另外,WoG小组核心成员Slava接受了heroesportal对其的采访,透露了WoG小组近期的计划,以下是采访的中英文对照:Blitz-interview with Slava Salnikov (ZVS), head of the WoG-team:
对Slava Salnikov (ZVS),WoG小组的核心人物的闪电采访
Heroes: In the Wake of Gods are developing rapidly. It might seem that I've just tried 3.54 for the first time, and here we are waiting for 3.59 already. What do you think of WoG's future? Will the series be finished with 3.59? Looks like there's only 4.0 ahead.
英雄无敌:神之苏醒(In the Wake of Gods)发展的相当快。当初我第一次试玩游戏时版本是3.54,而现在我们都在等待3.59了。你认为WoG的将来如何?该系列是否在3.59终结?似乎再往前就是4.0了。
Version 3.59 will be the last one. But it will have almost everything needed for delicate tweaking of custom maps and campaigns. Including new custom dialogs, which the mapmaker will be able to set up by means of ERM or templates (there will be a special utility for it). It will be possible to attach your own resources by loading custom LOD files, which means you'll be able to replace standard game resources for a single map or add your own ones.
Many think that version 3.58 was an unsuccessful one. And that the best WoG is 3.57. What do you think of it?
I think, it's a subjective opinion. 3.58 includes everything from 3.57 and thus can't be worse. The fact is that WoGify scripts and WoG itself are independent things. Theoretically, you may use scripts from 3.57 with 3.58, and the game should only become more stable.
3.58 scripts themselves (which are two times larger in number than in 3.57), though, might really be less reliable. That's the reason why we are preparing a script patch for WoG 3.58f and I hope it will be out soon.
Besides, I'd like to recommend a special version of multiplayer mod for 3.58f. I'm talking about Heroes III Tournament Edition being developed by Horn (Alexander Vinogradov) and his associates. This version contains fully revised WoGify scripts, as well as a few other important innovations, e.g. the chess-clock. This mod was tested many times in multiplayer games and we can say it's quite reliable (which only confirms normal functioning of WoG' network variant ).
A must-try for everyone.
此外,我想推荐一个支持多人游戏的特别版的3.58f。我正在通过与Horn (Alexander Vinogradov)和他的同事们的讨论试图使英雄无敌3锦标赛版本(Heroes III Tournament Edition)得到改进。该版本将包涵所有经过修正后的WoG化脚本,当然也包括一些新的重要的创新,比如,棋钟(the chess-clock)。该MOD经过许多的多人游戏测试因而我们敢说它是相当稳定可靠的(仅经过标准的WoG联机版本的运行确证[没有使用不安全的脚本])。大家务必尝试一下。
What's the purpose of making new WoG sequels?
There's no obvious purpose really.
For example, someone may be cultivating lemon at home. What crop can he expect? To buy lemons is definitely faster and probably cheaper. But something still makes people do things they like.
Maybe that's the answer.
If someone likes the new version of WoG, than that's the purpose of the project. If someone looks at WoG and wishes to create something by himself - that's a purpose. Even if someone returns to another favorite game of his after trying wog - that's a purpose too (possibility to choose moulds the personality).
What do you like most in WoG yourself? Which part, which feature?
Of course, I always like things which are not yet in the WoG.
I think that the most important milestones are WoGifications (first appeared in version 3.56), Commanders (3.57), stack experience system (3.58). And I'm sure that the full customization of the game in 3.59 will be liked too. In fact, it will be an engine allowing to create your own new game with it.
What can you tell of WoG 3.59? What awaits us in it? New features, monsters, campaigns? Of course, if there would be any - that's just my guess.
It's too early to speak of it. Many of the things which are being implemented right now I've already described above. Of the ones not mentioned yet - magic. It is certain that you'll be able to tune it for your needs in 3.59 by modifying existing spells and adding new ones. Creatures will have their own spell books, slightly resembling the way it is done in Heroes 4. Commanders will have their own unique spells, plus a nonlinear system of their developing.
And, of course, everything will be optional.
Will there be russian versions of the main WoG campaigns in 3.59?
Yes. They are already being translated. We're planning at least two large unique campaigns for 3.59.
What do you think of the New Town Group? Shall we see the new town in 3.59? What's the developing prospect of this project?
