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The Begininng【The WoG campaign hint】










Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2006-9-29 17:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Recommended bonus: Attack skill (I prefer attack. It's not too much of
a difference)
First, collect all the resources around. In the southwest corner of the map,
there is a sign that says something like "Congratulations! You've found a secret
passage to the end of the campaign" Do not visit it, because your hero will die.
After you take ALL of the resources, go to the crusaders to the east. After you
reach them, run away! Be sure you will NOT end your turn when the crusaders tell
you to stop! What I mean is, after you visit them and go towards the 2 houses
(yours and Dan's), they tell you to stop. Do not stop, do not end your turn
there or you will be attacked! After that, visit Kirr's house, the destroyed
house at the north of your house.
Now go to the monk and he will tell you to go to the Water Wheel of Melnik.
Melnik will tell you to go to the knight to the northwest of your house. Tell
the knight about the crusaders. He will leave and leave a pikeman behind. Allow
him to join your army. Now you have to leave Dan at the place where your horse
stumbles (that text will be disabled after you visit the crusaders for the first
time), so stop when the crusaders tell you to stop, and leave the peasant in the
square to the right of your hero. After that, go and hide in your field (where
you are supposed to work) where a text shows up telling you that it would be a
good place to hide there. Wait until the crusaders take Dan to his field, then
go through the path that was guarded by the crusaders. Talk to all the guys near
the tavern. First talk to the halfing and he will tell you about his brother
that lives in a garden of revelation in the north. Visit the rogues, then, a
pile of gold is near the 3 hovels. Tell the rogues about the gold. After that,
go to the Rogue cavern and take the book (answer yes to the question) Go to the
halfing's brother and he will tell you to choose one of his 4 books. Choose one
of them (I chose air magic).
Go back to the tavern and speak to the gremlin. After you talk to the
gremlin, visit the trading post, which is along the gravel road. You should gain
a catapult. Go back to the tavern and speak to the peasant. Walk along the road
until you see a castle. Go to the bridge. A pikeman will say that he doesn't
know you and he won't allow you to pass. Then, talk to the other two peasants in
the field near the three hovels. One of them will give you a sword, and the
other will talk to the pikeman that is guarding the bridge to the castle in the
north. Go to the bridge, and the pikeman will allow you to pass. Go back to the
tavern and speak to the zealot. He will tell you about the monk near the
sanctuary (the sanctuary is near the faerie ring and the gem ponds as shown in
the picture). Go to the monk and he will give you the Surcoat of Counterpoise.
Go back (again) to the tavern and talk to the halberdier. After that, go back to
the castle. The swordsman will tell you to leave. Don't do that because you can
pass. Move your cursor one square up the swordsman's garrison and you can pass.
Walk through the second garrison and visit the marletto tower and the mercenary
camp. Get out of there and visit the rally flag near the tavern. Visit the
tavern and go to the castle again and talk to the swordsman. Visit the wagon,
which is along the gravel road. You should find a ballista. Now go to the west
of the castle in the snow lands. After you enter the snowy lands, collect all of
the resources. Move your cursor over the wall just west of the castle and you
will find a first aid tent. Go towards the Gorynych and talk to him. You should
receive a mission telling you that you've finished the mission and 7 of 7
submissions. Allow the Gorynych to join you and... TADA... you've won.









Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



 楼主| 发表于 2006-9-29 17:19:22 | 显示全部楼层
Recommended bonus: whatever you wish (I chose wizardry)
First, collect all the resources around. When you find a chest, and you have
to choose between 0 gold and -500 experience, choose 0 gold because you WILL
have -500 exp. While exploring, you should find a monk. Don't visit him unless
you see the puzzle and the other monks east. After that, talk to him and he will
disappear and give you access to the puzzle. This is probably the trickiest part
of the map. What you have to do is, make a column of the same terrain. Here are
some hints:
Ask southwest brother to make second and fourth squares the same,
Ask northeast brother to make third and fifth squares the same,
Ask southeast brother to make first, third and fifth squares the same,
Ask northwest brother to make all squares the same (?);
You can divide the task in 3 parts:
1. Make squares 2 and 4 the same
2. Make squares 1,3 and 5 the same
3. Make all the squares the same
If you still don't get it, then visit the monks randomly. You will get it
eventually. It's like a game of rock-paper-scissors or tick-tack-toe. After you
take the grail, make sure that you've saved the game! Get out of there and walk
west. Gorynich should tell you that he built a castle, which looks like a cave.
Enter it, leave the pikeman there and demolish each and every building (right
click on a building to demolish it), except the blacksmith, which you can't
demolish. Exit the castle screen and walk one square down. You should receive
warning messages, which tell you that you will be eliminated from the game.
Stand near the castle for 6 days. To the west of the castle, is a little forest,
which is burning. When a message says that you have one day to capture a town,
go to the castle that you've destroyed and you will fight a pikeman. Hire 5
ghosts from the blacksmith and leave through the burnt forest. Save the game.
Go to the scholar and then walk to the left a few squares and then, north,
and then towards the dwarven statue. You will stop there and have only 3 days to
capture a town, even if, before you stopped, had 5,6 or 7 days. Go west, and
visit the rally flag. After that, collect the resource, right on the left but
don't pick the campfire. You should see the unicorns to the west, go towards
them a few squares, and go up immediately! You should see a gravel road. Walk to
it, and go east, ON the road. After you see the clearing, walk north towards the
garrison. When you reach it, go up one square to activate the trigger, or else
you will be eliminated. Take a look at the picture below if any problems...
Once you are in the town, take the creatures that want to join you, and visit
their dwellings. Make sure that you've visited the dark-yellow tower, so you
will able to "see again". After you can't recruit anymore, leave the town. Walk
around, and when you go to the peasants, don't pick them! Fight them, so you can
improve the number of your ghosts. Visit the peasants' houses until you get
about 300-400 peasants. First fight the 1st level creature to improve your
ghosts. There should be an imp cache around...
There are 3 enemy castles that you must demolish: a fortress, a rampart and a
necropolis, which is blocked for the moment. Once you have about 800 or so
ghosts, attack the fortress, which is in the NE corner of the map. Make sure
you've attacked all the gnolls around and dragonflies attack the lizard
warriors, which defend the heroes. Split the ghosts in two packs and ATTACK.
Fight the enemy hero. Watch out for the frost ring...it can hurt BAD. After you
defeat him, there should be some gnolls around, so attack them. Should be piece
of cake for your ghosts...Attack and demolish the fortress. Do not go back to
it! Kill other creatures that are around and go back for more peasants. Use the
quick-battle option if you don't want to fight yourself. After you've gathered
around 300 peasants again, fo to the rampart which is in the SW corner of the
map. Defeat the centaurs, dwarves and elves that are around, including those
that defend the enemy hero. His main spell is slow. Before you fight him, you
should spread the ghosts in 2 packs again. Defeat him and demolish his castle. A
message should appear and ask you if you still believe the Gorynich. Answer
"No". Explore the map...
There is a sanctuary in the east of the map. Talk to the scholar near it. Go
south and visit the war zealot. A message will pop-up and ask you if you want to
attack him. Answer "yes". Pick the chest. Go west, through the trees and bushes.
It might not seem passable, but it is. There is a monk there. Go to him, and he
will join you if you do one last thing for him...
There is a crypt in the south of the map that you can see in the 1st picture.
Visit it and fight the guards. Now you can go to the Necropolis town, in the NW
corner of the map. It should be harder to fight the necropolis hero and the
castle, so make sure that you've killed all the level 1,2,3,4 and 5 units on the
map. You should have about 1500 ghosts, so attack the Death Knight (Vokial, I
think). Attack and demolish his castle. Go back to the monk that asked you to do
something for him, and...TADA! The map is completed!

