- 积分
- 9245912
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- 9232671
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- 注册时间
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成长值: 32065
TA的每日心情 | 无聊 2020-5-27 00:09 |
签到天数: 24 天 连续签到: 2 天 [LV.4]狂狼人

- 积分
- 9245912
Original Posted at Celestial Heavens (http://www.celestialheavens.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=9973)
Author:Vlaad II
Beyond these walls lies the dread land of Eeofol, a land of tremendous volcanic rifts and prodigious lava flows. Demons of all types and forms patrol the land, a land once fertile and green and populated by a peaceful race of little people called Halflings. That was until the Night of Shooting Stars when the Kreegans came. Now all that is left of their race is a few pocket villages. The demons scattered them to the four winds and turned them into an embittered people with little hope and no place to truly call home.
But after the Reckoning, when most Elves and Dwarves fled to Axeoth, the Halflings reclaimed their homeland...
HALFLING TOWN, [wiki]ERM[/wiki] script v0.9 (temporary script name: script83)
1. features
2. installation
3. uninstallation
4. bugs
5. credits
Before you ask - no, there are no new creatures. It's just a custom script introducing:
- 17 new heroes (replacing Rampart heroes)
- Mystic Pond produces 3-6 Rocs a week
- Rampart creatures replaced by
Pixies > Sprites
Halflings > Rogues
Gold Golems > Diamond Golems
Sharpshooters > Lava Sharpshooters
Dendroid Guards > Dendroid Soldiers
Sorceresses > Enchanters
"Hatchlings" > Faerie Dragons
- all the creatures count as Rampart troops
- Halflings are level 2 with stats similar to those of Archers
- the speed of Gold and Diamond Golems nerfed from 5 and 6 to 3 and 4
- "Hatchlings" are Faerie Dragons with halved health and cost
- left-click the Upgraded Dragon Cliffs to upgrade "Hatchlings" to Faeries (I will probably change this in the update)
- if the Homestead is pre-built, the player gets 7 Golems... but on the other hand, no hero starts with level 3 creatures
- I haven't adjusted external dwellings in this version, but there is a hero who upgrades Dwarves and Wood Elves to Lava Sharpshooters (I'll probably change it in the next update)
- Rocs can be recruited for free in the Mystic Pond, but building the Fountain of Fortune disables this option (I might change this though)
Obviously, I haven't tested the balance of this lineup and could use some advice here. In other words, what creature stats should be modified? Feel free to post your suggestions in this thread!
New heroes:
Gertruda Goodchild
Specialty: Halflings
Starting Skills: Archery, Luck
starts with an Ammo Cart
Liam Lightfoot
Specialty: Logistics (but loses 350 gold per day on traveling expenses)
Starting Skills: Logistics, Navigation
Specialty: Pixies/Sprites
Starting Skills: Resistance, Pathfinding
Specialty: Estates (also receives a Clover of Fortune each level)
Starting Skills: Estates, Scouting
Specialty: Rogues (also gets a treasure artifact each level, but cannot visit Trading Posts or Black Markets)
Starting Skills: Logistics, Scouting
Dora Shadowbuck
Specialty: upgrades Dwarves and Wood Elves to Lava Sharpshooters
Starting Skills: Archery, Pathfinding
Arvoreen Goldworthy
Specialty: recieves a Warlord's Banner each level (or starts with hidden Leadership if Stack Experience is not enabled)
Starting Skills: Resistance, Armorer
Hector O'Tunnely
Specialty: Ballista
Starting Skills: Artillery, Luck
starts with a Ballista
Yondalla Silverleaf
Specialty: Slayer
Starting Skills: Advanced Wisdom
Starting Spell: Slayer
Lily Nightberry
Specialty: Fortune
Starting Skills: Wisdom, Air
Starting Spell: Fortune
Specialty: summons Dendroids in battle (but suffers movement penalty)
Starting Skills: Wisdom, Intelligence
Starting Spell: Teleport
Rose Tenderfoot
Specialty: First Aid
Starting Skills: First Aid, Wisdom
Starting Spell: Cure
starts with a Tent
Cora Periwinkle
Specialty: Mobile Veil of Darkness (also gains experience from Covers of Darkness)
Starting Skills: Wisdom, Fire
Starting Spell: Curse
Specialty: Sorcery
Starting Skills: Wisdom, Sorcery
Starting Spell: Magic Arrow
Regis Greenthumb III
Specialty: Miner (produces 1 wood and 1 ore per day)
Starting Skills: Wisdom, Water
Starting Spell: Mirth
Brandobaris "Bob" Greenthumb
Specialty: produces 1 gem per day
Starting Skills: Estates, Earth
Starting Spell: Slow
+ Campaign hero (Ranger)
Tavin Quicksprout
Specialty: expert Ballistics
Starting Skills: Offence, Leadership
starts with a Ballista and an Ammo Cart
- unpack all picture files to Heroes/Data folder
- unpack script83.erm and script83.ers to Heroes/Data/s folder
- check Halfling Town in [wiki]WoG[/wiki] Options > Custom Scripts
- wogify a [wiki]SoD[/wiki] or random map and choose Rampart
- delete script83.erm
Please report any problems in this thread.
- patch by Vlaad (April, 2009)
- the code partially based on Fnord's work
- hero portraits by various artists
- thanks to: Cepheus, Salamandre, BAD and AcidDragon
Acid Cave (scroll down)
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