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ERA Mod: Advanced Classes










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发表于 2019-12-31 19:58:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 PerryR 于 2021-3-25 14:27 编辑

Advanced Classes Mod1 1.06

A Mod by Perry R, ​​​​​​AlfWithCake and anti-victor

Dropbox Download      (navigate to Advanced Classes Mod folder, use [LATEST]) or 1.06

Hello Chinese Heroes Community. I want to share with you our big H3 Mod-Project. The Mod works with ERA 2.9x or newest ERA 3.x. The Mod is in English but maybe you find inspiration . Thanks Yunings for helping me with registrations.
Important : Requires new ERA 3.3.X

We're happy to present you Advanced Classes Mod, a gameplay enhancing mod, that features revamped skill and spell systems, new artifacts and artifacts set, 2 dozens
of new and reworked specialities, 6 new subclasses with unique abilities and more. The idea of ​​​​​​this mod was to create 2 new skill ranks — Master and Grandmaster, which are gained right after Expert rank,
as well as a completely new hero class — Adventurer.

    This mod offers:
-New Master and Grandmaster level for every secondary skill;
-New unique effects for every combat spell;
-One new main hero class — Adventurer, along with classic Warrior and Mage;
-3 completely new hybrid subclasses (Battlemage, Hunter and Druid);
-New unique abilities for every class at Master and Grandmaster level;
-Reworked nearly all hero specializations, including creature, spell and skill specialists, new unique specialities, specialities for brand new Adventurer class;
-Reworked Primary and Secondary skill point chance at level up for each class;
-Completely reworked the magic system, now all spells scale with Spell Power and much more;
-Greatly improved usefulness of weaker skills;
-Reworked Commander abilities, they are now much more combat active; -Most
artifacts are improved and are part of a set with interesting bonuses;
-Added 3 new secret class sets;
-New settings for increased difficulty of neutrals and computer players (AI);
-Good compatibility with WoG options; -Documentation
with all changes!

    All changes are very thoroughly described in .txt files in "Help and Readme files" folder. Here all changes are preserved to be as simple as possible.
    All skills are divided between 3 groups: Adventurer skills, Mage skill and Warrior skills. Each skill gives class points which then will determine class
of the hero. Mastering skills earns you additional 2 class points in respective class. Neutral skills can get Master rank and GM rank from any master / GM class, but mastering them doesn't give any additional points .

Below all skill effects that are separated by "/" sign lists bonuses for all 5 ranks. For example, 4/6/10/12/15% means that basic rank will be 4%,
advanced 6%, expert 10%, master 12% and grandmaster 15%.

Adventurer skills.

     First Aid
        First Aid Tent heals 50/75/100/200/300 HP + 10 * HeroLevel, able to revive dead creatures. Also, revives dead units of random stack after combat by up to (1-25 + 5 * Lvl) x1 / 2 /
        3/4/5 HP total. Increases hp of all stacks by 4/6/10/12/15%.
        Decrease penalty when moving on rough terrain by 25/50/75/75/75% (negate all penalty at Expert rank and above).
        At Master rank increase speed of stacks in battle by 1 during first round and get 100 movement point (1 tile) each day. At Grandmaster rank speed bonus lasts for the battle and movement bonus is increased to 200.
        Scouting allows your hero to see 1/2/3/4/5 squares further into the shroud.
        Also gives your hero a chance to discover hidden treasures and other stuff. Chance is 1.8 / 2 / 2.3 / 2.7 / 3.2%, Pendant of Second Sight increases chance by 0.2%, scouting specialists and heroes with adventurer class set by 0.4% each.
        Possible events:
            1) Hero gains 10-20 mana
            2) Gain 750-1750 + 0 to 250 * lvl gold
            3) Gain small amount of resource. 1-3 random resource, 50% more for wood / ore.
            4) Gain considerable amount of resource. 4-6 random resource, 50% more for wood / ore.
            5) Gain 1-2 mithril.
            6) Get random monster event. Gain 1 week growth of a random monster.
            7) Gain 1 extra morale remporarily until next battle
            8) Gain 1 extra luck remporarily until next battle
            9) Gain 0-500 + 250 per level experience, doubles at levels 16, 21, 31, 41 each.
            10) Gain 400 movement points (4 tiles)
            11) Reveal area around you with a radius of 10 +3 per scouting rank (up to expert) tiles.
            12) Fight event. Fight random units and get 1 random primary skill after battle. Don't be surprised if you're proposed to fight 50 archangels at day 1 :)
        Fighting monsters gives random primary skill.
        2 new events:
            13) Get random artifact. 66.7% chance for treasure and 33.3% for minor.
            14) Get random 1-4 not banned spell.
        Increases movement points over land by 15/20/25/30/35%.
        At Master / Grandmaster rank increase speed of stacks in battle by 1 during first round.
        After each battle you have 15/20/25/35/50% chance to attract new creatures to one of your stacks, for a cost. That stack is chosen randomly and for a cost of creatures. You attract 2-8% of this stack, but at least 1 creature.
        Chance to attract, gold cost discount and max amount of creature can be further improved by diplomacy artifacts and specialty.
    Eagle Eye
        Chance to learn spells in combat is 50/65/75/85/100%. Your hero gets additional information about adventure objects.
        Deals damage prior to combat with (1-50 + SP * 4) x1 / 2/3/4/5. Basically an Artillery skill for Mages with SP scaling.
        Allows to visit some objects from afar.
        Increases experince gain by 20 / 30/40/60/75%.
        Upon level up you have a 20/35/50/75/100% chance to get additional random attribute.
        Gain gold daily in amount of 250/500/750/1000/2000 gold.
        Get bonus random resources each won fight. 15% chance to get 1 / 1-2 / 1-3 / 2-4 / 3-5 random resource and 1 extra each 10 levels, 15% chance to get 0-300 / 0- 400 / 250-500 / 500-750 / 750-1000 gold and 250 per 10 levels, 10% chance to get 1-2 mythril.
        Advanced Estates increases resources in picked up resource piles. Wood and ore are increased by 1 per 6 levels, crystal, mercury, gems, sulfur and mythril by 1 per 8 levels, gold by 100 per 6 levels, but at least 1 (100 for gold) bonus resource, Expert rank and above increases resources further by 1 more.
    Navigation See'ya
        in the graveyard!
    Nobility (replaces Navigation)
New skill, borrowed from Heroes 4. Once a week when you visit a town you increase current creatures amount by 20/30/40/80/100% of total growth considering you've built castle. Also, increases value of picked up treasure chests by 500/500/1000/1000/1000.

