_WARNING_#1=IMPORTANT! This file is not in a plain text format. NEVER use any editor except ERM_S for making any kind of changes!
ERMS_PoweredBy=ERM Scripter v. 2004.10.5.945
** HENCHMEN - ERM script 49
** By Arstahd
** Version: 1.20
** Thanks to Hermann the Weird for bug fixing and script maintenance
** Updated August 22, 2006 by Fnord - fixed bug (probably introduced in last
** update) where manual selection of a Henchman didn't work correctly.
** Updated August 20, 2006 by Fnord - AI now keeps the same Henchman after it
** first selects one and always resurrects its Henchman for free at its towns.
** Also, Henchman reminder for Human players modified to use BA0 trigger instead
** of object triggers.
** modified by Thomas Franz (samot) at 06.01.2005 (changes are commented with //)
** FU7101: set BM:B for all henchmens to prevent death of henchmen, if healed with
** a First-Aid-Tent; also resurrection works now on henchmens
** Variables used:
** V variables: v7206-v7217 v7181
** Z variables: z1-z9
** W variables: w117-w119
** Functions used: 7100-7109
** Timers used: 19 (copy of T19 used in script00)
** Allows you to select one of your creatures to act as a Henchman, and fight with your army
** left click on player-color flag in upper right corner of hero screen to select a new henchman or check status
** right click on player-color flag in upper right corner of hero screen to view help page
** henchmen gain status for each battle fought and gain levels (indicated by increased stack quantity)
** henchmen have a status bonus based on hero level and current day
** lower level/un-upgraded creatures level up faster than higher level/upgraded creatures
** dead henchmen can be resurrected in a town for a fee based on creature cost and level
** AI heroes have a (good) chance of having a henchman of random level (based on hero level)
** henchmen gain +1 attack, +1 defense, +1 speed
** henchmen gain an additional +1 speed for every 10 levels
** henchmen gain an additional +1 attack and +1 defense for every 3 levels
** henchmen gain +2-5 to base damage
** henchmen gain +10 to base health
** henchmen have a "dummy spell" (disguise) applied to color their quantity tag to help separate them from normal creatures
** henchmen will die after one of the stack is lost, they may offer one last retaliation before doing so
!#VRv7206:S0; [initialize "done" flag]
!#UN:P49/?v7181; [check if Henchmen is enabled in WoGify Options]
** Timer routines
!?TM19&v7181=1; [continue if enabled day 1 only ]
!!DO7105/0/155/1&v7206=0:P; [iterate through all heroes]
** start of hero screen mouse trigger **
!?CM2&v7181=1; [continue if enabled]
!!CM:I?y-3 F?y-4 S?y-5; [get mouse click, flag, subtype]
!!FU|y-3<>141/y-4<>0/y-5<>12:E; [continue if player banner (141) was left clicked only, else exit]
!!CM:H?y-1/?y-2; [get hero number]
!!IF&y-1>-1:Wy-1; [enable hero variable]
!!FU7106&w118>-1:Py-1; [if a henchman, display henchman info]
!!FU7102&w118<0:Py-1; [if no henchman, select one]
!!UN:R3/-1; [redraw]
** end of hero screen mouse trigger **
** start of object trigger - towns **
!!OW:I-1/?y-2; [check if human hero]
!!CA998:O?y-4; [get town owner]
!!HE-1:N?y-1 O?y-3; [get hero number, owner]
!!IF&y-1>-1:Wy-1; [enable hero variable]
