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TA的每日心情 | 难过 2023-12-6 19:56 |
签到天数: 1890 天 连续签到: 1 天 [LV.Master]伴坛终老
- 积分
- 71075
成立于1995年的德国乐队Sweetbox,最先由TinaHarris担任主唱,以融合当代灵魂、嘻哈元素、古典旋律与流行浩室的节奏进军乐坛,95年推出只首单曲《Booyah Here We Go》,隔年发行第二张单曲《Shakalaka》,在纽约的舞曲榜3周冠军。97年一首取样自巴哈名曲《G弦之歌》的《Everything's Gonna Be Alright》传唱全球,在英国、全欧洲日本与美国告示牌都登上销售排行。不仅如此,Sweetbox还赢得了日本葛莱美点播榜Top10中停留了8周之久。如此耀眼的成绩,让Sweetbox的专辑被全球47个国家发行,一共创下了3千万张的绝佳销售。
1998年Tina离开,Sweetbox短暂告别歌坛。1999当Geo在一次偶然的机会下碰到了Jade Villalon(现任主唱),不论是Jade的歌声、音乐内涵、才华或是亲和迷人的个性,都令Geo意识到这就是他寻觅以久的Sweetbox的新主人,几周之后,Sweetbox就此重生,才华洋溢的Jade带着新的Sweetbox再次惊艳世界。
虽发迹自德国继而红遍全球舞池,但Sweetbox却是个不折不扣的美国团体。Sweetbox的幕后制作黑手GEO,过去曾为Ace Of Base、Bananarama等组合打造舞池金曲,并为Falco、Culture Beat的音乐作品担纲混音,而为专辑献声的主唱Jade Villalon则是位才华洋溢且嗓音娇柔的24岁女歌手。
One night in late July
I saw you cross the room
Then you asked me for a dance
and I could hardly move (yeah)
I`d never been so scared before
your touch was overwhelming
Then you led me to the floor
and I swore I was dreaming
That night there was magic
That night I was spellbound
By your sideoh the first time
I criedI cried Yesyou changed my life
That night That night
By your sideoh the first time
I criedI cried This night changed my life
We sat and talked all night
the starry sky above us
You were nervousI was shy
The butterflies of first love
Then I knocked on heaven`s door
when you leaned in to kiss me
I`d never been left wanting more
oh I was hardly breathing
I want to have that night again
I wanna know what might have been
First love just never ends
oh why do I still miss him
Now life has distanced us
that summer night`s long gone
But I still feel your lips
when I hear our old love song
I`ve changed a lot since then
but I still sit and wonder
I`d like to know what might have been
if summer love had lingered
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