Кодовое обновление Эры до версии 2.55.
Внимание! Версии 2.50-2.55 не являются протестированными и рекомендуются для установки продвинутыми пользователями и мододелами.
Version 2.55 October, 13 (2013)
[+] Routine producing ERM error report was completely rewritten. New dialog uses colored text and displays full error command, ERM file name and line in file. Default choice is skipping the error, not making ERM memory dump. There are no more duplicate or senseless error popups.
[+] Routine making ERM memory dump was completely rewritten for better error diagnostics and supports apart from all associative variables (SN:W) and dynamical arrays (SN:M).
Error in any Era command (SN:) does not lead to leaving trigger anymore.
Era commands now obey error suppression rules (UN:P904) and do not change z1 variable on error.
[+] ExecErmCmd can now execute several commands at once.
[+] Added event "OnBeforeClearErmScripts". It occurs right before scripts are unloaded.
[+] WoG built-in code tracing mechanisms were removed because of being slow and useless.
[+] e- and y- are considered deprecated and are subject to remove in the future.
"r" color name now stands for light red, suitable for default dialog backgrounds. "g" color name now stands for game native gold color.
Internal code refactoring.
[-] Fixed Era 2.5 bug. Event "OnBeforeErmInstructions" didn't occur.