!!FU7108&y-2=0/w118>-1/w119=0/y-3=y-4:Py-1; [if dead henchman, display resurrection info for human]
!!VRw119&y-2=1/w118>-1/w119=0/y-3=y-4:S1; [AI always resurrects henchman for free]
*!FU7109&y-2=0/w118=-1/y-3<>y-4:P; [function for reminder message]
** end of object trigger - towns **
** start of battle trigger **
!!BA:H0/?y-1 H1/?y-2; [Attacker: y-1, Defender: y-2]
!!FU7109&y-1>=0:Py-1/0; [function for reminder message for attacker]
!!FU7109&y-2>=0:Py-2/1; [function for reminder message for defender]
** start of object trigger - banks **
**?OB16&v7181=1; [object trigger - monsters]
*!FU7109:P; [function for reminder message]
** end of object trigger - banks **
** start of object trigger - monsters **
*?OB54&v7181=1; [object trigger - monsters]
*!FU7109:P; [function for reminder message]
** end of object trigger - monsters **
!?FU7109; *x1=hero number, x2=0 for attacker, 1 for defender
!!HEx1:O?y-3; [hero owner: y-3]
!!OW:Iy-3/?y-4; [check if human hero: y-4]
!!IF&y-4=0/y-1>-1:Wx1; [enable hero variable]
!!FU7102&2/y-4=0/w118=-1:Px1/x2; [if yes, select henchman]
!!VRw118&-2/y-4=0/w118=-1:S-2; [if no set to disable future messages]
** end of function **
** start of battlefield trigger **
!?BF&v7181=1; [continue if enabled]
!!VRv7207:C-1/-1/-1/-1/-1/-1; [initialize variables]
!!VRy-1:S-2; [initialize variable]
!!BU:E2/?y-7; [check for enemy creature at position 2 for banks]
!!BA:H0/?y-1; [get hero number - attacker]
!!HEy-1&y-1>-1:O?y-3; [get attacker's owner]
!!OW:Iy-3/?y-6; [check if AI]
!!FU7103&y-6=1/y-1>-1:Py-1; [choose henchman for AI]
!!IF&y-1>-1:Wy-1; [enable hero variable - attacker]
!!VRy-8&y-7<21:S20; [set position - normal]
!!VRy-8&y-7>20:S25; [set position - bank]
!!BU&w118>-1/w119=1/y-1>-1:Sw118/1/y-8/0/-1/0; [add a creature to attacker's army at position y-8]
!!BU&w118>-1/w119=1/y-1>-1:Ey-8/?v7207; [get stack]
!!FU7101&w118>-1/w119=1/y-1>-1/v7207>-1:Pv7207/0/y-1;[add stat increases - attacker]
!!VRy-2:S-2; [initialize variable]
!!BA:H1/?y-2; [get hero number - defender]
!!HEy-2&y-2>-1:O?y-3; [get defender's owner]
!!OW:Iy-3/?y-6; [check if AI]
!!FU7103&y-6=1/y-2>-1:Py-2; [choose henchman for AI]
!!IF&y-2>-1:Wy-2; [enable hero variable - defender]
!!BU&w118>-1/w119=1/y-2>-1:Sw118/1/30/1/-1/0; [add a creature to defender's army at position 30]
!!BU&w118>-1/w119=1/y-2>-1:E30/?v7208; [get stack]
!!FU7101&w118>-1/w119=1/y-2>-1/v7208>-1:Pv7208/1/y-2;[add stat increases - defender]
** end of battlefield trigger **
** pre-action trigger
!?BG&v7181=1; [continue if enabled]
!!BMv7207&v7207>-1:N?v7211 H?v7216; [get quantity and health of henchman - attacker]
!!BMv7208&v7208>-1:N?v7212 H?v7217; [get quantity and health of henchman - defender]
!!BG&v7207=v7210/v7211=0:A3; [if dead henchman is next set to defend - attacker]
!!BG&v7208=v7210/v7212=0:A3; [if dead henchman is next set to defend - defender]
** end of pre-action trigger
** post-action trigger
!?BG1&v7181=1; [continue if enabled]
!!BG:N?v7210; [get current stack #]
!!BMv7207&v7207>-1:N?y-2 T?y-3; [get quantity, type of henchman stack - attacker]
!!BMv7207&v7207>-1/y-2<v7211:K100000; [kill henchman stack if any were killed - attacker]
!!FU7107&v7207>-1/y-2<v7211:P0/0; [set dead - attacker]
