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Heroes map customization handbook (FAQ) BY Pol

  • TA的每日心情
    2024-12-28 20:52
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    发表于 2007-8-15 09:21:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    I uploaded a small guide, where you can read:
    * how to install [wiki]WoG[/wiki] and what's bring
    * how to create your own portraits an place them into game
    * how to change appearance/passability for objects in the map
    * and what you need for creating your own animated objects
                        (tools not animation techniques)
    It's here.

    Hope that it will be useful  ;)


    如目标另存为或者用工具不能下载,请先复制歌曲的下载地址,然后打开你的播放器(Windows Media Player)——文件——打开URL,把歌曲地址复制进去点确定——然后可以听到歌曲播放了——文件——媒体另存为——保存,然后会开始下载了
  • TA的每日心情
    2024-12-28 20:52
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     楼主| 发表于 2007-8-15 09:25:52 | 显示全部楼层

    Here is the FAQ


    A. WoG Installation
    B. Custom Portraits
        * Portraits Index
    C. Modification of objects in map
    D. Music
    D. Own objects (just tools yet)

    A. Installation:
    * HoMM3 Complete and WoG 3.58f are reported to be running under Vista well.

    WoG 3.58f is still latest, with this script update. 1)

    When installing WoG 3.58f turn attention to:
    * that you are having Homm3 Complete or fully updated set of RoE + AB + [wiki]SoD[/wiki], it will be working without AB but without its features.
    * that you are installing into copy of your Homm3 folder, for better control over your files
    * that you switched your local enviroment to english before installation
    * if here are not errors or missing elements after installation - if here are, check archive integrity in winrar or other rar capable archivator and probably redownload.
    * do not pay attention to installation indicator, it's known to be lazy in its job.

    WoG 3.58f addon offers:
    * no-cd executable
    * creating new condition for filling the quests through [wiki]ERM[/wiki]
    * controlling unit abilites, new options by ERM
    * so generally ERM and the like

    Rare side-effects:
    * script errors (work on the is still undergoing, we have also testing group)
    * stumped ai


    B. Portraits:
    for any Homm3 variation can be changed as you wish. Here is the recipe..

    Do two portraits, one will be small - hpl and one big - hps.

    Dimensions        Colours              Format
    58x64                 less than 256        pcx
    48x32                 less than 256        pcx

    Rename them according the index 2) and place them into the Data folder.

    PS For small portraits is better to have 1px wide black inner border like is in the game (resedit 3)  will not shows that, it will extract all images with 1px shift). Some colors may cause artifacts in the game. Slightly changing the color table may helps.

    Here is ideal example. 4) **
    Here are some predone portraits. 5) **

    WoG 3.58f is fully capable to running like standart HoMM 3 game only with more objects and units, you can control all its settings from "Scenario Selection" menu "Wogification" suboption, in gold positioned right up. (alas when this menu is missing after installation, redownload and reinstall the game, it must be always presented)

    Forgotten Heroes Portraits Thread:
    http://www.celestialheavens.com/ ... t=2984&start=15

    1) http://wog.celestialheavens.com/en/download/main/data/ic_206/36/
    2) the text index is attached in this file, url to sheets will be added later
    3) http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/h3wogmaparchive/ or somewhereelse
    4) should be in the same folder like is this one file
    5) should be in the same folder like is this one file


       * INDEX:

    Orrin - 000kn - Archery - NS - Leadership, Archery
    Valeska - 001kn - Archers - NS - Leadership, Archery
    Edric - 002kn - Griffins - NS - Leadership, Armorer
    Sylvia - 003kn - Navigation - NS - Leadership, Navigation
    Lord Haart - 004kn - Estates - NS - Leadership, Estates
    Sorsha - 005kn - Swordsmen - NS - Leadership, Offense
    Christian - 006kn - Artillery - NS - Leadership, Tactics
    Tyris - 007kn - Cavaliers - NS - Leadership, Tactics

