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2级 Adventuring Hero

Rank: 2

发表于 2010-8-22 14:03:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式








5级 Honorable Hero

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2010-8-22 20:36:59 | 显示全部楼层

_WARNING_#1=IMPORTANT! This file is not in a plain text format. NEVER use any editor except ERM_S for making any kind of changes!
ERMS_PoweredBy=ERM Scripter v. 2003.2.3.1842

**   Tavern Card Game ERM Script Version 1.1 created by Timothy E. Pulver

** This script enhances all standalone Taverns on a map by adding a simple
** gambling game where heroes can gamble away their hard-won gold. It's
** purely a game of chance with few real decisions, but you can choose to
** put down a high or low stake which will determine how much you'll end up
** winning or losing. For example, if there are 3 other players, the low stake
** will be 300 gold and the high stake will be 3000. A hero's luck bonus plays
** a role in the equation too. The higher the luck bonus, the more chance of
** winning. And if the hero knows the Fortune spell (and has enough spell
** points left), he or she will be given the opportunity to cast it. The grand
** prize in this game is a magical pendant in addition to a nice return on your
** gold. However, if a hero gets TOO lucky or wins too often the other card
** players may accuse the hero of cheating or the tavern owner may bar him
** or her from playing for awhile. The tavern also continues to function as
** usual as a place to recruit new heroes.

** To install this script in a map, simply copy & paste the code into a global
** (timed) event. Copy the entire code, from ZVSE to the end. Make sure that
** you disable ALL colours from receiving the event and/or change the event
** day to 500 or later to avoid the ERM script popping up as if it were a
** regular event message.

** And of course, you'll also need to put one or more Taverns on your map for
** the heroes to visit. Happy gambling! :-)

Function #s used in this code: 1, 2

Flags used in this code: 1, 400-408
1=used for many things - tests etc.
400=Q value only - flag not changed
401=true if hero wants to, and is able to play
402=true if hero has enough movement points left to play
403=true if player's gold is less than the game's high stake value
404=true if hero knows fortune spell
405=true if player still wants to play despite being low on gold
406=true if player has enough gold for high stake *or* has enough only for low stake and still wishes to play
407=true if hero casts fortune spell
408=true if player fights monsters to get winnings back

Variables used in this code: v400-v419, z201-z205, w41-w42
v400 = current date - "date too many games were won" by hero
v401 = $players$ = number of card players
v402 = $luck$ = artifact luck/hero's total luck bonus
v403 = $mana$ = hero's current spell points
v404 = $air$ = hero's air magic skill
v405 = $cost$ = cost of casting fortune
v406 = $skill$ = hero's luck skill
v407 = $tluck$ = hero's temporary luck
v408 = $lstake$ = low gold stake
v409 = $hstake$ = high gold stake
v410 = $gold$ = player's current gold
v411 = $stake$ = stake chosen stake for this game
v412 = $result$ = outcome of this game
v413 = $prize$ = artifact pendant prize
v414 = random monster number
v415 = x location of hero
v416 = y location of hero
v417 = l location of hero
v418 = random number for choosing name of "winning card combo"
v419 = new random number for checking for monster "cheating" accusations
v420 = number of players for message display purposes
w41 = number of games won by hero
w42 = date that hero won "too many games"
z201 = $hname$ = Hero's name
z202 = $gcards$ = winning hand for $result$ of 95 or higher
z203 = $you1$ = preface for some game result text
z204 = $you2$ = preface for some other game result text
z205 = message text for knowledge of fortune spell

!?OB95;            [Triggers when any tavern is visited]
!!FU&w200>3:E;      [Enables tavern for all players]

[Clear flags 1, 400-408]
!!IF:V1/0 V400/0 V401/0 V402/0 V403/0 V404/0 V405/0 V406/0 V407/0 V408/0;

