!?MF1; Trigger for a stack taking physical damage(before an action)
used with MF Receiver
RECEIVER Receiver for a stack taking physical damage
!!MF:XXXX; | Receiver for a stack taking physical damage.
OPTIONS D$; | A damage | E$; | Enable (1)/disable(0) taking a damage | F$; | A corrected damage | N$; | A stack number (0...41) | W$; | Get/check a type of attacker
$ = 2 - tower shot
= 1 - moat
= 0 - other
| Comments:
You may check a stack number to get detailed info on this stack.
Damage and a corrected damage keep the same value on trigger
switching (first !?MF1 trigger section). We recommend not to change D$
value for it is the initial damage that the game wants to apply to the
stack and if you have more than one !?MF1; trigger section, this
command may be used to find the initial damage value. Instead you can
set a new damage value with the F$ command. Anyway, the real damage that
is used by the game after the trigger works out is taken from the F$
command. You may ignore the damage completely by using the E$ command
(it is enabled by default).
To simulate a block ability with [wiki]ERM[/wiki] you can use a !?MF1; trigger,
calculate a chance to work out, disable damage with !!MF:E0; command,
show the block animation with !!BM:Q84; (set a bit "took a defence
action", if you want) and add a corresponding message to the battle
log with !!MM:Sz#; command. |