[ 本帖最后由 tanling111 于 2006-9-29 17:41 编辑 ]









Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



 楼主| 发表于 2006-9-29 17:20:16 | 显示全部楼层
Recommended bonus: none, pick whatever spell you wish (I chose magic
So you start near a destroyed ship. Go up one square from your starting
position and search for survivors (you will be asked if you want to look for
survivors). You should have 11 grand elves. Visit the nearby wagon to gain 5
ore. Go to the Home of Ekaterin and she will ask you to clean her husband's
obelisk. Go to the Lost Soul (looks like a wraith) and agree to help. Go to the
obelisk nearby (which should be black), and then back to Ekaterin's home. Around
the obelisk is a corpse. When you visit it, you will be asked if you want to
build a tomb (or sepulchre). Build it, and you will gain some experience. You
should have a total of 2000 exp.
Go east, to the last square of rough terrain. Ekaterin will ask you to find
her pet (?), a troll. Your hero will be teleported into a garden or something
like that. Your goal is to kill all the gremlins. Look for them especially in
the corners. Look for them until your hero says that he feels that the gremlins'
power is growing weak. When you are sure that you killed the gremlins, go
towards the troll, which is in the west of the garden. Pick him up, and go to
the lower-left corner, where you should see a tree, Gaia. Go to it, and it will
tell you to leave the troll near it(right-click to leave a creature). Leave the
troll where Gaia tells you to, and you will be teleported to an island.
Do NOT visit any rogue! Take the road to the north and visit the first
peasant (named Slava, he should be on the left). Go along the road north, until
you see a peasant with a large field in the back (named Alexander). He will give
you the Elixir of Life. Go back to the place where you were teleported by Gaia.
To the east, there should be only ONE rogue(with a destroyed forest in his
back). Go to the rogue, and after you attack him and several more rogues, a
sprite will replace him and the forest will be green again. Go with your cursor
one square up of the sprite (the attack cursor will appear) and walk there, then
to the sign. Go back, out of the forest and 20 elves and 100 sprites will join
you. Go back to the road (blocked by rogues). Defeat them and go to Timothy
(another peasant) and then to the Chief's hut (looks like the hut of the magi).
Go to Alexander, and then to the rogue that's guarding the well. You need ore
for the well, so go back to Timothy. He will teleport south. Visit him again and
he will give you access to the southern region and 2 ore. Go back to the well,
and then to Alexander and then to Cox (the Chief in the hut). Attack the legion
of rogues (which will be about 200 now...) and then go to the lair that they
were guarding.
Go south, and visit the Den of Thieves (which is called Home of Mathias) and
then to the monk (Jack). Attack the Nightmares (should be LESS than 7) and then
go back to Mathias. Attack the Wraiths near the Rampart and go to the waterfall.
Go to the Dwarf and then to the abandoned mine. Wait 3 days until you get 3
crystals and then go to the magi in the south. After that, visit the War Zealot
(Alexey) and go to the tavern. Play with him until you get 3 gems, and then go
back to Jack. Go to the temple of Gaia (looks like a crypt).
This is the final test. You will be teleported back to the huge garden to
fight with yourself. This can be hard. If you can't do it, place your troops in
the following position: slot one-Fairy Dragons slot two-Goryniches and then, all
the others. Turn autocombat on and fight. You should win. If not, fight again
and again...until you win...TADAAA...you've finished the map!

[ 本帖最后由 tanling111 于 2006-9-29 17:27 编辑 ]










Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2006-9-29 17:36:12 | 显示全部楼层
  • TA的每日心情
    2015-2-16 21:24
  • 签到天数: 3 天

    连续签到: 1 天








    5级 Honorable Hero

    Rank: 5Rank: 5

    发表于 2006-9-29 17:53:18 | 显示全部楼层
    It is useful for everybody who likes the [wiki]WoG[/wiki] campaign~~~








    2级 Adventuring Hero

    Rank: 2

    发表于 2006-9-29 19:16:24 | 显示全部楼层
    Quite Good.
    I prefer these things rather than Chinese








    1级 Hired Hero

    Rank: 1

    发表于 2008-4-21 20:42:34 | 显示全部楼层
    I want to get a Chinese edition.








    1级 Hired Hero

    Rank: 1

    发表于 2008-8-21 22:29:00 | 显示全部楼层

    - -

    Oh ,I've seen it from the <East Book>.But now less and less players like to play Campaign Game......
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