&y5>=160/y5<=163:E; No emissary growth
- !!FU&y6>2000:E; No growth beyond 2000
- **FU&y5=139/y6>1000:E; EXPERIMENTAL: no growth for peasants > 1000
- !!VRy1&x1<>-1:S-1;
- !!MA&x1<>-1:Ux1/?y1; y1 = possible upgraded version
- !!VRv1|x1=-1/x1=y5/x1=y1:+y6; Add number of creatures
- !!VRv3|x1=-1/x1=y5/x1=y1:+1; Increment number of stacks
- !!FU&x3=0/x4=0:E; Done
- !!FU&x1>=0/x1<>y5/x1<>y2:E;
- !!MA:Py5/?y8; y8 = Hitpoints per creature
- **IF:M^DEBUG: Found creature with %Y8HP per creature in slot %X16 of garrison^;
- !!VRy9:S0; Init
- !!VRy9&y8>0/x3>y8:Sx3:y8; y9 = Number of creatures to add
- !!GRx5/x6/x7&x3<>0:Gx16/d/dy9; Add creatures
- !!FU:E; Done
- ****************************************************************************
- !?TM2&$once$=1/$day$>1;
- **IF:M^DEBUG: Peasant script^;
- !!UN:P286/?y-2; Check H4 peasant script
- !!FU&y-2=1:E; Exit if H4 peasant script enabled
- !!UN:P334/?y-3; Check option for this script
- !!FU&y-3=0:E; Exit if not enabled
- !!EA139:L?y-1; y-1 = experience scaling and limit
- !!UN:U98/-1/?y-10; y-10 = number of towns
- !!DO614/1/y-10/1:P98/$color$; Do for all towns
- !!UN:U53/-1/?y-10;
- !!DO615/1/y-10/1&y-10>0:P53/$color$; Do for all mines
- !!UN:U220/-1/?y-10;
- !!DO615/1/y-10/1&y-10>0:P220/$color$; Do for all mines
- !!FU:E;
- !?TM2&$once$=1/$day$>1/$weekday$=$monday$;
- !!UN:P286/?y-2; Check H4 peasant script
- !!FU&y-2=1:E; Exit if H4 peasant script enabled
- !!UN:P334/?y-3; Check option for this script
- !!FU&y-3=0:E; Exit if not enabled
- !!EA139:L?y-1; y-1 = experience scaling and limit
- !!UN:U33/-1/?y-10;
- !!DO616/1/y-10/1&y-10>0:P33/$color$; Do for all garrisons
- !!UN:U219/-1/?y-10;
- !!DO616/1/y-10/1&y-10>0:P219/$color$; Do for all garrisons
- !!UN:U54/139/?y-10;
- !!DO618/1/y-10/1&y-10>0:P54/139/-1; Do for all free peasant stacks
- !!FU:E;
- !?TM2&$day$>1/$weekday$=$monday$;
- !!UN:P286/?y-2; Check H4 peasant script
- !!FU&y-2=1:E; Exit if H4 peasant script enabled
- !!UN:P334/?y-3; Check option for this script
- !!FU&y-3=0:E; Exit if not enabled
- !!EA139:L?y-1; y-1 = experience scaling and limit
- !!UN:P286/?y-2; Check H4 peasant script
- !!FU&y-2=1:E; Exit if H4 peasant script enabled
- **UN:P334/?y-3; Check option for this script
- **FU&y-3=0:E; Exit if not enabled
- ** Get active (on adventure map) hero list of player.
- ** Variables reused from script127
- !!OW:O$color$/?v600/?v601/?v602/?v603/?v604/?v605/?v606/?v607/?v608;
- !!VRy-10:S601+v600;
- !!DO617/601/y-10/1&v600>0:P34/$color$; Do for players heroes
- !!FU:E;
- !?TM2&$day$=1;
- !!UN:P286/?y-2; Check H4 peasant script
- !!FU&y-2=1:E; Exit if enabled
- !!UN:P334/?y-3; Check option for this script
- !!FU&y-3=0:E; Exit if not enabled
- !!UN:P185/?y-4; Messages disabled?
