暗黑龙守护神 发表于 2009-6-24 15:18:24




[ 本帖最后由 暗黑龙守护神 于 2009-6-26 12:47 编辑 ]

暗黑龙守护神 发表于 2009-6-24 15:32:03

_WARNING_#1=IMPORTANT! This file is not in a plain text format. NEVER use any editor except ERM_S for making any kind of changes!
ERMS_PoweredBy=ERM Scripter v. 2004.6.29.918



!!FU|v549<8/v549>12:E; // exit if hero has not enough or to much skills

!!VRy1:S0 R27;
!!VRy4:Sy1 *3 +3;

** end of function

Display Hidden Skills

Temporary Variables: v1-v4, z1-z3
Functions: FU14802-FU14806

!!CM:I?v1 S?v2 F?v4;










(Page 1 of %Y-29)^;

(Page 2 of %Y-29)^;

(Page 3 of %Y-29)^;

(Page 4 of %Y-29)^;




!!VRy3&y1>0/y2=0:Sv3 *-1;
!!VRy7&y1>0/y2=0:Sy3 -30;

!!VRy5:Sx16 +1 *-1; [-1..-28: y5]
!!VRy6:Sy5 -30; [-31..-58: y6]
!!VRy4&y1>0/y2=0:Sx16 +1 *3 +y1 -1;




!!VRy4:Sx16 +1 *3 +y1 -1;

!!VRy9&y8>0/y8<8:Sy8 +1;


!!VRy7&y6>0:Sy5 +1 *3 +y6 -1;


!!IF:V2/0 V3/0;


你是否想把 %Z-1 技能和 %Z-2 技能交换?^;



你是否想把 %Z-1 放到空技能槽 #%Y9 里?^;






!!VRy3:S70 +v3 *-1;
!!VRy4:S80 +v3 *-1;


!!VRy1:S70 +x16 *-1;


!!VRy1&x16=1:S70 +v3 *-1;
!!VRy2&x16=1:S80 +v3 *-1;

!!VRy1&x16>1:S70 +x16 -1 *-1;
!!VRy2&x16>1:S80 +x16 -1 *-1;




*Mithril Smelter
*Uses vars v1800-v1807
*Uses functions FU1800-FU1802
!#TM83:S2/999/7/255;Gives resource on day 2 every week,set up timer for 7 daily,replace 7 with 1 for daily,with 2 for two daily and so on...
!#VRv1800:S0; player 0
!#VRv1801:S0; player 1
!#VRv1802:S0; player 2
!#VRv1803:S0; player 3
!#VRv1804:S0; player 4
!#VRv1805:S0; player 5
!#VRv1806:S0; player 6
!#VRv1807:S0; player 7

!?OB63/27;                  If visited
!!PO998:O?i;                  get owner
!!HE-1:O?j;                   get hero owner
!!FU1800&i<>j:Pi/j;         if not owner then change owner

!!PO998:Ox2;                  set new owner

!!FU1801:Pj;                   hint text
!!VRy1:S8;                     default is no owner(y1=8)
!!VRy1&x1>-1/x1<8:S1800 +x1;   if previous owner was a player then index to his var is y1
!!VRy2:S1800 +x2;            index to visiting hero's var is y2
!!VRvy1&y1<>8:-1;            decrease previous owner's var
!!VRvy2:+1;                  increase visitor's var

!!VRz100:S^秘银熔炉 ^; calc hint text into z100
!!OB998:H100;    set hint text

!?TM83;                     timer trigger
!!DO1802/0/1/10:P;            give mithril

!!VRi:Sx16;                   calc index
!!VRi:+1800;                  calc index
!!VRj:Svi;                  store in j for easier reference
!!OW:Rx16/7/dj;               give mithril
*!OW:Rx16/7/?k;               ? current mithril
*!VRk:+j;                     ? new mithril
*!OW:Rx16/7/j;                store new mithril

_WARNING_#1=IMPORTANT! This file is not in a plain text format. NEVER use any editor except ERM_S for making any kind of changes!
ERMS_ScriptName=Movement Display
ERMS_ScriptLanguage=英语(美国) or 中文(简体) (native)

!!CM:I?y-1 F?y-2 S?y-3;
!!HE-1:W?v568 B0/?z982 W?v684;