[Set up macro names]
!#MCv401:S@players@; [v401 can now also be referenced as $players$]
!#MCv402:S@luck@;  [v402 can now also be referenced as $luck$   - hero's total luck bonus]
!#MCv403:S@mana@;  [v403 can now also be referenced as $mana$   - hero's current spell points]
!#MCv404:S@air@;   [v404 can now also be referenced as $air$    - hero's air magic skill]
!#MCv405:S@cost@;  [v405 can now also be referenced as $cost$   - cost of casting Fortune)]
!#MCv406:S@skill@;  [v406  can now also be referenced as $skill$  - hero's luck skill)]
!#MCv407:S@tluck@;  [v407  can now also be referenced as $tluck$
                                - hero's temporary luck)]
!#MCv408:S@lstake@; [v408  can now also be referenced as $lstake$
                                 - low gold stake]
!#MCv409:S@hstake@; [v409  can now also be referenced as $hstake$
                                 - high gold stake]
!#MCv410:S@gold@;   [v410  can now also be referenced as $gold$
                              - player's current gold]
!#MCv411:S@stake@;  [v411  can now also be referenced as $stake$
                                 - stake chosen for this game]
!#MCv412:S@result@; [v412  can now also be referenced as $result$
                              - outcome of game]
!#MCv413:S@prize@;  [v413  can now also be referenced as $prize$
                               - artifact pendant prize]

!#MCz201:S@hname@;  [z201 can now also be referenced as $hname$
                            - hero's name]
!#MCz202:S@gcards@;  [z202  can now also be referenced as $gcards$
                            - winning hand for $result$ of 95 or higher]

!#MCz203:S@you1@;    [z203  can now also be referenced as $you1$]
!#MCz204:S@you2@;    [z204  can now also be referenced as $you2$

[Zero variables (just to be sure)]
!!VR$luck$:S0;   !!VR$mana$:S0;
!!VR$air$:S0;    !!VR$cost$:S0;
!!VR$skill$:S0;   !!VR$tluck$:S0;
!!VR$lstake$:S0;   !!VR$hstake$:S0;
!!VR$gold$:S0;    !!VR$stake$:S0;
!!VR$result$:S0;   !!VR$prize$:S0;

!!HE-1:W>=300;  [Check if hero has 300+ movement points remaining this turn]
!!IF&1:V401/1 V402/1;  [Set flags 401 and 402 to true if hero has enough movement left]

!!VR$players$:S2 R3;  [Set $players$ to random number between 2 and 5 (number of card players)]
!!IF&401/1000:Q401^这是一张%$players$玩家的[wiki]游戏[/wiki]扑克,来想压下赌注来玩吗?^;  [If hero has enough movement, ask if he/she wishes to play - store result in flag 401]

[Check if hero has been winning too many games lately]
!!HE-1:B0/?$hname$;  [Assign hero's name to $hname$ variable]
!!IF:W-1;            [Set current hero's hero variables to active]
!!VRv400:S0;      [Clear v400]

[If hero has won too many games recently...]
!!VRv400&w42>0:Sc0 -w42;  [Set v400 equal to current date minute date  that too many games were won]
!!VRv400&w42>0::4;  [Divide v400 variable by 4]
!!VRw41&w42>0/v400>=1:-v400 -1; [Reduce "games won" counter by 1 for every 4 days that have passed since winning too many, plus 1 more]
!!VRw42&v400>=1/w42>0:Sc0; [Reset w42 to current date]
!!IF&401/w41>=10/1000:V401/0 M^酒馆的主人走到你面前说:“对不起,%$hname$,你最近赢得太多了,我建议你把牌放下休息一会儿。”^;
  [If hero has won too many games recently, set flag 401 to false and display   above message]

  [If hero doesn't have enough movement points left, display above message]

[At this point flag 401 will only be true if hero has enough movement AND wishes to play]

!!FU1&401/1000:P;  [If flag 401 is true, call Function 1 with no parameters]

!!IF&1000:Q1^你想四周观察一下小酒馆吗?^;  [Ask if player wants to enter tavern]
!!OB998&-1/1000:S;  [If player answers no to tavern query, disables tavern for all players]


!?FU1;  [Function 1 starts here]

!!IF:V402/0;  [Set flag 402 to false so it can be reused]

