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4级 Famous Hero

Rank: 4

发表于 2006-9-14 17:52:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
ERMS_ScriptAuthor=BAD The Archangel; BAD means Alexandru Ducu Balahura not evil.
ERMS_ScriptLanguage=English (United States) or English (native)

ERMS_PoweredBy=ERM Scripter v. 2004.9.15.1323
_WARNING_#1=IMPORTANT! This file is not in a plain text format. NEVER use any editor except ERM_S for making any kind of changes!

** Neutral Units v2.3 by Alexandru Balahura (Neutral Units, Neutral Stack Size, All Monsters are always Savage)
** and Timothy Pulver (Neutral Stack Experience, Neutral Town and Creature Bank Growth)
** Check for script53 added by Hermann the Weird

** Modified by Thomas Franz (samot)
** - no monster growth if the No-Growth-Option in the map editor is set (FU5402)
##- no monster growth if the creatures are friendly (always join) - (FU5402)- this option is disable momentanly
** - abandonded mines are guarded by ghosts (as HoMM 1), at least 7 stacks ?50 ghosts
**   their number increase daily by 101-103% + 1-3 ghosts (if there are 100 ghosts in
**   a stack it will growth by 2 (101% of 100 are 1 + 1 random ghost) until 6 ghosts
**   (103% of 100 = 3 + 3 random ghosts)
** - if AI visits a abandoned mine it has only to fight against an increased stack of
**   troglodytes
** - increase guards of local events and pandora's boxes by 10% per week (at least 1)

** [wiki]WoG[/wiki]ify Name: script57.erm
** Last Updated: November 1, 2004

** Function(s) used: FU1000-FU1003, FU5400-FU5413

** Variables used: v100, v296, z745

** WoG Option numbers used: 57, 231, 232, 235

** PO Numbers used: S (for resetting Creature Banks)

** The Neutral Units option adds a bonus of +1 Attack and +1 Defense for every
** 4 game days (plus an additional base bonus of +1 Attack and +1 Defense) to
** neutral creatures. It also adds approximately +6-6.99% Health every four days
** (+10.5-12.25% per week), gives Bless to all living neutral creatures, and
** Expert Precision to all neutral Archers to make the game more competitive.
** Also units from Dragon Utopia, Creature Banks, Creature Generators, Crypt,
** Fishing Well, Garrisons, Death Chamber and Adventure Cave receive these bonuses.
** Bonuses are also given to creatures defending neutral towns.

Hints for Neutral Units Bonuses:

1. Try to get a hero up to level 5 in the first week and up to at least level 10 in the first month.
2. Use Disrupting Day, Stone Skin and Shield to make the game a bit easier.

Recommendations for Neutral Units Bonuses:

1. Don't use Diplomacy, otherwise this script is useless.
2. Don't use First Aid II and Resistance I.
3. Use Neutral Stack Size, Neutral Stack Experience, Neutral Town and Creature Bank Growth.


** If the Neutral Stack Size option is enabled, all neutral monster stacks on the
** adventure map will be adjusted so that they contain more creatures. Starting with
** more creatures will also effectively result in them growing faster, although the
** actual weekly rate of growth remains unchanged.

** If the Neutral Stack Experience option is selected, neutral units will be experienced,
** depending on their level, the game date, and the player difficulty level chosen.
** Creatures will have 1 rank for every x days (but see notes), as follows:

** Game Difficulty:   Easy   Normal   Hard   Expert   Impossible
** Level 1 & 2:        14      7        5       4         3
** Level 3 & 4:        28     14       10       8         6
** Level 5 & 6:        42     21       15      12         9
** Level 7:            56     28       20      16        12

** Note 1: One is subtracted from the game day before calculating so that creatures
**         will gain a rank at the start of each week on Normal difficulty.
** Note 2: The rank of neutral stacks will never be more than the attacking hero's
**         level plus the game difficulty level (0..4), so a level 1 hero would never
**         face higher than a rank 2 stack at Normal difficulty, or a rank 5 stack
**         at Impossible difficulty.

** If the Neutral Town and Creature Bank Growth option is enabled, the guards
** will grow by 10% each week per stack (minimum +1), neutral towns will gain
** new creatures. There's also a 10% chance per stack that a stack will be upgraded.
** Creature Banks will also have their resources grow at a rate of 10% or +1
** every 3 weeks if 10% would be less than 1. In addition, creature banks "regenerate"
** at the start of each month.

!#UN:P900/?v296; [Check if Stack Experience is enabled: v296]


!!UN:P900/v296; [Restore Stack Experience option]

!?OB20/1; Golem Factory

!!UN:P900/v296; [Restore Stack Experience option]

!?OB63/0; Pyramid

!!UN:P900/v296; [Restore Stack Experience option]

!?OB24/0; Derelict Ship
!!UN:P235/?y-1; [Check if Creature Bank script is enabled: y-1]
!!DO5411/0/6/1&-1000/y-1=1:P; [Reduce extra CB guard numbers for AI if necessary]

!!UN:P900/v296; [Restore Stack Experience option]

!?OB85/0; Shipwreck
!!UN:P235/?y-1; [Check if Creature Bank script is enabled: y-1]
!!DO5411/0/6/1&-1000/y-1=1:P; [Reduce extra CB guard numbers for AI if necessary]

!!UN:P900/v296; [Restore Stack Experience option]

!?OB86/0; Shipwreck Survivor

!!UN:P900/v296; [Restore Stack Experience option]

!!UN:P53/?y-1;     [Check if DOTDM enabled in WoG options]
!!VRv100&y-1=1:S0;     [If enabled, reset v100]
!!UN:P235/?y-2; [Check if Creature Bank script is enabled: y-2]
!!DO5411/0/6/1&-1000/y-2=1/y-1=0:P; [Reduce extra CB guard numbers for AI if necessary]

!!UN:P900/v296; [Restore Stack Experience option]


!!UN:P900/v296; [Restore Stack Experience option]

!!UN:P235/?y-1; [Check if Creature Bank script is enabled: y-1]
!!DO5411/0/6/1&-1000/y-1=1:P; [Reduce extra CB guard numbers for AI if necessary]

!!UN:P900/v296; [Restore Stack Experience option]

!!UN:P235/?y-1; [Check if Creature Bank script is enabled: y-1]
!!DO5411/0/6/1&-1000/y-1=1:P; [Reduce extra CB guard numbers for AI if necessary]

!!UN:P900/v296; [Restore Stack Experience option]

!?OB49; Fishing Well by Timothy E. Pulver

!!UN:P900/v296; [Restore Stack Experience option]

!?OB33; Garrisons by Timothy E. Pulver

!!UN:P900/v296; [Restore Stack Experience option]

!?OB63/15; DEATH CHAMBER by Rich Reed a.k.a. "Space8999"

!!UN:P900/v296; [Restore Stack Experience option]

!?OB63/57; ADVENTURE CAVE by Donald X. Vaccarino

!!UN:P900/v296; [Restore Stack Experience option]


!!UN:P900/v296; [Restore Stack Experience option]

!!CA998:O?y-1; [Check owner of town]
!!VRv100&y-1<0:S1; [Only apply script to neutral towns]

!!UN:P900/v296; [Restore Stack Experience option]

