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    1级 Hired Hero

    Rank: 1

    发表于 2007-7-12 21:41:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式








    1级 Hired Hero

    Rank: 1

    发表于 2007-7-13 11:19:14 | 显示全部楼层

    _WARNING_#1=IMPORTANT! This file is not in a plain text format. NEVER use any editor except [wiki]ERM[/wiki]_S

    for making any kind of changes!
    ERMS_PoweredBy=ERM Scripter v. 2003.2.18.2257

    ** Emerald Tower Script Version 0.2 Created by Timothy Pulver
    ** Requires [wiki]WoG[/wiki] version 3.57 or later using ERM version 2.6 or later.
    ** WoGify Name: script44.erm

    ** This script makes all green roofed towers in the game (object type 63,
    ** subtype 65) into Emerald Towers where the Wizard who dwells there will
    ** improve any creature type in your army for a price. The price is a lot of
    ** resources of a specific type, depending on the improvement. In addition,
    ** one of the creatures of the type being improved must also be left for the
    ** Wizard.

    ** The improvement number is usually a percentage of the existing score. For
    ** example, 50% growth bonus, or 25% attack bonus. In addition to standard
    ** stat improvements, new special abilities may be added. Special abilities
    ** all cost Mithril.

    ** Each Emerald Tower may only be visited once per day. A maximum of 12
    ** types of creatures may be improved in any game, but each creature type
    ** may have many improvements made to it. A creature cannot be improved
    ** during a "Week of" that creature type, if the "Week of Monsters" script
    ** is active.


    Permanent Variables: z816-z841, v1240-v1252 (not v1253--used by Garrison script))
    Temporary Variables: v1-v7, v360-v369, z1-z9, z480-z490
    Temporary Flags: 1-4
    Functions: 10900-10911
    Timers: 38
    Dialogues: 3



    !#VRv1240:S0; [Initialize changed species counter to 0]

    !#VRz816:S^Emerald Tower

    (Not Visited)^;

    !#VRz817:S^Emerald Tower





    [Timer resets the Emerald Towers' non-visited status each day]


    !!UN:U63/65/?v1; [Number of Emerald Towers: v1]
    !!DO10910/1/v1/1&v1>0:P; [Loop through all Emerald Towers]


    [Reset non-visited status for each Emerald Tower]


    !!UN:U63/65/x16/1; [Coordinates in v1/v2/v3]
    !!POv1/v2/v3:N0; [Set PO:N to 0 to reset hint text]


    [Tower with turret is trigger]


    !!PO998:N?v1; [Check if tower has been visited this week: v1=1 if visited]

    !!IF&v1=1/1000:M^{Emerald Tower}

    You knock on the gate and a small gnomish man answers.

    "Go away! The Wizard's busy!" shouts the rude little gnome, slamming the gate in your face.^;

    [Continue object trigger if Tower hasn't been visited yet this week]

    !!IF&1000:Q2/5/7/2^{Emerald Tower}

    You knock on the gate and a small gnomish man answers.

    "Do you have an appointment with the Wizard?"

    A sign above the door reads:

    Do you book an appointment?^;

    !!OW&2:R-1/5/?y1; [Player's current gem total: y1]
    !!VRz9&2/y1<0:S^You don't have enough gems. No gems, no appointment. ^;
    !!IF&y1<0:V2/0; [Set flag 2 to false if player doesn't have at least 7 gems]

    !!OW&2:R-1/5/d-0; [Remove seven gems from player's total]
    !!IF&2/1000:M^The gnomish man takes the gems, glares at you and then
    ushers you inside. The enormous foyer is gloomy and full of weird
    paraphernalia, spider webs, and thousands of old dusty tomes.

    Before you can poke about too much, the Wizard appears, dressed in
    long flowing robes.^;

    !!FU10900&2:P; [Choose species to improve]

    !!IF&-2/1000:M^"%Z9No appointment, no entrance!" shouts the gnome, rudely slamming the gate in

    your face.^;



    [Build a listing of different creature types in hero's army (v360-v366), v1=total number]
    [Store creature names in z480-z486]

    !!VRz1:S^"Hmmph," says the Wizard. "What species do you wish to improve?"^;
    !!VRz2:S^Nothing. I've changed my mind.^;

    !!IF&v1=0/1000:M^"You have no creatures with you so I'm afraid I can't help you. Goodbye."^;

    [Determine which box was checked - store result (creature number) in v2]

    !!IF:V4/1; [Set flag 4 to true]
    !!IF&v2=-1/1000:Q4^{The Wizard seems annoyed.}

    "You don't need my services? Fine! Then go away and stop wasting my precious time!"

    Do you leave the Emerald Tower?^;

    [Check for "Week of Monsters" script activated and if it's the monster of the week.]
    [Flag 56 will be true if script is active, v170 is monster of the week]
    !!UN&v2>=0:N3/3/v2/0; [Store monster name (singular) in z3]
    !!UN&v2>=0:N3/4/v2/1; [Store monster name (plural) in z4]
    !!IF&56/v170>=0/v170=v2/1000:Q4/21/v2/1^{The Wizard appears agitated.}

    "This is a Week of the %Z3 and that interferes with my magic. I'm unable to enchant %Z4 right

    now. Return next week."

    Do you leave the Emerald Tower?^;

    !!VRv2&56/v170>=0/v170=v2:S-1; [Set v2 to -1]

    [Check if this is a new creature (if it is and if v1240>12, set v2 to -1)]
    [If this is a new creature, set v6 to -1, if not new, set v6 to loop index number]
    !!IF&v1240>=12/v6<0/v2>=0/1000:Q4^{The Wizard looks perturbed.}

    "Oh no, this won't do at all. %V1240 species have already been enchanted in this land. Any more

    and the magic will become unstable and very dangerous. I will not do it! Bring me a species

    already enchanted and I can safely enchant it further, but do not ask me to enchant a new one."

    Do you leave the Emerald Tower?^;

    !!VRv2&v1240>=12/v6<0:S-1; [Set v2 to -1 if v1240 = 12 and creature isn't new]

    !!FU10902&v2>=0:P; [Display improvement options]

    !!FU10900&v2=-1/-4:P; [Choose species to improve]


    [Store unique creature numbers in v360-v366 (-1 equals no creature)]
    [v1=number of unique creature numbers in hero's army]



    !!HE-1:C0/0/?y1/?y2; [Slot 0]

    !!HE-1:C0/1/?y1/?y2; [Slot 1]
    !!VRy3&y2>0/y4<>99:S359 +v1;
    !!VRy5&y2>0/y4<>99:S479 +v1;

    !!HE-1:C0/2/?y1/?y2; [Slot 2]
    !!VRy3&y2>0/y4<>99:S359 +v1;
    !!VRy5&y2>0/y4<>99:S479 +v1;

    !!HE-1:C0/3/?y1/?y2; [Slot 3]
    !!VRy3&y2>0/y4<>99:S359 +v1;
    !!VRy5&y2>0/y4<>99:S479 +v1;

