poet 兄弟,你是用的什么编译器编译的?visual c++9.0还是 gcc? 或是其它什么编译器?
gcc 4.4.1 原帖由 yunings 于 2009-8-3 14:41 发表 http://bbs.h3wog.com/images/common/back.gif
VCMI是开源的,任何人都可以去http://vcmi.svn.sourceforge.net/下载源码。 原帖由 poet 于 2009-8-7 16:42 发表 http://bbs.h3wog.com/images/common/back.gif
gcc 4.4.1
哈哈,整了一晚上,终于在 VC9 下编译 VCMI_client.exe 和 VCMI_lib.dll 成功,运行起来也没问题。
VCMI 0.73 发布
VCMI 0.73 released!
VCMI 0.73 发布!
Author: Tow @ 2009-08-01, 23:11
作者:Tow @ 2009-08-01, 23:11 (深刻感谢及崇拜中,哈哈)
After another two months of development we are proud to present a new release of VCMI.
It brings a lot of fixes and several important features:
- Support for videos.
- Exchange window. It's finally possible to exchange artifacts and creatures between your hereos.
- Sailing support. You can buy a boat in shipyard and visit most of the sea objects. Water areas became accessible!
- Special battlegrounds supported.
- More artifacts and objects (including creature generators) supported.
Please also check items implementation status for the full information.
Download link: http://vcmi.antypika.aplu...=download&id=13 (2.8MB, ZIP Archive)
Extract the package into your main Heroes folder.
WoG 3.58f is required. We strongly recommend using English version.
需要WoG 3.58f。我们强烈推荐使用英文版。
If you have older version of VCMI, you have to overwrite it.
这个好像是使用C++编写的,行的兄弟可以去加入他们哦(我C++不及格:lianhong: )。 原帖由 火凤凰卍炼狱 于 2009-8-8 16:42 发表 http://bbs.h3wog.com/images/common/back.gif
远距离交换是不可能的,看来你还没搞懂VCMI,VCMI其实是H3的复刻,目前只是在还原原作的功能而已,我记得上个版本还没音乐。 原帖由 da3338280 于 2009-8-8 16:32 发表 http://bbs.h3wog.com/images/common/back.gif
VCMI离现在H3WOG的功能还有相当大的差距。 原帖由 hero_hacker 于 2009-8-8 09:15 发表 http://bbs.h3wog.com/images/common/back.gif
哈哈,整了一晚上,终于在 VC9 下编译 VCMI_client.exe 和 VCMI_lib.dll 成功,运行起来也没问题。
很好。我基本上已经搞清楚怎么在 Linux 下实现内核中文支持。待我验证好了,可以给你参考一下。Windows 版估计只需要你重新编译一下就OK。 原帖由 poet 于 2009-8-8 21:17 发表 http://bbs.h3wog.com/images/common/back.gif
很好。我基本上已经搞清楚怎么在 Linux 下实现内核中文支持。待我验证好了,可以给你参考一下。Windows 版估计只需要你重新编译一下就OK。
期待中...... 原帖由 songfx 于 2009-8-9 08:23 发表 http://www.h3wog.com/images/common/back.gif
估计管理员对更新的日期很不满意(8-1=7):lianhong: 再从HC找点东西下来,不然......:shangxin:
Upcoming release 0.74:
即将来临的 0.74:
- Creature banks
- 生物银行
- Town sieges
- 攻城
- More adventure objects
- 更多的地图探险对象(建筑)
- General code improvement & bugfixes
- 常规代码优化及问题修复
Planned features for the final realese:
- Standalone, full and working release
- 独立,完整和工作中的版本(这个估计是说将来最终版本将以三种形式发布,独立版本估计是像现在一样的一个小的压缩包,需要wog 3.5X才能运行;完整版本估计是可以直接运行,把需要的文件都包含了;工作中的版本估计是类似Nightly Build之类的)
- Handling of all map objects, spells, buildings, abilities
- 能处理所有的地图对象,法术,建筑,技能
- Commanders
- 司令官
- Hero specialities
- 英雄特殊技能
- Full game options, including more resolutions
- 全部的游戏选项,包含更多的分辨率(目前支持1024以上的分辨率)
- Advanced AI
- 高级人工智能
- Campaigns
- 战役
- Multiplayer
- 多人游戏
- Simulateneous turns
- 同时进行的回合(这个完全不明白是什么,难道是即时战略?)
- ERM interpreter
- EPM 解析器
- Mod support
- Mod 支持
- Anything we didn't add yet
- 所有还没有加入的内容
Further development:
- Map editor
- 地图编辑器
- Random map generator
- 随机地图生成器
- Lua scripts (like in Heroes 5)
- Lua 脚本(就像在英雄无敌5种一样)(Lua是啥?不知道:lianhong: )
- Most popular wogifications reworked
- 更受欢迎的wog化程序将被重写
- Any towns, mods or new objects
- 任何城镇(种族),mod或者新对象
本来要说在很前面的话:咱英文水平就4级华丽丽的60+(+ < 5),所以翻不对的地方,请大家帮忙重新翻下,谢谢哈!
