- EliteKill's Photoshop Monster Making Guide! (4篇回复)
- zz Posts from "The Heroes Round Table" 3 (4篇回复)
- zz Posts from "The Heroes Round Table" 1 (5篇回复)
- Heroes map customization handbook (FAQ) BY Pol (1篇回复)
- zz Posts from "The Heroes Round Table" 2 (7篇回复)
- D&D mod - your opinions?(Monster news update!) (5篇回复)
- Adventure WoG Map Creation Tutorial (2篇回复)
- What can we show foreigers? (1篇回复)
- Unit Makers! Tutorial (3篇回复)
- Qui peut traduire le ' TDS ' au Français ( ou anglais ) pour moi ? (16篇回复)
- Why? (16篇回复)
- Official 3.58f script update is released and new WoG site finally opened! (2篇回复)
- h2 Forest (17篇回复)
- zz Posts from "The Heroes Round Table" 5- ERM for dummies (6篇回复)
- z Posts from "The Heroes Round Table" 4 (2篇回复)
- [IMPORTANT!]3.58f Beta Update .wog file testers wanted (2篇回复)
- Sth. to say (6篇回复)
- hey,don't hesitate nor grudge to let's share ur pleasure (3篇回复)