- 积分
- 2094
- 威望
- 0
- 魅力
- 0
- 经验
- 1335
- 热心度
- 0
- 注册时间
- 2012-3-4
- 最后登录
- 2019-1-9
- 主题
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TA的每日心情 | 开心 2015-9-30 21:15 |
签到天数: 2 天 连续签到: 1 天 [LV.1]投石矮人
4级 Famous Hero
- 积分
- 2094
本帖最后由 独孤求败 于 2015-10-11 01:02 编辑
** Left mouse click on any Village Hall (Town Hall / City Hall / Capitol)
** triggers a request about current tasks of an architect.
!!UN:P90/?y1; // wog option
!!FU&y1<>1:E; // exit if wog option disabled
!!CM:I?y2; // building under cursor
!!FU&y2<10|y2>13:E; // exit if this is not a Village Hall
!!CM:F?y3; // flag
!!FU&y3<>0:E; // exit if this is not a Right Click
!!FU28054:Py4; // display request
!!CM&v1=0:R0; // disable standard reaction if "Cancel" pressed
** Every turn constructions.
!!UN:P90/?y1; // wog option
!!FU&y1<>1:E; // exit if wog option is disabled
!!OW:C?y2; // current player
!!OW:Iy2/?y3; // AI or human
!!FU&y3=1:E; // exit if AI
!!FU28063:Py2; // architects' work for current player
** If a hero comes to enemy town without guards, then the town will be captured.
!!UN:P90/?y1; // wog option
!!FU&y1<>1:E; // exit if wog option disabled
!!HE-1:N?y2; // hero who comes in the town
!!CAv998/v999/v1000:U?y3; // number of the town
!!FU28044:Py2/y3; // type of a hero-town interaction
!!FU28065&v1=1:Py3; // architect's reaction on capturing of the town
** If a town is attacked and a battle occurs then store the town's number.
!!UN:P90/?y1; // wog option
!!FU&y1<>1:E; // exit if wog option disabled
!!BA:P?y2/?y3/?y4; // town's position
!!FU28042:Py2/y3/y4; // check if this is a siege
!!FU&v1=-1:E; // exit if check gave "No"
!!CA0/v1:H0/?y5; // hero in garrison
!!CA0/v1:H1/?y6; // hero - a town visitor
!!FU&y5>=0/y6>=0:E; // exit if both the heroes exist
!!VRv2909:Sv1; // store number of this town for later using
** Number of a town under siege (-1 if none)
** If a siege of a town was successful, the architect of this town must react.
!!UN:P90/?y1; // wog option
!!FU&y1<>1:E; // exit if wog option disabled
!!FU&v2909=-1:E; // exit if this is not a siege
!!BA:H0/?y2; // hero who attacked the town
!!HEy2:O?y3; // hero's owner (-1 if siege was not successful)
!!FU28065&y3<>-1:Pv2909; // architect's reaction on capturing of town
!!VRv2909:S-1; // end of siege