!!BMv7207&v7207>-1/y-2>v7211/y-3<>159:Nv7213 L0; [reset quantity of henchman stack if resurrected (unless ghost) - attacker]
!!FU7107&v7207>-1/y-2>v7211/y-3<>159:P0/1; [set alive (unless ghost) - attacker]
!!BU&v7207>-1/y-2<v7211/y-3<>159:R; [redraw screen (unless ghost)]
!!BMv7208&v7208>-1:N?y-2 T?y-3; [get quantity, type of henchman stack - defender]
!!BMv7208&v7208>-1/y-2<v7212:K100000; [kill henchman stack if any were killed - defender]
!!FU7107&v7208>-1/y-2<v7212:P1/0; [set dead - defender]
!!BMv7208&v7208>-1/y-2>v7212/y-3<>159:Nv7214 L0; [reset quantity of henchman stack if resurrected (unless ghost) - defender]
!!FU7107&v7208>-1/y-2<v7212/y-3<>159:P1/1; [set alive (unless ghost) - defender]
!!BU&v7208>-1/y-2<v7212/y-3<>159:R; [redraw screen (unless ghost)]
** end of post-action trigger
** function to get monster names
!?FU7100; x1=hero number
!!HEx1:C0/x16/?y1/?y2; [get monster in slot x16 type, quantity]
!!VRy3:Sx16 +2; [z variable index to store monster name]
!!UN&y1>-1/y2>0:N3/y3/y1/0; [store monster names into z2-z8]
** end of function
** function to give stat increases x1=stack x2=attacker/defender x3=hero number
!!BMx1:T?y6; [get stack type]
!!FU7104&y6>-1:Py6; [get monster level]
!!VRy7&y6>-1:Sv7215; [copy monster level]
!!IF&y6>-1:Wx3; [enable hero variable]
!!HEx3:E?y1/?y2/1; [get hero exp, level]
!!VRy10:Sy2 -1 *10 +w117 +c; [experience points = (hero level -1) x10 +earned xp + current day]
!!VRv7213&x2=0/y6>-1:Sy10 :y7 +1; [level = experience points / monster level + 1 - attacker]
!!VRv7214&x2=1/y6>-1:Sy10 :y7 +1; [level = experience points / monster level + 1 - defender]
!!VRy8&x2=0/y6>-1:Sv7213; [copy attacker level to y8]
!!VRy8&x2=1/y6>-1:Sv7214; [copy defender level to y8]
!!VRy4&y6>-1:Sy8 :10 +1; [bonus = level / 10 + 1]
!!BMx1&y6>-1:Sdy4; [give +1 speed per 10 levels]
!!BMx1&y6>-1:U1/d2; [give +2 min damage]
!!BMx1&y6>-1:U2/d5; [give +5 max damage]
!!VRy4&y6>-1:Sy8 :3 +1; [bonus = level / 3 + 1]
!!BMx1&y6>-1:Ady4 Ddy4; [give +1 attack and +1 defense per 3 levels]
!!BMx1&y6>-1:H?y4; [get health]
!!VRy5&y6>-1:Sy4 +10 *y8; [health - add 10, multiply by level]
!!BMx1&y6>-1:Hy5; [set health]
!!BMx1&y6>-1:Ny8; [set quantity to level]
*!BMx1|y6=63/y6=154:By8; [if vampire lord or blood dragon set starting quantity to level]
!!BMx1:By8; // modified by Thomas Franz: always set max. number (prevents bug by healing the henchmen)
!!BMx1&y6>-1:M4/100/1; [give disguise dummy spell to make tag yellow]
!!VRw117&y6>-1:+6 T4; [experience counter - gain 6-10 points per battle]
*tactics speed boost if enabled*
!!UN:P218/?y1; [check if tactics is enabled in WoG options]
!!FU&y1<>1:E; [exit if it isn't]
!!VRy3:S0; [initialize y3]
!!VRy4:S0; [initialize y4]
!!BH0:N?y1; [attacking hero #]
!!BH1:N?y2; [defending hero #]
!!HEy1&y1>=0:S19/?y3; [get attacker's tactics]
!!HEy2&y2>=0:S19/?y4; [get defender's tactics]
!!FU&y3=0/y4=0:E; [exit if no one has tactics]
!!FU&y3=y4:E; [exit if equal tactics level]
!!FU&y3<y4/x2=0:E; [exit if defender's tactics superior - attacker]
!!FU&y3>y4/x2=1:E; [exit if attacker's tactics superior - defender]
!!VRy5&y3>y4/x2=0:S0 +y3 -y4; [set bonus if attackers tactics superior - attacker]
!!VRy5&y3<y4/x2=1:S0 +y4 -y3; [set bonus if defenders tactics superior - defender]