Mage skills.

Spell system has been reworked. All buff / debuff spells and summon spells use Magic Strength (MS) to increase their effect. MS is equal to Spell Power, but can be increased by skills, some specialities and artifacts.

        Increases damage of offensive spells by 10/20/30/40/50%.
        Gives bonus 2/4/6/8/10% critical strike chance, 5/10/15/20/25% critical damage and increases MS by 3/5/8 / 12/16.
        Increases spell points required by all spells by 1/2/3/4/5.
        Increases max spell points by 25/50/100/125/150%.
        Bonus 1/2/3/4/5% critical strike chance, 6/8/10/15/20% critical damage and increases MS by 1/2/3/5/8.         
        Gives bonus 5/10% critical strike chance, 10/20% critical damage on Master and Grandmaster ranks accordingly and increases MS by 1/2/3/5/8.
        Restores 4/7/10/15/25 spell points daily .
        Gives bonus 3/4/5/7/10% critical strike chance, 6/8/10 / 15/20% critical damage and increases MS by 2/3/4/6/10.
        When you meet other heroes, now you also replenish mana points by 3/4/5/7/10 for both of you, once per day.
        Increases critical strike chance by 6/8/10/15/20%, critical damage by 5/10/15 / 20/25% and increases MS by 3/4/5/7/10.
    Schools of Magic
        Increases MS by 2 /
        3/4/6/9. Master / Grandmaster ranks provides 10/25% damage bonus to offensive spells of corresponding elements.
        Unlocks special bonuses for all spells of corresponding elemental school (for more information see Spells section).

Warrior skills.

        Increases hand-by-hand damage by 10/20/30/35/40%.
        Decreases physical damage received by 5 / 10/15/20/25%.
        Increases ranged damage by 10/25/50/65/ 75% .
    Warfare (Tactics)
        Now gives 1/2/3/4/5 attack and defense bonus and 1 speed. On Master rank gives 2 bonus speed total and on Grandmaster 1 bonus damage to all troops.
        Gives 10/25% extra damage of stack that had moral.
    ERA Mod: Advanced Classes-26.png
        Has 16 / ~ 18/20 / ~ 22/25% chance to increase attack, defense, health or speed of all hero's stacks.
        Now increases HP of War Machines by 50/75/100/150/200%, gives 2 / 3/4/4/4 attack during sieges and 1 (2 on GM) maximum damage bonus to ranged creatures in hero's army.
        Ballista shoots 1/2/2/ 3/4 times with a 50/75/100 / 100 / 100% chance to inflict double damage each. Also, shoots once at the enemies before combat with (1-50 + 2 * Lvl + 3 * Attack) x1 / 2/ 3/4/5.
        Increases ballista's HP by 50/100 / 150/250/500 flat (after Ballistics HP increase).
        10/15/20/23/25% magic resistance (dwarf type).
        Decreases all (normal or critical) spell damage of enemy hero by 10/15/20/25/30% (golem type).

Neutral skills.
        Ressurects 5/10/15/15/15% of defeated creatures as skeletons.
        On Master rank ressurected undeads are zombies, and on Grandmaster rank — Wights.

Class bonuses and descriptions. You gain master class at 35 class points, grandmaster at 57 class points. You cannot If you get masters at 2 classes simultanneously you will become hybrid class. You can't get master at 3 classes or grandmaster one class and master another class.

Warrior.Fight, destroy, conquer. Power is everything and strength is a must to achieve the state of power. And strength is not in numbers, but in fighting skill and willpower. You will have impossibly strong army, maiming enemies with a single blow while shaking off any hit taken like a scratch.
Master bonus:
    -15% max damage for all troops
    -50% damage reduction for all Retaliations,
    -Critical Strike I

Mage.Weaken you enemies, bless your allies, blast to pieces anyone you want, everything is possible for a mage. Shock those who think they're brave, block those who think they're fast, curse those who think they're strong, explode those who're fool enough to flock. Alter the battlefield; with immense flexibility of magic you can be creative and it will pay off, or you can be straightforward and implode vitals of everything that moves.
    -1 extra cast
    - 1 extra cast per battle round
    -Arcane Prophet (you may get one random damaging ability to deal bonus damage. You will get notified which is amplified.)

Adventurer.What does strength mean when there're no people to fight for you? What does magic mean if you can't afford even a simple spell? Does it matter how strong you're if you get stuck in the swamp? For adventurers, simple rules do not apply. Locate resources where other will not, gather soldiers when others are not wise enought to do so, change your rules as you go, bind adventure map to your cause. Smother enemies with your numerous army before they have a chance to call to arms.
    -Plunder Ability (like in H5, removes movement cost of picking up resources, fighting, capturing mines)
    -Get Advanced Offense / Armorer / Archery,
    -+ 5% creature growth per Week
We will note here , that adventurer class heroes havetheir own skill system , meaning that they have secondary skill chances, primary skill gains and starting secondary / primary skills unique to their class and faction. They can't be distinguished by class name, but can easily be distinguished by their speciality — their speciality is always associated with adventurer skill. Kyrre, classic logistics specialist, is now an adventurer. Fiona, that used to have cerberi speciality, now is a Scouting specialist and also an adventurer.

