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TA的每日心情 | 难过 2023-12-6 19:56 |
签到天数: 1890 天 连续签到: 1 天 [LV.Master]伴坛终老
- 积分
- 71075
有人说,当英伦的前卫遇上法国的浪漫,便成就了像Jane Birkin一样传奇的女子。Jane Birkin简伯金1946年12月14日出生在伦敦的贵族家庭,二十岁时移居法国发展,六七十年代开始红透英法,也曾经涉足影坛。这首经典歌曲的歌词是Jane Birkin创作的,也被用作法国影片“克洛德夫人Madame Claude”中的插曲。你相信吗,目前年已60的Jane Birkin依然在推出新专辑,就在04年她在唱片《Rendez-vous/约会》中用依然年轻柔媚的嗓音和一众巨星对唱。Jane Birkin 的声音可算是尤物,可以诡异,可以温婉,也可以轻柔恬适。都带点沙哑、忧伤的完美,破碎的完美,脆弱的完美。即使年满60,面容依旧青春,声音依然像小孩。这首歌旋律十分轻快,在Jane Birkin的精湛演绎下,娓娓动听,让人感觉置身仙境一般
歌曲:Yesterday Yes A day
歌手:Jane Birkin
Yesterday-Yes a day
Like any day,alone again for every
Day seemed the same sad way
To pass the day
The sun went down without me
Suddenly someone else has touched my shadow
He said
Yesterday-Yes a day
Like any day,alone again for every
Day seemed the same sad way
He tried to say
What did you do without me
Why are you crying alone on your shadow
He said
I know
Yesterday-Yes a day
Like any day,alone again for every
Day seemed the same sad way
The sun went down without you
Folling me in his arms because his shadow
He said
Let's go
Yesterday-Yes a day
Like any day,alone again for every
Day seemed the same sad way
To pay the day
Living my lie without him
Don't let him go away he's found my shadow
Don't let
It go
Yesterday-Yes a day
But to day
No I don't care if others say
It's the same sad way
To pass the day
Cos they all live without if
Without making love in the shadows
To day
I know
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