    !!HE-1:C0/4/?y1/?y2; [Slot 4]
    !!VRy3&y2>0/y4<>99:S359 +v1;
    !!VRy5&y2>0/y4<>99:S479 +v1;

    !!HE-1:C0/5/?y1/?y2; [Slot 5]
    !!VRy3&y2>0/y4<>99:S359 +v1;
    !!VRy5&y2>0/y4<>99:S479 +v1;

    !!HE-1:C0/6/?y1/?y2; [Slot 6]
    !!VRy3&y2>0/y4<>99:S359 +v1;
    !!VRy5&y2>0/y4<>99:S479 +v1;


    [Choose the type of improvement]



    !!MA:Av2/?y1; [Calculate 25% Attack bonus: y2]
    !!VRy2:Sy1 :1;

    !!MA:Dv2/?y1; [Calculate 25% Defense bonus: y3]
    !!VRy3:Sy1 :1;

    !!MA:Ev2/?y1; [Calculate 25% Damage bonus: y4]
    !!VRy4:Sy1 :1;

    !!MA:Pv2/?y1; [Calculate 25% Health bonus: y5]
    !!VRy5:Sy1 :1;

    !!MA:Sv2/?y1; [Calculate 25% Speed bonus: y6]
    !!VRy6:Sy1 :1;

    !!MA:Gv2/?y1; [Calculate 50% Growth bonus: y7]
    !!VRy7:Sy1 :1;

    !!MA:Nv2/?y8; [Determine number of shots: y8]

    !!MA:Bv2/?y10; [Determine number of spell castings: y10]

    !!VRz1:S^"How would you like the %Z3 species improved?"^;
    !!VRz2:S^Forget it. I've changed my mind.^;
    !!VRz480:S^+%Y2 ATTACK for 0 Sulfur^;
    !!VRz481:S^+%Y3 DEFENSE for 0 Ore^;
    !!VRz482:S^+%Y4 DAMAGE for 0 Gems^;
    !!VRz483:S^+%Y5 HEALTH for 0 Crystal^;
    !!VRz484:S^+%Y6 SPEED for 0 Mercury^;
    !!VRz485:S^+%Y7 GROWTH for 0 Wood^;
    !!VRz486&y8<24:S^24 SHOTS for 120 Gold^;
    !!VRz487&y10>0:S^+1 SPELL CASTING (per combat) for 20 Mithril^;
    !!VRz488:S^A new SPECIAL ability^;


    [Determine which box was checked (bonus type) - store result in v3]

    !!FU10906&v3=10:P; [Give choice of Special Bonus]

    !!FU10903&v3>1:P; [Ask player to pay for Bonus: v4=1 if player pays]

    !!VRy9&v3>=2/v3<=7:Syv3; [Bonus amount: y9]

    !!FU10905&v4=1:Py9; [Add bonus to creature type if player paid for it]

    !!VRv1240&v4=1/v6<0:+1; [Increment Changed Creature Counter if v4=1 and v6<0]
    !!FU10909&v4=1:P; [Change species name to reflect ability/bonus just gained]

    !!PO998&v4=1:N1; [Set hint text to "visited"]

    !!IF&v3=-1/1000:Q4^{The Wizard seems annoyed.}

    "You don't need my services? Fine! Then go away and stop wasting my precious time!"

    Do you leave the Emerald Tower?^;

    !!VRv3&v3>1/v4=0/-4:S-1; [Set v3 to -1 if player can't pay but doesn't leave]
    !!FU10900&v3=-1/-4:P; [Choose species to improve]


    [Player pays for bonus]
    [v2=creature type, v3=bonus type]


    [Determine resource type and cost: y1=resource type, y2=resource amount]
    !!VRy1&v3=2:S3; [Attack]
    !!VRy1&v3=3:S2; [Defense]
    !!VRy1&v3=4:S5; [Damage]
    !!VRy1&v3=5:S4; [Health]
    !!VRy1&v3=6:S1; [Speed]
    !!VRy1&v3=7:S0; [Growth]
    !!VRy1&v3=8:S6; [Shots]
    !!VRy1&v3=9:S7; [Spells]
    !!VRy1&v3=10:S7; [Special]
    !!VRy2&v3=10/v5=1:S0; [Flying]
    !!VRy2&v3=10/v5=2:S0; [Extended Attack]
    !!VRy2&v3=10/v5=3:S0; [Undead]
    !!VRy2&v3=10/v5=4:S0; [No Morale]
    !!VRy2&v3=10/v5=5:S0; [Two Attacks]
    !!VRy2&v3=10/v5=6:S0; [Attack All Adjacent]
    !!VRy2&v3=10/v5=7:S0; [No Retaliation]
    !!VRy2&v3=10/v5=8:S0; [Immune to Mind Spells]
    !!VRy2&v3=10/v5=9:S0; [Immune to Fire Spells]
    !!VRy2&v3=10/v5=10:S0; [No Close Combat Penalty]

    !!IF:V4/1; [Set flag 4 to true]
    !!OW:R-1/y1/?y3; [Check if player can afford resource cost: y3=player's amount of resource]

    !!IF&y2>y3/1000:Q4/y1/y2/2^{The Wizard seems annoyed.}

    "You don't have enough %Z1. Go away and stop wasting my time!"

    Do you leave the Emerald Tower?^;

    [Calculate number of creatures that must be left: y7]
    !!MA:Lv2/?y6; [Level of creature: y6]

    !!VRz8&y7=1:Sz3; [One]
    !!VRz8&y7>1:Sz4; [More than one]
    !!VRz9&y7=1:S^s^; [One]
    !!VRz9&y7>1:S^^; [More than one]

    !!VRy5:S65536 *y7; [Set number text for creature picture]
    !!VRy5:+v2; [Set number text for creature picture]

    !!IF&y3>=y2/1000:Q3/21/y5/2^"In addition to the %Y2 %Z1, I'll need %Y7 %Z8 for the magic ritual.

    The %Z8 won't be returning to your army after."


    !!VRv3&-3/y3>=y2:S-1; [If the player doesn't agree, set v3 to -1]

    !!DO10904/0/6/1&3:P; [See if hero has enough creatures of the type to be enchanted]
    !!DO10911/0/6/1&v7>=y7/3:P0; [Remove the creatures (if enough)]

    !!IF&v7<y7/3:Q4/21/y5/2^{The Wizard seems irritated.}

    "This just isn't enough. I must have %Y7 of your %Z4 to complete the ritual. Now go away and stop

    wasting my time or I'll turn you all into warty old toads!"

    Do you leave the Emerald Tower?^; [If not enough creatures, display this]

    !!IF&3/v7>=y7/1000:Q1/21/y5/y1/y2/1^The gnome takes your payment of %Y2 %Z1 and leads %Y7 of your

    %Z4 away down a dark hallway. The %Z8 turn%Z9 to look at you with frightened eyes and whimper%Z9

    softly before vanishing from sight into the gloomy depths of the sorcerer's lair.

