WoG核心成员公布了Era 1.5(3.59alpha)
原帖由 Berserker 于 2009-6-22 17:06 发表 
Platform Era 1.5Era is a combination of patched exe of 3.59 alpha (2005), corrected scripts (to work with this exe) and a small dll to provide extra functionality. What do you need it for?
For ordinary gamers:
- You can play Heroes on laptops and CPU will not grow over 1-3 % when it's your turn.
- Script errors will not spoil your save game any more.
- You will enjoy new features such as possibility to transfer the last stack between heroes/garrisons or 100 % chance of summoning boat without having Water Magic.
- [wiki]ERM[/wiki] (Event Related Module, WoG script engine) is more stable now. A few bugs were corrected.
- You will be able to use advanced scripts and mods.
For mod makers and script writers:
- All crc checks in exe have been deactivated. You can modify it freely.
- Restriction on functions' numbers (1..30000) has been removed. Use any you like which are greater than 30000
- A few events (triggers) like: save/load game (pressing button "L", writing and reading data to/from save game), keyboard handling, hero screen enter/exit, decision on who moves in a battle (you can implement initiative or a custom morale system).
- A few new ERM commands, such as trigger jumps/calls or executing external functions are also available.
- There is a possibility to load external dlls, call exported functions (for example, WinAPI or functions exported by Angel.dll like SaveGame).
- You can save games with ERM.
+ With new options you'll be able to:
-- Disable load game confirmation
-- Disable feature "The Grail in Conflux gives all spells"
-- Disable ERM real time timer (greatly increases game speed)
- Colorful dialogs with HTML-like syntax (yeah, white and yellow colors are in the past).
Download link: http://depositfiles.com/files/tuipo3w2u
原帖由 yunings 于 2009-6-26 09:13 发表 
Era 1.5 平台简介
Era 是基于WoG3.59阿尔法版本(2005)可执行程序的结合补丁,校正的脚本(为了与该程序兼容)和dll程序可以为[wiki]游戏[/wiki]提供额外的功能。那么,你可以用它来干什么呢?
- 当你在你的笔记本电脑上玩[wiki]英雄[/wiki]无敌时,当前回合,CPU负载不会超过 1-3%。(通俗的说,降低了CPU负载)
- 脚本错误将不再阻碍你保存游戏。(我怎么从没有遇到这种情况??)
- 你将可以使用新的特性,比如将最后一队兵在英雄间或驻地间传送(通俗地说,说是可以随时裸奔),再比如,无需水系魔法而100%召唤船只。(似乎没有什么特别让我值得期待的新特性嘛)
- ERM(事件相关模式,WoG脚本引擎)稳定性增强。修正了一些脚本错误。
- 你将可以使用高级脚本和各种Mod。
- 可执行程序中所有的 crc 都将被侦测。你可以自由的修改它。(老实说,这个不太懂,啥 crc,没听说过)
- 函数编号限制(1..30000)已被移除。你现在可以自由使用大于30000的函数了
- 一些事件(触发器),比如:保存、载入游戏(按“L”键,从游戏中写入或读取资料),[wiki]键盘[/wiki]操作,英雄界面的进入和离开,战斗中怪物的移动(你可以发挥你的主动性或是定制士气系统)。
- 一些新的ERM命令,比如越过/调用触发器或者执行外部函数,都已经实现。
- 载入外部dll文件,调用输出函数(如WinAIP或形如Angel.dll输出的保存游戏函数),都将成为可能。
- 你可以利用ERM来保存游戏。
+ 利用新的选项,你可以:
-- 禁止确认载入游戏
-- 禁止“元素城的圣杯给与所有魔法”特性
-- 禁止ERM实时计时器(将极大提高游戏速度)
- 类似HTML句法规则的彩色对话框(之前仅有白色和黄色的对话框字体)
下载链接: http://depositfiles.com/files/tuipo3w2u
============================Added by Yunings=======================
http://bbs.h3wog.com/viewthread.php?tid=18941&page=1&fromuid=97#pid192485 |