Battlemage. Those who can't ignore neither might nor magic will eventually learn how to use them both succefully. Decades of fighting made you realize how valuable it is to overwhelm your opponents and ways of doing so. Your magic will surprise, your warcry will make enemies falter.
    -Warcry (reduce hp of enemies by 5 -10%)
    -Pre-Cast (casts 1 random damage ability when the fight starts)
    -1 extra cast

Hunter. Hunt down animals, hunt down enemies, everything is your prey. Long and numerous hunting sessions turned you into a quick and agile killer, merciless. You surrounded your prey, you negated any unusual moves, first strike is all that matters, wounded prey can't retaliate. And your results are surprising.
    -First Shot Ability (your archers will act before everyone in first turn) -Magic
    Block (prevents enemy spell casting at first turn)
    -Plunder Ability
    -10% max Damage

Druid.You've used your wits, you've worked for brighter future, but you can't save them all. No amount of diplomacy can solve that, you were not quite stupid to believe that. Yet you always have searched for a way to protect everything what is precious to you. You were searching for years and found nothing; the answer always lied before you: Nature. It opened it's secrets to you, it taught you how to be as everlasting as it is, as durable, and it taught you magic. March with your immortal army to your dream: eternal peace.
    -Natural Healer (resurrect 2 damage stacks after battles, First Aid skill is not required, but will increase the healing at Master and GM ranks)
    -Hardened Skin (damage block equal to 5 * HeroLevel)
    -1 extra cast
Specialists rework details.

Skill specialists.
    First of all, now all classic skill specialists increase skill effect by 3% instead of 5% So at level 20 instead of doubling skill effect, it will be increased by 60%. All effects here are rounded up.              
        Heroes with speciality: Sylvia, Voy.
            Increase creature bonus further by 3% per level. This increase is multiplication of current bonus, so at level 10 and expert Nobility this creature growth will be increased by 40% * 1.3 = 52% instead of 40% .
        at Wisdom
        Heroes with Specialty :. Coronius
            Increases spell Critical Strike Chance by 1% per Level Expert Hero Soho Soho starts with AT OTHER at Wisdom in Addition to One Basic Secondary skill ..
        Heroes with speciality: Melodia, Daremyth, Sephinroth.
            Diplomacy specialists increase attraction chance by 1% each 4 levels, max amount by 1% per 10 levels and gives 1% per 2 levels cost decrease.
        Heroes with speciality: Thane.
            Hero regenerate 1 extra per 5 levels spell points when meeting other heroes and gets 10% bonus to spell critical chance and damage. Hero starts with Advanced Scholar in addition to one other basic secondary skill.
        Heroes with speciality: Halon, Axsis, Jaegar , Rosic.
            Hero regenerates 1 extra spell point per 2 hero levels. Along with Intelligence specialist, can increase strength of spell in combat, adding 20 MS for status spells and increasing damage by 25% for damage spells.
        Heroes with speciality: Elleshar, Ayden, Andra.
            Still increases skill bonus, by 3% as all other skill specialists now. Along with Mysticism specialist, can increase strength of spell in combat, adding 20 MS for status spells and increasing damage by 25% for damage spells.
        Heroes with speciality: Fiona, Gundula.
            Increases radus by an additional 1 per 10 levels, chance to encounter events is increased by ~ 0.4%. Events have increased effect:
            1) Mana event gives 5 extra mana;
            2) Gold gain event is increased by 1000;
            3 + 4) Resource events gives 2 extra resources (3 for wood / ore);
            5) Mythril event gain is increased by 1;
            6) Get random monster event is changed. Fiona gains cerberi of hell hounds, Gundula random Citadel creatures;
            7 + 8) No changes for morale / luck events;
            9) Experience event gives extra 0-1000 exp;
            10) No changes for movement event, sadly ;
            11) Area reveal event has extra 3 tiles radius;
            12) Fight event is not changed
            13) Artifact event is not changed
            14) Spell event is not changed
        Heroes with speciality: Vidomina, Tiva, Gelare.
            Hero gains second chance to increase primary skill point on level up, it's possible to get 2 bonus primary skill points if both chances are succesful. Second chance is equal to first. Also, 3% bonus to Learning experience increase per level.
        Warfare (Tactics).
        Heroes with speciality: Gerwulf, Lacus.
            Gain 1 bonus attack and defence for creatures every 7 levels. At level 10 gain +1 bonus flat damage , at level 20 +1 speed.
        Heroes Specialty with :. Merist, calid
            . Increases Movement Points by 10 per Hero Level Reminder, with NO penalties / Bonuses the equals the tile. 1 Movement Points 100, 141 is for Diagonal Movement.
        Heroes with speciality: Clavius.
            3% bonus and random resources per day.
        Artillery .
        Heroes with Specialty:. Christian, Torosar, Pyre, Arlach, Gurnisson
            . Ballista Gains,, ,, 5% Bonus to Defense, and Damage per Attack Hero Levels 5 and Shoots 1 Extra Time, 1 per 20 Additional Levels
        . First Aid
        Heroes with Specialty: Rion, Gem, Verdish.
            First Aid tent is increased by 10% + lvl%, increases hp of all creatures by + 1% per 15 levels in addition to standard First Aid bonus. At level 10 heals an additional time after combat (description doesn't say it). Heal after combat multiplier is also increased by 1.
        Schools of Magic.
        Heroes with speciality: Sanya (Water), Malcom (Water), Serena (Air), Nimbus (Air), Oris (Fire).
            These heroes deal 15% additional damage with damage spells of corresponding school of magic and get 14% + lvl% chance to get bonus water spell cast up to 1 time (2 times from level 25, 3 from 40, 4 from 60, 5 from 80)
        Heroes with speciality : Zydar, Sandro, Gird, Styg, Malekith.
            In addition to nasty damage bonus from speciality (3% per level, even though tooltip says 5%), get 14% + lvl% chance to get bonus damage spell cast up to 1 time (2 times from level 25, 3 from 40, 4 from 60, 5 from 80)

Creature specialists
    Reworked. Increases attack and defence by 1 + 1 per 7 levels, health by 9% + + 1% per hero level, damage by 1 per 10 levels, levels for damage calculation are increased by 3 for each specialised creature level over 1.
    These heroes speciality was changed to creature:
        Rissa specialises in Gremlins;
        Aenain specialises in Air / Storm Elementals.