!!BMx1&y6>-1:Sdy5; [give tactics speed boost]
** end of function
** function to pick henchman
!?FU7102; x1=hero number, x2=0 for attacker, 1 for defender
!!IF&1000:G1/1/256/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10; [give choice to human]
!!HEx1&v1<128:C0/y2/?y1/?y4; [get monster type, quantity]
!!EXx1/y2:R?y5/?y6; [get artifact number, option]
!!HEx1&v1<128/y4=1/y5=156:A156; [if only 1 left give banner to hero]
!!HEx1&v1<128:C0/y2/?y1/d-1; [get monster type, reduce quantity by 1]
!!VRy7&x2=0:S7040 +y2; [index number for Attacker's First Aid Boost quantity info.: y7]
!!VRy7&x2=1:S7047 +y2; [index number for Defender's First Aid Boost quantity info.: y7]
!!UN:P204/?y8; [check if Enhanced First Aid is enabled: y8=1 if yes]
!!VRvy7&y8=1/v1<128:-1; [subtract one from First Aid stack quantity info.: vy7]
!!IF&v1<256/y3>-1:Wx1; [enable hero variable]
!!VRw117&v1<256:S0; [reset experience]
!!VRw118&v1<128:Sy1; [store monster type]
!!VRw118&v1=128:S-2; [reset monster type if dismissed]
!!VRw119&v1<128:S1; [set to alive]
** end of function
** function to pick henchman for AI
!?FU7103; x1= hero # x16= slot #
!!IF:Wx1; [enable hero variable]
!!FU&w118>=0:E; [exit if AI already has a Henchman]
!!VRy1:S0 T7; [random roll: 0-6 = use slot number, 7 = choose random creature]
!!HEx1&y1<7:C0/y1/?y2/?y3; [get monster type, quantity in slot y1]
!!VRy2&y1>6:S0 T199; [random 0 to 199]
!!VRy2&y1>6/y2>=132/y2<=135:S0 T173; [random 0 to 173 (reroll if super dragons were selected)]
!!VRy2&y1>6/y2>=150/y2<=158:S0 T173; [random 0 to 173 (reroll if 8th levels were selected)]
!!VRy2&y1>6/y2>=145/y2<=149:S0 T131; [random 0 to 131 (reroll if war machines were selected)]
!!VRy2&y1>6/y2>=160/y2<=163:S0 T131; [random 0 to 131 (reroll if emissaries were selected)]
!!VRy2&y1>6/y2>173:S-1; [if >173, set to -1]
!!VRy2&y1>6/y2=122:S192; [set NOT USED 1 to sylvan centaur]
!!VRy2&y1>6/y2=124:S193; [set NOT USED 2 to sorceress]
!!VRy2&y1>6/y2=126:S194; [set NOT USED 3 to werewolf]
!!VRy2&y1>6/y2=128:S195; [set NOT USED 4 to hell steed]
!!HEx1&y2>-1:E?y6/?y7/1; [get hero exp, level]
!!VRy4&y2>-1:S25 T10 *y7; [random # 25-35 x hero level]
!!VRw118&y2>-1:Sy2; [set henchman type]
!!VRw117&y2>-1/w118>-1/y4>w117:Sy4; [set AI experience if greater than previous]
!!VRw119&y2>-1:S1; [set to alive]
!!VRw119&y2=-1:S0; [set to dead]
** end of function
** function to get creature level x1=type
!!MA:Lx1/?y7; [get monster level (0-6)]
!!VRy8:S0; [set to 0]
!!VRy8&x1<112:Sx1 %2; [check if upgraded]
!!VRv7215&y7=0/y8=0:S20; [if level 1 = 20]
!!VRv7215&y7=1/y8=0:S25; [if level 2 = 25]
!!VRv7215&y7=2/y8=0:S35; [if level 3 = 35]
!!VRv7215&y7=3/y8=0:S50; [if level 4 = 50]
!!VRv7215&y7=4/y8=0:S75; [if level 5 = 75]
!!VRv7215&y7=5/y8=0:S115; [if level 6 = 115]
!!VRv7215&y7=6/y8=0:S180; [if level 7 = 180]
!!VRv7215&y7=0/y8=1:S22; [if level 1 = 22 (upgrade)]
!!VRv7215&y7=1/y8=1:S28; [if level 2 = 28 (upgrade)]
!!VRv7215&y7=2/y8=1:S40; [if level 3 = 40 (upgrade)]
!!VRv7215&y7=3/y8=1:S58; [if level 4 = 58 (upgrade)]
!!VRv7215&y7=4/y8=1:S88; [if level 5 = 88 (upgrade)]
!!VRv7215&y7=5/y8=1:S136; [if level 6 = 136 (upgrade)]
!!VRv7215&y7=6/y8=1:S250; [if level 7 = 250 (upgrade)]
!!VRv7215&x1=112:S35; [make air elemental = 35]
