


English Forum

版主: Archer30

English discussion is preferable. (所有发贴与回帖请尽量使用英文。)

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If you'd like to register or need help, please send your request to yunings@wakeofgods.com (Alternatively, contact Archer from ERA Discord).
作者 回复/查看 最后发表
公告 公告: 关于新注册玩家自动开通一个月VIP资格的通告 yunings 2020-11-6    
全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 致我们永恒的WoG【更新一些QQ群号】 attach_img digest  ...23456..12 yunings 2017-3-23 23398527 pandassss 2024-12-4 22:16
全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 论坛开启推广奖励 attachment  ...23 songfx 2020-4-9 4117261 Paul 2022-6-21 06:39
本版置顶 隐藏置顶帖 How to Change or Update your Password attachment yunings 2020-2-23 22512 821348193 2020-2-24 00:08
本版置顶 隐藏置顶帖 How to post a new thread at this forum attach_img yunings 2020-1-2 22961 canary 2020-1-3 19:36
Some interesting scripts by chinese players songfx 2013-11-28 124432 ennead 2024-2-7 17:12
ERA Mod: Advanced Classes 新人帖 attach_img digest heatlevel  ...23 PerryR 2019-12-31 7311325 总上所述 2021-7-10 13:14
New Spells For ERA attachment yunings 2020-7-27 92725 lima133 2021-3-25 10:28
Era mod: Bounty Hunter attach_img Salamandre 2015-3-8 186890 wgnbb 2021-1-10 10:34
[VCMI] Courtyard. New playable faction attach_img yunings 2020-7-1 142571 hoen2 2020-7-11 09:44
Era 2.9.11 update. Era 3.0.0 is 85% ready (with ERM 2.0 support) yunings 2020-2-27 103411 Finally91 2020-6-27 19:10
[SoD]Gigamight Resize Mod download attachment yunings 2020-5-19 203004 ybxiaoy 2020-6-12 07:21
HoMM3: The Succession Wars Mod attach_img yunings 2020-3-5 52838 ducs 2020-3-5 22:02
ERA 2.9.5 update + download attach_img yunings 2020-1-21 156763 lfyny1981 2020-1-28 00:34
SoD_SP Plugin v1.18.0 for HD mod attach_img yunings 2020-1-24 55000 fhx 2020-1-24 21:57
Demon Calculator attach_img yunings 2020-1-24 12949 晃悠哥 2020-1-24 12:08
New ERM Editor attach_img yunings 2020-1-16 42597 咸蛋超人 2020-1-17 19:48
ERA2.9.3 released+download attach_img yunings 2019-12-21 143495 Archer30 2020-1-12 00:28
Advanced Trainer for Era attach_img agree Salamandre 2014-11-12 97297 云济而承宇 2019-10-20 11:01
For the empire of wolrd IV attachment  ...23 renlinfeng 2012-3-15 5016687 172286511 2016-12-31 13:59
CHASER V2.1 attach_img  ...2 Salamandre 2015-3-29 279612 zhaome 2015-12-26 11:08
Project of Translating TDS into English(Finished) attachment  ...23456 songfx 2010-5-10 11836750 夏侯飞机 2015-11-28 14:19
WOG 3.59 Main Topic digest  ...23 Corwin 2009-9-1 4027201 jryboy 2015-4-7 17:58
Three kingdoms main topic 新人帖 wogfans 2013-9-28 23997 Salamandre 2015-3-31 17:41
need access please attachment Salamandre 2015-3-18 54119 Salamandre 2015-3-18 13:41
My present for chinese community attachment digest agree  ...2345 Salamandre 2009-9-2 9434455 nijiangnan 2015-3-18 13:27
Welcome to the Chinese WoG Forum! chelence 2006-7-4 79102 Arys-Pole 2015-1-30 17:33
New WoG Skin(For Foreign Player) attachment agree 克招 2009-10-5 1611151 magicbobo 2014-6-2 20:13
HeroesIII / Wake of gods Modifier (Updated) attachment digest hero_hacker 2009-7-9 1314747 songfx 2014-5-23 22:13
Heroes meeting screen, improved interface. 新人帖 attach_img digest Salamandre 2013-12-28 1910255 平政 2014-4-11 05:12
TEW IV Commodus' Revenge attachment agree Salamandre 2013-5-4 157754 牛舌饼 2014-2-21 20:34
CHASER v1.7f translated into English(Updated in 2012/8/26) attachment agree  ...2 EMP震荡波 2012-8-23 2513247 a968574 2013-8-3 13:01
All my creatures for WoG attachment  ...2 Salamandre 2012-2-26 2210577 桥梁怪 2013-5-30 03:05
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