    Rion - 008cl - First Aid - Stone Skin - Wisdom, First Aid
    Adela - 009cl - Bless - Bless - Wisdom, Diplomacy
    Cuthbert - 010cl - Weakness - Weakness - Wisdom, Estates
    Adelaide - 011cl - Frost Ring - Frost Ring - Advanced Wisdom
    Ingham - 012cl - Monks - Curse - Wisdom, Mysticism
    Sanya - 013cl - Eagle Eye - Dispel - Wisdom, Eagle Eye
    Loynis - 014cl - Prayer - Prayer - Wisdom, Learning
    Caitlin - 015cl - +350gold - Cure - Widsom, Intelligence

    Mephala - 016rn - Armorer - NS - Leadership, Armorer
    Ufretin - 017rn - Dwarves - NS - Resistence, Luck
    Jenova - 018rn - +350gold - NS - Advanced Archery
    Ryland - 019rn - Dendroids - NS - Leadership, Diplomacy
    Thorgrim - 020rn - Rezistance - NS - Advanced Resistence
    Ivor - 021rn - Wood Elves - NS - Archery, Offense
    Clancy - 022rn - Unicorns - NS - Resistance, Pathfinding
    Kyrre - 023rn - Logistic - NS - Archery, Logistic

    Coronius - 024dr - Slayer - Slayer - Wisdom, Scholar
    Uland - 025dr - Cure - Cure - Advanced Wisdom, Balistic - :3
    Elleshar - 026dr - Intelligence - Curse - Wisdom, Intelligence
    Gem - 027dr - First Aid - Summon Boat - Wisdom, First Aid
    Malcolm - 028dr - Eagle Eye - Magic Arrow - Wisdom, Eagle Eye
    Melodia - 029dr - Fortune - Fortune - Wisdom, Luck
    Alagar - 030dr - Ice Bolt - Ice Bolt - Wisdom, Sorcerery
    Aeris - 031dr - Pegasi - Protection from Air - Wisdom, Scouting

    Piquedram - 032al - Stone Gargoyles - Shield - Mysticism, Scouting
    Thane - 033al - Genies - Magic Arrow - Advanced Scholar
    Josephine - 034al - Golems - Haste - Mysticism, Sorcerery,
    Neela - 035al - Armorer - Shield - Scholar, Armorer
    Torosar - 036al - Artillery - Magic Arrow - Mysticism, Tactics
    Fafner - 037al - Nagas - Haste - Scholar, Resistance
    Rissa - 038al - Mercury - Magic Arrow - Mysticism, Offense
    Iona - 039al - Genies - Magic Arrow - Scholar, Intelligence

    Astral - 040wz - Hypnotize - Hypnotize - Advanced Wisdom
    Halon - 041wz - Mysticism - Stone Skin - Wisdom, Mysticism
    Serena - 042wz - Eagle Eye - Dispel - Wisdom, Eagle Eye
    Daremyth - 043wz - Fortune - Fortune - Wisdom, Intelligence
    Theodorus - 044wz - Mages - Shield - Wisdom, Ballistic
    Solmyr - 045wz - Chain Lightning - Chain Lightning - Wisdom, Sorcerery
    Cyra - 046wz - Haste - Haste - Wisdom, Diplomacy
    Aine - 047wz - +350 gold - Curse - Wisdom, Scholar

    Fiona - 048hr - Hell Hounds - NS - Advanced Scouting
    Rasha - 049hr - Efreeti - NS - Wisdom, Scholar
    Marius - 050hr - Demons - NS - Advanced Armorer
    Ignatius - 051hr - Imps - NS - Tactics, Resistance
    Octavia - 052hr - +350gold - NS - Scholar, Offense
    Calh - 053hr - Gogs - NS - Archery, Scouting
    Pyre - 054hr - Artillery - NS - Artillery, Logistic
    Nymus - 055hr - Pit Fiends - NS - Advanced Offense