!?OB53/7; // abandoned Mines
!!MNv998/v999/v1000:O?y-1; [Check owner of mine]
!!VRv100&y-1<>-1:S2; [Only apply script to not taken mines]
!!VRv1:Sv998; !!VRv2:Sv999; !!VRv3:Sv1000;
!!DO5413/0/6/1&-1000:P1/53/7; // reset guards to 1 stack troglodytes if AI visits

!$OB53/7; // abandoned Mines
!!UN:P900/v296; [Restore Stack Experience option]

!?OB6; // Pandora's Box

!!UN:P900/v296; [Restore Stack Experience option]

!?OB26; // Local Event

!!UN:P900/v296; [Restore Stack Experience option]

[Battlefield Setup Trigger]
!!UN:P231/?v1; [Check if Neutral Stack Experience is enabled: v1]

[Add experience ranks to neutral stacks but not AI battles or Death Chambers]

!!VRv100:S0; [Reset v100 to 0]

!!UN:P57/?v2; [Check if Neutral Units script is enabled in WoGify Options: v2]
!!DO1000/21/41/1&v2=1:P; [Add Att, Def, HP, Bless, and Precision to stacks]
!!DO1001/21/41/1&v2=1:P; [Give Magic Mirror and Air Shield to some neutral creatures]
!!DO1002/21/41/1&v2=1:P; [Give Immunity to Mind Spells to some neutral units]
!!DO1003/21/41/1&v2=1:P; [Give Immunity to Fire Spells to some neutral units]

[Add experience ranks to neutral stacks]
!!UN&v296<>1:P900/1; [Enable Stack Experience if not enabled]
!!VRy-1:Sc0; [Current day: y-1]
!!VRy-1:-1; [Subtract 1 from current day: y-2]
!!UN:J2/?y-2; [Player chosen difficulty level: y-2]
!!VRy-3&y-2=0:S14; [Easy interval (14): y-3]
!!VRy-3&y-2=1:S7; [Normal interval (7): y-3]
!!VRy-3&y-2=2:S5; [Hard interval (5): y-3]
!!VRy-3&y-2=3:S4; [Expert interval (4): y-3]
!!VRy-3&y-2=4:S3; [Impossible interval (3): y-3]
!!VRy-4:Sy-1 :y-3; [Base rank for this date and difficulty: y-4]
!!BA:H0/?y-5; [Attacking hero number: y-5]
!!HEy-5:E?y-7/?y-6/1; [Hero's experience level: y-6 (y7 isn't used but avoids a bug)]
!!VRy-6:+y-2; [Hero's level +game difficulty: y-6]

[Add ranks to Neutral Stacks if option enabled]
[x1=base rank, x2=hero's level+1]
!!BMx16:T?y1 N?y2; [Creature type (y1), number (y2)]
!!FU|y1<0/y2<1:E; [Exit if no stack at this number]
!!FU&y1>=174/y1<=191:E; [Exit if it's a Commander]
!!MA:Ly1/?y3; [Creature level: y3]
!!VRy3::2 +1; [Divide by 2 (dropping fractions) and add 1 to get level divisor (1..4): y3]
!!VRy4:Sx1 :y3; [Divide base rank by level divisor to get final rank: y4]
!!FU&y4<1:E; [Exit if no ranks added]
!!VRy5:Sx16 *-1 -1; [Negative stack index: y5]
!!VRy4&y4>x2:Sx2; [If rank is higher than hero's level+game difficulty, set it to hero's level+game difficulty]
!!EAy5:Ey4/12/d/d; [Set stack to rank y4]

[Add Attack, Defense, Health, Bless and Precision to stacks]
!!BMx16:F?y5; [Read monster Flags: y5]
!!VRy5:&16; [Check if monster is alive: y5=16 if yes]
!!BMx16&y5=16:M41/100/3; [bless (infinite,expert water)]
!!BMx16:F?y5; [Read monster Flags: y5]
!!VRy5:&4; [Check if monster is a shooter: y5=4 if yes]
!!BMx16&y5=4:M44/100/3; [precision (infinite, expert air)]
!!VRy1:Sc0; [current day: y1] ; Sunday is the bonuses day
!!VRy1::4+1; [divide by 4 and add one: y1]
!!BMx16:Ady1 Ddy1; [+1.75 attack per week(month+7), +1.75 defense per week(month+7)]
!!BMx16:H?y2; [Hit Points of stack: y2]
!!VRy3:Sy2 :15; [6-6.99% of hit points: y3]
!!VRy4:Sy3 *y1; [multiply bonus by number of (weeks+1): y4]
!!BMx16:Hdy4; [+10.5-12.25% per week;+42-49% of hit points per month; ]

[Give Magic Mirror and Air Shield to some neutral creatures]
!!BMx16:T?y1 P?y2 N?y3; [Get type: y1, Position: y2, Number: y3]
!!BMx16&y1=56/y3>0:M28/100/3;  [Give Skeleton Expert Air Shield]
!!BMx16&y1=57/y3>0:M28/100/3;  [Give Skeleton Warrior Expert Air Shield]
!!BMx16&y1=36/y3>0:M36/100/2;  [Give Genie Advanced Magic Mirror]
!!BMx16&y1=37/y3>0:M36/100/2;  [Give Master Genie Advanced Magic Mirror]
!!BMx16&y1=52/y3>0:M36/100/2;  [Give Efreet Advanced Magic Mirror]
!!BMx16&y1=53/y3>0:M36/100/2;  [Give Efreet Sultan Advanced Magic Mirror]
!!BMx16&y1=91/y3>0:M36/100/2;  [Give Ogre Mage Advanced Magic Mirror]
!!BMx16&y1=173/y3>0:M36/100/2; [Give Santa Gremlin Advanced Magic Mirror]
!!BMx16&y1=112/y3>0:M28/100/3; [Give Air Elemental Expert Air Shield]
!!BMx16&y1=127/y3>0:M28/100/3; [Give Storm Elemental Expert Air Shield]
!!BMx16&y1=114/y3>0:M29/100/1; [Give Fire Elemental Basic Fire Shield]
!!BMx16&y1=129/y3>0:M29/100/2; [Give Energy Elemental Advanced Fire Shield]
!!BMx16&y1=130/y3>0:M29/100/1; [Give Firebird Basic Fire Shield]
!!BMx16&y1=131/y3>0:M29/100/2; [Give Phoenix Advanced Fire Shield]
!!BMx16&y1=60/y3>0:M28/100/3;  [Give Wight Expert Air Shield]
!!BMx16&y1=61/y3>0:M28/100/3;  [Give Wraith Expert Air Shield]
!!BMx16&y1=159/y3>0:M28/100/3; [Give Ghost Expert Air Shield]
!!BMx16&y1=68/y3>0:M28/100/3;  [Give Bone Dragon Expert Air Shield]
!!BMx16&y1=69/y3>0:M28/100/3;  [Give Ghost Dragon Expert Air Shield]