- ** Set peasant speciality text:
- !!VRz78&y-2=0/y-3=1/y-4=0:S^Produces resources in towns and mines.^;
- !!UN&y-2=0/y-3=1/y-4=0:G1/139/2/78;
- !!IF&y-2=0/y-3=1/y-4=0:M^Peasants in this land may produce gold and resources:
- In villages, they produce 1 gold per peasant.
- In towns, they produce 1.1 gold per peasant.
- In cities, they produce 1.2 gold per peasant.
- In the capitol, they produce 1.4 gold per peasant.
- Peasants with higher ranks do produce more: 10%% per rank.
- A market place increases the production by 10%%.
- The grail increases the production by 100%%.
- The resource silo enables enough peasants to produce that resource, too.
- Heroes in town garrison may increase production further.
- Heroes with resource speciality enable enough peasants to produce that resource too, if the resource silo is built.^;
- !!IF&y-2=0/y-3=1/y-4=0:M^Peasants in mines may increase mine resource production:
- Sawmill production is increased by 1 wood per 500 peasants.
- Alchemist lab production is increased by 1 mercury per 1000 peasants.
- Ore pit production is increased by 1 ore per 500 peasants.
- Sulfur mine production is increased by 1 sulfur per 1000 peasants.
- Crystal mine production is increased by 1 crystal per 1000 peasants.
- Gem pond production is increased by 1 gem per 1000 peasants.^;
- !!MA:G139/?y-5; y-5 = Peasant growth rate
- !!UN:P284/?y-6; Growth in town dwelling option
- !!UN:P285/?y-7; Growth in hero army and garrison
- !!UN:P116/?y-8; General army growth
- !!VRy-9:Sy-6+y-7+y-8;
- !!MA&y-2=0/y-3=1/y-9>1:G139/dy1; Double peasant growth then
- !!FU:E;
- ****************************************************************************
- ** Towns
- ** x1 = object type
- ** 98 = town
- ** x2 = color (player) number
- ** x16 = object number
- ** depends on y-1 = experience scaling and limit (!!EA139:L?y-1;)
- ** y1 = owner
- ** y2 = number of peasants
- ** y10 = hero ID
- !?FU614; Peasants in town
- !!FU&x1<1:E; Error exit
- !!UN:Ux1/-1/x16/998; Get object coordinates to x=v998, y=v999, l=v1000
- !!VRy90:Sv998; xpos
- !!VRy91:Sv999; ypos
- !!VRy92:Sv1000; level
- ** DEBUG: Remove these two:
- **OBv998/v999/v1000:T?y1; Type (maybe visiting hero)
- **FU&y1<>98:E; Exit if not town
- !!VRy9:S1; Slot type (y9): Assume hero
- !!VRy1:S-1; Init owner: y1 (no owner)
- !!CA998:O?y1; Owner (y1)
- !!FU&y1<0:E; Exit if no owner
- !!CA998:H0/?y10; Garrison hero (y10)
- !!VRy2:S0; Init number of peasants (y2)
- !!VRy3:S0; Init peasant experience (y3)
- !!VRy4:S0; Init number of peasant stacks (y4)
- ** NEW
- !!VRv13:S98; Function multiplexer: Town
- !!VRv13&y10>=0:S34; Function multiplexer: Hero
- !!DO817/0/6/1:P139/y10/0/0/y90/y91/y92;
- !!VRy2:Sv1; y2 = Number of peasants
- !!VRy3:Sv2; y3 = Experience sum
- !!VRy3&v3>0: :v3; y3 = Average experience
- ** END NEW
- !!UN:Ux1/-1/x16/998; Restore object coordinates to x=v998, y=v999, l=v1000
- !!VRy3: *10;
- !!VRy3: :y-1; Rank = (current/max)*10
- ** Gold
- ** y2 = number of peasants
- ** y3 = average rank
- ** y4 = percentage extra gold
- ** y8 = resource type (6 = gold)
- ** Rem: Town hall replaces village hall, city hall replaces town hall,
- ** capitol replaces city hall.