    "You can leave now," says the Wizard, brusquely. "The enchantment will be completed shortly."^;

    !!VRy4&3/v7>=y7:Sy3 -y2; [y4 = player's new amount of resource after payment]
    !!OW&3/v7>=y7:R-1/y1/y4; [Set player's resource amount to y4]

    !!VRv4&3/v7>=y7:S1; [Set v4 to 1 to indicate the bonus should be given]


    [Check if hero has enough creatures of specified type for "payment"]
    [v2=creature type, x16=slot number]
    [At end of loop, v7=total creatures of type v2 in hero's army]


    !!HE-1:C0/x16/?y1/?y2; [y1=type, y2=number]
    !!VRv7&y1=v2/y2>0:+y2; [Add number of creatures of right type in slot to v7 total]


    [Add bonus to creature type]
    [v2=creature type, v3=bonus type, x1=bonus amount]


    !!MA&v3=2:Av2/dx1; [Attack bonus]
    !!MA&v3=3:Dv2/dx1; [Defense bonus]
    !!MA&v3=4:Ev2/dx1; [Damage high bonus]
    !!MA&v3=4:Mv2/dx1; [Damage low bonus]
    !!MA&v3=5:Pv2/dx1; [Health bonus]
    !!MA&v3=6:Sv2/dx1; [Speed bonus]
    !!MA&v3=7:Gv2/dx1; [Growth bonus]
    !!MA&v3=8:Nv2/24; [Shots bonus]
    !!MA&v3=9:Bv2/d1; [Spell casting bonus]

    !!FU10907&v3=10:P; [Special]


    [Choose Special Ability: v2=creature number]


    !!VRz480:S^^; !!VRz481:S^^; !!VRz482:S^^; !!VRz483:S^^; !!VRz484:S^^;
    !!VRz485:S^^; !!VRz486:S^^; !!VRz487:S^^; !!VRz488:S^^; !!VRz489:S^^; !!VRz490:S^^;

    !!MA:Xv2/?v369; [Existing special abilities of monster v2: v369]

    !!VRy1:Sv369; [Flying]
    !!VRz480&y1=0:S^Ignore Obstacles (Flying) for 25 Mithril^;

    !!VRy1:Sv369; [Extended Attack]
    !!VRz481&y1=0:S^Extended 2-hex Attack Depth (Breath attack) for 15 Mithril^;

    !!VRy1:Sv369; [Undead]
    !!VRz482&y1=0:S^Undead for 20 Mithril^;

    !!VRy1:Sv369; [No Morale]
    !!VRz483&y1=0:S^Unaffected by Morale for 15 Mithril^;

    !!VRy1:Sv369; [Two Attacks]
    !!VRz484&y1=0:S^Two Attacks for 30 Mithril^;

    !!VRy1:Sv369; [Attack All Adjacent]
    !!VRz485&y1=0:S^Attack all Adjacent Creatures for 25 Mithril^;

    !!VRy1:Sv369; [No Retaliation]
    !!VRz486&y1=0:S^No Retaliation for 25 Mithril^;

    !!VRy1:Sv369; [Immune to Mind Spells]
    !!VRz487&y1=0:S^Immune to Mind Spells for 20 Mithril^;

    !!VRy1:Sv369; [Immune to Fire Spells]
    !!VRz488&y1=0:S^Immune to Fire Spells for 15 Mithril^;

    !!VRy1:Sv369; [No Close Combat Penalty]
    !!VRy1:&4096; (Check No Close Combat Penalty)
    !!VRy2:&4; (Check Shooter)
    !!VRz489&y1=0/y2=4:S^No Close Combat Penalty for 15 Mithril^;

    !!VRz1:S^"What new ability do you wish to bestow upon %Z4?"^;
    !!VRz2:S^Forget it. I've changed my mind.^;


    [Determine which box was checked - store result in v5]

    !!VRv3&v5=-1:S-1; [If player changes his or her mind, set v3 to -1]


    [Add Special Ability: v2=creature number, v5=bonus number]


    !!MA&v5=1:Xv2/d2; [Add Flying]
    !!MA&v5=2:Xv2/d8; [Add Extended Attack]
    !!MA&v5=3:Xv2/d262144; [Add Undead]
    !!MA&v5=4:Xv2/d131072; [Add Unaffected by Morale]
    !!MA&v5=5:Xv2/d32768; [Add Two Attacks]
    !!MA&v5=6:Xv2/d524288; [Add Attack All Adjacent]
    !!MA&v5=7:Xv2/d65536; [Add No Retaliation]
    !!MA&v5=8:Xv2/d1024; [Add Immunity to Mind Spells]
    !!MA&v5=9:Xv2/d16384; [Add Immunity to Fire Spells]
    !!MA&v5=10:Xv2/d4096; [Add No Close Combat Penalty]


    [Check if this is a new creature species to be enchanted]
    [If new, v6=-1, if not new, set v6 to loop index number (x16)]


    !!VRy1:S1240 +x16; [Index of v variable, holding creature numbers]
    !!VRv6&vy1=v2:Sx16; [If not new, set v6 to loop index number (x16)]
    !!VRx16&vy1=v2:S99; [If not new, exit loop]


    [Change species name to reflect ability or bonus just gained]
    [v2=creature number, v3=standard bonus type, v5=special bonus type (if v3=10 or v5>0)]
    [v6=loop index number, v1240=changed creature counter]


    !!VRy1:S1 R2; [y1=random number from 1 to 3]
    !!UN:G1/v2/0/0; [Restore original singular name of species]
    !!UN:G1/v2/1/0; [Restore original plural name of species]

    [If a new species, store creature number in v(1240+v1240)]
    !!VRy4:S1240 +v1240;

    [Set index number for singular name z variable (y2) and plural name z variable (y3)]
    !!VRy2&v6<0:Sv1240 *2;
    !!VRy2&v6>0:Sv6 *2;
    !!VRy3:Sy2 +1;

    [Store standard singular species name in z6 variable, plural in z7]

    [Generate descriptor word to preface name: z5]
    !!VRz5&v3=2/y1=1:S^Mean^; [Attack]

    !!VRz5&v3=3/y1=1:S^Thick-skinned^; [Defense]

    !!VRz5&v3=4/y1=1:S^Sharp and Pointy^; [Damage]

    !!VRz5&v3=5/y1=1:S^Bulky^; [Health]

    !!VRz5&v3=6/y1=1:S^Speedy^; [Speed]

    !!VRz5&v3=7/y1=1:S^Fertile^; [Growth]

    !!VRz5&v3=8/y1=1:S^Loaded^; [Shots]

    !!VRz5&v3=9/y1=1:S^Enchanted^; [Spells]

    !!VRz5&v5=1/y1=1:S^Floating^; [Flying]

    !!VRz5&v5=2/y1=1:S^Garlic Breath^; [Extended Attack]
    !!VRz5&v5=2/y1=2:S^Bad Breath^;
    !!VRz5&v5=2/y1=3:S^Dragon Breath^;

    !!VRz5&v5=3/y1=1:S^Dead^; [Undead]

    !!VRz5&v5=4/y1=1:S^Unflappable^; [No Morale]

    !!VRz5&v5=5/y1=1:S^Energetic^; [Two Attacks]

