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[分享] Leonard Cohen永不褪色的老男人情调

  • TA的每日心情
    2024-12-28 20:52
  • 签到天数: 1891 天

    连续签到: 1 天









    Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



    发表于 2008-5-2 19:46:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

    Leonard Cohen是加拿大著名诗人和民谣歌手,在出唱片之前已經是一位在北美著名的作家、詩人與小說家。70岁,对于一个流行歌手来说,实在是个不可理喻的年龄,而在这个时候,Leonard Cohen发表了他的最新创作专辑。也许是一种心理错觉,当Cohen的歌声从舒缓的女合唱和声之中浮现出来,会觉得他的声线更加低沉厚重了,就像声带上又结了一层老茧,这使Cohen的超低音歌声更有了一种摧毁时间的魔力。
    waiting for the miracle
    Baby, I've been waiting,
    I've been waiting night and day.
    I didn't see the time,
    I waited half my life away.
    There were lots of invitations
    and I know you sent me some,
    but I was waiting
    for the miracle, for the miracle to come.
    I know you really loved me.
    but, you see, my hands were tied.
    I know it must have hurt you,
    it must have hurt your pride
    to have to stand beneath my window
    with your bugle and your drum,
    and me I'm up there waiting
    for the miracle, for the miracle to come.
    Ah I don't believe you'd like it,
    You wouldn't like it here.
    There ain't no entertainment
    and the judgements are severe.
    The Maestro says it's Mozart
    but it sounds like bubble gum
    when you're waiting
    for the miracle, for the miracle to come.
    Waiting for the miracle
    There's nothing left to do.
    I haven't been this happy
    since the end of World War II.
    Nothing left to do
    when you know that you've been taken.
    Nothing left to do
    when you're begging for a crumb
    Nothing left to do
    when you've got to go on waiting
    waiting for the miracle to come.
    I dreamed about you, baby.
    It was just the other night.
    Most of you was naked
    Ah but some of you was light.
    The sands of time were falling
    from your fingers and your thumb,
    and you were waiting
    for the miracle, for the miracle to come
    Ah baby, let's get married,
    we've been alone too long.
    Let's be alone together.
    Let's see if we're that strong.
    Yeah let's do something crazy,
    something absolutely wrong
    while we're waiting
    for the miracle, for the miracle to come.
    Nothing left to do
    when you know that you've been taken.
    Nothing left to do
    when you're begging for a crumb
    Nothing left to do
    when you've got to go on waiting
    waiting for the miracle to come.
    When you've fallen on the highway
    and you're lying in the rain,
    and they ask you how you're doing
    of course you'll say you can't complain --
    If you're squeezed for information,
    that's when you've got to play it dumb:
    You just say you're out there waiting
    for the miracle, for the miracle to come.


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