- !!VRy8:S6; Resource type = Gold
- !!VRy4:Sy3; Rank gives an extra gold of 0...10%
- !!CA998:B3/11; Town hall?
- !!VRy4&1:+10; -> extra 10% gold
- !!CA998:B3/12; City hall?
- !!VRy4&1:+20; -> extra 20% gold
- !!CA998:B3/13; Capitol?
- !!VRy4&1:+40; -> extra 40% gold
- !!CA998:B3/14; Market place?
- !!VRy4&1:+10; -> extra 10% gold
- !!CA998:B3/26; Grail?
- !!VRy4&1:+100; -> extra 100% gold
- ** If garrisoned hero:
- !!VRy13:S0; Init estates level (y13)
- !!HEy10&y10>=0:S13/?y13; Estates level -> y13
- !!HEy10&y10>=0:X?y14/?y15/d/d/d/d/d; Speciality (type -> y14, subtype -> y15)
- !!VRy13&y14=2/y15=6:*2; Double for gold specialist
- !!VRy13&y14=0/y15=13:*2; Double for estates specialist
- !!VRy13&y13>0:*10; Estates -> 0 - 60% extra gold
- !!VRy4&y14=2/y15=6:+y13; Add to extra gold
- ** IDEA: Include hero level?
- !!HEy10&y10>=0:Ed/?y16; y16 = hero level
- !!VRy16&y14=2/y15=6:*20; 20% per hero level for gold specialists
- !!VRy4&y14=2/y15=6:+y16; -> extra percentage
- ** Check artifacts
- !!HEy10:A2/115/d/?y15; Sack of gold equipped?
- !!VRy4&y15>0:+15; -> extra 15% gold
- !!HEy10:A2/116/d/y15; Bag of gold equipped?
- !!VRy4&y15>0:+10; -> extra 10% gold
- !!HEy10:A2/117/d/y15; Purse of gold equipped?
- !!VRy4&y15>0:+5; -> extra 5% gold
- !!HEy10:A2/140/d/y15; Cornucupia equipped?
- !!VRy4&y15>0:50; -> extra 50% gold
- ** IDEA: Include difficulty level?
- ** TODO
- **
- ** Calculate gold
- ** y2 = number of peasants
- ** y3 = average rank
- ** y4 = extra percentage (may sum up to 210%)
- ** y5 = gold result
- ** y8 = resource type (6=gold)
- !!VRy5:Sy2; Gold result = number of peasants
- !!VRy6:Sy2*y4:100; Extra gold
- !!VRy5:+y6; Add extra gold
- **IF:M^DEBUG: %Y4 extra percentage, %Y5 gold^;
- !!OW:Ry1/y8/dy5; Add resource (gold)
- ** Other resources
- ** y2 = number of peasants
- ** y3 = average rank
- ** y20 = wood (type 0)
- ** y21 = mercury (type 1)
- ** y22 = ore (type 2)
- ** y23 = sulfur (type 3)
- ** y24 = crystal (type 4)
- ** y25 = gems (type 5)
- !!OBv998/v999/v1000:U?y12; Subtype (town class) -> y12
- !!CA998:B3/15; Resource silo built? (-> flag 1)
- !!VRy20:S0; Wood
- !!VRy21:S0; Mercury
- !!VRy22:S0; Ore
- !!VRy23:S0; Sulfur
- !!VRy24:S0; Crystal
- !!VRy25:S0; Gems
- !!VRy20&1/y12=0:Sy3+1; Castle: Wood
- !!VRy22&1/y12=0:Sy3+1; Castle: Ore
- !!VRy24&1/y12=1:Sy3+1; Rampart: Crystal
- !!VRy25&1/y12=2:Sy3+1; Tower: Gems
- !!VRy21&1/y12=3:Sy3+1; Inferno: Mercury
- !!VRy20&1/y12=4:Sy3+1; Necro: Wood
- !!VRy22&1/y12=4:Sy3+1; Necro: Ore
- !!VRy23&1/y12=5:Sy3+1; Dungeon: Sulfur
- !!VRy20&1/y12=6:Sy3+1; Stronghold: Wood
- !!VRy22&1/y12=6:Sy3+1; Stronghold: Ore
- !!VRy20&1/y12=7:Sy3+1; Forttress: Wood
- !!VRy22&1/y12=7:Sy3+1; Fortress: Ore
- !!VRy21&1/y12=8:Sy3+1; Conflux: Mercury
- ** y20 - y25 now contain 0 or peasant rank
- ** DEBUG
- !!CA998:N?z1; Name of town
- !!HEy10&y10>=0:B0/?z2; Name of hero (if any)
- !!OW:Gy1/?y19; y19 = 1 if player here
- **IF&1:N0/y20/1/y21/2/y22/3/y23/4/y24/5/y25;
- **IF&1/y19=1:N^DEBUG: %Y2 peasants, resource production^; (o.k.)
