Salamandre 发表于 2008-8-27 08:12:24

Please help with script

I scripted my main hero to never get spell power or knowdledge, but only attack/defense. And it works.

However the game does not offer him to choose secondary skills and gives him automatically a random one. Can somebody explain me where I did wrong please?


!!VRi:S0 R1;

shenbing100 发表于 2008-8-27 20:00:44

I think the last sentence (!!HL:Si/-2/-1;) is the problem.

This is from ERM-help:
Lets you set primary and secondary skills that a hero can take.
$1 = Set/Check/Get a +1 primary skill (0...3) Format PK;
$2 = set a next level of left second skill (-2,-1.0..27) Format SS,
    -2 = do not change,
    -1 = not allowed to choose (no skill),
    0... = number of secondary skill;
$3 = set a next level of right second skill (-2,-1.0..27) Format SS.

So you may try this one:


!!VRi:S0 R1;

Salamandre 发表于 2008-8-27 23:51:27

thank you for help

I got it

!!VRi:S0 R1;

Doom3d 发表于 2009-3-10 02:25:39

H3 Caravans- script 130 preview


I didived the script into the following moduls:
1. creating caravans from town
2. handling arrived caravans by player
3. creating caravans from dwelling
4. caravan moving algorithm (approx. 15 tiles/day, half day for map level change)
5. AI support
*6.*Bitwise packer library ( to store user defined composite variables)

Bitwise packer is ready and released.
First part is ready and tested, working on part 2&4. Part 3 will be relatively easy.
Most critical is the AI support.

First caravan departed:
The 7 caravan/town limit works also propely.
For the next step I need to write approx. 11 functions, wich will definitely take time.

Currently I have 3 ideas to improve the ai: lowering prices for caravan troops, speed boost to ai caravans, and instantly sending units from nearby external dwellings to town dwellings for free.
I guess that 20%..80% price reduction and 20%.100% speed boost for easy..impossible would be enough. Any comments or ideas?

a968574 发表于 2012-2-28 21:08:33

I do not know
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