[Calculate Hero's current luck bonus from artifacts]
!!VR$luck$:S0;  [Set luck to 0]
!!HE-1:A2/45/>0/>0;    [Check if hero has Still Eye of the Dragon]
!!VR$luck$&1:+1; [Add 1 to luck if hero has above artifact equipped]
!!HE-1:A2/46/>0/>0;    [Check if hero has Clover of Fortune]
!!VR$luck$&1:+1; [Add 1 to luck if hero has above artifact equipped]
!!HE-1:A2/47/>0/>0;    [Check if hero has Cards of Prophecy]
!!VR$luck$&1:+1; [Add 1 to luck if hero has above artifact equipped]
!!HE-1:A2/48/>0/>0;    [Check if hero has Ladybird of Luck]
!!VR$luck$&1:+1; [Add 1 to luck if hero has above artifact equipped]
!!HE-1:A2/108/>0/>0;   [Check if hero has Pendant of Courage]
!!VR$luck$&1:+3; [Add 3 to luck if hero has above artifact equipped]

!!HE-1:S9/?$skill$;  [Store hero's luck skill in $skill$ variable]
!!HE-1:R1/?$tluck$;  [Store hero's current temporary luck in $tluck$ variable]

[Add luck skill plus temporary luck to luck from artifacts]

!!HE-1:M=51/1; [Check if hero knows Fortune spell]
!!IF&1:V404/1;   [Sets flag 404 to true if hero knows Fortune spell]

!!HE-1&-404:A2/1052/>0/>0; [If hero doesn't know spell, check if hero has
                                                Fortune scroll]
!!IF&1:V404/1;  [Sets flag 404 to true if hero has Fortune scroll equipped]

!!HE-1:A2/85/>0/>0;  [Check if hero has Hourglass of the Evil Hour]
!!VR$luck$&1:S0; [Cancel all luck bonuses if above artifact is equipped]
!!IF&1:V404/0;  [Cancel Fortune spell query if above artifact is equipped]


!!HE-1:I?$mana$;   [Store hero's spell points in $mana$]

!!HE-1&404:S15/?$air$;  [If hero knows Fortune, store level of air magic skill in $air$]

!!VR$cost$&404/$air$=0:S7;  [If hero knows Fortune but not air magic, set spell point cost to 7]
!!VR$cost$&404/$air$>=1:S5; [If hero knows Fortune and air magic, set spell point cost to 5]

  [Set value of z205 depending on value of $air$ (level of air magic skill)]
!!VRz205&$air$=0:S^你拥有有关{幸运之[wiki]神[/wiki]} 魔法的知识^;
!!VRz205&$air$=1:S^你施放了初级{幸运之神} 魔法^;
!!VRz205&$air$=2:S^你施放了高级{幸运之神} 魔法^;
!!VRz205&$air$=3:S^你施放了专家级{幸运之神} 魔法^;

!!VR$air$&404/$air$=0:S1; [If hero knows Fortune but not air magic, set $air$ to 1]

  [If hero knows Fortune, and has enough spell points, ask if he/she wishes to cast spell]

!!VR$cost$:S$cost$ *-1; [Change cost value to a negative number]

  [If hero casts Fortune, display this message]

!!HE-1&407:Id$cost$;        [If hero casts Fortune, reduce spell points by $cost$]
!!VR$luck$&407:+$air$;  [If hero casts Fortune, add Fortune bonus ($air$) to $luck$]

[Depending on level of $luck$, display the following messages]

















!!VR$luck$:S$luck$ *7;  [Multiply $luck$ by 7 -- percentage bonus added to $result$]


!!VR$lstake$:S100 *$players$;   [Set amount of low stake to 100 x $players$]
!!VR$hstake$:S$lstake$ *10;     [Set amount of high stake to 10 x $lstake$]

!!OW:R-1/6/?$gold$;  [store player's current amount of gold in $gold$]

!!IF&$gold$<$lstake$:V402/1;  [If $gold$ is less than $lstake$, set flag 402 to true]
!!IF&$gold$<$hstake$:V403/1;  [If $gold$ is less than $hstake$, set flag 403 to true]

  [If player doesn't have enough gold for the low stake, display this message]

  [If player only has enough gold for low stake, display this dialogue instead]

!!IF&-402/403/405:V406/1;  [If low on gold and player clicks OK to play, set flag 406 to true]

  [If player has enough gold for high stake, display stake-choice dialogue]