想去VCMI官网上看有没有项目计划,结果论坛一片不知是俄文、西班牙文还是其他蚯蚓字,换上高倍放大镜都没瞄出些什么来,抱歉了! 原帖由 da3338280 于 2009-8-9 11:44 发表 http://bbs.h3wog.com/images/common/back.gif
以现在的速度,我估计三年后可以发布 VCMI 1.0 版,所以估计能玩的 VCMI 你应该可以在 2012 年玩到。
仅是个人观点啊。。。不代表 VCMI 小组观点。 期待中,我觉得高手们可以和VCMI项目组合作,可以加快VCMI的进度。
PS:UTF-8就世界通用了。 早就想回复这个帖子了,这几天电脑重装了N次,都快崩溃了……
内核汉化,想指望国外玩家,那基本上是痴心妄想。我也没有将这个事情寄望于他们,其实这个帖子,初衷是能够起到召集中国技术人员参与VCMI项目,从而加快项目进程。毕竟以目前的开发速度来说,真的要玩到正式版(1.0),那还是相当遥远的事情。 LZ很强,发了7篇帖子,都是关于VCMI的,可谓VCMI控。呃,首贴基本上翻译的很不错,针对后来的补充消息,做些修正和说明吧:
Planned features for the final realese:
- Standalone, full and working release
- 独立,完整和工作中的版本(这个估计是说将来最终版本将以三种形式发布,独立版本估计是像现在一样的一个小的压缩包,需要wog 3.5X才能运行;完整版本估计是可以直接运行,把需要的文件都包含了;工作中的版本估计是类似Nightly Build之类的)
- Simulateneous turns
- 同时进行的回合(这个完全不明白是什么,难道是即时战略?)
- Lua scripts (like in Heroes 5)
- Lua 脚本(就像在英雄无敌5种一样)(Lua是啥?不知道 )
- Most popular wogifications reworked
- 更受欢迎的wog化程序将被重写
此句应意为:大多数广受欢迎的WoG化特性的重写。 原帖由 alexwu 于 2009-8-12 16:20 发表 http://bbs.h3wog.com/images/common/back.gif
[ 本帖最后由 poet 于 2009-8-13 21:39 编辑 ] 楼上最后一句话真实含义可以解释为:大多数目前的官方erm将使用lua重写。 感谢管理员同学帮忙补充:lianhong: 俺确实是VCMI控(估计是有洁癖,wog3.58已经补得慌死了)。不过同等3.59哈。
Upcoming release 0.74 (October 1st):
- Creature banks
- Town sieges
- Basic adventure AI
- Necromancy, Balistics
- More adventure objects, spells and artifacts (including combined ones)
- More resolutions (1280x960, 1280x1024, 1440x900)
- New, big stack queue
- General code improvement & bugfixes
就不翻了,和上面的一样,就是多了October 1st
VCMI 0.74 released
VCMI 0.74 released!Author: Tow @ Yesterday 23:50After another two months of development we are proud to present a new release of VCMI.
It brings many improvements, fixes and features including:
* partially done sieges. Walls are present and blocking movement, turrets are shooting. Catapult can attack and destruct the walls.
* redone stack queue, now with info about stacks quantity. New queue graphics for high resolutions. Now 'Q' button toggles the queue. Thanks to Dru for the graphics! Stack acting order was also improved (though still not perfect).
* improved pathfinder. It now supplies GUI with information about accessibility of tiles and cost of movement. That allowed implementation of most of adventure map cursors.
* creature banks (and several other objects)
* vastly improved creature animation handling in battles
* implemented save game and scenario information windows
* new resolutions (full list further in the news)
Please also check items implementation status for the full information.
Download link: http://vcmi.antypika.aplu...=download&id=14 (3.3MB, ZIP Archive)
Extract the package into your main Heroes folder.
WoG 3.58f is required. We strongly recommend using English version.
If you have older version of VCMI, you have to overwrite it.
Save format has been changed, savegames from previous versions won't work with 0.73.
VCMI supports 800x600, 1024x600, 1024x768, 1280x960, 1280x1024, 1440x900 and 1600x1200 screen resolutions. To use custom resolution, type (before starting the actual game!) in the console "resolution" and pick appropriate one. Alternatively, you can change default resolution by the editing config/settings.txt file.
Thanks for AlienX, Boulie, dikamilo, Fnord, GrayFace, Ivan, krystian1995, majaczek, pHOMM, Steven Aus, Zamolxis, Zjarek and everyone else who helped us with testing and improving VCMI.