Spell Specialists
    In addition to normal specialist bonus, damage spell specialists get bonus spell casts for their special spell. Number of times depends on level and on spell itself:
        Magic arrow: each 6 (Ciele)
        Ice Bolt: 8 (Alagar)
        Lightning: 10 (Saurug )
        Fire Wall: 10 (Luna)
        Ice Ring: 10 (Adelaide)
        Fireball: 10 (Inteus)
        Death Ripple: 15 (Septienne)
        Meteor Shower: 12 (Aislinn, Deemer)
        Inferno: 13 (Xyron)
        Chain Lightning: 20 (Solmyr)
    Status spell specialists (like Stone Skin, Prayer, Bless) get increased effect depending on level and spellpower. Effect is increased by 1 each x SP + Lvl:
        15 for Stone Skin, Bloodlust, Precision, Weakness, Bless.
        20 for Haste and Prayer.
    Resurrection, Animate Dead and Cure specialists also have increased effect for these spell. Resurrection and Animate Dead restore additional 20 * (SP + Lvl) HP, while Cure specialists double Cure Master rank Bonus, effectively healing additional (30 + SP * 5) HP and it's possible to heal bonus 240 + 40 * SP HP per cast!
    Thunar is a brand new spell specialist. His special is Summon Earth Elementals spell, he can cast it without Wisdom and if he casts it in fight, after the battle 1-3 earth elementals +1 per 7 SP will join his army.
New specialties:
    Another addition to specialties is Xarfax, who specialises in spell critical damage, increasing crit damage by 1% per level, and Ignissa, who increases Firebird growth in town by 1.
    Last, but not least, is new speciality that features commanders. Torosar, Vey and Pasis have more powerful commander, increasing all commanders HP by 9% + lvl%, damage by 2 * lvl% and speed by 1 +1 per 10 levels. They also get 33% to strike an additional time. Be ready for some tough commander in mid game!

Spell system.

Almost all spells, that didn't scale whatsoever, like buff and debuff spells, now scale with the new parameter called Magic Strength (MS). MS equals to Spellpower, but is also increased by all mage secondary skills and some specialties or artifacts. Moreover, all combat spells now gained a bonus effect that's unlocked by gaining Master rank at corresponding school of magic and most spells are further amplified by Grandmaster rank. To compensate for high values ​​​​​​spells got mana costs got increased and starting effect got decreased.
Scalings. Every value here and in spells is rounded down.
Percentage: extra 3% per 10 MS.
Fire Shield: 2% per 10 MS.
Attack / Defence: 1 per 10 MS.
Damage: 1 per 33 MS.
Morale / Luck / Retals: 1 per 33 MS.
Haste / Prayer: 1 per 25 MS.
Summons: 1 per 20 MS.

Combat spells.

School of Water Magic.
Level 1                     
    Heals target by 10/10/20/30 + 5 * SP hit points and removes negative effects.
    Heals an additional 30/130 + 5 * SP HP, effectively doubling healing.
    At Master / GM can reincarnate allies. Doesn't affect dead allies.            
    Cost: 8/6/6/12.         

    Increases morale of an all creature by 1/1 / 2/2.
        After an allied stack gets good morale, next attack will deal additional SP / 2%, damage. GM rank gives additional 15% dmg to good morale damage.
        Scales as Morale / Luck / Retals.         
        Cost: 10/8 / 8/10.     

    Protection from Water
        Decreases damage done by water spells by 20/20/30/35%.
        Has a SP / 2 + 10% chance (+ 20% with GM) to shake off negative water effects at the end of every battleround.
        Scales as Percentage.
        Cost: 8/6/6/12.
    Level 2
    Ice Bolt
        Does 0/10/20/40 + 20 * SP damage.
        Ice spells leave affected enemies frostbitten, decreasing speed by -1 / -2 until the end of the battle.
        Cost: 12/9/9/9.
        Changes minimum damage to maximum damage. Advanced rank also increases maximum damage by 1.
        Increases damage of creatures by an additional +2 for the first round of bless.
        Scales as Damage.
        Cost: 8 / 6/6/10.
    Dispel Removes
        spell effects from units on battlefield. Works only on allied units on None / Basic rank, Enemies from Advanced, magic-based terrain from Expert.
        Allied units keep positive effects for one turn.
        Cost: 8/6/6/12.
        Reduces the attack rating of affected units by 2/2/4/3.
        Decreases damage dealt of affected enemies by 4% per battle round, maximum of 10 instances or 40% total damage reduction.
        Scales at The AS Attack / Defense.
        Cost: ... 8 / 6/6/10.

