_WARNING_#1=IMPORTANT! This file is not in a plain text format. NEVER use any editor except ERM_S for making any kind of changes!
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ERMS_PoweredBy=ERM Script Editor v.
;variable used: FU29100-FU29106 ,v5900-v5903,w152,TM20
;important: w152 should not be changed in other script!!!!!
;temperary variables: Flag 1, z22-z24
; w152 - Advance class type
; w152 = 1, Archmage; 2, General; 3, Lord; 4, Breeder
; Requirement for Advance Class: level >= 20, visit Hill Fort
; Archmage:
; - 英雄为法师类,即Cleric, Druid, Wizard等 class # 为奇数
; - Wisdom,Fire/Air/Water/Earth Magic, Intelligence等6项技能到Expert
; General:
; - 英雄为骑士类,即Knight, Ranger, Alchemist等 class # 为偶数
; - Offense, Armorer, Archery, Tactics, Artillery,Ballistics等6项技能到Expert
; Lord:
; - Pathfinding, Logistics, Navigation, Estates, Sorcery, Scouting等6项技能到Expert
; Breeder:
; - Scouting, Diplomacy, Leadership, Luck, Learning,First Aid等6项技能到Expert
; Archmage - 魔法伤害力+100%
; General - 带领的部队战斗时最大伤害力+25% +1,恒定最大伤害,远程兵种弹药999 [BMx16:U#/$]
; Lord - 特技改为Estates, 每天增加Wood&Ore 4个,其他资源2个
; Breeder - 我方所有城镇生物增长+1
!?OB35; [visit School of Magic]
!!HE-1:N?y-11; [get hero #]
!!HEy-11:E?y-13/?y-12; [get hero level]
!!FU&y-12<20:E; [condition 0]
!!HEy-11:B2/?y-13; [get hero class]
; x1 - advance class type
; x2 - hero #
; x3~x8 - second skills
!!HEx2:Sx3/?y1 Sx4/?y2 Sx5/?y3 Sx6/?y4 Sx7/?y5 Sx8/?y6;
!!IF&1000:V1/0; [set Flag 1 to 0]
{大法师} 能造成高达 {800%}的魔法伤害 ^;
!!IF&1000/x1=2:Q1^你想升级成为 {将军}吗?
{大将军} 所率领的所有部队都能打出:
+{110%%}+1 的
{所有射击部队} 拥有888发弹药 ^;
!!IF&1000/x1=3:Q1^你想升级成为 {领主}吗?
领主将能为你带来更多的金钱,并且每天多为你的王国赚取所有资源各 8 个.^;
!!IF&1000/x1=4:Q1^你想升级成为 {教头}吗?
教头每周能让你的王国中所有[wiki]战士[/wiki]的训练数量增加 2 .^;
!!VRy1&1000/1:S1; [Human]
!!VRy1&-1000:S0 R1; [AI choose randomly]
!!HEx2:B0/?z22; [get hero name]
!!VRz24:Sz23; [Store old name in z25]
!!VRz24:M4/?y2; [Length of new name: y2]
!!VRz24:M1/z23/0/y2; [Store up to first 12 characters of new name in z25]
!!HEx2:B0/z24; [Change hero's name if text entered: z3]
!!HEx2&w152=3:X0/13; [set Lord specialist in Estates]
!!VRw28&v5900=1/w152=3:S2003; [if HERO SPECIALIZATION BOOST]
!?MR0; [ Archmage ]
!!BG:A?y-3 H?y-4; [action type, Hero #]
!!MR:D?y-2; [get spell damage]
!!VRy-2:*8; [计算新杀伤。这里是×8倍]
!!MR:Dy-2; [set new damage]
!?BF; [berore battle]
!!BH0:N?v5900; [# of left hero]
!!BH1:N?v5900; [# of right hero]
!?FU29103; [General]
;x1 - hero #
!!BMx16:T?y1; [type of monster, y1]
!!BMx16:S?y2; [speed]
!!FU&y2<1:E; [ war machines]
!!MA:Ey1/?y2 My1/?y3; [damage of monster, y3~y2]
!!VRy4:Sy2:10+1; [这里是杀伤计算公式。前面数字的倒数是增加百分比,后面是再加1.这里就是10%+1]
!!VRy5:Sy4 + y2 - y3;
!!BMx16:U2/dy4 U1/dy5;
!!FU&y4=0:E; [if not shooter]
!!BMx16:U3/888; [set shots to 999]
;x1 = 1 Monday now
!!OW:H-1/5900/x16; [store x16th hero of that player in v5902]
!!IF:Wv5900; [set w var reference to current hero]
!!VRv5902&w152=4:+2;[increases Breeder number if Monday]
!!FU&w152<>3:E; [exit if that hero isn't Lord]
!!OW:R-1/0/d8 R-1/2/d8; [+4 Wood, +4 Ore]
!!OW:R-1/1/d8 R-1/3/d8 R-1/4/d8 R-1/5/d8 R-1/7/d8;
!!DO29106/0/6/1&y1=y2:Px16; [if current player is owner then cycle]
!!CA0/x1:M1/x16/dv5902/dv5902; [increase monsters in dwelling]
!?TM20; [Lord]
!!OW:H-1/5901/0; [store current color's number of heroes in v5901]
!!VRv5903:Sc%7; [v5902=1 is Monday now]
!!VRv5902:S0; [Set number of Breeder to 0 if Monday]
!!DO29104/1/v5901/1:P; [loop through every hero a player has]
!!UN:U98/-1/?v5901; [get town number on the map]
!!DO29105/0/v5901/1&v5903=1:P;[creatures grow only on mondays]
[ 本帖最后由 szx_9933 于 2009-8-27 08:50 编辑 ] |