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TA的每日心情 | 难过 2023-12-6 19:56 |
签到天数: 1890 天 连续签到: 1 天 [LV.Master]伴坛终老
- 积分
- 71075
兩年前,年僅19歲、擔任洗車工人的James Morrison/詹姆斯墨里森,因為上班遲到10分鐘而被炒魷魚,一時之間生活陷入了困境﹔兩年後,他用情意真摯的創作與獨特的靈魂嗓音,贏得全英樂評一致肯定,認為他的作品是2006年最成功、最具影響力的新人首航專輯之一。 James Morrison來自於父母離異的破碎家庭,負債累累的母親辛勤工作撫養子女,因此他從小必須自己上下學、煮晚餐、燙衣服,除了養成早熟獨立的個性,也讓他對生活有更深刻的感觸。困苦的成長時期唯一不缺的大概就是音樂了,他的母親曾經在樂團擔任主唱,因此家中收集了Pink Floyd、Van Morrison、Stevie Wonder…等歌手的專輯,啟發了他對音樂的興趣﹔13歲的時候,在舅舅的指導下開始學習吉他、每晚練習吉他彈奏的滿足,讓他忘了每天得做家事而無法像同學們出門玩樂的憂鬱。 求學時期曾加入樂團,有過pub駐唱經驗的James Morrison,在被洗車廠解僱後打算重回pub演出,奈何當時卡拉OK大行其道而屢遭拒絕。萬念俱灰之際,一位曾和他一起表演的吉他手將他介紹給擔任藝人經紀的好友Spencer Wells。試音時James Morrison才開口唱了兩個小節,就讓Spencer Wells驚豔不已,迅速將他引薦給英國唱片大廠Polydor。James Morrison堅持不唱無法感動自己的歌曲,簽約後全心投入歌曲的創作。發片前,他甚至推辭了在羅賓威廉斯擔任主角的好萊塢電影中演出的機會,希望先專心做音樂人的角色﹔於是真誠、寫實、迷人、交織人生悲喜的精彩專輯《Undiscovered》順利誕生。 絕對白人的年輕外表下卻擁有媲美Otis Redding的成熟滄桑靈魂嗓音,James Morrison的首次出擊就教全英樂評驚嘆連連,Q雜誌、The Gardian、Heat雜誌紛紛給予四顆星好評﹔而樂迷同樣臣服於他情感豐沛的歌聲中,首支單曲<You Give Me Something>拿下英國金榜No.5,在iTunes數位下載榜與電台播放榜雙雙登上冠軍,《Undiscovered》發行後亦榮獲英國金榜冠軍。也許你偶而會感慨流行音樂市場上動聽的歌曲很多,但是真正動人的好歌聲卻不容易尋覓﹔2006年的秋天,你的耳朵即將感受到James Morrison/詹姆斯墨里森不可思議的聲音魅力。
You want to stay with me in the morning
You only hold me when I sleep,
I was meant to tread the water
Now I've gotten in too deep,
For every piece of me that wants you
Another piece backs away.
'Cause you give me something
That makes me scared, alright,
This could be nothing
But I'm willing to give it a try,
Please give me something
'Cause someday I might know my heart.
You already waited up for hours
Just to spend a little time alone with me,
And I can say I've never bought you flowers
I can't work out what the mean,
I never thought that I'd love someone,
That was someone else's dream.
'Cause you give me something
That makes me scared, alright,
This could be nothing
But I'm willing to give it a try,
Please give me something,
'Cause someday I might call you from my heart,
But it might me a second too late,
And the words I could never say
Gonna come out anyway.
'Cause you give me something
That makes me scared, alright,
This could be nothing
But I'm willing to give it a try,
Please give me something,
'Cause you give me something
That makes me scared, alright,
This could be nothing
But I'm willing to give it a try,
Please give me something
'Cause someday I might know my heart.
Know my heart, know my heart, know my heart
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