[Give Immunity to Mind Spells to some neutral creatures]
!!BMx16:T?y1 F?y2; [Get Type of Creature: y1, Flag of Creature: y2]
!!BMx16:F?y2; [Check Creature Flag]
!!VRy2:|1024; Add Mind Spells Immunity
!!BMx16&y1=12:Fy2;  Neutral Angels are immune to mind spells
!!BMx16&y1=13:Fy2;  Neutral Archangels are immune to mind spells
!!BMx16&y1=150:Fy2; Neutral Supreme Archangels are immune to mind spells
!!BMx16&y1=54:Fy2;  Neutral Devils are immune to mind spells
!!BMx16&y1=55:Fy2;  Neutral Archdevils are immune to mind spells
!!BMx16&y1=153:Fy2; Neutral Lords of Hell are immune to mind spells
!!BMx16&y1=96:Fy2;  Neutral Behemoths are immune to mind spells
!!BMx16&y1=97:Fy2;  Neutral Ancient Behemoths are immune to mind spells
!!BMx16&y1=156:Fy2; Neutral Eldest Behemoths are immune to mind spells
!!BMx16&y1=110:Fy2; Neutral Hydras are immune to mind spells
!!BMx16&y1=111:Fy2; Neutral Chaos Hydras are immune to mind spells
!!BMx16&y1=157:Fy2; Neutral Hell Hydras are immune to mind spells
!!BMx16&y1=130:Fy2; Neutral Firebirds are immune to mind spells
!!BMx16&y1=131:Fy2; Neutral Phoenixes are immune to mind spells
!!BMx16&y1=158:Fy2; Neutral Sacred Phoenixes are immune to mind spells

[Give Immunity to Fire Spells to some neutral creatures]
!!BMx16:T?y1 F?y2; [Get Type of Creature: y1, Flag of Creature: y2]
!!BMx16:F?y2; [Check Creature Flag]
!!VRy2:|16384; Add Fire Spells Immunity
!!BMx16&y1=54:Fy2;  Neutral Devils are immune to fire spells
!!BMx16&y1=55:Fy2;  Neutral Archdevils are immune to fire spells
!!BMx16&y1=153:Fy2; Neutral Lords of Hell are immune to fire spells

** Monster Growth **

[Post-Instruction trigger]
!!UN:P232/?y-1; [Check if script is enabled: y-1]
!!UN&y-1=1:U54/-1/?y-2; [Number of monsters on the map: y-2]
!!VRv1:S-1; [Initialize v1 to -1 to work with new faster UN:U syntax]
!!DO5402/1/y-2/1&y-1=1/y-2>0:P; [Cycle through all monsters]

!!UN:U54/-1/-1/1; [Store coordinates for next monster in v1/v2/v3]
!!OBv1/v2/v3:U?y1; [Subtype: y1]
!!MOv1/v2/v3:O?y3 R?y4/1; // check if monsters is forbidden to grow (if #=1 then the amount of monsters won't grow)
**                      // get agression
*!FU|y3=1/y4=0:E; // exit if they mustn't grow (option in map editor) or are friendly (always join)
!!FU&y3=1:E; // exit if they mustn't grow (option in map editor)

!!MOv1/v2/v3:G?y2; [Number in stack: y2]

** LEVEL 1 **
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=0/y2<30:G30; [Set all Pikeman stacks to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=1/y2<30:G30; [Set all Halberdier stacks to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=14/y2<30:G30; [Set all Centaur stacks to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=15/y2<30:G30; [Set all Centaur Captain stacks to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=28/y2<50:G50; [Set all Gremlin stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=29/y2<50:G50; [Set all Master Gremlin stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=42/y2<50:G50; [Set all Imp stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=43/y2<50:G50; [Set all Familiar stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=56/y2<50:G50; [Set all Skeleton stacks to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=57/y2<50:G50; [Set all Skeleton Warrior stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=70/y2<40:G40; [Set all Troglodyte stacks to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=71/y2<40:G40; [Set all Infernal Troglodyte stacks to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=84/y2<50:G50; [Set all Goblin stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=85/y2<50:G50; [Set all Hobgoblin stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=98/y2<30:G30; [Set all Gnoll stacks to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=99/y2<30:G30; [Set all Gnoll Marauder stacks to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=118/y2<50:G50; [Set all Pixie stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=119/y2<40:G40; [Set all Sprite stacks to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=138/y2<50:G50; [Set all Halfling stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=139/y2<100:G100; [Set all Peasant stacks to Throng]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=143/y2<30:G30; [Set all Rogue stacks to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=173/y2<30:G30; [Set all Santa Gremlin stacks to Lots]

** LEVEL 2 **
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=2/y2<30:G30; [Set all Archer stacks to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=3/y2<30:G30; [Set all Marksman stacks to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=16/y2<40:G40; [Set all Dwarf stacks to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=17/y2<40:G40; [Set all Battle Dwarf stacks to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=30/y2<40:G40; [Set all Stone Gargoyle to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=31/y2<40:G40; [Set all Obsidian Gargoyle to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=44/y2<30:G30; [Set all Gog stacks to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=45/y2<30:G30; [Set all Magog stacks to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=58/y2<40:G40; [Set all Walking Dead stacks to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=59/y2<40:G40; [Set all Zombie stacks to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=72/y2<40:G40; [Set all Harpy stacks to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=73/y2<40:G40; [Set all Harpy Hag stacks to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=86/y2<40:G40; [Set all Wolf Rider stacks to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=87/y2<40:G40; [Set all Wolf Raider stacks to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=100/y2<30:G30; [Set all Lizardman stacks to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=101/y2<30:G30; [Set all Lizardwarrior stacks to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=112/y2<40:G40; [Set all Air Elemental stacks to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=127/y2<30:G30; [Set all Storm Elemental stacks to Lots]

** LEVEL 3 **
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=4/y2<40:G40; [Set all Griffin stacks to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=5/y2<40:G40; [Set all Royal Griffin stacks to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=18/y2<30:G30; [Set all Wood Elf stacks to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=19/y2<30:G30; [Set all Grand Elf stacks to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=32/y2<40:G40; [Set all Stone Golem stacks to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=33/y2<40:G40; [Set all Iron Golem stacks to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=46/y2<40:G40; [Set all Hellhound stacks to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=47/y2<40:G40; [Set all Cerberus stacks to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=60/y2<50:G50; [Set all Wight stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=61/y2<50:G50; [Set all Wraith stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=74/y2<35:G35; [Set all Beholder stacks to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=75/y2<35:G35; [Set all Evil Eye stacks to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=88/y2<35:G35; [Set all Orc stacks to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=89/y2<35:G35; [Set all Orc Chieftain stacks to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=104/y2<50:G50; [Set all Serpent Fly stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=105/y2<50:G50; [Set all Dragon Fly stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=115/y2<30:G30; [Set all Water Elemental stacks to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=123/y2<30:G30; [Set all Ice Elemental stacks to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=140/y2<40:G40; [Set all Boar stacks to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=142/y2<40:G40; [Set all Nomand stacks to LOts]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=159/y2<50/y2<50:G50; [Set all Ghost stacks to Horde] - this is an exception

** LEVEL 4 **
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=6/y2<50:G50; [Set all Swordman stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=7/y2<50:G50; [Set all Crusader stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=20/y2<50:G50; [Set all Pegasus stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=21/y2<50:G50; [Set all Silver Pegasus stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=34/y2<50:G50; [Set all Mage stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=35/y2<50:G50; [Set all Archmage stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=48/y2<50:G50; [Set all Demon stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=49/y2<50:G50; [Set all Horned Demon stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=62/y2<50:G50; [Set all Vampire stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=63/y2<50:G50; [Set all Vampire Lord stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=76/y2<50:G50; [Set all Medusa stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=77/y2<50:G50; [Set all Medusa Queen stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=90/y2<50:G50; [Set all Ogre stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=91/y2<50:G50; [Set all Ogre Mage stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=106/y2<50:G50; [Set all Basilisk stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=107/y2<50:G50; [Set all Greater Basilisk stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=114/y2<50:G50; [Set all Fire Elemental stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=129/y2<50:G50; [Set all Energy Elemental stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=137/y2<50:G50; [Set all Sharpshooter stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=141/y2<50:G50; [Set all Mummy stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=192/y2<50:G50; [Set all Sylvan Centaur stacks to Horde]