- ** Check equipped artifacts
- !!VRy15:S0; Preset: No artifact
- !!HEy10&y10>=0:A2/114/d/y15; Cart of lumber equipped?
- !!VRy20&1/y15>0:+10; 10% extra wood
- !!HEy10&y10>=0:A2/111/d/y15; Vial of mercury equipped?
- !!VRy21&1/y15>0:+10; 10% extra mercury
- !!HEy10&y10>=0:A2/112/d/y15; Cart of ore equipped?
- !!VRy22&1/y15>0:+10; 10% extra ore
- !!HEy10&y10>=0:A2/113/d/y15; Ring of sulfur equipped?
- !!VRy23&1/y15>0:+10; 10% extra sulfur
- !!HEy10&y10>=0:A2/109/d/y15; Crystal cloak equipped?
- !!VRy24&1/y15>0:+10; 10% extra crystal
- !!HEy10&y10>=0:A2/110/d/y15; Ring of gems equipped?
- !!VRy25&1/y15>0:+10; 10% extra gems
- !!HEy10&y10>=0:A2/140/d/y15; Cornucupia equipped?
- !!VRy20&1/y15>0:+10; 10% extra wood
- !!VRy21&1/y15>0:+10; 10% extra mercury
- !!VRy22&1/y15>0:+10; 10% extra ore
- !!VRy23&1/y15>0:+10; 10% extra sulfur
- !!VRy24&1/y15>0:+10; 10% extra crystal
- !!VRy25&1/y15>0:+10; 10% extra gems
- ** DEBUG
- **IF&1:N0/y20/1/y21/2/y22/3/y23/4/y24/5/y25;
- **IF&1/y19=1:N^DEBUG: %Y2 peasants, resource production^; (o.k.)
- ** Check hero speciality
- !!VRy14:S-1; Preset speciality type
- !!VRy15:S-1; Preset speciality subtype
- !!HEy10&y10>=0:X?y14/?y15/d/d/d/d/d; Speciality (type -> y14, subtype -> y15)
- !!HEy10&y10>=0:Ed/?y16; y16 = hero level
- !!VRy16&y14=2:*10; 10% per hero level for res. specialists
- !!VRy20&1/y10>=0/y14=2/y15=0:+y16; Wood specialist
- !!VRy21&1/y10>=0/y14=2/y15=1:+y16; Mercury specialist
- !!VRy22&1/y10>=0/y14=2/y15=2:+y16; Ore specialist
- !!VRy23&1/y10>=0/y14=2/y15=3:+y16; Sulfur specialist
- !!VRy24&1/y10>=0/y14=2/y15=4:+y16; Crystal specialist
- !!VRy25&1/y10>=0/y14=2/y15=5:+y16; Gems specialist
- ** DEBUG
- **IF&1:N0/y20/1/y21/2/y22/3/y23/4/y24/5/y25;
- **IF&1/y19=1:N^DEBUG: %Y2 peasants, resource production^; (o.k.)