    Level 3.
    Ring by by Frost
        Does at The 0/15/30/60 at The SP + 15 * Damage.
        Ice spells leave affected enemies frostbitten, decreasing speed by -1 / -2 until the end of the battle.
        Cost: 12 / 9/ 9/9.
        50/50/100/100% of the targetted stack will forget to shoot.
        Enemies are so confused that they forget who is friend or enemy. Targets have 15/20% + SP / 2% chance to berserk.
        Cost: 12 / 10/10/20.
    ERA Mod: Advanced Classes-57.png
        Target allied troop instantly moves to an unoccupied target hex, except over walls or moats. Advanced effect allows teleport over moats, Expert anywhere and allows teleporting enemies.
        Surround teleported stack with mines. These mines do 130 invariable damage (sorry!), that also get Master / GM Landmine effects.
        Cost: 14 / 13/12/12.
    Summon Water Elemental
    ERA Mod: Advanced Classes-58.png
        Creates 1/1/2/3 * SP water elementals. Once cast, no other elemental types may be summoned.
        Summoned elementals grow by 0/10 + SP% of current amount each battleround for 3 turns or until killed.
        Scales as Summons.
        Cost: 15/16/18/20.
    Level 4
        Creates a duplicate of target, allied troop level 1- 4 / 1-5 / 1-6 / 1-7. The duplicate can attack but is dispelled if it receives any damage.
        All your clones will increase in quantity by 25/ 35%.
        Cost: 20/15/15/15.
    Level 5
        Target an allied troop to increase it's attack, defence, and speed ratings by 2/3/4 / 3.
        Gives extra against undead troops, increasing damage by 0/5% + (2 * SP / 5)%. Maxes out at 25% extra damage.
        Scales as Haste / Prayer.
        Cost: 15/12/12/24.

School of Air Magic.

        Level 1
        Targetted allied ranged troop has its attack rating increased by 2/2/4/4 when executing ranged attacks.
        Gives "shoot when adjacent" ability for the round casted.
        Scales as Attack / Defence.
        Cost: 8/6 / 6/10.
Increases luck of an ally target by 1/1/2/2.
        Allows to steal stats from attacked enemies. The chance is 20/30% + SP / 2%. Steal either 5 attack, 5 defence, 2 speed or 4 damage.
        Scales as Morale / Luck / Retals.
        Cost: 9/6/6/9.
    Protection from Air
        Decreases damage done by air spells by 20/20/30/35%.
        Has a SP / 2 + 10% chance (+ 20% with GM) to shake off negative air effects at the end of every battleround.
        Scales as Percentage.
        Cost: 8/6/6/12.
    Level 2
    Magic Mirror
        Enemy spell casts on targeted, allied troop has a 10/20/30/ 40% chance of being redirected to a random enemy troop.
        Also redirects mass spell casts.
        Scales as Percentage.
        Cost: 10/10/10/10.
    Air Shield
        Shields an allied stack, reducing the amount of damage received from ranged attacks by 15/15/20/25%.
        Gives 5/8 + (SP / 10)% chance to completely dodge an attack.
        Scales as Percentage.
        Cost: 9/7/7 / 14.
        Increases number of retaliations by 1/1/2/2 each battle round for target ally stack.
        Gives no retaliation ability for the round casted.
        Scales as Morale / Luck / Retals.
        Cost: 12/11/10/16 .

    Destroy Undead
        All undead creatures receive 0/10/20/40 + 10 * SP damage.
        Casts gives all living creatures +1 morale for the current battle round.
        Cost: 20/18/18/18.
    Level 3
    Lightning bolt
    ERA Mod: Advanced Classes-68.png
        Does 0/15/ 30/60 + 30 * SP damage.
        Lightnings inflict a state of shock, increasing critical magic chance by 10% and critical magic damage by 20%.
        Cost: 15/12/12/12.
    Summon Air Elemental
    ERA Mod: Advanced Classes-69.png
        Creates 1/1/2 /3 * SP air elementals. Once cast, no other elemental types may be summoned.
        Summoned elementals grow by 0/10 + SP% of current amount each battleround for 3 turns or until killed.
        Scales as Summons.
        Cost: 15/16/ 18/20.
        Increases stack's speed by 2/2/3/3.
        Increases speed of all affected units by +1 during the first turn after being casted.
        Cost: 9/7/7/14.
    Level 4
    Chain Lightning
        Creates lightning bolt that strikes target enemy troop for 0/25/50/100 + 45 * SP damage and chains to up to 4/4/5/5 troops.
        Lightnings inflict a state of shock, increasing critical magic chance by 10% and critical magic damage by 20% .
        Cost: 25/20/20/20.
    Disrupting Ray
        Decrease defence of the target enemy by 3/5/6/7 until the end of the battle. Stacks and dispells Stone Skin.
        Increases flat damage against targets by 1/2.
        Scales as Attack / Defence.
        Cost: 12/10/10/10.
    Level 5
        Target an enemy stack, if it's total HP is less than 150/500/1000/1500 + 150 * SP. This stack is under your control now .
        Makes hypnotized targets attacks blind for 2 turns with a
        20/40 + SP% chance. Cost: 25/30/35/40.
    TITAN'S Lightning Bolt!
        Lightnings inflict a state of shock, increasing critical magic chance by 10% and critical magic damage by 20%.

School of Earth Magic.

