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TA的每日心情 | 难过 2023-12-6 19:56 |
签到天数: 1890 天 连续签到: 1 天 [LV.Master]伴坛终老
- 积分
- 71075
BUSTED 流行乐团闹翻天
如果你住在伦敦近郊的中产地区Fincheley,应该已经见识过霸子这三个2002年三月才出道的年轻小夥子,他们因大肆举办乐声喧嚣的派对而街知巷闻。百无禁忌的Busted是由来自Southendc-On-Sea的十八岁派对狂男孩James Bourne,来自Ipswich现年才16岁的Charlie Simpson,他长得活像是Caivin Klein广告模特,以及18岁发型超酷的Matt Jay所组成。三位团员的相识过程非常的简单,Mattie和James两人是在Southend的一场派对中一拍即合、决定一起组团,但因为还缺一位团员,所以在报纸上登了广告,因此Charlie在2001年10月加入。出道短短的时间以来,以极具感染力的男孩活力,以吉他为基调的流行摇滚乐风征服了英国金榜,虏获了无数歌迷的心!首发专辑跃登英国金榜亚军,迅速突破白金唱片销量,“What I GoTo School For”与“Year 3000”接力跳上单曲榜TOP3之列! 如果你还搞不懂Busted到底是什么调调?那就想象一下电影《美国派》男主角Jason Biggs(James)、性格演员James Dean(Charlie),以及英国电视影集《East Enders》中的角色Billy(Matt)凑在一起,鬼灵精怪中带点复古个性神采,差不多就是这样啦! 提到音乐,Busted有一托拉库好货。首发单曲 “What I Go To School For”是这三个搞怪高校生写给叫做Miss Mackenzie老师的歌,爆发的吉他和激昂流动的声线超级精彩!拿下英国金榜No.2的单曲“Year 3000”让Busted直接快转998年,带领乐迷进行异想逗趣的时光旅行,在英国金榜TOP10足足待了7个星期!“All The Way”在Charlie的解读下是一首被女孩子牵著鼻子走的歌;因被女仔抛弃得名的“Losing You”是一首心碎抒情曲,而有着流畅悦耳旋律的“Psycho Girl”则自我解嘲的意味浓厚。另外,喜欢小甜甜的三个少男还特地写了一首献给小甜甜布兰妮的情歌“Briteny”。 如果你想了解当代英国年轻人的生活缩影、青春光明的音乐生命力、引人入胜的吉他弹奏,那你一定得听听Busted。活泼有趣无厘头,流行摇滚有听头,帅气LOOK有看头,这就是Busted!而全球排行榜更得注意了……因为Busted要来闹翻天了。
her voice is echoed in my mind
i count the days till she is mine
can't tell my friends cos they will laugh
i love a member of the staff
i fight my way to front of class
to get the best view of her ass
i drop a pencil on the floor
she bends down and shows me more…
that's what i go to school for
even though it is a real bore
you can call me crazy
i know that she craves me
that's what i go to school for
even though it is a real bore
girlfriends i've had plenty
none like miss mackenzie
that's what i go to school for
that's what i go to school for
so she may be thirty-three
but that doesn't bother me
her boyfriends working out of town
i find a reason to go round
i climb a tree outside her home
to make sure she is all alone
i see her in her underwear
i can't help but stop and stare
everyone that u teach all day
knows your looking at me in a different way
i guess thats why my marks are getting so high
i can see those tell tale signs telling me
that i was on your mind
i could see that you want it more
when you told me that i'm what you go to school for
i'm what you go to school for
she's packed her bag its in the trunk
looks like she's picked herself a hunk
we drive past school to say goodbye
my friends they can't believe their eyes…
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