- ** y20 - y25 now contain the extra percentage + 1
- !!VRy20&1/y20>0:*y2;
- !!VRy21&1/y21>0:*y2;
- !!VRy22&1/y22>0:*y2;
- !!VRy23&1/y23>0:*y2;
- !!VRy24&1/y24>0:*y2;
- !!VRy25&1/y25>0:*y2;
- !!VRy20&1/y20>0: :100;
- !!VRy21&1/y21>0: :100;
- !!VRy22&1/y22>0: :100;
- !!VRy23&1/y23>0: :100;
- !!VRy24&1/y24>0: :100;
- !!VRy25&1/y25>0: :100;
- !!VRy20&1/y20>0:+y2;
- !!VRy21&1/y21>0:+y2;
- !!VRy22&1/y22>0:+y2;
- !!VRy23&1/y23>0:+y2;
- !!VRy24&1/y24>0:+y2;
- !!VRy25&1/y25>0:+y2;
- ** y20 - y25 now contain corrected number of peasants
- ** Error prevention. It seems erm does not calculate correct.
- ** small numbers divided by large numberd do not result in 0
- ** but in 1!
- !!VRy20&y20<500:S0;
- !!VRy21&y21<1000:S0;
- !!VRy22&y22<500:S0;
- !!VRy23&y23<1000:S0;
- !!VRy24&y24<1000:S0;
- !!VRy25&y25<1000:S0;
- ** div by granularity
- !!VRy20&1/y20>0: :1000; One unit per 1000 peasants
- !!VRy21&1/y21>0: :1000; One unit per 1000 peasants (DEBUG: 1)
- !!VRy22&1/y22>0: :1000; One unit per 1000 peasants
- !!VRy23&1/y23>0: :1000; One unit per 1000 peasants
- !!VRy24&1/y24>0: :1000; One unit per 1000 peasants
- !!VRy25&1/y25>0: :1000; One unit per 1000 peasants
- ** DEBUG
- **IF&1:N0/y20/1/y21/2/y22/3/y23/4/y24/5/y25;
- **IF&1/y19=1:N^DEBUG: %Y2 peasants, resource production^; ()
- !!OW&y20>0:Ry1/0/dy20; Add wood
- !!OW&y21>0:Ry1/1/dy21; Add mercury
- !!OW&y22>0:Ry1/2/dy22; Add ore
- !!OW&y23>0:Ry1/3/dy23; Add sulfur
- !!OW&y24>0:Ry1/4/dy24; Add crystal
- !!OW&y25>0:Ry1/5/dy25; Add gems
- ** Check if to display message (i.e. current player is player here)
- !!UN:P185/?y19; Messages disabled?