    !!VRz5&v5=6/y1=1:S^Snappy^; [Attack All Adjacent]

    !!VRz5&v5=7/y1=1:S^Vicious^; [No Retaliation]

    !!VRz5&v5=8/y1=1:S^Stubborn^; [Immune to Mind Spells]

    !!VRz5&v5=9/y1=1:S^Soggy^; [Immune to Fire Spells]
    !!VRz5&v5=9/y1=3:S^Fire Resistant^;

    !!VRz5&v5=10/y1=1:S^Fist Fighting^; [No Close Combat Penalty]

    [Set new names for species]
    !!VRzy2:S^%Z5 %Z6^; [Singular]
    !!VRzy3:S^%Z5 %Z7^; [Plural]


    [Remove creatures of specified type from hero's army for "payment"]
    [v2=creature type, x1=number of creatures needed, x16=slot number]


    !!HE-1:C0/x16/?y1/?y2; [y1=type, y2=number]

    !!HE-1&y1=v2/y2>0/y2<=x1:C0/x16/-1/0; [Remove entire stack if less than or equal to # needed]
    !!VRy4&y1=v2/y2>0/y2<=x1:Sx1 -y2; [Reduce x1 (y4) by amount in stack]

    !!VRy3&y1=v2/y2>x1:Sx1 *-1; [Store negative value of x1 in y3]
    !!HE-1&y1=v2/y2>x1:C0/x16/d/dy3; [Remove x1 (y3) troops from stack if more than # needed]
    !!VRy4&y1=v2/y2>x1:S0; [Reduce x1 (y4) to 0]

    !!VRx1&y1=v2/y2>0:Sy4; [Set x1 to y4]

    ** End of Script **
  • TA的每日心情
    2016-10-21 15:24
  • 签到天数: 3 天

    连续签到: 1 天








    2级 Adventuring Hero

    Rank: 2

    发表于 2007-7-22 14:39:21 | 显示全部楼层










    Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



    发表于 2007-7-22 18:56:56 | 显示全部楼层

  • TA的每日心情
    2015-9-20 13:37
  • 签到天数: 14 天

    连续签到: 1 天








    4级 Famous Hero

    Rank: 4



    发表于 2007-7-22 19:34:54 | 显示全部楼层



    8.42 KB, 下载次数: 205, 下载积分: 金币 -2

  • TA的每日心情
    2016-10-21 15:24
  • 签到天数: 3 天

    连续签到: 1 天








    2级 Adventuring Hero

    Rank: 2

    发表于 2007-7-23 13:41:13 | 显示全部楼层








    1级 Hired Hero

    Rank: 1

    发表于 2007-9-1 14:39:31 | 显示全部楼层
    ;lihong; ;lihong; 正好我也需要
  • TA的每日心情
    2024-10-25 21:10
  • 签到天数: 8 天

    连续签到: 1 天








    1级 Hired Hero

    Rank: 1

    发表于 2007-9-1 18:52:20 | 显示全部楼层
    急需这样的东东啊!;deyi; ;deyi;








    1级 Hired Hero

    Rank: 1

    发表于 2007-9-9 14:47:13 | 显示全部楼层








    1级 Hired Hero

    Rank: 1

    发表于 2007-10-4 16:49:04 | 显示全部楼层








    1级 Hired Hero

    Rank: 1

    发表于 2007-11-4 20:55:08 | 显示全部楼层








    1级 Hired Hero

    Rank: 1

    发表于 2007-11-8 00:27:31 | 显示全部楼层


    _WARNING_#1=IMPORTANT! This file is not in a plain text format. NEVER use any editor except ERM_S for making any kind of changes!
    ERMS_PoweredBy=ERM Scripter v. 2004.10.5.945

    ** Emerald Tower Script Version 1.31 Created by Timothy Pulver
    ** with thanks to Steve Hanna for extra naming ideas
    ** Requires WoG version 3.58f or later using ERM version 2.7 or later.
    ** WoGify Name: script44.erm
    ** Last Updated: October 12, 2006
    ** Previously Updated: August 22, 2005

    ** This script makes all golden-green roofed towers in the game (object type 63,
    ** subtype 65) into Emerald Towers where the Wizard who dwells there will
    ** improve any creature type in your army for a price. The price is a lot of
    ** resources of a specific type, depending on the improvement. In addition,
    ** one of the creatures of the type being improved must also be left for the
    ** Wizard.

    ** The improvement number is usually a percentage of the existing score. For
    ** example, 50% growth bonus, or 25% health bonus. In addition to standard
    ** stat improvements, new special abilities may be added. Special abilities
    ** all cost mithril.

    ** Each Emerald Tower may only be visited once per week. A maximum of 12
    ** types of creatures may be improved in any game, but each creature type
    ** may have many improvements made to it. A creature cannot be improved
    ** during a "Week of" that creature type, if the "Week of Monsters" script
    ** is active.

    ** The AI can also use the Emerald Tower but not quite the same way that
    ** a human player can. Instead, each AI player may get one free random
    ** upgrade for the AI's most valuable stack when an AI visits the tower.
    ** If the ability can't be granted for any reason, no bonus is given the AI
    ** for that particular visit.

    ** Version 1.3 adds limits to the number of special ability "Mithril"
    ** upgrades that may be bought for each creature type in order to
    ** prevent "super" creatures of high level that can annihilate everything.
    ** Therefore, lower level creatures may be given more upgrades than
    ** higher level creatures, as shown below.

    **  Maximum # of Special "Mithril" Abilities per creature type:
    **   Level  1: 7 abilities
    **   Level  2: 6 abilities
    **   Level  3: 5 abilities
    **   Level  4: 4 abilities
    **   Level  5: 3 abilities
    **   Level  6: 2 abilities
    **   Level 7+: 1 abilities

    ** Version 1.31 corrects a name change bug that occurred if the AI visits and
    ** was offered a special ability the creature couldn't get or already had.


    Permanent Variables: z816-z841, v470-v481, v1240-v1252, v1270-v1271
    Temporary Variables: v1-v7, v360-v369, z1-z9, z480-z490
    Temporary Flags: 1-5
    Functions: FU10900-FU10912
    Custom Dialogue #s: DG3



    !#UN:P44/?v1; [Check if script is enabled: v1]

      [Bit table, also in Adventure Cave, Map Rules and Monster Mutterings]

    !#UN&v1=1:B0/1; [Enable Mithril]

    !#VRv1240&v1=1:S0; [Initialize changed species counter to 0]

    !#VRz816&v1=1:Sz144000; [Hint text - not visited]

    !#VRz817&v1=1:Sz144001; [Hint text- visited]



    [Timer resets the Emerald Towers' non-visited status each week]

    !!UN:P44/?y-1; [Check if script is enabled: y-1]
    !!FU&y-1<>1:E; [Exit if script isn't enabled]

    !!UN:U63/65/?y-2; [Number of Emerald Towers: y-2]
    !!VRv1:S-1; [Initialize v1 to -1 to work with new faster UN:U syntax]
    !!DO10910/1/y-2/1&y-2>0:P; [Loop through all Emerald Towers]