** LEVEL 5 **
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=8/y2<50:G50; [Set all Monk stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=9/y2<50:G50; [Set all Zealot Centaur stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=22/y2<50:G50; [Set all Dendroid Guard stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=23/y2<50:G50; [Set all Dendroid Soldier stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=36/y2<50:G50; [Set all Genie stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=37/y2<50:G50; [Set all Master Genie stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=50/y2<50:G50; [Set all Pit Fiend stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=51/y2<50:G50; [Set all Pit Lord stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=64/y2<50:G50; [Set all Lich stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=65/y2<50:G50; [Set all Power Lich stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=78/y2<50:G50; [Set all Minotaur stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=79/y2<50:G50; [Set all Minotaur King stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=92/y2<50:G50; [Set all Roc stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=93/y2<50:G50; [Set all Thunderbird stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=102/y2<50:G50; [Set all Gorgon stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=103/y2<50:G50; [Set all Mighty Gorgon stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=113/y2<50:G50; [Set all Earth Elemental stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=125/y2<50:G50; [Set all Magma Elemental stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=116/y2<50:G50; [Set all Gold Golem stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=144/y2<50:G50; [Set all Troll stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=169/y2<50:G50; [Set all War Zealot stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=170/y2<50:G50; [Set all Artic Sharpshooter stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=171/y2<50:G50; [Set all Lava Sharpshooter stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=194/y2<50:G50; [Set all Werewolf stacks to Horde]

** LEVEL 6 **
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=10/y2<50:G50; [Set all Cavalier stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=11/y2<50:G50; [Set all Champion stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=24/y2<50:G50; [Set all Unicorn stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=25/y2<50:G50; [Set all War Unicorn stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=38/y2<50:G50; [Set all Naga stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=39/y2<50:G50; [Set all Naga Queen stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=52/y2<50:G50; [Set all Efreet stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=53/y2<50:G50; [Set all Efreet Sultan stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=66/y2<50:G50; [Set all Black Knight stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=67/y2<50:G50; [Set all Dread Knight stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=80/y2<50:G50; [Set all Manticore stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=81/y2<50:G50; [Set all Scorpicore stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=94/y2<50:G50; [Set all Cyclop stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=95/y2<50:G50; [Set all Cyclop King stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=108/y2<50:G50; [Set all Wyvern stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=109/y2<50:G50; [Set all Wyvern Monarch stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=120/y2<50:G50; [Set all Psychic Elemental stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=121/y2<50:G50; [Set all Magic Elemental stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=117/y2<50:G50; [Set all Diamond Golem stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=136/y2<50:G50; [Set all Enchanter stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=164/y2<50:G50; [Set all Fire Messenger to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=165/y2<50:G50; [Set all Earth Messenger to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=166/y2<50:G50; [Set all Air Messenger to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=167/y2<50:G50; [Set all Water Messenger stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=172/y2<50:G50; [Set all Nightmare stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=195/y2<50:G50; [Set all Hell Steed stacks to Horde]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=193/y2<50:G50; [Set all Sorceress stacks to Horde]

** LEVEL 7 **
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=12/y2<30:G30; [Set all Angel stacks to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=13/y2<20:G20; [Set all Archangel stacks to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=26/y2<30:G30; [Set all Green Dragon stacks to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=27/y2<20:G20; [Set all Gold Dragon stacks to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=40/y2<30:G30; [Set all Giant stacks to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=41/y2<20:G20; [Set all Titan stacks to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=54/y2<30:G30; [Set all Devil stacks to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=55/y2<20:G20; [Set all Archdevil stacks to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=68/y2<30:G30; [Set all Bone Dragon stacks to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=69/y2<20:G20; [Set all Ghost Dragon stacks to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=82/y2<30:G30; [Set all Red Dragon stacks to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=83/y2<20:G20; [Set all Black Dragon stacks to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=96/y2<30:G30; [Set all Behemoth stacks to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=97/y2<20:G20; [Set all Ancient Behemoth stacks to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=110/y2<30:G30; [Set all Hydra stacks to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=111/y2<20:G20; [Set all Chaos Hydra stacks to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=130/y2<30:G30; [Set all Firebird stacks to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=131/y2<20:G20; [Set all Phoenix stacks to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=168/y2<20:G20; [Set all Gorynych stacks to Lots]

** LEVEL 8 **
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=150/y2<20:G20; [Set all Supreme Archangel stacks to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=151/y2<20:G20; [Set all Diamond Dragon stacks to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=152/y2<20:G20; [Set all Lord of Thunder stacks to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=153/y2<20:G20; [Set all Lords of Hell stacks to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=154/y2<20:G20; [Set all Blood Dragon stacks to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=155/y2<20:G20; [Set all Darkness Dragon stacks to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=156/y2<20:G20; [Set all Eldest Behemoth stacks to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=157/y2<20:G20; [Set all Hell Hydra stacks to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=158/y2<20:G20; [Set all Sacred Phoenix stacks to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=132/y2<20:G20; [Set all Azure Dragon stacks to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=133/y2<20:G20; [Set all Crystal Dragon stacks to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=134/y2<20:G20; [Set all Faerie Dragon stacks to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=135/y2<20:G20; [Set all Rust Dragon stacks to Lots]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1=196/y2<20:G20; [Set all Dracolich stacks to Lots]

!!VRy2:S0 R4; [Random additional units: 0..4: y2]
!!MOv1/v2/v3&y2>0:Gdy2; [Add extra units]

** All Monsters are Savage,only monsters left by hero on the map will join **

!!MOv1/v2/v3&y1>=0:R10/1; [Set all monster stacks to Savage]

** Neutral Town and Creature Bank Growth **

[Daily Timer, only activates once (for first colour)]
!!UN:P235/?y-12; [Check if script is enabled: y-12]
!!FU&y-12<>1:E; [Exit if not enabled]
!!UN:U98/-1/?y-1; [Number of Towns on map: y-1]
!!VRy-2:Sc0 -1; [Current day -1: y-2]
!!VRy-2::7 +1; [Current week: y-2]
!!VRy-9:Sy-2 :3 *3; [Determine every 3rd week: y-9]
!!VRy-10&y-9=y-2:S1; [Set y-10 to 1 every 3rd week: y-10]
!!VRy-11:Sy-2 -1; [Current week -1: y-11]
!!VRy-12:Sy-11 :4 *4; [Determine 1st of every month: y-12]
!!VRy-13&y-12=y-11:S1; [Set y-13 to 1 on the 1st of every new month: y-13]
!!VRv1:S-1; [Initialize v1 to -1 to work with new faster UN:U syntax]
!!DO5403/1/y-1/1&y-1>0/$weekday$=$monday$:P; [Loop through all Towns weekly]
!!UN:U16/-1/?y-4; [Number of Creature Banks on map: y-4]
!!VRv1:S-1; [Initialize v1 to -1 to work with new faster UN:U syntax]
!!DO5405/1/y-4/1&y-4>0:P16/y-4; [Loop through all Creature Banks]
!!UN:U24/-1/?y-5; [Number of Derelict Ships on map: y-5]
!!VRv1:S-1; [Initialize v1 to -1 to work with new faster UN:U syntax]
!!DO5405/1/y-5/1&y-5>0:P24/y-5; [Loop through all Derelict Ships]
!!UN:U25/-1/?y-6; [Number of Dragon Utopias on map: y-6]
!!VRv1:S-1; [Initialize v1 to -1 to work with new faster UN:U syntax]
!!DO5405/1/y-6/1&y-6>0:P25/y-6; [Loop through all Dragon Utopias]
!!UN:U84/-1/?y-7; [Number of Crypts on map: y-7]
!!VRv1:S-1; [Initialize v1 to -1 to work with new faster UN:U syntax]
!!DO5405/1/y-7/1&y-7>0:P84/y-7; [Loop through all Crypts]
!!UN:U85/-1/?y-8; [Number of Shipwrecks on map: y-8]
!!VRv1:S-1; [Initialize v1 to -1 to work with new faster UN:U syntax]
!!DO5405/1/y-8/1&y-8>0:P85/y-8; [Loop through all Shipwrecks]

