Salamandre 发表于 2010-6-12 08:32:19

So, undead means Azrael, right?

A couple more from Henchmen III
!!VRz5&vy20=16:S^偏移^; the translation says "offset" but it has no sense
!!VRz5&vy20=2048:S^石化^; petrochemical?
!!VRz5&vy20=32768:S^复活^; translated easter?!
!!VRz5&vy20=16777216:S^无敌^; translation says "invincible"

We are now two to work on it. I translate the text/test and Jim Vogan is doing reverse engineering to find what scripts trigger, when we can not find the explanation.We may be able to correct the unlimited resurrection the archangels have when lead by Xarfax but we must be sure that Woodmelon did not want it. Is it a bug or just an accident that they can not be killed?

[ 本帖最后由 Salamandre 于 2010-6-12 10:16 编辑 ]

yexian7 发表于 2010-6-12 15:32:44

You can translate like this

鬼族 Necropolis
偏移 Deflect
石化 Stone(Medusa's ability)
复活 Resurrection
无敌 Immune to direct damage spells

I dont know whether archangels's unlimited resurrection is a bug,beacause i havn't played this map,so sorry.Waiting for other explanation.

Salamandre 发表于 2010-6-12 18:08:01

Thanks, it helps me a lot, as those words coming hundred times.

Salamandre 发表于 2010-6-12 20:49:53

In the Boss script we've encountered a lot of time "BT" word:


What is the meaning of BT?

yexian7 发表于 2010-6-12 21:18:21


BT means "abnormal",some people like to play game in very hard mode,wo used to call these people "BT": )

Salamandre 发表于 2010-6-12 21:29:38

Ok I get it, will be hard to find an english word for that, as the chinese players know what's about, but foreign...I will try "hardcore".


yexian7 发表于 2010-6-12 22:07:57


maybe you can translate it like this:

"I only like to be mistreated,do you like this? "

songfx 发表于 2010-6-12 22:34:09

BT player means crazy player

Salamandre 发表于 2010-6-12 22:40:34

Xarfax start (beta)
I don't know how to remove an attached image damnt

[ 本帖最后由 Salamandre 于 2010-6-13 01:09 编辑 ]

Salamandre 发表于 2010-6-13 06:02:19

Any could help on those definitions from Henchmen IV please?

!!VRz5&y20=8:S^%Z5 龙息^;
!!VRz5&y20=16:S^%Z5 生存者^;
!!VRz5&y20=32:S^%Z5 魔法消耗^;
!!VRz5&y20=131072/y21>0:S^%Z5 有士气^;
!!VRz5&y20=524288:S^%Z5 环击^;
!!VRz5&y20=512:S^%Z5 %Z8护肤^;
!!VRz5&y20=2048:S^%Z5 全体施法^;
!!VRz5&y20=4096:S^%Z5 碎裂^;
!!VRz5&y20=1048576:S^%Z5 %Z8反戈一击^;
!!VRz5&y20=1048576:S^%Z5 %Z8反戈一击^;
!!VRz5&y20=2097152:S^%Z5 无限弹药^;
!!VRz5&y20=134217728:S^%Z5 %Z8攻击加速^;
!!VRz5&y20=1073741824:S^%Z5 腹鼓^;
!!VRz7&y20=16777216:S^%Z7 经验4倍^;
!!VRz7&y20=33554432:S^%Z7 机会+25%^;

yexian7 发表于 2010-6-13 15:38:03

龙息 Breath(2-hex)
生存者 Alive
魔法消耗 Mana recovery
精神免疫 Immune to Mind Spells
有士气 Have morale
环击 Attack All Around
护肤 Stone skin
全体施法 Cast spell to all
碎裂 Cataclasm (maybe you can translate it to"Soul break")
反戈一击 Counterstrike
无限弹药 Number of shots unlimited
攻击加速 Haste
腹鼓 Desperation
经验4倍 400% Experience
机会+25% Chance+25%

Salamandre 发表于 2010-6-13 20:30:41


what is another translation for "desperate"? Frenzy?

I have also this one which gives me:
!!VRz6&y20=4194304:S^%Z6 冲锋^;translated EU, I don't know what EU means.

As well those two:

!!VRz5&y20=4194304/w160<>134:S^%Z5 施法次数^;   magic number?
!!VRz5&y20=4194304/w160=134:S^%Z5 无限施法^;unlimited magic?

[ 本帖最后由 Salamandre 于 2010-6-13 20:37 编辑 ]

songfx 发表于 2010-6-13 20:41:07

原帖由 Salamandre 于 2010-6-13 20:30 发表

what is another translation for &quot;desperate&quot;? Frenzy?

I have also this one which gives me:
!!VRz6&amp;y20=4194304:S^%Z6 冲锋^;translated EU, I don't know what EU means.