    Ayden - 056dm - Intelligence - View Earth - Wisdom, Intelligence
    Xyron - 057dm - Inferno - Inferno - Wisdom, Scholar
    Axsis - 058dm - Mysticism - Protection from Earth - Wisdom, Mysticism
    Olema - 059dm - Weakness - Weakness - Wisdom, Ballistic
    Calid - 060dm - Sulfur - Haste - Wisdom, Learning
    Ash - 061dm - Bloodlust  - Bloodlust - Wisdom, Eagle Eye
    Zydar - 062dm - Sorcerery - Stone Skin - Wisdom, Sorcerery
    Xarfax - 063dm - Fire Ball - Fire Ball - Wisdom, Leadership

    Straker - 064dk - Walking Deads - Haste - Necromancy, Resistance
    Vokial - 065dk - Vampires - Stone Skin - Necromancy, Artillery
    Moander - 066dk - Liches - Slow - Necromancy, Learning
    Charna - 067dk - Wights - Magic Arrow - Necromancy, Tactics
    Tamika - 068dk - Black Knights - Magic Arrow - Necromancy, Offense
    Isra - 069dk - Necromancy - Magic Arrow - Advanced Necromancy
    Clavius - 070dk - +350gold - Magic Arrow - Necromancy, Offense
    Galthran - 071dk - Skeletons - Shield - Necromancy, Armorer

    Septienna - 072nc - Death Ripple - Death Ripple - Necromancy, Scholar
    Aislinn - 073nc - Meteor Shower - Meteor Shower - Necromancy, Wisdom
    Sandro - 074nc - Sorcerery - Slow - Necromancy, Sorcerery
    Nimbus - 075nc - Eagle Eye - Shield - Necromancy, Eagle Eye
    Thant - 076nc - Animate Dead - Animate Dead - Necromancy, Mysticism
    Xsi - 077nc - Stone Skin - Stone Skin - Necromancy, Learning
    Vidomina - 078nc - Necromancy  - Curse  - Advanced Necromancy
    Nagash - 079nc - +350gold - Protection from Air - Necromancy, Intelligence

    Lorelei - 080ov - Harpies - NS - Leadership, Scouting
    Arlach - 081ov - Artillery - NS - Offense, Artillery
    Dace - 082ov - Minotaurus - NS - Tactics, Offense
    Ajit - 083ov - Beholders - NS - Leadership, Resistance
    Damacon - 084ov - +350gold - NS - Advanced Offense
    Gunnar - 085ov - Logistic - NS - Tactics, Logistics
    Synca - 086ov - Manticores - NS - Leadership, Scholar
    Shakti - 087ov - Troglodytes - NS - Offense, Tactics

    Alamar - 088wl - Ressurection - Ressurection - Wisdom, Scholar
    Jaegar - 089wl - Mysticism - Shield - Wisdom, Mysticism
    Malekith - 090wl - Sorcererry - Bloodlust - Wisdom, Sorcerery
    Jedite - 091wl - Ressurection - Ressurection - Advanced Wisdom
    Geon - 092wl - Eagle Eye - Slow - Geon, Eagle Eye
    Deemer - 093wl - Meteor Shower - Meteor Shower - Wisdom, Advanced Scouting - :3
    Sephrinoth -094wl - Crystal - Protection from Air - Wisdom, Intelligence
    Darkstorn - 095wl - Stone Skin - Stone Skin - Wisdom, Learnig

    Yog - 096br - Cyclops - NS - Offense, Ballistic
    Gurnisson - 097br - Artillery - NS - Offense, Artillery
    Jabarkas - 098br - Orcs - NS - Offense, Archery
    Shiva - 099br - Rocs - NS - Offense, Scouting
    Gretchin - 100br - Goblins - NS - Offense, Pathfinding
    Krellion - 101br - Ogres - NS - Offense, Resistance
    Crag Hack - 102br - Offense - NS - Advanced Offense
    Tyraxor - 103br - Wolf Riders - NS - Offense, Tactics