**end of function死亡之屋
_WARNING_#1=IMPORTANT! This file is not in a plain text format. NEVER use any editor except ERM_S for making any kind of changes!
ERMS_PoweredBy=ERM Scripter v. 2004.6.29.918
***DEATH CHAMBER 9.0**** (by Rich Reed a.k.a. "Space8999")

***UPDATED: August 18, 2004

**This script allows for heroes to visit the new WoG structure in the Castle
**Objects in the Map Editor that resembles a pile of skulls (it is the 7th
**object in the very first column underneath the CASTLE town). When a hero
**visits it, he/she has a choice of fighting an "Undead King", which is a stack
**of Power Liches. Dread Knights, Wraiths, and Ghosts are
**also summoned onto the battlefield to aid the King in battle.

**Upon defeating the King, the hero is awarded lots of gold, Mithril,
**and Ghosts attempt to join the hero's army.

**This structure works similar to the other creature banks, such as the Medusa Stores,
**Imp Cache, Transylvanian Tavern, Naga Bank, Cyclops Stockpile, etc.



*FLAG 3 is used to ask the player if he/she wants to fight the Death Chamber
*FLAGS 800 and 801 are used solely for the Death Chamber battles

*z890 and z891 keeps the hint text for the Death Chamber structures
*z849 gets the name of the hero fighting the Power Liches
*z850 allows "Power Lich King" to be displayed when "Death Ripple" is cast
*v805 keeps the value of the visited Death Chamber's square
*v806 is used to store whether the script is enabled or not
*v807, v808, v809, v810, v811, v812 used for Power Lich King's spellcasting
*v820 used for summoning of Wraiths

**Set up Death Chamber structure

!#UN:P70/?v806; ** Store 1 in v806 if script enabled, 0 if disabled

!#VRv805&v806=1:S0; **Store 0 in the variable v805




!?OB63/15&1000/v806=1; *Triggers when any "Death Chamber" is visited

!!PO998:N?v805; **Check PO:N value of Death Chamber square

!?OB63/15&v805=0/1000/v806=1; *Triggers when any "Death Chamber" is visited

!!IF&3:V800/1; **Sets FLAG 800 to TRUE if OK is pressed

!!HE-1&3/v805=0:Tv998/v999/v1000/65/1; **Trigger battle with the Lich King

**Set up the special "Death Chamber" battlefields and Power Liches
!!BA:B20; **Evil Fog

!?BF&800/v806=1; **Sets up special battlefield
!!BF:C; **Clear the battlefield

!!BFO65/59; **Place 4 huge Crypts onto center of battlefield

!!BFO34/3; **Place spooky trees onto top and bottom of battlefield

!!BFO62/21; **Place 8 Gravemarkers and 2 crosses onto the battlefield

**Place 4 tombstones to close up area in middle of battlefield


**Code for attributes for the Lich King stacks

!!BM21:S50; **Lich King has 50 speed for duration of combat

!!BM21&v998<36:H600; **Lich King has 600 health if "x" position on map is less than 36
!!BM21&v998>35/v998<72:H800; **Lich King has 800 health if "x" position on map is between 36 and 71
!!BM21&v998>71/v998<108:H1000; **Lich King has 1000 health if "x" position on map is between 72 and 107
!!BM21&v998>107:H1200; **Lich King has 1200 health if "x" position on map is greater than 107

!!BM21:R5000; **Lich King has endless retaliations each round


!!BU:G4; **Evil Fog effect

**Begin In-battle code for battle with Power Lich King


!!BG&v997>0:N?v807; **Get current stack number into "v807"
!!BMv807&v997>0:P?i; **Get position of current stack number into "i"

!!HE-1:B0/?z849; **Get name of the hero
!!HE-1&v807<21:B0/z850; **Change hero's name to "Lich King" temporarily each round

!!BM21&v997>0/v807<21/v998<36:C24/i/1/1/0; **Power Lich King casts "Death Ripple"

!!BM21&v997>0/v807<21/v998>35/v998<72:C24/i/2/2/0; **Power Lich King casts "Death Ripple" twice

!!BM21&v997>0/v807<21/v998>71/v998<108:C24/i/2/2/0; **Power Lich King casts "Death Ripple" three times

!!BM21&v997>0/v807<21/v998>107:C24/i/2/2/0; **Power Lich King casts "Death Ripple" four times