!!UN:U53/7/?y-9; [Number of abandoned mines on map: y-9]
!!VRv1:S-1; [Initialize v1 to -1 to work with new faster UN:U syntax]
!!DO5412/1/y-9/1&y-8>0:P53/7; [Loop through all abandoned mines]
!!UN:U26/-1/?y-10; [Number of local events on map: y-10]
!!VRv1:S-1; [Initialize v1 to -1 to work with new faster UN:U syntax]
!!DO5412/1/y-10/1&y-8>0/$weekday$=$monday$:P26/-1; [Loop through all local events]
!!UN:U6/-1/?y-10; [Number of pandora's boxes on map: y-10]
!!VRv1:S-1; [Initialize v1 to -1 to work with new faster UN:U syntax]
!!DO5412/1/y-10/1&y-8>0/$weekday$=$monday$:P6/-1; [Loop through all pandora's boxes]

[Loop through all towns]
!!UN:U98/-1/-1/1; [Town coordinates in v1/v2/v3]
!!CAv1/v2/v3:O?y1 T?y2; [Owner of Town: y1, Type of Town: y2]
!!FU&y1>=0:E; [Skip if town is owned]
!!CAv1/v2/v3:H0/?y3; [Check if Town has a Garrison Hero: y3]
!!VRy-3:S0; [Initialize y-3 to 0]
!!DO5404/0/6/1:Py3/y2; [Loop through garrison slots in town]

[Loop through garrison slots in neutral town]
[x1=hero number (-1=none), x2=town type]
!!VRy-1:S-1; [Initialize y1 to -1]
!!CAv1/v2/v3&x1<0:M2/x16/?y1/?y2; [Guards in slot x16, Type=y1, Number=y2]
!!HEx1&x1>=0:C0/x16/?y1/?y2; [Garrison hero's slot x16, Type=y1, Number=y2]
!!VRy3&y2>0:Sy2 :10; [10% of the number of guards (rounded down): y3]
!!VRy3&y2>0/y3<1:S1; [If 10% is less than 1, make it 1: y3]
!!VRy4&y2<=0/y-3=0:Sx16; [Set y4 to x16 for level of creature to place in empty slot: y4]
!!VRy4&y2<=0/y4>y-2/y-3=0:Sy-2; [Creature level (0..6) can't exceed week number (2+): y4]
!!UN&y2<=0/y-3=0:Tx2/y4/0/?y1; [Type of creature (non-upgraded) to place in empty slot: y1]
!!MA&y2<=0/y-3=0:Gy1/?y3; [Basic town dwelling growth of creature: y3]
!!VRy3&y2<=0/y-3=0:*3 :2; [Multiply growth by 1.5 (round down): y3]
!!FU|y1<0/y3<1:E; [Skip slot if no creature there]
!!VRy8:S1 R9; [Random number 1..10: y8]
!!MA&y8=10:Ly1/?y5; [Level of creature in slot x16 (0..6): y5]
!!UN&y8=10:Tx2/y5/0/?y6; [Equivalent non-upgraded creature of this level in town: y6]
!!UN&y8=10:Tx2/y5/1/?y7; [Equivalent upgraded creature of this level in town: y7]
!!VRy1&y8=10/y1=y6:Sy7; [10% chance per week of creature being upgraded: y1]
!!CAv1/v2/v3&x1<0:M2/x16/y1/dy3; [Add extra guards to slot x16]
!!HEx1&x1>=0:C0/x16/y1/dy3; [Add extra creatures to slot x16]
!!VRy-3&y2<=0:S99; [Set y-3 to 99 if empty slot found: y-3]

[Loop through all creature banks]
[x1=type of bank, x2=number of banks]
!!UN:Ux1/-1/-1/1; [Creature Bank coordinates in v1/v2/v3]
!!CBv1/v2/v3:T?y1; [Check if Creature Bank already Taken: y1=1 if Taken]
!!DO5406/0/6/1&y1=0/$weekday$=$monday$:P-1; [Loop through guard slots and resources in creature bank each week]

!!CBv1/v2/v3&y1=0/$weekday$=$monday$:M?y30/?y31; [Number of Bonus Creatures, Type=y30, Number=y31]
!!VRy31&y1=0/$weekday$=$monday$/y30>=0/y31>0/y31<127/y-10=1:+1; [Every 3rd week, add 1 bonus creature: y31 (maximum 127)]
!!CBv1/v2/v3&y1=0/$weekday$=$monday$/y30>=0/y31>0/y31<128/y-10=1:My30/y31; [Set new number of bonus creatures: y31]

!!POv1/v2/v3&y1=1:S?y18; [Read PO:S number for Creature Bank square: y18]
!!POv1/v2/v3&y1=1/y18=0:S28; [Set PO:S number for Creature Bank square to 28: y18]
!!VRy18&y1=1/y18>0:-1; [Subtract one from PO:S number: y18]
!!POv1/v2/v3&y1=1/y18>0:Sy18; [Write new PO:S number: y18]

!!FU|y1<>1/y18<>1:E; [Exit if bank not taken or y18<>1]

[Reset/Restock taken creature banks after 28 days]
!!POv1/v2/v3:S0; [Reset Creature Bank's PO:S number to 0]
!!OBv1/v2/v3&x1=16:U?y2; [Subtype of type 16 creature bank: y2]
!!FU&x1=16/y2>=13/y2<=16:E; [Exit if it's an Emissary building]

!!CBv1/v2/v3:T0 V0; [Reset creature bank to "not taken"]

