


English Forum

版主: Archer30
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Does anyone know the file structure of HOMM3 h3m map? attachment 乔伊 2012-11-18 95829 songfx 2012-11-19 12:31
Heros sprites alternative attachment digest agree Salamandre 2009-10-5 1810578 太湖五行鱼人 2012-10-2 15:44
Star Gate Atlantis map project attachment agree Salamandre 2009-12-19 1910354 太湖五行鱼人 2012-10-2 15:36
New WoG interface attachment agree Salamandre 2010-6-18 26365 太湖五行鱼人 2012-10-2 15:31
New WoG Commanders attachment agree Salamandre 2010-7-31 87311 太湖五行鱼人 2012-10-2 14:53
Please help with script Salamandre 2008-8-27 47783 a968574 2012-2-28 21:08
New models attachment agree  ...2 Salamandre 2010-6-28 2312793 caoyang 2012-2-26 09:14
How to make an artifact with ERM-Primary Skill Bonuses yunings 2011-10-15 56590 WOG迷 2011-11-29 19:14
Changing the creatures summoning by the "Summon elemental" spell yunings 2011-10-15 25182 无心云 2011-10-24 20:52
WOG new maps now for download 匿名 2008-8-25 58513 mayicomein 2011-10-14 10:01
所有中国玩家:请注意本版规则!(attention to all chinese heroes.) poet 2009-10-7 99504 兽哥哥 2011-7-8 22:45
Salamandre changed his head portrait attachment 克招 2009-9-15 48880 cyhken 2010-10-5 16:01
TE1.03q English Version has been released attachment yunings 2009-2-10 46975 hugefoot 2010-8-26 09:31
I've got an idea,may be a big project. 神圣凤凰 2010-8-6 85576 air 2010-8-13 10:54
The Rise and Fall of Sandro ByteBandit 2008-7-5 98238 xxx 2010-7-31 04:10
WOG New maps attachment agree  ...23 Salamandre 2008-11-3 4319545 haltssadly 2010-5-20 20:01
"The 300 Spartans" WoG scenario attachment digest  ...23456..17 songfx 2009-5-30 32162927 songfx 2009-12-19 11:28
H3 Gigamight mod - version 1.0 is here!  ...2 yunings 2008-1-10 2020241 无心云 2009-11-9 22:50
Attention! Visiting Heroes! (About Register) yunings 2009-9-29 128275 Corwin 2009-10-8 20:02
A suggestion to mapmakers songfx 2009-9-15 26960 Salamandre 2009-10-3 13:44
Map editor patch final 1.09 ver (29.09.09) agree Salamandre 2009-9-29 35241 暗黑龙守护神 2009-10-1 07:20
Using WOG to turn Homm3 into an RPG - Anyone interested? yunings 2009-5-9 66595 poet 2009-9-10 19:28
New script: disables the negative experience bug agree Salamandre 2009-2-13 25542 fly123 2009-8-25 14:36
Halflings [wogify script] yunings 2009-5-9 26533 火凤凰卍炼狱 2009-5-9 19:43
Must spaek english ?I cannot spaek franch here?  ...2 frenchfries 2006-8-6 2613365 Doom3d 2009-3-10 02:17
New XL wog map uploaded attachment digest agree  ...2 Salamandre 2008-10-6 2412827 jianqin_hong 2008-12-27 11:51
The Begininng【The WoG campaign hint】 attachment tanling111 2006-9-29 710436 妖術_滅 2008-8-21 22:29
WoG Team Member Beholder:my rebalanced creatures script yunings 2007-10-24 06496 yunings 2007-10-24 22:18
Neutral Units Bonuses and Stack Growth(beta update) yunings 2007-10-23 07391 yunings 2007-10-23 10:23
suggestions & proposals for 359/ yubq 2006-9-27 66417 poet 2007-9-25 22:26
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