        Level 1

        Randomly places 4/4/6/8 small patches of quicksand on the battlefield. Walking into quicksand ends a stack's movement for the turn and makes it visible to all. Doesn't work on flying troops.
        Also places one additional patch of quicksand in front of all your shooting troops.
        Cost: 10/8/8/8.
    Stone Skin
        Increases allied stack defence rating by 2/2/4/4.
        Doubles defence gained for the round casted and extra 1 undispellable defence each 2 hits taken. Dispel Stone Skin before it gets too late!
        Scales as Attack / Defence.
        Cost: 8/6/6/10.
        Reduces the morale of an enemy by 1/1/2/2.
        Your enemies deal less damage if they attack bigger creatures. 5% less damage for every level difference.
        Scales as Morale / Luck / Retals.
        Cost: 11/8/8/11.
    Protection from Earth
        Decreases damage done by earth spells by 20/ 20/30/35%.
        Has a SP / 2 + 10% chance (+ 20% with GM) to shake off negative earth effects at the end of every battleround.
        Scales as Percentage.
        Cost: 8/6/6/12.
    Level 2
    Force Field
        Places a 2/2/3 / 3-hex wide Force Field on the battlefield at a point specified by the caster.
        Creatures standing next to the Force Field drain magic energy from it, massively increasing their combat power. Increases hp by 50% and damage by CreatureLevel + 2.
        Cost: 12/10/10/10.
        Decreases hand-to-hand damage taken by an ally by 10/10/20/20%.
        Also shield allies for 10/15 * (SP + 10) HP, preventing any damage ..
        Scales AS Percentage
        Cost :. 9/7/7/14
        . Randomly DAMAGES 2/2/3/4 Wall Sections of Castle in Combat
        Extra 15+ (the SP. 3 *) / 10% Chance (max 30%) that enemy creatures will not act in the current battle round and 50% chance for shooters loose 3 shots.
        Cost: 16/14/12/10.
    Level 3
    Death Ripple
        All creatures, except undead troops, take 0/10/20/40 + SP * 12 damage.
        Casts decreases morale of all living creatures by 1 for the current battle round.
        Cost: 20/18/18/18.
        Decreases speed of enemy by 30/30/30/20%.
        Affected enemies lose {-1} extra speed for the current battle round.
        Scales as Percentage.
        Cost: 9/7 / 7/14.
        Protects the selected stack from level 1-2 / 1-3 / 1-4 / 1-5 spells. Additionally, it removes negative spell effects (eg Weakness).
        Your creature gets dispell ability for the current battle round.
        Cost: 20 / 15/15/15 .
    Level 4
    Meteor Shower
        Does 0/25/50/100 + 25 * SP damage.
        Earth spells crush enemies, decreasing armor of affected units by -3 / -5.
        Target, allied troop with dead creatures has 0/40/80/160 + SP * 50 health worth of creatures restored to life for the duration of the current battle. Advanced rank and above resurrects creatures permanently.
        Additional random buff for resurrected stack for 2
        Turn. Cost: 25/20 / 20/20.
    Animate Dead
        Reanimates 0 /20/40/80 + SP * 45 hit points worth of killed undead creatures in target, allied troop.
        Once per combat Animated stacks can leech SP% hit points of their dealt damage, + 5/15% bonus if they kill the complete stack.
        Cost: 20/16/16/16.
    Level 5
        Does 80 * SP damage.
        Earth spells crush enemies, decreasing armor of affected units by -3 / -5.
        Cost: 35/30/30 / 30.
    Summon Earth Elemental
        Creates 1/1/2/3 * SP earth elementals. Once cast, no other elemental types may be summoned.
        Summoned elementals grow by 0/10 + SP% of current amount each battleround for 3 turns or until killed.
        Scales as Summons.
        Cost: 15/16/18/20.

School of Fire Magic.

        Level 1
    Land Mine
        Does 25/25/50/100 + 10 * SP damage, spawning 4/4 /
        6/8 mines per cast. Mines are crippling. Stepping on mine will decrease troop's speed by 1-2 / 1-3 / 2- 5 for monster levels 1-3 / 4 /> 5 accordingly.
        Mines have 12.5% ​​​​​​chance to be big ones, dealing 1000 + (10 + SP / 2)% TotalHP unresistable damage. Each Land Mine and Master / GM Teleport cast increases amount of big ones by 1.
        Cost: 12/10/10 / 10.
        Increases hand-to-hand attack rating inflicted an allied stack by 2 / 2/4/3 points.
        Doubles extra attack rating for your affected troops for the current battle round and increased attack rating by 3 for every enemy stack slain.
        Scales as Attack / Defence.
        Cost: 8/6/6/10
    Remove Obstacle Removes
        one, non-magic obstacle from the battlefield. Advanced rank affects Fire Walls, Expert any magic-based obstacle. Integrated obstacles, such as cliffs, are not affected.
        After casting there's a 30 + SP% chance to be able to cast again.
        Cost: 8/7/6 / 3.
        Decreases luck of the targetted stack by 1/1/2/2.
        Enemies also have 25% chance that your enemies deal 20/ 25% + SP / 2% less damage with attacks, with a maximum of 50/60% reduction.
        Scales as Morale / Luck / Retals.
        Cost: 8/6/6/8.
    Protection from Fire
        Decreases damage done by fire spells by 20/20/30/35%.
        Has a SP / 2 + 10% chance (+ 20% with GM) to shake off negative fire effects at the end of every battleround.
        Scales as Percentage.
        Cost : 8 / 6/6/12.
    Level 2
    Fire Wall
        Places wildfire on the battlefield at a point specified by the caster. Any stacks passing through the wall take 10/10/20/50 + 10 * SP damage.
        Creatures walking multiples times through your Fire Wall will take double or even quadruple damage.
        Cost: 14/ 12/11/10.
        Changes maximum damage to minimum damage. Advanced rank also decreases minimum damage by 1.
        Affected enemies deal 5% less damage for every active debuff on their stacks.
        Cost: 8/6/6/10.
        Selected allied troop intentionally lowers its defence to 0 to increase the ferocity of its attack. Attack rating is increased by 50/ 100/150/200% of the sacrificed defence.
        Gives {~ Red} Attack and Return {~} ability for the affected allied creatures.
        Cost: 12/12 / 12/12.
    Level 3
Does 0/15/30/60 + 15 * SP damage.
        Fire spells burn with everlasting hellfire, not loosening hold on enemies easily. Burning creatures take extra 26.7 / 40% of original damage at the end of a round.
        Cost: 13/10/10/10.
        Target, enemy troop is frozen until attacked, dispelled or effect wears off. Deactivating attack is retaliated at 75/50/25/0% of base attack rating.
        Blind withstands one heal or dispel attempt, decreasing duration to 1 turn left instead of being removed.
        Cost: 20/16 / 16/16.
Target, allied troop's attack rating is increased by 7/8/9/10 against behemoths, dragons, and hydras. Advanced rank also increases attack rating against devils and angels, Expert against titans.
        20/30 + SP / 2% of Crushing Blow, which reduces Attack (-5), Defence (-5) or Speed ​​​​​​(-3) of any level 7 creature. Mupltiple stats may be selected.
        Scales as Attack / Defence.
        Cost: 12/10/10/10.
    Level 4
    Summon Fire Elemental
        Creates 1/1/2/3 * SP fire elementals. Once cast, no other elemental types may be summoned.
        Summoned elementals grow by 0/10 + SP% of current amount each battleround for 3 turns or until killed.
        Scales as Summons.
        Cost: 15/16/18/20.