!!VR$stake$&-402/405:S$lstake$;      [If flag 405 is 1, set $stake$ equal to $lstake$]
!!VR$stake$&-402/-403/-405:S$hstake$;  [If flag 405 is 0, set $stake$ equal to $hstake$]

!!IF&-402/-403:V406/1;  [If player has enough gold for high stake, set flag 406 to true]

!!FU2&406:P0;       [If flag 406 is true, call Function 2 with dummy parameter (0)]


!?FU2; [Function 2 starts here]

!!HE-1:R1/0;          [Set hero's temporary luck to 0]
!!HE-1:Wd-4;          [Reduce hero's remaining movement for the day by 4]

[Set up $you1$ (z203) and $you2$ (z204) with appropriate messages depending on hero's level of luck]


!!VR$result$:S1 T99;  [Set $result$ to random number from 1-100]
!!VR$result$:+$luck$; [Add $luck$ to $result$]

[If $result$ is 30 or less display this message]


!!VR$stake$&$result$<=30:S$stake$ *-1;  [Multiply $stake$ by -1]
!!OW&$result$<=30:R-1/6/d$stake$;       [Reduce player's gold by $stake$]
!!VRw41&$result$<=30/w41>1:-2;  [If hero loses game, reduce win/loss count by 2]
!!VRw41&$result$<=30/w41=1:-1;  [If hero loses game and w41=1, reduce win/loss count by 1]


[If $result$ is between 31 and 60...]
!!VR$stake$&$result$>30/$result$<=60:S$stake$:2;        [Divide $stake$ by 2]

[...and display this message]


!!VR$stake$&$result$>30/$result$<=60:S$stake$*-1;  [Multiply $stake$ by -1]
!!OW&$result$>30/$result$<=60:R-1/6/d$stake$; [Reduce player's gold by $stake$]
!!VRw41&$result$>30/$result$<=60/w41>0:-1;  [If hero loses game, reduce win/loss count by 1]


[If $result$ is between 61 and 75 display this message]


[If $result$ is between 76 and 95 display this message]

!!VRw41&$result$>75/$result$<=95:+1;  [If hero wins game, increase win/loss count by 1]


!!VR$prize$&$result$>95:S100 R8;    [If $result$ > 95, set $prize$ to random number (100 to 108)]
!!VR$stake$&$result$>95:S$stake$*2; [If $result$ > 95, double value of $stake$]

[Generate a random number and assign winning card string to $gcards$ (z202) for use if hero get a result of 95 or higher]
!!VRv418&$result$>95:S1 R5;

  [If $result$ > 95, display this message]
!!IF&$result$>95:Q401/6/$stake$/8/$prize$/1^你玩了一场惊险的赌博,得到了%$gcards$。你算了一下你的赌注,赢了{%$stake$} {黄金} 和一个奖品:一条充满魔力的项坠。^;

!!HE-1&$result$>95:A$prize$;      [If $result$ > 95, give hero artifact $prize$]
!!VRw41&$result$>95:+2;  [If hero gets 5 aces, increase win/loss count by 2]


!!OW&$result$>75:R-1/6/d$stake$;  [If $result$ > 75, increase player's gold by $stake$]


!!VRw42&w41>=10:Sc0;  [Place the day that hero "won too many games" into his or her w42 variable]


[If result is greater than 100, generate random monsters as the other card players (all are same type = to number of players) who accuse hero of cheating and will attack if he doesn't give them back the winnings]

[Generate random monster number and assign to v414]
!!VRv414&$result$>100:S0 T144;
!!VRv414&v414=122:S0 T121;
!!VRv414&v414=124:S0 T121;
!!VRv414&v414=126:S0 T121;
!!VRv414&v414=128:S0 T121;

!!HE-1:P?v415/?v416/v417;  [Store hero's map coordinates in v415, v416, v417]

[Generate a new random number: 0-50 plus (result minus 100). Assign to v419]
!!VRv419&$result$>100:S$result$ T50;

[Display "cheating" message and ask if hero will fight or give up winnings]
!!VRv420&v419>40:S$players$ *65536 +v414;

[Display message that other players take hero's winnings - remove winnings]

[Display message that other card players attack hero - initiate attack]








2级 Adventuring Hero

Rank: 2

 楼主| 发表于 2010-8-22 21:07:28 | 显示全部楼层
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