WoG programs and tools: ERM Scripter
The latest version of ERM Scripter for WoG with Windows ERM help in HPL format. You can take the same file from these sites also:
ERM Scripter - the first mirror
ERM Scripter - the second mirror
ERM Script Master
The latest version ( of ERM Script Master for WoG. It's very useful tool with friendly GUI interface for modifications many parameters of the game. You can change all parameters of monsters and edit any square of battle field at your own opinion without knowing ERM! You make some mouse-clicks only and this program will generate all your wishes automatically. Then, you have to just copy and paste generated ERM script into your map. Paste it into a global (timed) event. Copy the entire code, from ZVSE to the end. Make sure that you disable all colours from receiving the event and/or change the event day to something like 500 or later to avoid the ERM script popping up as if it were a regular event message. Also, you can find this program here: ERM Script Master
Map Copyist for WoG
A tool to copy a part of one WoG map to another ( description is inside ). You can take this tool here also: Map Copyist for WoG
ERM Script Editor
It's an old version of ERM Script Editor for WoG and this one is not updated and supported now.