    [Reset non-visited status for each Emerald Tower]


    !!UN:U63/65/-1/1; [Coordinates of next tower in v1/v2/v3]
    !!POv1/v2/v3:N0; [Set PO:N to 0 to reset hint text]
    !!PMv1/v2/v3:V1; [Set Tower to "not visited" for AI]


    [Tower with turret is trigger]

    !!UN:P44/?y-1; [Check if script is enabled: y-1]
    !!FU&y-1<>1:E; [Exit if script isn't enabled]

    [Initialize Flag 5 to False]

    [Set AI bonus "pyramid" spell to Disguise]

    [Store current player in v2 and convert to player bit number]
    !!VRv2:+1; [Add 1 to v2]
    !!FU$bit$:Pv2; [Convert to bit number - result in y-100]
    !!VRv2:Sy-100; [Copy bit number to v2]

    [Check if current AI player has already gotten an improved creature]
    [v3=v2 if AI has already gotten an improved creature]
    !!VRv3:Sv1271 &v2;

    !!VRv1270:S0; [Initialize bonus bought variable to 0]
    !!PO998:N?v1; [Check if tower has been visited this week: v1=1 if visited]

    !!IF&v1=1/1000:M1/z144002; ["Go away, wizard is busy" text]

    [Exit trigger if Tower has already been visited this]
    [week or AI has already gotten an improved creature]

    !!IF&1000:Q2/5/7/2/z144003; ["Do you have an appointment?" text]
    !!IF&-1000:V2/1; [Set flag 2 to true for AI]

    !!OW&2:R-1/5/?y-2; [Player's current gem total: y-2]
    !!VRz9&2/y-2<7:Sz144004; ["Not enough gems" text]
    !!IF&y-2<7/1000:V2/0; [Set flag 2 to false if human player doesn't have at least 7 gems]

    !!OW&2/1000:R-1/5/d-7; [Remove seven gems from human player's total]
    !!VRz1:Sz144005; ["You enter and the wizard appears" text]
    !!VRz-1:Sz144006; [Alternate dialogue "You enter and the wizard appears" text]
    !!VRz3:Sz144007; ["The Wizard"]
    !!UN:J8/6/^s044_emerald.gif^; [Check if image file exists: Flag 1=True if yes]
    !!IF&1000/1:D3/1/0/0/2/0/0/0/3/0/0/0/0/0/0/0; [Set up custom dialogue with wizard picture]
    !!IF&1000/1:F3/0/0/0/0/0; [Remove cancel button]
    !!IF&2/1000/1:E1/3; [Display custom dialogue box]
    !!IF&2/1000/-1:M^%Z-1^; [Display alternative standard dialogue if image file is missing]

    !!FU10900&2:P; [Choose species to improve]

    !!IF&-2/1000:M1/z144008; ["No appointement, no entrance" text]



      [Build a listing of different creature types in hero's army (v360-v366), v1=total number]
      [Store creature names in z480-z486 - skip this if AI]

    !!VRz1:Sz144009; ["What species do you want to improve" text]
    !!VRz2:Sz144010; ["None, I changed my mind" text]
    !!VRv367:S0; [Initialize v367 to 0]
    !!IF&v1>0/1000:G1/367/128/1/480/481/482/483/484/485/486/2/0/0/0/0; [Display checkbox dialogue to choose a creature]

    !!IF&v1=0/1000:M1/z144011; ["You have no creatures" text]

    [Determine which box was checked - store result (creature number) in v2]
    !!VRv2&v367=1:Sv360; [Creature type 1]
    !!VRv2&v367=2:Sv361; [Creature type 2]
    !!VRv2&v367=4:Sv362; [Creature type 3]
    !!VRv2&v367=8:Sv363; [Creature type 4]
    !!VRv2&v367=16:Sv364; [Creature type 5]
    !!VRv2&v367=32:Sv365; [Creature type 6]
    !!VRv2&v367=64:Sv366; [Creature type 7]
    !!VRv2&v367=128:S-1; [None]

    !!DO10912/0/6/1&-1000:P; [Choose creature for AI to buy a bonus for: v2]

    !!IF:V4/1; [Set flag 4 to true]
    !!IF&v2=-1/1000:Q4/z144012; ["If you don't need my services then go away" text]

    [Check for "Week of Monsters" script activated and if it's the monster of the week.]
    [Flag 56 will be true if script is active, v170 is monster of the week]
    !!UN&v2>=0:N3/3/v2/0; [Store monster name (singular) in z3]
    !!UN&v2>=0:N3/4/v2/1; [Store monster name (plural) in z4]
    !!IF&56/v170>=0/v170=v2/1000:Q4/21/v2/2/z144013; ["Sorry, but that's a 'week of' monster" text]

    !!VRv2&56/v170>=0/v170=v2:S-1; [Set v2 to -1 if it's the monster of the week]

      [Check if this is a new creature (if it is and if v1240>12, set v2 to -1)]
      [If this is a new creature, set v6 to -1, if not new, set v6 to loop index number]
    !!IF&v1240>=12/v6<0/v2>=0/1000:Q4/z144014; ["Sorry but there's already 12 species enchanted" text]

    !!VRv2&v1240>=12/v6<0:S-1; [Set v2 to -1 if v1240 = 12 and creature isn't new]

    !!FU10902&v2>=0:P; [Display improvement options]

    !!FU10900&v2=-1/-4/1000:P; [Choose another species to improve]

    [If player didn't buy a bonus]
    !!IF&4/-5/v1270=0/v1270<>100/1000:Q1/5/6/1/z144015; ["You didn't buy anything so here's a refund" text]
    !!OW&4/-5/v1270=0/v1270<>100/1000:R-1/5/d6; [Give back 6 gems if nothing bought]
    !!IF&4/-5/v1270=0/v1270<>100/1000:V5/1; [Set Flag 5 to True]

    [If player bought "24 shots" and nothing else]
    !!IF&4/-5/v1270=100/1000:Q1/5/6/1/z144016; ["You didn't buy much so here's a refund" text]
    !!OW&4/-5/v1270=100/1000:R-1/5/d6; [Give back 6 gems if only "24 shots" bought]
    !!IF&4/-5/v1270=100/1000:V5/1; [Set Flag 5 to True]


    [Store unique creature numbers in v360-v366 (-1 equals no creature)]
    [v1=number of unique creature numbers in hero's army]



    !!HE-1:C0/0/?y1/?y2;   [Slot 0]

    !!HE-1:C0/1/?y1/?y2;   [Slot 1]
    !!VRy3&y2>0/y4<>99:S359 +v1;
    !!VRy5&y2>0/y4<>99:S479 +v1;

    !!HE-1:C0/2/?y1/?y2;   [Slot 2]
    !!VRy3&y2>0/y4<>99:S359 +v1;
    !!VRy5&y2>0/y4<>99:S479 +v1;

    !!HE-1:C0/3/?y1/?y2;   [Slot 3]
    !!VRy3&y2>0/y4<>99:S359 +v1;
    !!VRy5&y2>0/y4<>99:S479 +v1;