!!VRv7215&x1=127:S40; [make storm elemental = 40]
!!VRv7215&x1=113:S50; [make earth elemental = 50]
!!VRv7215&x1=121:S58; [make magma elemental = 58]
!!VRv7215&x1=119:S22; [make sprite = 22]
!!VRv7215&x1=121:S136; [make magic elemental = 136]
!!VRv7215&x1=123:S40; [maker ice elemental = 40]
!!VRv7215&x1=129:S58; [make energy elemental = 58]
!!VRv7215&x1=131:S225; [make phoenix = 225]
!!VRv7215&x1=132:S550; [make azure dragon = 550]
!!VRv7215&x1=133:S450; [make crystal dragon = 450]
!!VRv7215&x1=134:S350; [make faerie dragon = 350]
!!VRv7215&x1=135:S400; [make rust dragon = 400]
!!VRv7215&x1>=150/x1<=158:S400; [make level 8 creatures = 400]
!!VRv7215&x1=63:S80; [make vampire lord = 80]
*!VRv7215&x1=159:S25; [make ghost = 25]
!!VRv7215&x1=172:S136; [make nightmare = 136]
!!VRv7215&x1=196:S500; [make dracolich = 500]
** end of function
** function to initialize hero variable w118
!!IF:Wx16; [enable hero variable]
!!VRw118:S-1; [set to -1]
!!VRv7206:S1; [set "done" flag]
** end of function
** function to display henchman x1 = hero number
!!IF&x1>-1:Wx1; [enable hero variable]
!!FU7104&w118>-1:Pw118; [function to get monster level]
!!HEx1:E?y1/?y2/1; [get hero exp, level]
!!VRy2:-1 *10 +c -1; [bonus status = (hero level -1) x10 + current day -1]
!!VRy11:Sw117 +y2; [total status points = earned status + bonus status]
!!VRy3:Sy11 :v7215 +1; [henchman level = status points / level rate + 1]
!!VRy4:Sy11 %v7215 -v7215 *-1; [calculate status needed for next level]
!!MA&w118>-1:Aw118/?y1; [get base attack]
!!VRy5:Sy3 :3 +1 +y1; [attack = level / 10 + 1 + base]
!!MA&w118>-1:Dw118/?y1; [get base defense]
!!VRy6:Sy3 :3 +1 +y1; [defense = level / 3 + 1 + base]
!!MA&w118>-1:Pw118/?y1; [get base health]
!!VRy7:Sy1 +10 *y3; [health = base + 2 x level]
!!MA&w118>-1:Mw118/?y1; [get base damage min]
!!VRy8:Sy1 +2 *y3; [damage min = base + 2 x level]
!!MA&w118>-1:Ew118/?y1; [get base damage max]
!!VRy9:Sy1 +5 *y3; [damage max = base + 5 x level]
!!MA&w118>-1:Sw118/?y1; [get base speed]
!!VRy10:Sy3 :10 +1 +y1; [speed = level / 3 + 1 + base]
!!FU7102&2:Px1; [if yes, select henchman]
** end of function
** function to handle dead/alive status
!?FU7107; x1=attacker/defender x2= dead/alive
!!BA&x1=0:H0/?y1; [get hero number - attacker]
!!BA&x1=1:H1/?y1; [get hero number - defender]
!!IF:Wy1; [enable hero variable]
!!VRw119:Sx2; [set to x2 0=dead,1=alive]
** end of function
** function to resurrect dead henchman
!!IF&x1>-1:Wx1; [enable hero variable]
!!FU7104&w118>-1:Pw118; [get monster level]
!!HEx1:E?y6/?y7/1; [get hero exp, level]
!!IF&x1>-1:Wx1; [enable hero variable]
!!VRy10:Sy7 -1 *10 +w117 +c; [experience points = (hero level -1) x10 +earned xp + current day]
!!VRy3:Sy10 :v7215 +1; [henchman level = experience points / level rate + 1]
!!MA:Cw118/6/?y8; [get base creature cost]
!!VRy4:Sy8 *y3 :5; [resurrection cost = base cost x henchman level / 5]
!!OW:R-1/6/?y5; [get current gold amount]
!!VRy8&2/y5>=y4:Sy5 -y4; [calculate gold transaction]
!!OW&2/y5>=y4:R-1/6/y8; [if yes and player has enough gold,set new gold amount]
!!VRw119&2/y5>=y4:S1; [if yes and player has enough gold, set to alive]
!!IF&2/y5<y4:M1/z149008; [if yes and player does not have enough gold, display message]
** end of function
每次战斗后二追的升级提高,跟每天二追的经验值加50 |