- !!FU&y19=1:E; Exit if yes
- !!OW:Gy1/?y19; y19 = 1 if player here
- !!FU&y19<>1:E; Exit if not
- ** Now display produced resources
- !!VRy18:S29; Type index
- !!VRy17:S39; Amount index
- ** The gold result is in y5
- ** Gold
- !!VRy18&y5>0:+1; Advance index
- !!VRy17&y5>0:+1; Advance index
- !!VRyy18&y5>0:S6; First resource: Gold (if any)
- !!VRyy17&y5>0:Sy5; Gold amount
- ** Wood
- !!VRy18&y20>0:+1; Advance index
- !!VRy17&y20>0:+1; Advance index
- !!VRyy18&y20>0:S0; Next resource: Wood (if any)
- !!VRyy17&y20>0:Sy20; Wood amount
- ** Mercury
- !!VRy18&y21>0:+1; Advance index
- !!VRy17&y21>0:+1; Advance index
- !!VRyy18&y21>0:S1; Next resource: Mercury (if any)
- !!VRyy17&y21>0:Sy21;
- ** Ore
- !!VRy18&y22>0:+1; Advance index
- !!VRy17&y22>0:+1; Advance index
- !!VRyy18&y22>0:S2; Next resource: Ore (if any)
- !!VRyy17&y22>0:Sy22; Ore amount
- ** Sulfur
- !!VRy18&y23>0:+1; Advance index
- !!VRy17&y23>0:+1; Advance index
- !!VRyy18&y23>0:S3; Next resource: Sulfur (if any)
- !!VRyy17&y23>0:Sy23; Sulfur amount
- ** Crystal
- !!VRy18&y24>0:+1; Advance index
- !!VRy17&y24>0:+1; Advance index
- !!VRyy18&y24>0:S4; Next resource: Crystal (if any)
- !!VRyy17&y24>0:Sy24; Crystal amount
- ** Gems
- !!VRy18&y25>0:+1; Advance index
- !!VRy17&y25>0:+1; Advance index
- !!VRyy18&y25>0:S5; Next resource: Gems (if any)
- !!VRyy17&y25>0:Sy25; Gems amount
- !!CA998:N?z1; Name of town
- !!HEy10&y10>=0:B0/?z2; Name of hero (if any)
- !!VRz3&y10<0:S^%Y2 peasants in %Z1 produced some resources^;
- !!VRz3&y10>=0:S^%Z2s %Y2 peasants in %Z1 produced some resources^;
- ** y18 > 29 if any resources (display message), max 36
- !!IF&y19=1/y18=30:Q1/y30/y40/1^%Z3^; If one resource, display single pic msg
- !!IF&y19=1/y18=31:Ny30/y40/y31/y41; More resources...
- !!IF&y19=1/y18=32:Ny30/y40/y31/y41/y32/y42;
- !!IF&y19=1/y18=33:Ny30/y40/y31/y41/y32/y42/y33/y43;
- !!IF&y19=1/y18=34:Ny30/y40/y31/y41/y32/y42/y33/y43/y34/y44;
- !!IF&y19=1/y18=35:Ny30/y40/y31/y41/y32/y42/y33/y43/y34/y44/y35/y45;
- !!IF&y19=1/y18=36:Ny30/y40/y31/y41/y32/y42/y33/y43/y34/y44/y35/y45/y36/y46;
- !!IF&y19=1/y18>30:N^%Z3^; Display the message
- !!FU:E;
- ****************************************************************************
- ** Mines
- ** Mines are type 53 and 220
- ** x1 = object type
- ** x2 = color (player) number
- ** x16 = Mine number
- !?FU615; Peasants in mine
- !!UN:Ux1/-1/x16/998; Get object coordinates to x=v998, y=v999, l=v1000
- !!MNv998/v999/v1000:O?y1/1; Owner/no redraw
- **FU&y1<0:E; Exit if no owner
- !!VRy9:S3; Slot type (y9): Mine
- !!MNv998/v999/v1000:R?y8; Resource type -> y8
- !!FU&y8<0:E; Resource error
- !!FU&y8>6:E; Resource error
- !!VRy90:Sv998;
- !!VRy91:Sv999;
- !!VRy92:Sv1000;
- ** Number of peasants and average experience
- ** y1 = owner
- ** y2 = number of peasants
- ** y3 = experience per peasant
- !!VRv13:Sx1;
- !!DO817/0/6/1:P139/-1/0/0/y90/y91/y92; Count peasants
- !!VRy2:Sv1; y2 = number of peasants
- !!VRy3:Sv2; y3 = experience sum
- !!VRy4:Sv3; y4 = number of stacks
- ** DEBUG
- **IF&y2>0:M^DEBUG: Mine, position %Y90,%Y91,%Y92, %Y2 Peasants^;
- !!FU&y2=0:E; Exit if no peasant stacks
- !!UN:Ux1/-1/x16/998; Get object coordinates to x=v998, y=v999, l=v1000
- !!MNv998/v999/v1000:R?y8; Resource type -> y8
- ** Peasant rank (average)
- ** y2 = number of peasants
- ** y3 = average rank
- ** y5 = result amount
- ** y11 = rank corrected number of peasants
- !!VRy3: :y4; y3 = Average experience
- !!VRy3: *10;
- !!VRy3: :y-1; Rank = (current/max)*10
- !!VRy11:Sy3*y2:100;
- !!VRy11:+y2; y11 = rank corrected number of peasants
- !!VRy5:S0;
- ** y8 = mine resource type
- ** y19 = 1 if player here (display message)
- !!VRy5&y8=0:Sy11:500; 500 peasants per resource unit
- !!VRy5&y8=1:Sy11:1000;
- !!VRy5&y8=2:Sy11:500; 500 peasants per resource unit
- !!VRy5&y8=3:Sy11:1000;
- !!VRy5&y8=4:Sy11:1000;
- !!VRy5&y8=5:Sy11:1000;
- !!VRy5&y8=6:Sy11;
- !!OW&y5>0/y1>=0:Ry1/y8/dy5; Add resource
- !!OW:Gy1/?y19; y19 = 1 if player here
- !!UN:P185/?y18; Messages disabled?