!!UN:J6/4/?y3; [Random Treasure Artifact: y3]
!!UN:J6/4/?y4; [Random Minor Artifact: y4]
!!UN:J6/16/?y5 J6/16/?y6 J6/16/?y7 J6/16/?y8; [Random Relics: y5, y6, y7, y8]
!!CBv1/v2/v3&x1=24:G0/115/12 G1/115/12 G2/115/12 G3/115/12 G4/123/12; [Derelict Ship]
!!CBv1/v2/v3&x1=24:R6/6000 A2/0/y4; [Derelict Ship: 6000 gold, 1 Minor Artifact]
!!CBv1/v2/v3&x1=85:G0/60/10 G1/60/10 G2/60/10 G3/61/10 G4/61/10; [Shipwreck]
!!CBv1/v2/v3&x1=85:R6/5000 A2/0/y4; [Shipwreck: 5000 gold, 1 Minor Artifact]
!!CBv1/v2/v3&x1=84:G0/57/20 G1/59/20 G2/60/20 G3/62/10 G4/63/6 G5/64/3; [Crypt]
!!CBv1/v2/v3&x1=84:R6/6000 A2/0/y3 A3/y4; [Crypt: 6000 gold, 1 Treasure Artifact, 1 Minor Artifact]
!!CBv1/v2/v3&x1=25:G0/134/3 G1/135/2 G2/133/2 G3/132/1; [Dragon Utopia (guards replaced with neutral dragons instead)]
!!CBv1/v2/v3&x1=25:R6/50000 R4/6 R5/6; [Dragon Utopia: 50000 gold, 6 Crystal, 6 Gems]
!!CBv1/v2/v3&x1=25:A2/0/y5 A2/1/y6 A2/2/y7 A2/3/y8; [Dragon Utopia: 4 Relics]
!!UN&x1=25:P3/?y9 P238/?y10 P177/?y14; [Check if Commanders (y9), Commander Artifacts (y10), and Slava's Ring (y14) are enabled]
!!VRy15&x1=25/y9=0/y10=0/y14=1:S8; [Commander Artifact's minus Slava's Ring: y15]
!!VRy15&x1=25/y9=0/y10=0/y14=0:S9; [Commander Artifact's including Slava's Ring: y15]
!!VRy16&x1=25/y9=0/y10=0:S146 Ry15; [Random Commander Artifact 1: y16]
!!VRy17&x1=25/y9=0/y10=0:S146 Ry15; [Random Commander Artifact 2: y17]
!!CBv1/v2/v3&x1=25/y9=0/y10=0:A3/y16 A3/y17; [Dragon Utopia: 2 Commander Artifacts]
!!CBv1/v2/v3&x1=16/y2=0:G0/95/10 G1/95/10 G2/95/10 G3/95/10 G4/95/10; [Cyclops Stockpile]
!!CBv1/v2/v3&x1=16/y2=0:R0/10 R1/10 R2/10 R3/10 R4/10 R5/10; [Cyclops Stockpile: 10 of each resource]
!!CBv1/v2/v3&x1=16/y2=1:G0/17/30 G1/17/30 G2/17/30 G3/17/30 G4/17/30; [Dwarven Treasury]
!!CBv1/v2/v3&x1=16/y2=1:R6/7500 R4/10; [Dwarven Treasury: 7500 Gold, 10 Crystals]
!!CBv1/v2/v3&x1=16/y2=2:G0/5/20 G1/5/20 G2/5/20 G3/5/20 G4/5/20; [Griffin Conservatory]
!!CBv1/v2/v3&x1=16/y2=3:G0/43/60 G1/42/60 G2/42/60 G3/43/60 G4/42/60; [Imp Cache]
!!CBv1/v2/v3&x1=16/y2=3:R6/5000 R1/6; [Imp Cache: 5000 Gold, 6 Mercury]
!!CBv1/v2/v3&x1=16/y2=4:G0/77/10 G1/77/10 G2/77/10 G3/77/10 G4/77/10; [Medusa Stores]
!!CBv1/v2/v3&x1=16/y2=4:R6/5000 R3/10; [Medusa Stores: 5000 Gold, 10 Sulfur]
!!CBv1/v2/v3&x1=16/y2=5:G0/39/6 G1/39/6 G2/39/6 G3/39/6 G4/39/6; [Naga Bank]
!!CBv1/v2/v3&x1=16/y2=5:R6/12000 R5/24; [Naga Bank: 12000 Gold, 24 Gems]
!!CBv1/v2/v3&x1=16/y2=6:G0/105/18 G1/105/18 G2/105/18 G3/108/18 G4/108/18; [Dragon Fly Hive]
!!CBv1/v2/v3&x1=16/y2=11:G0/23/6 G1/19/10 G2/23/6 G3/19/10 G4/23/6; [Hunting Lodge]
!!CBv1/v2/v3&x1=16/y2=11:R6/1000 R0/40; [Hunting Lodge: 1000 Gold, 40 Wood]
!!CBv1/v2/v3&x1=16/y2=12:G0/33/8 G1/29/50 G2/33/8 G3/29/50 G4/33/8; [Snow-covered Grotto]
!!CBv1/v2/v3&x1=16/y2=12:R6/1000 R2/40; [Snow-covered Grotto: 1000 Gold, 40 Ore]
!!CBv1/v2/v3&x1=16/y2=17:G0/63/6 G1/63/6 G2/63/6 G3/63/6 G4/63/6; [Transylvanian Tavern]
!!CBv1/v2/v3&x1=16/y2=17:R6/5000; [Transylvanian Tavern: 5000 Gold]
!!CBv1/v2/v3&x1=16/y2=18:G0/63/6 G1/63/6 G2/63/6 G3/63/6 G4/63/6; [Home of the Bat]
!!CBv1/v2/v3&x1=16/y2=18:R1/5 R3/5 R4/5 R5/5; [Home of the Bat: 5 Mercury, 5 Sulfur, 5 Crystal, 5 Gems]
!!CBv1/v2/v3&x1=16/y2=19:G0/37/6 G1/37/6 G2/37/6 G3/37/6 G4/37/6; [Lost Bottle]
!!CBv1/v2/v3&x1=16/y2=19:R1/5 R3/5 R4/5 R5/5; [Lost Bottle: 5 Mercury, 5 Sulfur, 5 Crystal, 5 Gems]
!!CBv1/v2/v3&x1=16/y2=20:G0/75/6 G1/73/6 G2/75/6 G3/73/6 G4/75/6; [Grotto]
!!CBv1/v2/v3&x1=16/y2=20:R6/2000 R2/35; [Grotto: 2000 Gold, 35 Ore]

!!DO5407/0/6/1:Px1; [Grow new creature bank's guards and resources]

[Loop through guard slots to restock taken creature bank]
[x1=type of creature bank (16=standard creature bank)]
!!DO5406/1/y-2/1:Px16/x1; [Add guards with bonuses for each game week]

[Loop through guard slots and resources in creature bank]
[x1=-1 for normal growth, x1=guard slot number if restocking new bank]
[x2=type of creature bank if restocking]
!!VRy10&x1<0:Sx16; [Set y10 to guard slot number: y10]
!!VRy10&x1>=0:Sx1; [Set y10 to guard slot number (restocking taken bank): y10]

!!CBv1/v2/v3:Gy10/?y1/?y2; [Guard slot y10, Type: y1, Number: y2]
!!CBv1/v2/v3&y2<1:G0/?y6/?y8; [Guard Type in slot 0: y6, Number in y8]
!!CBv1/v2/v3&y2<1/y8<1:G1/?y6/?y8; [Guard Type in slot 1 if nothing in 0: y6]
!!FU&y2<1/y8<1:E; [If nothing in slot y10 and nothing in slot 0 or 1, Exit]
!!FU&y2<1/y6<0:E; [If guard type in slot 0 or 1 is less than 0, Exit]

!!MA&y2<1:Oy6/?y7; [Town number that creature in slot 0 belongs to: y7]