    Fire Shield
        15/15/20/20% of hand-to-hand damage inflicted on target, allied troop is counter-inflicted on attackers of the troop.
        Troops attacking Fire Shield enhanced stacks with close combat have 10/20% + SP / 2% chance to summon SP fire elementals. Caps at 50/65%.
        Scales as Fire Shield (Finally!).
        Cost: 14/12/12 / 10.
        Does 0/20/40/80 + 20 * SP damage.
        Fire spells burn with everlasting hellfire, not loosening hold on enemies easily. Burning creatures take extra 26.7 / 40% of original damage at the end of a round.
        Cost: 20/18/18/18.
        Target, living troop is sacrificed ( destroyed). Then another ex-living target dead troop has (SP + destroyed troop's base health + 3/3/6/10) * (N of creatures sacrificed) in health total of creatures returned to life.
        Once per combat, sacrificed stack gets revived as martyr, that has one third of original total HP (before battle) and max damage as high as original amount of creatures in stack by max damage.
        Cost: 30/25/25/25.
    Level 5
        Target attacks nearest troop. All stacks in 0/0/1/2 hex radius around the target hex are affected.
        Applies 50% Expert Slow for 3 turns after affected stacks attack.
        Cost: 30/30/35/40.
        Does 50 * SP damage.
        Applies expert Protection from Fire to your troops before Armageddon cast, that will reduce damage by 35%. Applied spell will last for 1 turn.
        Rains magma instead of fire, thus is not affected by M / GM bonus to fire spells .
        Cost: 40 / 35/35/35.

Adventure Spells. Sadly, no new effects, but mana costs, levels and element alignment are changed for some spells.

Something you have waited for:

    Magic Arrow
    Level 1, aligns with every school of magic.           
        Does 30 / .. + 10 * 33 / 37/40 Master or the SP Grandmaster Rank in the Any Schools of Magic Will give Magic Arrow Damage Increases Ability The Bloodbound. 5% per killed by Stack, up to 10% per Combat.
        8/7 / 7/6. Try Ciele with adventure cave's mass Magic Arrow, suddenly it will feel like an Armageddon blade that hurts more than Implosion while having 7.

Thanks to Bersy for releasing a new ERA version with increased memory just in time to make this mod work together with ERA scripts. Igrik and Algor for providing essential code functions which without this mod would not be possible, Daemonfor testing and complete Russian Translation, special thanks to AlfWithCake and anti-victor with which I have been chatting and emailing the last half year nearly every day on discord, scripting / testing and repeat.      

Dropbox Download   (Permanent)
https://dropmefiles. com/wVq00              

====Edited by Yunings on 2020-1-2====

  1. <font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">I've made Perry's post into a complete PDF file for players to download, which contains all the pictures in the post , so you guys can get a feel for Perry's massive project and various innovations in AC Mod.</font></font></font></font>

ERA Mod_ Advanced Classes - WoG英雄无敌III 中文论坛.pdf (3.92 MB, 下载次数: 18)

Stone Skin Special.png.jpg
Warrior Set.png.jpg
Tower Commander.png.jpg
First Aid.png.jpg
GM Air.png.jpg
GM Animate Dead.png.jpg
new nobility.png.jpg
GM AirShield.png.jpg
Druid Table.png.jpg
Difficulty Mod.png
Class Set Bonus.png.jpg

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    ERA Project Team

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    发表于 2020-7-20 01:22:19 | 显示全部楼层
    进阶职业Mod汉化版/ACM with Chinese Localization:进阶职业mod汉化分享
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    发表于 2019-12-31 20:05:39 | 显示全部楼层
    It's really a HUGE project!!  Thank you and HAPPY NEW YEAR, man


    Thanks yunings :) Yes it is a huge project, took nearly 4 years to write down all erm scripts. I wish you a happy new year too, well chinese New Year is still a bit away.  详情 回复 发表于 2019-12-31 21:42
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    8级 Supreme Hero

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    发表于 2019-12-31 20:30:49 | 显示全部楼层


    大佬级别的沟通,完全看不懂  详情 回复 发表于 2020-1-5 19:57
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     楼主| 发表于 2019-12-31 21:42:58 | 显示全部楼层
    yunings 发表于 2019-12-31 20:05
    It's really a HUGE project!!  Thank you and HAPPY NEW YEAR, man

    Thanks yunings :)
    Yes it is a huge project, took nearly 4 years to write down all erm scripts.
    I wish you a happy new year too, well chinese New Year is still a bit away.


    Hi,Perry I have successfully downloaded the AC Mod, but I didn't find any screenshot in the Mod folder and unfortunately I can't see the pictures attached in your post, neither. It seems that the pi  详情 回复 发表于 2019-12-31 23:47
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    发表于 2019-12-31 22:00:02 | 显示全部楼层
    to be honest, i haven't complete reading this post, because it is so long. i can't imagin how huge is the project. thanks for share this wonderful work with us.happy new year!
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    2024-4-13 10:03
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    4级 Famous Hero

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    发表于 2019-12-31 22:26:18 | 显示全部楼层
    就看懂了happy new year!
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    发表于 2019-12-31 23:47:18 | 显示全部楼层
    PerryR 发表于 2019-12-31 21:42
    Thanks yunings :)
    Yes it is a huge project, took nearly 4 years to write down all erm scripts.