    Gird - 104bm - Sorcerery - Bloodlust - Wisdom, Sorcerery
    Vey - 105bm - Ogres - Magic Arrow - Wisdom, Leadership
    Dessa - 106bm - Logistic - Stone Skin - Wisdom, Logistic
    Terek - 107bm - Haste - Haste - Wisdom, Tactics
    Zubin - 108bm - Precision - Precision - Wisdom, Artillery
    Gundula - 109bm - Offense - Slow - Wisdom, Offense
    Oris -  110bm - Eagle Eye - Protection from Air - Wisdom, Eagle Eye
    Saurug - 111bm - Gem - Bloodlust - Wisdom, Resistance

    Bron - 112bs - Basilisks - NS - Armorer, Reistance
    Drakon - 113bs - Gnolls - NS - Armorer, Leadership
    Wystan - 114bs - Lizards - NS - Armorer, Archery
    Tazar - 115bs - Armorer - NS - Advanced Armorer
    Alkin - 116bs - Gorgons - NS - Armorer, Offense
    Korbac - 117bs - Serpent Flies - NS - Armorer, Pathfinding
    Gerwulf - 118bs - Artillery - NS - Armorer, Artillery
    Broghild - 119bs - Wyverns - NS - Armorer, Scouting

    Merlinda - 120wh - Weakness - Weakness - Advanced Wisdom
    Rosic - 121wh - Mysticism - Magic Arrow - Wisdom, Mysticism
    Voy - 122wh - Navigation - Slow - Wisdom, Navigation
    Verdish - 123wh - First Aid - Protection from Fire - Wisdom, First Aid
    Merist - 124wh - Stone Skin - Stone Skin - Wisdom, Learning
    Styg - 125wh - Sorcererry - Shield - Wisdom, Sorcerery
    Andra - 126wh - Intelligence - Dispel - Wisdom, Intelligence
    Tiva - 127wh - Eagle Eye - Stone Skin - Wisdom, Eagle Eye

    Luna - 000el - Fire Wall - Fire Wall - Wisdom, Fire Magic
    Pasis - 000pl - Psychic Elementals - NS - Artillery, Offense
    Brissa - 001el - Haste - Haste - Wisdom, Air Magic
    Thunar - 001pl - Earth Elementals - NS - Estates, Tactics
    Ciele - 002el - Magic Arrow - Magic Arrow - Wisdom, Water Magic
    Ignissa - 002pl - Fire Elementals - NS - Artillery, Offense
    Labetha - 003el - Stone Skin - Stone Skin - Wisdom, Earth Magic
    Lacus - 003pl - Water Elemental - NS - Advanced Tactics

    Inteus - 004el - Bloodlust - Bloodlust - Wisdom, Fire Magic
    Monere - 004pl - Psychic Elementals - NS - Logistic, Offense
    Aenain - 005el - Disrupting Ray - Disrupting Ray - Wisdom, Air Magic
    Erdamon - 005pl - Earth Elementals - NS - Estates, Tactics
    Gelare - 006el - +350gold - Dispel - Wisdom, Water Magic
    Fiur - 006pl - Fire Elementals - NS - Advanced Offense
    Grindan - 007el - +350gold - Slow - Wisdom, Earth Magic
    Kalt - 007pl - Water Elementals - NS - Tactics, Learning

    Adrienne (Fire Witch) - 000sh - Inferno - Wisdom, Expert Fire Magic
    Boragus (Duke Winston Boragus - Barbarian) - 001sh - Ogres - NS - Tactics, Offense
    YoungChristian - 002sh - OP
    Dracon (Wizard) - 003sh - Upgrade Magi and Monks to Enchanters - Haste -  Advanced Wisdom
    Gelu (Forest Guard Ranger)- 004sh - Upgrade Archers and Wood Elves to Sharpshooters - Leadership, Archery
    Kilgor (Barbarian)- 005sh - Behemoths - NS - Advanced Offense
    Lord Haart(Undead Black Knight) - 006sh - Black Knights (+5A, +5D, +10dmg) - Slow - Advanced Necromancy
    Mutare (Overlord) - 007sh - All Dragons (+5A, +5D)- Magic Arrow - Estates, Tactics
    Mutare Drake (Overlord) - 008sh  - All Dragons (+5A, +5D)- Magic Arrow - Estates, Tactics
    Roland (King Roland, Knight) - 009sh - Swordsmen - NS - Leadership, Armorer
    Catherine (Queen Catherine, Knight) - 128qc - Swordsmen - NS - Leadership, Offense
    Kendal - 129mk - OP
    Sir Mullich (Knight) - 130kn - +2 speed to all - NS - Advanced Leadership
    Xeron (Demoniacs) - 131dm - Devils (+4A, +2D, +1sp) - NS - Leadership, Tactics
    Ordwald - 132dl - OP
    Finneas Vilmar - 133nc - OP
    Young Gem - 134nc - OP
    Young Sandro - 135wi - OP
    Young Yog - 136wi - OP