For now, we expect the new town to appear in 3.59. But even if it won't be completely ready at the point of releasing 3.59, there certainly will be support for a new town. That means that the town may be added later, or, which is even more important, there may be alternative new towns. That is, if there will be another team wishing to create another new town, it may be incorporated into the game as well.
You may learn more details about the new town from it's developers team. It seems to me that they are doing a very good work. The team is independent from WoG, but, judging by the results they are showing, I'm sure of the new town's appearance. And what next - it's better to ask them.
What is at least preliminary date of release of 3.59?
There aren't any. A few more months - that's for sure. Can't say anything more.
What's your attitude towards Heroes now? Aren't you bored with them, as a man devoting himself to their development?
I like all versions of Heroes. And I hope that I'll like Heroes V too, if, of course, I can launch them.
Every separate small part of developing may really seem routine and uninteresting. But when you see it in the game together with all the other new features, the impression is completely different.
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-11-9 15:39:11编辑过] 希望不要太多的3D东西,我不喜欢那东西~ 大多数H3老玩家,其实都是比较青睐 2D半的游戏~~3D眼花 ZVS:Of the ones not mentioned yet - magic. It is certain that you'll be able to tune it for your needs in 3.59 by modifying existing spells and adding new ones. Creatures will have their own spell books, slightly resembling the way it is done in Heroes 4. 除了一样东西没有提及——魔法。可以肯定的是你可以在3.59中通过修改现有的魔法或者添加新的魔法来对其根据你的需要进行调整。生物将拥有它们自己的魔法书,与英雄无敌4中的情况有点类似。新增魔法、和新增AI(城镇、魔法)是大手笔。看来似乎WoG team获得了整个源代码了…… 楼上签名档看不懂的说~~ 以下是引用yunings在2005-11-9 18:38:52的发言:
字面上的意思吗,那几个汉字好像就能说明问题了。不过换行好像没有用啊?看起来真是一团糟[此贴子已经被作者于2005-11-9 18:53:01编辑过] 期待3.59,支持新论坛 遗憾地看到3.59将是最后版本
怎么说是最后呢,不可能更新到36以上吗,应该是时间问题吧 按照slava的说法,3.59+可选新城镇的改进性就可以和wog的诞生可匹敌了完全没有必要再推出新的版本了;作为h3系统已经补完了 Slava认为,359新添的所有元素能够让WoG更加人性化,可以让更多人借由359来对WoG进行进一步的DIY,形成各式各样的MOD,用他的话说,以后的WoG不是靠WoG小组来发展而是完全交由WoG粉丝来发展,WoG的发展不会有尽头,只要人们还喜欢这个经典游戏。 期待中,但是还有数月…… 以下是引用yunings在2005-11-10 20:01:46的发言:Slava认为,359新添的所有元素能够让WoG更加人性化,可以让更多人借由359来对WoG进行进一步的DIY,形成各式各样的MOD,用他的话说,以后的WoG不是靠WoG小组来发展而是完全交由WoG粉丝来发展,WoG的发展不会有尽头,只要人们还喜欢这个经典游戏。哦?!!没注意到他的这个意思。按照这个说法,那么现在大家搞的WOG丫丫楼里的内容,将来都能够有机会在大家的手中实现咯?!! 以下是引用寒江夜雨在2005-11-14 19:12:51的发言:哦?!!没注意到他的这个意思。按照这个说法,那么现在大家搞的WOG丫丫楼里的内容,将来都能够有机会在大家的手中实现咯?!!是的,小雨,其实这个YY帖开的真是很不错,等359出来后,理论上我们可以按照自己的意愿来做自己的MoD,如果汉化问题解决了,那简直是非常好的事情,只是现在Slava还没有给我任何新消息…… 期待中文版快快。。。。。。@_@ING...... 好咯!国人自己的WOG~这样更有动力了~继续丫丫ing 我进去看看 3.59f版是WOG的最终版本吗?WOG神话就此终结? 有谁不看攻略打通GHASER???MMMI呀,T难了,难道必须要看攻略才能过,那有啥意思?MARS我不看攻略所有难度都打通了,当然用的是S/L大法,I'M SORRY,评分为D,但还是觉得很爽.另有一问,刚开始那个带70个圣龙的英雄能保住吗,如何保?