- !!VRz1&y19=1/y18<>1:S^The peasants in the mine produced some resources^;
- !!IF&y19=1/y18<>1/y5>0:Q1/y8/y5/1^%Z1^;Message
- !!FU&$weekday$<>$monday$:E; Weekly part:
- ** Apply growth rate:
- ** Growth rate is:
- ** (number of peasants) * (peasant growth rate) / 100
- !!MA:G139/?y20; y20 = peasant growth rate
- !!VRy20:*y11;
- !!VRy20: :100;
- !!DO817/0/6/1&y8=0:P22/-1/y20/0/y90/y91/y92; Wood: Dendroid guards
- !!DO817/0/6/1&y8=0:P23/-1/y20/0/y90/y91/y92; Wood: Dendroid soldiers
- **DO817/0/6/1&y8=1:P??/-1/y20/0/y90/y91/y92; Mercury: ??? (TODO)
- !!DO817/0/6/1&y8=2:P33/-1/y20/0/y90/y91/y92; Ore: Iron Golems
- !!DO817/0/6/1&y8=3:P135/-1/y20/0/y90/y91/y92;Sulfur: Rust dragon
- !!DO817/0/6/1&y8=4:P133/-1/y20/0/y90/y91/y92;Crystal: Crystal dragon
- !!DO817/0/6/1&y8=5:P117/-1/y20/0/y90/y91/y92;Gem: Diamond golem
- !!DO817/0/6/1&y8=5:P151/-1/y20/0/y90/y91/y92;Gem: Diamond dragon
- !!FU:E; Done
- ****************************************************************************
- ** Garrisons
- ** Applies a growth rate to any stack in the garrison.
- ** Hitpoints to add = (number of peasants) * (peasant growth rate) / 100
- ** So for a standard peasant growth rate of 25, this means, you need
- ** 4 peasants to produce 1 hitpoint. The growth rate is applied to
- ** peasant stacks, too.