Special thanks to Ivan, Ubuntux, Zamolxis for the new resolutions graphics. Special thanks to Ivan for deciphering positions of wall parts and obstacles.
For the general information about our project look here.
Our project isn't really playable now, but it gives you an idea of progress we have made so far. We're hoping that you'll like it.
Starting with VCMI 0.74 we are deploying separate bugtracker. Please report bugs using this form. Check this thread for list of known bugs and details.
We hope you'll help us develop the project - details are available here. VCMI is an open source project licensed on GNU GPL 2.0 or higher. Our SVN repository with all the sources is available here.
You can look get help in building and developing VCMI sources in the development board.
0.73 -> 0.74 (Oct 01 2009)
* Scenario Information window
* Save Game window
* VCMI window should start centered
* support for Necromancy and Ballistics secondary skills
* new artifacts supported, including those improving Necromancy, Legion Statue parts, Shackles of War and most of combination artifacts (but not combining)
* VCMI client has its own icon (thx for graphic to Dikamilo)
* Ellipsis won't be split when breaking text on several lines
* split button will be grayed out when no creature is selected
* fixed issue when splitting stack to the hero with only one creatures
* a few fixes for shipyard window
* Cursor shows if tile is accesible and how many turns away
* moving hero with arrow keys / numpad
* fixed Next Hero button behaviour
* fixed Surface/Underground switch button in higher resolutions
* partial siege support
* new stack queue for higher resolutions (graphics made by Dru, thx!)
* 'Q' pressing toggles the stack queue displaying (so it can be enabled/disabled it with single key press)
* more creatures special abilities supported
* battle settings will be stored
* fixed crashes occuring on attacking two hex creatures from back
* fixed crash when clicking on enemy stack without moving mouse just after receiving action
* even large stack numbers will fit the boxes
* when active stack is killed by spell, game behaves properly
* shooters attacking twice (like Grand Elves) won't attack twice in melee
* ballista can shoot even if there's an enemy creature next to it
* improved obstacles placement, so they'll better fit hexes (thx to Ivan!)
* selecting attack directions works as in H3
* estimating damage that will be dealt while choosing stack to be attacked
* modified the positioning of battle effects, they should look about right now.
* after selecting a spell during combat, l-click is locked for any action other than casting.
* flying creatures will be blitted over all other creatures, obstacles and wall
* obstacles and units should be printed in better order (not tested)
* fixed armageddon animation
* new spells supported:
- Anti-Magic
- Cure
- Resurrection
- Animate Dead
- Counterstrike
- Berserk
- Hypnotize
- Blind
- Fire Elemental
- Earth Elemental
- Water Elemental
- Air Elemental
- Remove obstacle
* enemy castle can be taken over
* only one capitol per player allowed (additional ones will be lost)
* garrisoned hero can buy a spellbook
* heroes available in tavern sould be always different
* ship bought in town will be correctly placed
* new special town structures supported:
- Lookout Tower
- Temple of Valhalla
- Wall of Knowledge
- Order of Fire
* war machines cannot be unequiped
* sorting: a second click on the column header sorts in descending order.
* advanced options tab: r-click popups for selected town, hero and bonus
* starting scenario / game by double click
* arrows in options tab are hidden when not available
* subtitles for choosen hero/town/bonus in pregame
* fixed pairing Subterranean Gates
New objects supported:
- Borderguard & Keymaster Tent
- Cartographer
- Creature banks
- Eye of the Magi & Hut of the Magi
- Garrison
- Stables
- Pandora Box
- Pyramid
Full changelog is available here.
(still growing!)
Comments: 0 :: View Comments (Post your comment) 我认为翻译它没什么意义。VCMI 只是个半成品,离能够流畅玩好还有很大距离。目前除了开发者之外,普通玩家没有必要关注它。
从现在的情况来看,VCMI 0.9 发布以前,似乎不需要普通玩家过多关注吧。即使到了0.9,普通玩家的主要任务也是测试,促进1.0尽快发布而已。 原帖由 poet 于 2009-10-2 22:42 发表 http://bbs.h3wog.com/images/common/back.gif
我认为翻译它没什么意义。VCMI 只是个半成品,离能够流畅玩好还有很大距离。目前除了开发者之外,普通玩家没有必要关注它。
如果你现阶段要用它只有一种情况,就是你想加入开发团队。而如果上面这个英文都不能看的 ...
那就不翻了,一会上HC看看有没有新消息 原帖由 poet 于 2009-10-2 22:42 发表 http://bbs.h3wog.com/images/common/back.gif
我认为翻译它没什么意义。VCMI 只是个半成品,离能够流畅玩好还有很大距离。目前除了开发者之外,普通玩家没有必要关注它。
如果你现阶段要用它只有一种情况,就是你想加入开发团队。而如果上面这个英文都不能看的 ...
嗯,其实只是让大家知道,VCMI 还活着,而且活得很健康