**Lich King removes the 4 huge Crypts closing up the battlefield

!!HE-1:B0/z849; **Reset name of the hero

**Code to summon additional Lich stacks onto battlefield during second round
!!VRk:S1 T10;

**The "Age" spell applied to hero's troops during THIRD ROUND of combat and beyond

**Code to summon Dread Knights onto battlefield at beginning of combat

*2 Dread Knights per stack summoned if x position of Death Chamber is less than 36
*3 Dread Knights per stack summoned if x position of Death Chamber is between 35 and 72
*4 Dread Knights per stack summoned if x position of Death Chamber is between 71 and 108
*5 Dread Knights per stack summoned if x position of Death Chamber is greater than 108



*3 Wraiths per stack summoned if x position less than 36

*5 Wraiths per stack summoned if x position greater than 107

*7 Wraiths per stack summoned if x position of Death Chamber is between 36 and 72

*9 Wraiths per stack summoned if x position of Death Chamber is between 72 and 108


**Additional Lich stack summoned between the crypts depending upon x position


**Ghosts now summoned inbetween trees during the third round and beyond!

!!HE-1:E?p/?q; **Get hero's current level into "q"

!!VRr&v998<36:Sq*8; **Summon 8x hero level of ghosts per stack
!!VRr&v998<36:+v997; **Add ghosts depending upon round number

!!VRr&v998>35/v998<72:Sq*12; **Summon 12x hero level of ghosts per stack
!!VRr&v998>35/v998<72:+v997; **Add ghosts depending upon round number

!!VRr&v998>71/v998<108:Sq*16; **Summon 16x hero level of ghosts per stack
!!VRr&v998>71/v998<108:+v997; **Add ghosts depending upon round number

!!VRr&v998>107:Sq*24; **Summon 24x hero level of ghosts per stack
!!VRr&v998>107:+v997; **Add ghosts depending upon round number

**Ghosts summoned inbetween trees




**Triggers for Power Lich King's spellcasting


!!BG&v997=1:N?v808 Q?v812; **Get current stack number and attacking side
!!BMv808&v997>=0:G29/?v810/?v811; **Get FIRE SHIELD info from current stack
!!BMv808&v997>=0:P?j; **Get position of current stack number into "j"
!!BM21&v997>=0/v808>=21/v810=0/v812=1:C29/j/1/1/0;**Power Lich King casts BASIC FIRE SHIELD

!!BG&v997=1:N?v808 Q?v812; **Get current stack number and attacking side
!!BMv808&v997>=0:G58/?v810/?v811; **Get COUNTERSTRIKE info from current stack
!!BMv808&v997>=0:P?j; **Get position of current stack number into "j"
!!BM21&v997>=0/v808>=21/v810=0/v812=1:C58/j/1/1/0;**Power Lich King casts BASIC COUNTERSTRIKE


!!BG&v997=1:N?v807 Q?v812; **Get current stack number and attacking side
!!BMv808&v997=1:G21/?v810/?v811; **Get MISFORTUNE info from current stack
!!BMv808&v997=1:P?j; **Get position of current stack number into "j"
!!BM21&v997=1/v807<21/v810=0/v812=0:C52/j/1/1/0;**Power Lich King casts BASIC MISFORTUNE

!!BG&v997=1:N?v807 Q?v812; **Get current stack number and attacking side
!!BMv808&v997=1:G21/?v810/?v811; **Get DISRUPTING RAY info from current stack
!!BMv808&v997=1:P?j; **Get position of current stack number into "j"
!!BM21&v997=1/v807<21/v810=0/v812=0:C47/j/1/1/0;**Power Lich King casts BASIC DISRUPTING RAY

!!BG&v997=1:N?v807 Q?v812; **Get current stack number and attacking side
!!BMv808&v997=1:G45/?v810/?v811; **Get WEAKNESS info from current stack
!!BMv808&v997=1:P?j; **Get position of current stack number into "j"
!!BM21&v997=1/v807<21/v810=0/v812=0:C45/j/1/1/0; **Power Lich King casts BASIC WEAKNESS

!!BG&v997=1:N?v807 Q?v812; **Get current stack number and attacking side
!!BMv808&v997=1:G22/?v810/?v811; **Get SORROW info from current stack
!!BMv808&v997=1:P?j; **Get position of current stack number into "j"
!!BM21&v997=1/v807<21/v810=0/v812=0:C50/j/1/1/0; **Power Lich King casts BASIC SORROW