    !!HE-1:C0/4/?y1/?y2;   [Slot 4]
    !!VRy3&y2>0/y4<>99:S359 +v1;
    !!VRy5&y2>0/y4<>99:S479 +v1;

    !!HE-1:C0/5/?y1/?y2;   [Slot 5]
    !!VRy3&y2>0/y4<>99:S359 +v1;
    !!VRy5&y2>0/y4<>99:S479 +v1;

    !!HE-1:C0/6/?y1/?y2;   [Slot 6]
    !!VRy3&y2>0/y4<>99:S359 +v1;
    !!VRy5&y2>0/y4<>99:S479 +v1;


    [Choose the type of improvement]


    !!UN:N3/3/v2/0; [Store singular name of creature type in z3]

    !!VRy2:S5; [+5 Attack bonus: y2]

    !!VRy3:S5; [+5 Defense bonus: y3]

    !!MA:Ev2/?y1; [Calculate 25% Damage bonus: y4]
    !!VRy4:Sy1 :4;
    !!VRy4&y4=0:S1; [Minimum bonus is 1]

    !!MA:Pv2/?y1; [Calculate 25% Health bonus: y5]
    !!VRy5:Sy1 :4;
    !!VRy5&y5=0:S1; [Minimum bonus is 1]

    !!MA:Sv2/?y1; [Calculate 25% Speed bonus: y6]
    !!VRy6:Sy1 :4;
    !!VRy6&y6=0:S1; [Minimum bonus is 1]

    !!MA:Gv2/?y1; [Calculate 50% Growth bonus: y7]
    !!VRy7:Sy1 :2;
    !!VRy7&y7=0:S1; [Minimum bonus is 1]

    !!MA:Nv2/?y8; [Determine number of shots creature has now: y8]

    !!MA:Bv2/?y10; [Determine number of spell castings creature has now: y10]
    !!VRy15&y10>0:S5; [Initialize cost of extra spells to 5 Mithril: y15]
    !!VRy15|v2=13/v2=150:S20; [Archangels/Supreme Archangels = 20 Mithril: y15]
    !!VRz-2|v2=13/v2=150:Sz144126; [Resurrection]
    !!VRy15|v2=131/v2=158:S18; [Phoenix/Sacred Phoenix = 18 Mithril: y15]
    !!VRz-2|v2=131/v2=158:Sz144127; [Rebirth]
    !!VRy15&v2=51:S10; [Pit Lords = 10 Mithril: y15]
    !!VRz-2&v2=51:Sz144128; [Demon Resurrection]
    !!VRy15&v2=37:S8; [Master Genies = 8 Mithril: y15]
    !!VRz-2&v2=37:Sz144129; [Random Spell]
    !!VRy15&v2=134:S5; [Faerie Dragons = 5 Mithril: y15]
    !!VRz-2&v2=134:Sz144130; [Random Damage Spell]
    !!VRy15&v2=91:S3; [Ogre Magi = 3 Mithril: y15]
    !!VRz-2&v2=91:Sz144131; [Bloodlust]
    !!VRy15|v2=123/v2=125/v2=127/v2=129:S2; [Ice/Magma/Storm/Energy Elementals = 2: y15]
    !!VRz-2&v2=123:Sz144132; [Protection from Water]
    !!VRz-2&v2=125:Sz144133; [Protection from Earth]
    !!VRz-2&v2=127:Sz144134; [Protection from Air]
    !!VRz-2&v2=129:Sz144135; [Protection from Fire]
    !!VRy15|v2=152/v2=173:S0; [Lords of Thunder/Santa Gremlins = n/a: y15]

    !!VRz1:Sz144017; ["How would like this species improved?" text]
    !!VRz2:Sz144018; ["Forget it, I've changed my mind" text]
    !!VRz480:Sz144019; [Attack]
    !!VRz481:Sz144020; [Defense]
    !!VRz482:Sz144021; [Damage]
    !!VRz483:Sz144022; [Health]
    !!VRz484:Sz144023; [Speed]
    !!VRz485:Sz144024; [Growth]
    !!VRz486:S^^; [Initialize shots text to null string: z486]
    !!UN:P900/?y13; [Check if Stack Experience is enabled: y13=1 if yes]
    !!EAv2:F0/?y16; [Check next empty line for creature: y16]
    !!EAv2:F102/83/?y17; [Check if stack can gain Shooting ability from stack experience: y17]
    !!VRy14&y16<>y17/y8<24/y13=1:S99; [Set y14 to 99 if creature can gain Shooting ability and <24 shots: y14]
    !!VRz486&y8>0/y8<24/v2<>14/v2<>15|y14=99:Sz144025; [24 shots]
    !!VRz487&y10>0/y15>0:Sz144026; [+1 spell casting]
    !!VRz487|y10<1/y10>12:S^^; [If creature has no spell castings or more than 12, don't offer option]

    !!MA:Lv2/?y18; [Creature's level: 0..6: y18]
    !!VRy19&v6>0:S469 +v6; [Index for v variable with # of Mithril special abilities this creature already has: y19]
    !!VRy20&v6>0:Svy19; [Number of Mithril special abilities this creature already has: y20]
    !!VRy21:S7 -y18; [Maximum # of Mithril special abilities (1..7): y21]

    !!VRz488:Sz144027; [A new special ability]
    !!VRz488&v6>0/y20>=y21:S^^; [Don't offer Special Ability option if creature has maximum number already]

    !!IF&1000:G1/368/512/1/480/481/482/483/484/485/486/487/488/2/0/0; [Display option checkbox for bonuses]

    * [Determine which box was checked (bonus type) - store result in v3]

    !!VRv3&-1000:S2 R6; [For AI, set v3 to random number from 2..8]
    !!VRv3&-1000/v3=8:S10; [For AI, if v3=8, set ot to 10]

    !!FU10906&v3=10:P; [Give choice of Special Bonus]

    !!FU10903&v3>1/1000:Py15;  [Ask player to pay for Bonus: v4=1 if player pays]
    !!VRv4&v3>1/-1000:S1; [Set v4 to 1 if AI unless special bonus not given]

    !!VRy9&v3>=2/v3<=7:Syv3; [Bonus amount: y9]

    !!FU10905&v4=1:Py9; [Add bonus to creature type if player paid for it]

    !!VRv1240&v4=1/v6<0:+1; [Increment Changed Creature Counter if v4=1 and v6<0]
    !!FU10909&v4=1:P; [Change species name to reflect ability/bonus just gained]

    !!PO998&v4=1:N1; [Set hint text to "visited"]


    !!VRv3&v3>1/v4=0/-4/1000:S-1; [Set v3 to -1 if player can't pay but doesn't leave]
    !!FU10900&v3=-1/-4/1000:P; [Choose another species to improve]

    !!OW:C?y11;        [Store current player in y11]
    !!VRy12:S550 +y11; [y12 is index for v variable with bit number for current player]
    !!VRv1271&-1000/v3>0:+vy12; [Add AI player number to v1271 so it won't get another bonus]


