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Neutral Units Bonuses and Stack Growth(beta update)


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    发表于 2007-10-23 10:23:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    This news about [wiki]WoG[/wiki]359 [wiki]ERM[/wiki] script comes from WoG Team Member:BAD

    Hi All,

    I'm the author of script57(Neutral Units Bonuses and Neutral Stack Growth)

    Recently changed the formula for script57(Neutral Units Bonuses) and I posted the link even the 3.59 isnt out yet(for 3.58 just rename the script from script057.erm to script57.erm).

    For those who dont know what these scripts do, a short description:

    - neutral units gain bonuses as attack, defense, health to make the game more competitive
    - neutral units grow more on map that default growth

    More descriptions of this script can be found in the script57.

    Here is the link for 3.59 Wog but should work for 3.58 as well(for 3.58 just rename the script from script057.erm to script57.erm):

    Neutral Units Bonuses

    What's new in version 2.7 Beta?

    This version is still beta and the formula isnt final!

    1. The old formula was: every 4 days with 1.75 attack , defense and 7% health from base stats for all creatures.

    2. The new formula is:

    ** New Formula ** 09.10(October).2007
    - 0.5% more health per day from base stats for level 1-2 creatures;
    - 0.8% more health per day from base stats for level 3 creatures;
    - 1% more health per day from base stats for level 4 creatures;
    - 1.75% more health per day from base stats for level 5-8 creatures.
    *Attack, Defense**
    - 0.8% more attack,defense per day from base stats for level 1-3 creatures;
    - 1% more attack,defense per day from base stats for level 4-6 creatures;
    - 0.65% more attack,defense per day from base stats for level 7-8 creatures.

    These five neutral units won't receive stat bonuses (attack, defence,health and bless),
    only ranks due to the strong nature of their special abilities:

    - Mighty Gorgon(because of Death Stare);
    - Ancient Behemoth(because of Ignores Defence);
    - Ghost Behemoth(because of Ignores Defence);
    - Nightmare(because of Death Stare);
    - Werewolf(because of Lycanthropy).

    Well, as you can see lower creatures(lvl 1-4) get less bonuses(attack,defense and health), but higher creatures(lvl 5-8) will get the same as in old formula(level 8 creatures will get a bit more that in old formula).

    I changed because was unfair that all creatures to get the same attack and defense.

    Now, will be easier to lvl up your hero with new bonuses, but will be almost the same for level 5-8 creatures(level 8 a bit harder to beat).


    For instance:
    1. Old formula:

    In month 5, a Halberdier had 45 health, 37 attack and 36 defense.
    In month 5, a Royal Griffin had 113 health, 48 attack and 48 defense.
    In month 5, an Archangel had 1110 health, 68 attack and 68 defense.

    1b. New Formula:

    In month 5, a Halberdier will have 23 health, 15 attack and 14 defense.
    In month 5, a Royal Griffin will have 71 health, 27 attack and 27 defense.
    In month 5, an Archangel will have 1110 health, 69,2 attack and 69 defense.

    As you can see, level 7 and 8 get better bonuses over time that before, but just a bit and more over 7 month when can be hell on map.

    Some players requested that heroes should get more experience from lvl 5-8 and I might add this in next version.

    For instance:
    An archangel has 250 health, that means 250 experience. If the archangel will have 250(530) we still get 250, but perhaps in the future will be as is shown in the brackets(in this case will be 530 experience) or a % from that.

    Post your suggestions about this, if have smile

    I mentioned that I'm working on a script that will help players when using script57.

    This script will have a check before map will be created to see if script57 is active or incompatilities, otherwise will be overpowered and will be turned off showing a message. In same cases will turn off the incompatibilities.

    This script will make spells for casters on adventure map more usefull, heroes will have a chance to start even with 3 army slots(even in tavern will be a chance for that, but not more that 2 heroes of any towns),heroes that have a creature speciality will be able to upgrade anywhere on the map(even without a town), if some requirements are met and much more. Also, will have integrated a new movement formula, like this:

    - All Heroes(for human and AI) will have from start around 22 movement, instead of 15 movement;
    - All heroes will gain 1 movement every 3 lvls(those heroes with a speciality will gain a bit more, but the formula for them will be changed as well, to make sure that wont be unbalance);
    - Creatures with higher speed will give more movement(for instance: a lvl 1 has 22 movement with pikemans, but with a creature that has at least 10 speed, the hero will have around 27 movement)
    - The maximum movement can be 100 at lvl 99, but at lvl 20 can have an average of 29 (without logistics and artifacts). At lvl 30 with logistics(without artifacts) and an average speed of 8 for all creatures, the hero will have around 42-45 movement

    Why I created this movement formula?

    Well, is because seems unfair for me that a lvl 30 hero to have the same movement as a lvl 1 hero, and think about that you wanna finish the map and you'll have the movement advantage, because you were better and killed his main hero. (heroes that died and if they will appear again in tavern, will have the same movement per his level. Wont start with 22 movement as in the beginning. )

    Anyway, 22-25 movement from start for all heroes. smile

    These are my plans and not all. Also, I'm working on a magic system, balance between towns, creatures and heroes. Anyway, I have the ideas but not yet the time to finish them right now.

    I think just Magic system will be ready till end of the year.

    Magic system will create unique spells per factions like curse to be more powerfull when inferno, necropolis and dungeon are using. This is just an example.

    Balance between towns, creatures and heroes will take longer because I have good ideas for this and my friends help me on this and will take longer till is over.

    Anyway, I promise that I will release a link for those scripts when are almost finished to be tested and so on.
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