!!VRy1&y10=6/y2<1/y7>=0:S183 +y7; [Set "Commander" in slot 6: y1]
!!CBv1/v2/v3&y10=6/y2<1/y1>=183/y1<=191/y7>=0:G6/y1/1; [Set 1 Commander in slot 6]

!!VRy1&y10<6/y2<1:Sy6; [Add creatures to extra empty slot (but not slot 6)]
!!VRy9&y10<6/y2<1:Sy8 :2 +1; [Half of the number of guards in slot 0 or 1 plus one: y9]
!!CBv1/v2/v3&y10<6/y2<1/y1<174:Gy10/y1/y9; [Set y9 new creatures in empty slot]

!!VRy3&y2>0:Sy2 :10; [10% of the number of guards (rounded down): y3]
!!VRy3&y2>0/y3<1:S1; [If 10% is less than 1, make it 1: y3]
!!CBv1/v2/v3&y2>0/y1<174:Gy10/y1/dy3; [Add extra guards to slot y10 but don't increase Commanders]

!!CBv1/v2/v3:Ry10/?y4; [Number of Resource type y10: y4]
!!VRy5&y4>0:Sy4 :10; [10% of resources: :y5]
!!VRy5&y4>0/y5=0/y-10=1:S1; [Every 3rd week set resource bonus to 1 if less than 1: y5]
!!CBv1/v2/v3&y4>0/y5>0:Ry10/dy5; [Add resource bonus]

[If necessary, reduce number of guards in Creature Banks when AI attacks]
[x16=guard stack number (0..6)]
!!CBv998/v999/v1000:Gx16/?y1/?y2; [Guard slot x16, Type: y1, Number: y2]
!!MA&y1>=0/y2>0:Ly1/?y3; [Level of creatures in stack: y3]
!!VRy2&y1>=132/y1<=135/y2>1:S1; [If it's a powerful neutral dragon, reduce number to 1]
!!VRy2&y1>=0/y3=0/y2>50:S50; [Set maximum Level 1 creatures to 50 per stack]
!!VRy2&y1>=0/y3=1/y2>30:S30; [Set maximum Level 2 creatures to 30 per stack]
!!VRy2&y1>=0/y3=2/y2>25:S25; [Set maximum Level 3 creatures to 25 per stack]
!!VRy2&y1>=0/y3=3/y2>15:S15; [Set maximum Level 4 creatures to 15 per stack]
!!VRy2&y1>=0/y3=4/y2>10:S10; [Set maximum Level 5 creatures to 10 per stack]
!!VRy2&y1>=0/y3=5/y2>8:S8; [Set maximum Level 6 creatures to 8 per stack]
!!VRy2&y1>=0/y3=6/y2>6:S6; [Set maximum Level 7 creatures to 6 per stack]

[Start of Battle Trigger for Creature Banks, Crypts,]
[Derelict Ships, Shipwrecks, and Dragon Utopias]
!!BA:M1/6/?y-1/?y-2; [Check for Commander type (y-1), number (y-2)]
!!FU|y-1<183/y-1>191/y-2<1:E; [Exit if no Commander monsters defending]
!!UN:N3/-1/y-1/0; [Commander creature name for setting Commander's screen name: z-1]
!!VRy-3:Sy-1 -183; [Commander type: 0..9: y-3]
!!VRy-15:Sy-3 *2; [Owner hero class: y-15]
!!CO-4:E1 Ty-3 N-1 Hy-3 P1; [Enable Commander, set type, name, owner hero class, custom stat control]
!!VRy-4:Sc-1 :7 +1; [Calculate current week: y-4]
!!VRy-5:S2 *y-4 +6; [Attack, Defense: y-5]
!!VRy-6:S2 *y-4 +9; [Damage (max. damage): y-6]
!!VRy-7:S50 *y-4 +50; [Health 50 plus 50 HP per week: y-7]
!!VRy-8:Sy-4 :3; [Every 3 weeks: y-8]
!!VRy-9:S6 +y-8; [Speed: y-9]
!!VRy-10:S2 *y-4 +3; [Magic Resistance: y-10]
!!VRy-11:Sy-6 :2; [Damage Low: y-11]
!!VRy-12:S2 +y-8; [Magic Power: y-12]
!!CO-4:P0/y-5 P1/y-5 P2/y-7 P3/y-6 P4/y-12 P5/y-9 P6/y-10; [Set stats in Commander screen]
!!VRy-12&y-12>6:S6; [Max. castings 6: y-12]

[Give up to 6 special abilities -- 1 plus 1 for every 3 weeks]
!!VRy-13:Sy-8 +1; [Add 1 to "every three weeks" number: y-13]
!!VRy-13&y-13>6:S6; [Maximum value of 6: y-13]
!!DO5409/1/y-13/1&y-13>0:Py-3/y-1/y-6; [Give Commanders up to 6 special abilities]
!!VRz745:Sz157000; [Initialize z745]
!!DO5410/0/14/1&y-13>0:P; [Build ability text for description field: z745]
!!UN:G1/y-1/2/745; [Set ability text string for Commander]

[Give Comanders up to 6 special abilities]
[x1=Commander Type (0..8), x2=Commander Monster Number (183..191)]
[x3=Maximum Damage]

!!CO-4&x1=0/x16=1:B1/13/1; [Champion Distance Bonus]
!!CO-4&x1=0/x16=2:B1/2/1; [Maximum Damage]
!!CO-4&x1=0/x16=3:B1/0/1; [Reduce Enemy Defense by 50%]
!!CO-4&x1=0/x16=4:B1/8/1; [Block Physical Damage]
!!CO-4&x1=0/x16=5:B1/9/1; [Strike Twice]
!!CO-4&x1=0/x16=6:B1/4/1; [Shooting]

!!CO-4&x1=1/x16=1:B1/5/1; [Unlimited Retaliation]
!!CO-4&x1=1/x16=2:B1/0/1; [Reduce Enemy Defense by 50%]
!!CO-4&x1=1/x16=3:B1/11/1; [Regenerate 50 HP each Round]
!!CO-4&x1=1/x16=4:B1/10/1; [Attack may Paralyze]
!!CO-4&x1=1/x16=5:B1/8/1; [Block Physical Damage]
!!CO-4&x1=1/x16=6:B1/4/1; [Shooting]

[Temple Guardian]
!!CO-4&x1=2/x16=1:B1/5/1; [Unlimited Retaliation]
!!CO-4&x1=2/x16=2:B1/2/1; [Maximum Damage]
!!CO-4&x1=2/x16=3:B1/11/1; [Regenerate 50 HP each Round]
!!CO-4&x1=2/x16=4:B1/9/1; [Strike Twice]
!!CO-4&x1=2/x16=5:B1/8/1; [Block Physical Damage]
!!CO-4&x1=2/x16=6:B1/4/1; [Shooting]

!!CO-4&x1=3/x16=1:B1/14/1; [Flying]
!!CO-4&x1=3/x16=2:B1/5/1; [Unlimited Retaliation]
!!CO-4&x1=3/x16=3:B1/7/1; [Fire Shield]
!!CO-4&x1=3/x16=4:B1/0/1; [Reduce Enemy Defense by 50%]
!!CO-4&x1=3/x16=5:B1/10/1; [Attack my Paralyze]
!!CO-4&x1=3/x16=6:B1/4/1; [Shooting]

