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[分享] Daughtry - Over You

  • TA的每日心情
    2023-12-6 19:56
  • 签到天数: 1890 天

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    发表于 2008-3-31 13:25:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

    虽然在第五届“美国偶像大赛”中并未入围最终的三甲,但凭借其颇具爆发力的嗓音得到广大观众喜爱的“光头人气王”克里斯·多特里(Chris Daughtry却是那届“美国偶像”给人留下印象最深的歌手之一。
    和第四届美国偶像大赛中的Bo Bice一样,比起来“美国偶像大赛”冠军这个头衔,热爱摇滚乐的Chris Daughtry更想成为的是一位摇滚明星。和Bo Bice相比,Chris Daughtry不仅仅是拥有更出色的嗓音,而且其他方面也更具玩摇滚的素质。在第五届美国偶像大赛还没内有完全结束的时候,Chris Daughtry已经组建了Daughtry乐队,就是为了证明他自己具有做音乐的实力。与此前Bo Bice的个人专辑《The Real Thing》相比,《Daughtry》中的绝大多数歌曲都由Chris Daughtry和他乐队的成员共同创作。当然,作为一名歌坛新人,很多时候还是需要老将帮助的。在这张专辑中,Daughtry不仅得到了曾与“我的化学浪漫”(My Chemical Romance)和All-American Rejects等当红乐队合作过的制作人Howard Benson的帮助,就连我们十分熟悉的金属吉他[wiki]英雄[/wiki]Slash也跨刀助阵,与Daughtry合作了一首《What I Want》。从专辑中的歌曲来看,除了与Slash合作的《What I Want》以外,开场曲《It's Not Over》,《Home》,《Gone》和《What About Now》等多首单曲的旋律都还是非常不错的。从“美国偶像”一位普通的参赛选手到原创音乐人之间的转变。但要想在美国摇滚届真正开创出属于自己的一片天地的话,Chris Daughtry还有很长的路要走。

    Now that it’s all said and done
    I can’t believe you were the one
    To build me up and tear me down
    Like an old abandoned house
    What you said when you left
    Just left me cold and out of breath
    I felt as if I was in way to deep
    Guess I let you get the best of meeee

    Well I never saw it coming
    I should have started running
    A long, long time agooo!
    And I never thought I’d doubt you
    I’m better off without you
    More than you, more than you know
    I’m slowly getting closure
    I guess it’s really over
    I’m finally gettin’ better
    Now I’m picking up the pieces
    From spending all of these years
    Putting my heart back together
    ‘Cause the day I thought I’d never get through
    I got over you!!!
    (End Chorus)

    You took a hammer to these walls
    Dragged the memories down the hall
    Packed your bags and walked away
    There was nothing I could say,
    And when you slammed the front door shut
    A lot of other’s opened up
    So did my eyes so I could see
    That you never were the best for meee

    Well I never saw it coming
    I should have started running
    A long, long time agooo!
    And I never thought I’d doubt you
    I’m better off without you
    More than you, more than you know
    I’m slowly getting closure
    I guess it’s really over
    I’m finally getting’ better
    Now I’m picking up the pieces
    From spending all of these years
    Putting my heart back together
    ‘Cause the day I thought I’d never get through
    I got over you!!!
    (End Chorus)

    I never saw it coming
    I should have started running
    A long, long time agooo
    And I never thought I’d doubt you
    I’m better off without you

    And I never saw it coming
    I should have started running
    I’m finally getting better
    Now I’m picking up the pieces
    From spending all of these years
    Putting my heart back together
    And I got over you!!!
    And I got over you!!!
    And I got over you!!!

    The day I thought I’d never get through
    I got over you…


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