    [Player pays for bonus in resources plus creatures]
    [v2=creature type, v3=bonus type]


    [Determine resource type and cost: y1=resource type, y2=resource amount]
    !!VRy1&v3=2:S3;  [Attack]
    !!VRy1&v3=3:S2;  [Defense]
    !!VRy1&v3=4:S5;  [Damage]
    !!VRy1&v3=5:S4;  [Health]
    !!VRy1&v3=6:S1;  [Speed]
    !!VRy1&v3=7:S0;  [Growth]
    !!VRy1&v3=8:S6;  [Shots]
    !!VRy1&v3=9:S7;  [Spells]
    !!VRy1&v3=10:S7;  [Special]
    !!VRy2&v3=10/v5=1:S20;  [Flying]
    !!VRy2&v3=10/v5=2:S10;  [Extended Attack]
    !!VRy2&v3=10/v5=3:S10;  [Undead]
    !!VRy2&v3=10/v5=4:S5;  [No Morale]
    !!VRy2&v3=10/v5=5:S25;  [Two Attacks]
    !!VRy2&v3=10/v5=6:S20;  [Attack All Adjacent]
    !!VRy2&v3=10/v5=7:S15;  [No Retaliation]
    !!VRy2&v3=10/v5=8:S5;  [Immune to Mind Spells]
    !!VRy2&v3=10/v5=9:S10;  [Immune to Fire Spells]
    !!VRy2&v3=10/v5=10:S10; [No Close Combat Penalty]

    !!IF:V4/1; [Set flag 4 to true]
    !!OW:R-1/y1/?y3; [Check if player can afford resource cost: y3=player's amount of resource]


    [Calculate number of creatures that must be left: y7]
    !!MA:Gv2/?y6; [Growth of creature: y6]
    !!VRy10:Sy6 :2; [50% of growth (rounded down): y10]
    !!VRy7:Sy6 +y10; [150% of growth (rounded down): y7]
    !!VRy7|v2=56/v2=57:S48; [Double for Skeletons or Skeleton Warriors]

    !!VRz8&y7=1:Sz3; [One]
    !!VRz8&y7>1:Sz4; [More than one]
    !!VRz9&y7=1:Sz144038; [One]
    !!VRz9&y7>1:S^^; [More than one]

    !!VRy5:S65536 *y7; [Set number text for creature picture]
    !!VRy5:+v2; [Set number text for creature picture]


    !!VRv3&-3/y3>=y2:S-1; [If the player doesn't agree, set v3 to -1]

    !!DO10904/0/6/1&3:P; [See if hero has enough creatures of the type to be enchanted]
    !!DO10911/0/6/1&v7>=y7/3:Py7; [Remove the creatures (if enough)]

    !!IF&v7<y7/3/1000:Q4/21/y5/2/z144040;  [If not enough creatures, display this]


    !!VRy4&3/v7>=y7:Sy3 -y2; [y4 = player's new amount of resource after payment]
    !!OW&3/v7>=y7:R-1/y1/y4; [Set player's resource amount to y4]

    !!VRv4&3/v7>=y7:S1; [Set v4 to 1 to indicate the bonus should be given]
    !!VRv1270&v4=1/v3<>8:+1; [Increment v1270 to indicate at least one bonus bought this visit]
    !!VRv1270&v4=1/v3=8/v1270=0:S100; [Set v1270 to 100 to indicate "24 shots" was bought]


    [Check if hero has enough creatures of specified type for "payment"]
    [v2=creature type, x16=slot number]
    [At end of loop, v7=total creatures of type v2 in hero's army]


    !!HE-1:C0/x16/?y1/?y2; [y1=type, y2=number]
    !!VRv7&y1=v2/y2>0:+y2; [Add number of creatures of right type in slot to v7 total]


    [Add bonus to creature type]
    [v2=creature type, v3=bonus type, x1=bonus amount]


    !!MA&v3=2:Av2/dx1; [Attack bonus]
    !!MA&v3=3:Dv2/dx1; [Defense bonus]
    !!MA&v3=4:Ev2/dx1; [Damage high bonus]
    !!MA&v3=4:Mv2/dx1; [Damage low bonus]
    !!MA&v3=5:Pv2/dx1; [Health bonus]
    !!MA&v3=6:Sv2/dx1; [Speed bonus]
    !!MA&v3=7:Gv2/dx1; [Growth bonus]
    !!MA&v3=8:Nv2/24;  [Shots bonus]
    !!MA&v3=9:Bv2/d1;  [Spell casting bonus]

    !!FU10907&v3=10:P; [Special]


    [Choose Special Ability: v2=creature number]


    !!VRz480:S^^; !!VRz481:S^^; !!VRz482:S^^; !!VRz483:S^^; !!VRz484:S^^;
    !!VRz485:S^^; !!VRz486:S^^; !!VRz487:S^^; !!VRz488:S^^; !!VRz489:S^^; !!VRz490:S^^;

    !!MA:Xv2/?v369; [Existing special abilities of monster v2: v369]

    !!VRy3&-1000:S1 R9; [If AI, set y3 to random number from 1..10]
    !!VRy4&-1000:S-1; [If AI, initialize y4 to -1]

    !!VRy1:Sv369; [Flying]
    !!VRy4&-1000/y3=1/y1=0:S1; [Give AI Flying if y3=1 and doesn't have it already]

    !!VRy1:Sv369; [Extended Attack]
    !!VRy5:Sv369; [Check for Attack All Adjacent]
    !!VRy4&-1000/y3=2/y1=0/y5=0:S2; [Give AI Extended Attack if y3=2 and doesn't have it already]

    !!VRy1:Sv369; [Undead]
    !!VRy4&-1000/y3=3/y1=0:S3; [Give AI Undead if y3=3 and doesn't have it already]

    !!VRy1:Sv369; [No Morale]
    !!VRy4&-1000/y3=4/y1=0:S4; [Give AI No Morale if y3=4 and doesn't have it already]

    !!VRy1:Sv369; [Two Attacks]
    !!VRy4&-1000/y3=5/y1=0:S5; [Give AI Two Attacks y3=5 and doesn't have it already]

    !!VRy1:Sv369; [Attack All Adjacent]
    !!VRy5:Sv369; [Check for Extended Attack]
    !!VRz485|y1=524288/y5=8/v2=63/v2=159:S^^; [Note: V. Lords and Ghosts can't get this because it overrides their ability]
    !!VRy4&-1000/y3=6/y1=0/y5=0/v2<>63/v2<>159:S6; [Give AI Attack All Adjacent if y3=6 and doesn't have it already]

    !!VRy1:Sv369; [No Retaliation]
    !!VRy4&-1000/y3=7/y1=0:S7; [Give AI No Retaliation if y3=7 and doesn't have it already]

    !!VRy1:Sv369; [Immune to Mind Spells]
    !!VRy4&-1000/y3=8/y1=0:S8; [Give AI Immune to Mind Spells if y3=8 and doesn't have it already]