[Soul Eater]
!!CO-4&x1=4/x16=1:B1/2/1; [Maximum Damage]
!!CO-4&x1=4/x16=2:B1/1/1; [Fearsome]
!!CO-4&x1=4/x16=3:B1/9/1; [Strike Twice]
!!CO-4&x1=4/x16=4:B1/3/1; [No Enemy Retaliation]
!!CO-4&x1=4/x16=5:B1/12/1; [Death Stare]
!!CO-4&x1=4/x16=6:B1/4/1; [Shooting]

!!CO-4&x1=5/x16=1:B1/13/1; [Champion Distance Bonus]
!!CO-4&x1=5/x16=2:B1/0/1; [Reduce Enemy Defense by 50%]
!!CO-4&x1=5/x16=3:B1/1/1; [Fearsome]
!!CO-4&x1=5/x16=4:B1/8/1; [Block Physical Damage]
!!CO-4&x1=5/x16=5:B1/9/1; [Strike Twice]
!!CO-4&x1=5/x16=6:B1/13/1; [No Enemy Retaliation]

[Ogre Leader]
!!CO-4&x1=6/x16=1:B1/2/1; [Maximum Damage]
!!CO-4&x1=6/x16=2:B1/0/1; [Reduce Enemy Defense by 50%]
!!CO-4&x1=6/x16=3:B1/1/1; [Fearsome]
!!CO-4&x1=6/x16=4:B1/9/1; [Strike Twice]
!!CO-4&x1=6/x16=5:B1/13/1; [No Enemy Retaliation]
!!CO-4&x1=6/x16=6:B1/4/1; [Shooting]

!!CO-4&x1=7/x16=1:B1/7/1; [Fire Shield]
!!CO-4&x1=7/x16=2:B1/1/1; [Fearsome]
!!CO-4&x1=7/x16=3:B1/6/1; [Strike All Enemies Around]
!!CO-4&x1=7/x16=4:B1/11/1; [Regenerate 50 HP each Round]
!!CO-4&x1=7/x16=5:B1/10/1; [Attack may Paralyze]
!!CO-4&x1=7/x16=6:B1/4/1; [Shooting]

[Astral Spirit]
!!CO-4&x1=8/x16=1:B1/14/1; [Flying]
!!CO-4&x1=8/x16=2:B1/5/1; [Unlimited Retaliation]
!!CO-4&x1=8/x16=3:B1/13/1; [Champion Distance Bonus]
!!CO-4&x1=8/x16=4:B1/6/1; [Strike All Enemies Around]
!!CO-4&x1=8/x16=5:B1/11/1; [Regenerate 50 HP each Round]
!!CO-4&x1=8/x16=6:B1/3/1; [No Enemy Retaliation]

  [Build ability text for description field: z745]
!!CO-4:B1/x16/?y1; [Check if Commander has bonus: y1=1 if yes]
!!VRz745&x16=0/y1=1:+z157001; [Reduce Enemy Defense]
!!VRz745&x16=1/y1=1:+z157002; [Fearsome]
!!VRz745&x16=2/y1=1:+z157003; [Maximum Damage]
!!VRz745&x16=3/y1=1:+z157004; [No Enemy Retaliation]
!!VRz745&x16=4/y1=1:+z157005; [Shooting]
!!VRz745&x16=5/y1=1:+z157006; [Endless Retaliation]
!!VRz745&x16=6/y1=1:+z157007; [Strike All Enemies Around]
!!VRz745&x16=7/y1=1:+z157008; [Fire Shield]
!!VRz745&x16=8/y1=1:+z157009; [Block Physical Damage]
!!VRz745&x16=9/y1=1:+z157010; [Strike Twice]
!!VRz745&x16=10/y1=1:+z157011; [Paralyze]
!!VRz745&x16=11/y1=1:+z157012; [Regeneration]
!!VRz745&x16=12/y1=1:+z157013; [Deathstare]
!!VRz745&x16=13/y1=1:+z157014; [Champion Distance Bonus]
!!VRz745&x16=14/y1=1:+z157015; [Fly]

**************************** end function FU5410 ****************************************

** abandoned mines and (on monday) local events / pandoras boxes
** called by TM2; x1/x2 gives type and subtype
!!UN:Ux1/x2/-1/1; // get coordinates to v1-v3
!!MNv1/v2/v3&x1=53:O?y1; // get owner of abandoned mine
!!VRy1|x1=26/x1=6:S-1; // set y1 to -1 if it is an local event or pandoras box
!!DO5413/0/6/1&y1=-1:P0/x1/x2; // loop daily through all slots (of the mine only if it has no owner)

**************************** end function FU5412 ****************************************

!?FU5413; // set / increase ghosts in abandoned mines; increase once per week guards in local events
** x1 = if 1 (AI visits the mine) then set troglodydes as guards
** x2 = type (53=mine, 6=pandoras boxes, 26=local event)

** abandoned mines
!!MNv1/v2/v3&x2=53:Mx16/?y1/?y2; // get guards of slot x16 of the abandoned mine
!!VRy1:S159; // set guard to ghosts in mine
!!VRy1&x1=1/x16=0:S70; // if x1=1 (AI visits) set stack 1 to Troglodytes
!!VRy1&x1=1/x16>0:S-1; // and delete all other guards
!!VRy2&y2<50:S50; // set at least 50 Ghosts per stack
!!VRy3:S1 R2; // random 1-3
!!VRy4:S101 R2; // random 101-103
!!VRy5:Sy2 *y4 :100; // get 100-103% of the old guards
!!VRy5&y5<=y2:+1; // but at least 1 more as before
!!VRy2:Sy5 + y3; // Increase guards by 100-103% plus 1-3 random ghosts
!!VRy2&x1=1/x16>0:S0; // set number to 0 if x1=1 (AI visits the abandoned mine
!!MNv1/v2/v3&x2=53:Mx16/y1/y2; // set the guards of the abandoned mine
!!FU&x2=53:E; // exit if abandoned mine

** Local events and pandora's boxes (the LE-receiver works for both)
!!LEv1/v2/v3:Gx16/?y1/?y2; // get guards of slot x16 of the local event
!!VRy5:Sy2 *11 :10; // set y5 to 110% of old guards
!!VRy5&y5<=y2:+1; // but at least 1 more as before
!!LEv1/v2/v3&y1>-1:Gx16/d/y5; // set guards of slot x16 of the local event

**************************** end function FU5413 ****************************************








4级 Famous Hero

Rank: 4

 楼主| 发表于 2006-9-14 17:53:43 | 显示全部楼层

 成长值: 31825

  • TA的每日心情
    2020-5-27 00:09
  • 签到天数: 24 天

    连续签到: 2 天










    Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12



    发表于 2006-9-15 10:20:25 | 显示全部楼层








    4级 Famous Hero

    Rank: 4

     楼主| 发表于 2006-9-15 12:43:40 | 显示全部楼层








    5级 Honorable Hero

    Rank: 5Rank: 5



    发表于 2007-2-10 10:50:49 | 显示全部楼层

    !!POv1/v2/v3:S0; [Reset Creature Bank's PO:S number to 0]

    在这一行的前面加 !!FU:E;









    2级 Adventuring Hero

    Rank: 2

    发表于 2007-2-10 13:50:45 | 显示全部楼层
    !!POv1/v2/v3&y1=1/y18=0:S28; [Set PO:S number for Creature Bank square to 28: y18]

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