!!BG&v997=1:N?v807 Q?v812; **Get current stack number and attacking side
!!BMv808&v997=1:G21/?v810/?v811; **Get FIREBALL info from current stack
!!BMv808&v997=1:P?j; **Get position of current stack number into "j"
!!BM21&v997=1/v807<21/v810=0/v812=0:C21/j/1/1/0; **Power Lich King casts BASIC FIREBALL


**Post-battle trigger

!?BA1&800/v806=1; **Do the following while FLAG 800 is still TRUE



!!OW&t>=0/v998<36:R-1/6/d800000; **Give 800000 gold to current player
!!OW&t>=0/v998<36:R-1/7/d400; **Give 400 Mithril to current player
!!HE-1&t>=0/v998<36:C2/159/3000/1; **Give 3000 Ghosts to current hero

!!OW&t>=0/v998>35/v998<72:R-1/6/d1000000; **Give 1000000 gold to current player
!!OW&t>=0/v998>35/v998<72:R-1/7/d600; **Give 600 Mithril to current player
!!HE-1&t>=0/v998>35/v998<72:C2/159/4000/1; **Give 4000 Ghosts to current hero

!!OW&t>=0/v998>71/v998<108:R-1/6/d1200000; **Give 1200000 gold to current player
!!OW&t>=0/v998>71/v998<108:R-1/7/d800; **Give 800 Mithril to current player
!!HE-1&t>=0/v998>71/v998<108:C2/159/5000/1; **Give 5000 Ghosts to current hero

!!OW&t>=0/v998>107:R-1/6/d1600000; **Give 1600000 gold to current player
!!OW&t>=0/v998>107:R-1/7/d1000; **Give 1000 Mithril to current player
!!HE-1&t>=0/v998>107:C2/159/6000/1; **Give 6000 Ghosts to current hero

!!PO998&t>=0:N1; **If hero is owned, value of Death Chamber position square is 1

!!IF:V800/0; **Clear FLAG 800

**If hero is unowned, value of Death Chamber position is 0 and another hero
**can visit the structure

**Variables cleared

**End post-battle trigger

*Object trigger when any "Death Chamber" that HASN'T been defeated is visited



!!POv998/v999/v1000:B0/?j; **Read PO:B0 value into j
!!POv998/v999/v1000:H?k; **Read PO:H value into k

!!VRv1176:+v1179; **Add current value in "v1179" weekly counter into "v1176"

**Store values from "j" into "v1176" to determine number of Lich Guards and Ghosts summoned

**Store values from "j" into "v1177" to determine Lich King's stats

**Store values from "k" into "v1173" to determine type of guards summoned with the Ghosts

**Store values from v1173 into "m" temporarily to show monsters in dialogue box

**Store names into "z3" to give hints to the player as to the amount of guards inside the chamber

**Random numbers from 0-5 determines what the Lich King says in his speech
!!VRn:S0 T4;
!!VRo:S0 T4;
!!VRq:S0 T4;
!!VRr:S0 T4;
!!VRs:S0 T4;
!!VRt:S0 T4;

**Store names into "z4" to describe the Death Chamber structure

**Store names into "z5" to describe the Lich King

**Prepare to change the Power Liches name temporarily
!!UN:G1/65/1/z6; **Change Power Liches name to temporarily

**Store names into "z7" to describe Lich King's voice

**Store names into "z8" to describe Lich King's treasures

**Store names into "z9" to describe Lich King's threat

**Store names into "z10" to describe Lich King's threat


**Clear "z" variables

**end of function

[ 本帖最后由 暗黑龙守护神 于 2009-6-25 22:09 编辑 ]

songfx 发表于 2009-6-24 20:39:39



shenbing100 发表于 2009-6-24 22:29:27


暗黑龙守护神 发表于 2009-6-25 08:06:50


老虎 发表于 2009-6-25 08:11:00


szx_9933 发表于 2009-6-25 21:25:10


szx_9933 发表于 2009-9-18 12:47:33


pxc04l7 发表于 2009-9-24 17:01:51



szx_9933 发表于 2009-9-24 17:29:04

原帖由 pxc04l7 于 2009-9-24 17:01 发表 http://bbs.h3wog.com/images/common/back.gif

DKmlws5 发表于 2010-4-7 12:50:30


剑舞苍澜 发表于 2010-4-9 19:12:08



zpx02020 发表于 2024-11-5 16:08:12

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