- ** x1 = object type
- ** x2 = color (player) number
- ** x16 = Garrison number
- !?FU616; Peasants in garrison
- **IF:M^DEBUG: Garrison No.%X16^;
- !!FU&$weekday$<>$monday$:E; Only weekly
- **IF:M^DEBUG: Garrison No.%X16, weekly^;
- !!UN:Ux1/-1/x16/998; Get object coordinates to x=v998, y=v999, l=v1000
- !!VRy90:Sv998;
- !!VRy91:Sv999;
- !!VRy92:Sv1000;
- !!VRy93:S-1;
- **HEy90/y91/y92:N?y93; Hero ID if there is a hero at this position
- !!VRv13:Sx1;
- !!DO817/0/6/1:P139/y93/0/0/y90/y91/y92;
- !!FU&v1=0:E; Exit if no peasants
- **IF:M^DEBUG: Garrison with %V1 peasants^;
- ** Apply growth rate (hitpoints to add):
- ** (number of peasants) * (peasant growth rate) / 200
- !!MA:G139/?y2; y2 = peasant growth rate
- !!VRy2:*v1;
- !!VRy2: :200;
- !!VRv13:Sx1; Function multiplexer: Garrison
- !!VRv13&y93>=0/y98<0155:S34; Hero if found at that position
- !!DO817/0/6/1:P-1/-1/y2/0/y90/y91/y92; Apply growth rate
- !!FU:E;
- ****************************************************************************
- ** Heroes
- ** x1 = object type (34)
- ** x2 = color (player) number
- ** x16 = Index to hero number (601 - 608)
- !?FU617; Peasants in hero army on adv. map
- !!FU&$weekday$<>$monday$:E; Only weekly
- !!VRy1:Svx16; Get ID
- !!FU&y1<0:E; Exit if unavailable
- !!HEy1:O?y2; Heroes owner
- !!FU&y2<0:E; No owner (error): Exit
- !!VRv13:Sx1;
- !!DO817/0/6/1:P139/y1/0/0;
- !!FU&v1=0:E; Exit if no peasants;
- !!VRy2:Sv1; y2 = Number of peasants
- !!VRy3:Sv2:v3; Average Exp.
- !!VRy3: *10;
- ** Growth rate in hitpoints is:
- ** (1+Rank) * (Hero level) * (Movement points) * (num peasants) / 10000
- !!VRy3: :y-1; y3 = Rank = (current/max)*10
- !!HEy1:Ed/?y16; y16 = hero level
- !!VRy16:+1; Hero level + 1
- !!HEy1:W?y4/1; y4 = movement points
- !!VRy5:S0;
- !!VRy5&y4>0:Sy3*y16*y4*y2:10000;
- !!DO817/0/6/1&y5>0/y5<10000:P-1/y1/y5/0;
- ** TODO
- !!FU:E;
- ****************************************************************************
- ** Free peasant stacks
- ** x1 = object type (54)
- ** x2 = subtype (139)
- ** x3 = agression modifier(-1 or +1)
- ** x16 = Object number
- !?FU618;
- !!FU&$weekday$<>$monday$:E; Only weekly
- !!FU|x3<-1/x3>1:E; Parameter error
- !!FU&x3=0:E; Nothing to do
- !!UN:Ux1/x2/x16/998; Get stack coordinates to x=v998, y=v999, l=v1000
- !!MO998:R?y1/1; y1 = current stack agression lvl
- !!MO998&y1>0/x3<0:Rdx3/1; Decrease aggression
- !!MO998&y1<10/x3>0:Rdx3/1; Increase aggression
- !!FU:E;
- ****************************************************************************
- ** Object triggers
- ****************************************************************************
- ** Dwelling (copied from script096)
- !?OB17; // visit creature generator
- !!UN:P286/?y-2; Check H4 peasant script
- !!FU&y-2=1:E; Exit if H4 peasant script enabled
- !!UN:P334/?y-3; Check option for this script
- !!FU&y-3=0:E; Exit if not enabled
- !!HE-1:N?y-8; // get hero's number
- !!DWv998/v999/v1000:M0/?y-4/d; // get creature in slot 1
- !!DWv998/v999/v1000:M1/?y-5/d; // get creature in slot 2
- !!DWv998/v999/v1000:M2/?y-6/d; // get creature in slot 3
- !!DWv998/v999/v1000:M3/?y-7/d; // get creature in slot 4
- ** TODO
- !!FU:E;
- ****************************************************************************
- ** Arena
- !?OB4;
- ****************************************************************************
- ** Library
- !?OB41;
- ****************************************************************************
- ** School of magic
- !?OB7;
- ****************************************************************************
- ** Mercenary camp
- !?OB51;
- ****************************************************************************
- ** School of war
- !?OB107;
- ****************************************************************************
- ** Marletto tower
- !?OB23;
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