    I have successfully downloaded the AC Mod, but I didn't find any screenshot in the Mod folder and unfortunately I can't see the pictures attached in your post, neither. It seems that the picture server you quoted has been blocked by something else. I even tried to use VPN to view the picture but failed. Can you pack a photo album as an attachment and upload it to the post?  In addition, if possible, I recommend that you upload the image to the following web image server for reference. Chinese WoG fans can normally access the image server: https://upload.cc/


    Okay, thanks for telling. Unfortunatly the post contains a lot of very small pictures. I will not replace all. For testing purpose I used upload.cc and replaced two pictures. I also added some pics  详情 回复 发表于 2020-1-1 01:46
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     楼主| 发表于 2020-1-1 01:46:39 | 显示全部楼层
    yunings 发表于 2019-12-31 23:47
    I have successfully downloaded the AC Mod, but I didn't find any screenshot in the Mod  ...

    Okay, thanks for telling.
    Unfortunatly the post contains a lot of very small pictures. I will not replace all. For testing purpose I used upload.cc and replaced two pictures. I also added some pics as attachments. If the post now needs to much traffic I will reduce the number of pictures in attachment.


    I've made your post into a complete PDF file for players to download, which contains all the pictures in the post, so just have fun.  详情 回复 发表于 2020-1-2 11:27
    Hi, Nice Mod !! But just wondering how to install? I downloaded the whole folder and looked into the folder ' New versions' . Extracted the "[Gameplay] Advanced Classes Mod [LATEST]" and copied the  详情 回复 发表于 2020-1-1 16:34
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    6级 Legendary Hero

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    发表于 2020-1-1 15:39:38 | 显示全部楼层
    Hi guys ! PerryR & Yunings , Thank you for your great jobs !! I really love this mod but just can't activate in my era....What a pretty. But I can see
    this is a nice new experience for me as an old player . Thank you !!
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    6级 Legendary Hero

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    发表于 2020-1-1 16:34:57 | 显示全部楼层
    PerryR 发表于 2020-1-1 01:46
    Okay, thanks for telling.
    Unfortunatly the post contains a lot of very small pictures. I will no ...

    Hi, Nice Mod !! But just wondering how to install? I downloaded the whole folder and looked into the
    folder ' New versions' . Extracted the "[Gameplay] Advanced Classes Mod [LATEST]" and copied the whole folder into "Mods" .  Used ERA tools to activated it but when I started the game it said ERA error .


    Yes the installation sounds okay. Which ERA version are you using? The mod only runs on ERA 2.88 or newest ERA 2.93. If you are using 2.93 you need to delete era hooker plugin from Advanced Classes  详情 回复 发表于 2020-1-1 17:16
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     楼主| 发表于 2020-1-1 17:16:45 | 显示全部楼层
    knigt.mk 发表于 2020-1-1 16:34
    Hi, Nice Mod !! But just wondering how to install? I downloaded the whole folder and looked into t ...

    Yes the installation sounds okay.
    Which ERA version are you using?
    The mod only runs on ERA 2.88 or newest ERA 2.93. If you are using 2.93 you need to delete era hooker plugin from Advanced Classes mod ERAPlugins folder.

    What excatly does the error say?


    Oh! That's the reason. I am playing v 2.46 !! Ok I will download 2.93 and try your great work !  详情 回复 发表于 2020-1-2 23:23
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    6级 Legendary Hero

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    发表于 2020-1-1 17:17:43 | 显示全部楼层
    先顶起 。支持一下!
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    发表于 2020-1-2 10:12:55 | 显示全部楼层
    Great Job!

    Happy New Year!
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    发表于 2020-1-2 11:27:21 | 显示全部楼层
    PerryR 发表于 2020-1-1 01:46
    Okay, thanks for telling.
    Unfortunatly the post contains a lot of very small pictures. I will no ...

    I've made your post into a complete PDF file for players to download, which contains all the pictures in the post, so just have fun.
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    6级 Legendary Hero

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    发表于 2020-1-2 23:23:14 | 显示全部楼层
    PerryR 发表于 2020-1-1 17:16
    Yes the installation sounds okay.
    Which ERA version are you using?
    The mod only runs on ERA 2.8 ...

    Oh! That's the reason. I am playing v 2.46 !!  Ok I will download 2.93 and try your great work !


    Yes ! I run this Mod on 2.88. So nice and I loved the hero's career. Lot's of unexpeted effect of the magic, craft and events ! I can feel that you focus on development of the hero , magic rather th  详情 回复 发表于 2020-1-10 13:04
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    发表于 2020-1-3 09:15:06 | 显示全部楼层
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    发表于 2020-1-5 19:57:25 | 显示全部楼层
    zsqzsqzsq 发表于 2019-12-31 20:30

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    6级 Legendary Hero

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    发表于 2020-1-5 22:18:28 | 显示全部楼层
    Well done!

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    5级 Honorable Hero

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    发表于 2020-1-6 20:17:25 | 显示全部楼层
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    6级 Legendary Hero

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    发表于 2020-1-10 13:04:28 | 显示全部楼层
    knigt.mk 发表于 2020-1-2 23:23
    Oh! That's the reason. I am playing v 2.46 !!  Ok I will download 2.93 and try your great work !

    Yes ! I run this Mod on 2.88.  So nice and I loved the hero's career. Lot's of unexpeted effect of the magic, craft and events !  I can feel that you focus on development of the hero , magic rather than the troops. Well I think that is good enough and the troops are good enough. Now we can have lots of options for the hero's development. That's what we also expect what we can have in the real world. Nice job !


    knigt.mk thank you for feedback. It is always nice to see some players take the time to play and understand the idea of mods Advanced Classes focuses on Hero development and to choose betwe  详情 回复 发表于 2020-1-10 15:30
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