    Nagash - hplz0001 - Cover of Darkness - rest is identical to original Nagash


    Knight 2211
    Cleric 1022

    Ranger 1311
    Druid 0212

    Alchemist 1122
    Wizard 0023

    Demoniac 2211
    Heretic 1121

    Death Knight 1221
    Necromancer 1022

    Overlord 2211
    Warlock 0032

    Battlemage 2111
    Barbarian 4111 NS

    Beastmaster 0411
    Witch 0122

    Planeswalker 3111
    Elementalist 0033 NS

    Table Order: Hero Name - Portrait Number - Specialization - Starting Spell - Starting Skills - Extra Note
    ADPK - Attack, Defense, Power, Knowledge
    sp - speed
    dmg - damage
    OP - Only Portraits
    :3 - This hero possess three skills
    Sorting order is first might and then magic heroes with exception of Conflux. It's going for portrait numbers.



    C. Modification of objects in map
    With use of 'Object Editor' is possible to change appeareance of many objects in the game, turn them into decoration or cut a path throught the forest. These are all very handy options. This editor is fully SoD compatible, it's working with older versions too.
    * static objects should be replaced by static objects (practically all variations possible, fe 'gate to the underwold' to 'hole' or inactive 'teleport' to 'sign')
    * seems that appearance of the town can be changed to many things but not into 'non fort' version
    * here may be problem with heroes, I didn't tested it but it's probable
    * you may customize passability for every object
    * any object can be turn into decoration by setting a flag 'part of background'
    * objects placeable terrains can be changed (fe teleport on water, or favourable winds as decoration over your castle)


    D. Music:
    No known problems. It's recommended to recode the music by lame codec, with same parameters like are having files in the game (mp3, cd quality, joint stereo, vbr, any size). All music in the game will be played mono, here's no way how to switch to stereo mode.

    E. Own Objects (tools)
    You will be needing following tools, for extraction, 'Resedit' or 'Bitlib' or other lod editor. 'Defpreview' or 'Defview' for working with def sprites, game animations. Defview can convert def files to bitmaps and back, it's having special wizard for creating units. After you will convert def files into normal images strip a color table from them, first ten colors are obligatory (shadows, transparency). Result will be indexed image, till 256 color recomended.

    The created def file must be paired with msk - mask file. That's easy, it's sufficient to get one from lod file from the object of the same dimension, rename it and place back. No other reason. Mask file is only defining the borders of the object.

    Generally modifying of game animated objects is not grateful, game doesn't easing that any little. Also sometimes after modification can arise problems with lod indexes (typically after using 'Resedit', that problem is random crash in the game or missing resource which you never touched), so they must be recreated. (Should works with 'Bitlib')

    Other useful modification tools are 'Object text editor' for changing text files, properties(note: not all text files modification will be having effect, some are only descriptors for tables in the game). And 'Object editor' for changing appearence of objects into the maps or edit passability. Don't forget the wog 'Map editor patch' though ;)

    * More guides for units modification:
    http://www.heroesofmightandmagic ... mp.php?cat=tutorial

    * All tools can be get from:
    (new WoG homepage)
    http://www.wogforever.narod.ru (russian site)

    * Pure WoG FAQ

    * ERM related threads

    I will negate your reality with mine, suffer mortal! Fffiiii, pssuuu!

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