    !!VRy1:Sv369; [Immune to Fire Spells]
    !!VRy4&-1000/y3=9/y1=0:S9; [Give AI Immune to Fire Spells if y3=9 and doesn't have it already]

    !!VRy1:Sv369; [No Close Combat Penalty]
    !!VRy1:&4096; (Check No Close Combat Penalty)
    !!VRy2:&4;    (Check Shooter)
    !!VRy4&-1000/y3=10/y1=0/y2=4:S10; [Give AI No Close Combat Penalty if y3=10, Shooter and doesn't have it already]



    [Determine which box was checked - store result in v5]

    !!VRv5&-1000:Sy4; [For AI, set v5 to special ability selected]

    !!VRv3&v5=-1:S-1; [If player changes his or her mind, set v3 to -1]


    [Add Special Ability: v2=creature number, v5=bonus number]


    !!VRy2&v5=1:S2;       [Flying: y2]
    !!VRy2&v5=2:S8;       [Extended Attack: y2]
    !!VRy2&v5=3:S262144;  [Undead: y2]
    !!VRy2&v5=4:S131072;  [Unaffected by Morale: y2]
    !!VRy2&v5=5:S32768;   [Two Attacks: y2]
    !!VRy2&v5=6:S524288;  [Attack All Adjacent: y2]
    !!VRy2&v5=7:S65536;   [No Retaliation: y2]
    !!VRy2&v5=8:S1024;    [Immunity to Mind Spells: y2]
    !!VRy2&v5=9:S16384;   [Immunity to Fire Spells: y2]
    !!VRy2&v5=10:S4096;   [No Close Combat Penalty: y2]

    !!MA:Xv2/?y1; [Read Creature Flags: y1]
    !!VRy1:|y2; [OR Creature Flags (y1) with Special Ability bit (y2): y1]
    !!MA:Xv2/y1; [Set updated Creature Flags: y1]

    * [Index for v variable with # of Mithril special abilities this creature already has: y3]
    !!VRy3&v6>0:S469 +v6; [For creature that's been enchanted before: y3]
    !!VRy3&v6<0:S469 +v1240 +1; [For newly enchanted creature: y3]

    * [Store number of Mithril special abilities this creature already has in v470-v481]
    !!VRvy3:+1; [Add 1 to current number of special abilities for this creature: vy3]


    [Check if this is a new creature species to be enchanted]
    [If new, v6=-1, if not new, set v6 to loop index number (x16)]


    !!VRy1:S1240 +x16;  [Index of v variable, holding creature numbers]
    !!VRv6&vy1=v2:Sx16; [If not new, set v6 to loop index number (x16)]
    !!VRx16&vy1=v2:S99; [If not new, exit loop]


    [Change species name to reflect ability or bonus just gained]
    [v2=creature number, v3=standard bonus type, v5=special bonus type (if v3=10 or v5>0)]
    [v6=loop index number, v1240=changed creature counter]


    !!VRy1:S1 R3;   [y1=random number from 1 to 4]
    !!UN:G1/v2/0/0; [Restore original singular name of species]
    !!UN:G1/v2/1/0; [Restore original plural name of species]

    [If a new species, store creature number in v(1240+v1240)]
    !!VRy4:S1240 +v1240;

    [Set index number for singular name z variable (y2) and plural name z variable (y3)]
    !!VRy2&v6<0:Sv1240 *2;
    !!VRy2&v6>0:Sv6 *2;
    !!VRy3:Sy2 +1;

    [Store standard singular species name in z6 variable, plural in z7]

    [Generate descriptor word to preface name: z5]
    !!VRz5&v3=2/y1=1:Sz144054;  [Attack]

    !!VRz5&v3=3/y1=1:Sz144058;  [Defense]

    !!VRz5&v3=4/y1=1:Sz144062;  [Damage]

    !!VRz5&v3=5/y1=1:Sz144066;  [Health]

    !!VRz5&v3=6/y1=1:Sz144070;  [Speed]

    !!VRz5&v3=7/y1=1:Sz144074;  [Growth]

    !!VRz5&v3=8/y1=1:Sz144078;  [Shots]

    !!VRz5&v3=9/y1=1:Sz144082;  [Spells]

    !!VRz5&v5=1/y1=1:Sz144086;  [Flying]

    !!VRz5&v5=2/y1=1:Sz144090;  [Extended Attack]

    !!VRz5&v5=3/y1=1:Sz144094;  [Undead]

    !!VRz5&v5=4/y1=1:Sz144098;  [No Morale]

    !!VRz5&v5=5/y1=1:Sz144102;  [Two Attacks]

    !!VRz5&v5=6/y1=1:Sz144106;  [Attack All Adjacent]

    !!VRz5&v5=7/y1=1:Sz144110;  [No Retaliation]

    !!VRz5&v5=8/y1=1:Sz144114;  [Immune to Mind Spells]

    !!VRz5&v5=9/y1=1:Sz144118;  [Immune to Fire Spells]

    !!VRz5&v5=10/y1=1:Sz144122;  [No Close Combat Penalty]

    [Set new names for species]
    !!VRzy2:S^%Z5 %Z6^; [Singular]
    !!VRzy3:S^%Z5 %Z7^; [Plural]


    [Remove creatures of specified type from hero's army for "payment"]
    [v2=creature type, x1=number of creatures needed, x16=slot number]


    !!HE-1:C0/x16/?y1/?y2; [y1=type, y2=number]

    !!HE-1&y1=v2/y2>0/y2<=x1:C0/x16/-1/0; [Remove entire stack if less than or equal to # needed]
    !!VRy4&y1=v2/y2>0/y2<=x1:Sx1 -y2; [Reduce x1 (y4) by amount in stack]

    !!VRy3&y1=v2/y2>x1:Sx1 *-1; [Store negative value of x1 in y3]
    !!HE-1&y1=v2/y2>x1:C0/x16/d/dy3/0/3; [Remove x1 (y3) troops from stack if more than # needed without changing exp.]
    !!VRy4&y1=v2/y2>x1:S0; [Reduce x1 (y4) to 0]

    !!VRx1&y1=v2/y2>0:Sy4; [Set x1 to y4]


    [Select a creature type for AI to buy a bonus for]
    [based on highest AI value of a given stack: v2]


    !!HE-1:C0/x16/?y1/?y2;   [Slot x16: y1=creature type, y2=number of creatures]
    !!VRy3:S0; [Initialize y3 to 0]
    !!MA&y1>=0/y2>0:Iy1/?y3; [AI value for creature type y1: y3]
    !!VRy4&y3>0:Sy3 *y2; [Total AI value for stack: y4]
    !!VRv2&y4>x1:Sy1; [Creature type with highest AI value: v2]
    !!VRx1&y4>x1:Sy4; [Highest AI value: x1]

    ** End of Script **
  • TA的每日心情
    2020-1-31 23:47
  • 签到天数: 13 天

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    3级 Known Hero

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    发表于 2013-8-18 15:31:09 | 显示全部楼层
  • TA的每日心情
    2020-1-31 23:47
  • 签到天数: 13 天

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    3级 Known Hero

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