As well those t ...
腹鼓,desperate, similar as Frennzy, but decrease HP to increase damage.
冲锋,charge attack, the abilty of champion.
施法次数^;   cast magic more times. The ability of suprem supreme archangel and sacred phenix.
无限施法keep casting spell until no MP( I am not sure )

Salamandre 发表于 2010-6-13 20:50:38

Thanks SongFx, it helps much. I asked my chinese student to translate those terms but he can't because he does not know the game, so I am alone on this.

!!VRz1:S^城堡 (战争狂热者)^;
!!VRz2:S^壁垒 (席尔瓦半人马)^;
!!VRz3:S^塔楼 (圣侏儒,钻石人)^;
!!VRz4:S^地狱 (半身人,野猪)^;
!!VRz5:S^墓园 (木乃伊,龙巫妖)^;
!!VRz6:S^龙城 (农民,游牧民)^;
!!VRz7:S^据点 (变狼人,桥梁怪)^;

!!VRz8:S^要塞 (血污怪,盗贼)^;
!!VRz9:S^元素城 (元素使者)^;
!!VRz13:S^选择变形后的生物所属城镇类型 剩余变化次数: %Y58 (右键点击自动战斗图标可查看帮助)^;

Was translated: (I could manage to find the logical translation for most of words, but some not, look)

!!VRz1:S^Castle (war zealots)^;
!!VRz2:S^Rampart (Silvan Centaur)^;
!!VRz3:S^Tower (St. dwarf, diamond people)^;Here has a problem, tower has not dwarfs and diamond golems, so must be something else
!!VRz4:S^Inferno(bust people, wild boar)^;   Inferno has not boars, what is bust people
!!VRz5:S^Necropolis (Mummy, Dracolich)^;
!!VRz6:S^Long City (farmers, nomads)^;   What is long city, I suppose farmers = peasants, nomads = nomads
!!VRz7:S^Dungeon (change werewolf, bridges, strange)^;In Dungeon werevolfs, bridge?
!!VRz8:S^Fortress (with blood strange, thieves)^;Blood strange, rogues?
!!VRz9:S^Conflux ( element messenger)^;I suppose this is messengers, but which type?
!!VRz10:S^neutral bio^;Neutral bio?
!!VRz11&y62<>vy93:S^reduction^;what is reduction? Reduce defense?
!!VRz13:S^choose their town after deformation, the type of biological change in the number of residual: %Y58 (right-click the icon to view help combat auto) ^;Can anyone tell me the sense of this?

[ 本帖最后由 Salamandre 于 2010-6-13 21:01 编辑 ]

yexian7 发表于 2010-6-13 21:16:50

I agree with Songfx.

About "施法次数" and "无限施法" you can translate like this:
施法次数 Number of Spells (Castings)
无限施法 Number of Spells unlimited

Salamandre 发表于 2010-6-13 21:19:16

Yes, I think this one is causing the bug, as if spells are unlimited, the creature will reborn each time it dies. Jim is looking in the script and maybe will fix it.

yexian7 发表于 2010-6-13 21:36:00


Was translated: (I could manage to find the logical translation for most of words, but some not, look)
!!VRz1:S^Castle (war zealots)^;
!!VRz2:S^Rampart (Silvan Centaur)^;
!!VRz3:S^Tower (Santa Gremlin, Diamond Golem)^;Here has a problem, tower has not dwarfs and diamond golems, so must be something else
!!VRz4:S^Inferno(Halfling, boar)^;   Inferno has not boars, what is bust people
!!VRz5:S^Necropolis (Mummy, Dracolich)^;
!!VRz6:S^Long City (Peasant, Nomad)^;   What is long city, I suppose farmers = peasants, nomads = nomads
!!VRz7:S^Dungeon (Werewolf, Troll)^;In Dungeon werevolfs, bridge?
!!VRz8:S^Fortress (Gorynych, Rogue)^;Blood strange, rogues?
!!VRz9:S^Conflux ( element messenger)^;I suppose this is messengers, but which type?
!!VRz10:S^Neutral Monsters^;   
!!VRz11&y62<>vy93:S^return^;(return to main menu)what is reduction? Reduce defense?
!!VRz13:S^choose the castle type it belongs to after transformation, transformation numbers remaining: %Y58 (right-click the icon to view help combat auto) ^;Can anyone tell me the sense of this?

Salamandre 发表于 2010-6-13 21:42:11

Thanks, and how we translate "long city"? Neutral city could be?

yexian7 发表于 2010-6-13 21:44:54

Long city is "Dungeon": )

Salamandre 发表于 2010-6-13 21:47:40

How could be, are you sure? There are 2 of them in script:

!!VRz6:S^Long City (Peasant, Nomad)^;   
!!VRz7:S^Dungeon (Werewolf, Troll)^;

both dungeon?

!!VRz6:S^龙城 (农民,游牧民)^;
!!VRz7:S^据点 (变狼人,桥梁怪)^;

the first word is not same in chinese!
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