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TA的每日心情 | 开心 2020-9-19 16:27 |
签到天数: 7 天 连续签到: 1 天 [LV.3]火元素使者
- 积分
- 52365
WoG 3.59 Fnord's scripts
I was enough fortunate to get from Fnord his last work for WoG.
DOWNLOAD original (二楼有附件)
NOTE: some of them use a new syntax and I was not able to run. Others requires small changes to be able to run under ERA. Mostly change negative functions to positive. They are uploaded in original form.
This script stocks each previously visited Lean To with one Frozen Food ration at the start of each week. If a Lean To hasn't yet been visited it won't have any Frozen Food.
Each hero may collect any number of Frozen Food rations and use them at any time to gain additional movement for their army. Each Frozen Food ration used gives 300-600 extra movement points for that hero's army for the day.
To use a Frozen Food ration, select the hero and right-click on the ADVENTURE MAP Quest button (NOT the hero screen Quest button). Any number of rations may be used in a given day until the hero runs out.
Note: Frozen Food rations cannot be traded between heroes.
The AI cannot be programmed to collect and use Frozen Food rations, so instead it is compensated with 100 movement points for each Frozen Food ration collected by any hero in the previous week. For example, if Red and Blue are human players and Green and Orange are AI players, let's say that Red and Blue heroes collect a total of 5 Frozen Food rations between them in week 4. In week 5, the Green and Orange AI heroes would ALL gain 500 movement points every day. However, if no Frozen Food rations were collected by Red and Blue in week 5, the Green and Orange AI heroes wouldn't gain ANY bonus in week 6. While it may seem that the AI gains a better overall bonus than the human players, remember that the human players can choose to use their bonuses as the best possible times and may use it to outrun an AI hero or sneakily take an AI town when the AI believe them to be out of range.
Random Battle Positions
It does what it says, battle starts in random positions. I changed the randomizer from pseudo to true.
Ctrl-click on the hero's portrait or town picture in the Hero/Town Information Square to write a new Note or read an old one.
Ctrl-click on mini-map opens dialog for setting up Timed Reminder Messages.
1) Upgrade All Troops (321)
2) Remove All Monoliths (278)
3) Upgrade at External Dwellings (279)
4) AI Berserk Spell Casting (280)
5) 50% Experience from Fleeing Monsters (281)
6) Monster Stack Resources (282)
7) Limited Dwelling Accumulations (283)
8) Monster Stack Artifacts (284)
9) Guarded Artifacts (285)
10) Display Keymaster Keys (289)
Transfer or Swap Troops between Heroes on Hero Visiting Screen
Random Good Events: All players receive one good event each week on random days except never on the very first day of a game). The value of events increases based on the game date.
Random Bad Events: All players receive one bad event each week on random days (except never on the very first day of a game). The value of events increases based on the game date.
A weekly Good Event will give each player one of the following:
o Free Gold or Resources;
o Bonus troops available for recruitment (at a random town);
o Experience or a Skill improvement (for a random hero);
o An artifact (for a random hero);
o Stack Experience (for a random stack of a random hero);
o Free Neutral Mercenaries (they'll offer to join a random hero).
A weekly Bad Event will give each player one of the following:
o Loss of Gold or Resources;
o Loss of troops available for recruitment (at a random town);
o Random Primary or Secondary Skill loss (for a random hero);
o Loss of a random artifact (for a random hero);
o Loss of Stack Experience (a random stack of a random hero);
o Loss of troops (from a random hero's army).
All players will receive the same or equivalent good and bad events if possible, although skill changes, artifact or troops losses, etc. will of course be different for each hero. If a player has no heroes or towns, they won't benefit or suffer from a hero or town event. Likewise, if a player's randomly chosen town has no creature dwellings at all, that player won't receive or lose anything from such an event.
Due to the nature of Bad Events, they will be somewhat less balanced between players than Good Events. This is unavoidable since in order for something to be lost, it must exist in the first place and all players will have different artifacts, troops and so on. However, over the long run they should pretty well even out.
For human players, Sphinxes now work differently. They will think of a random monster and the hero must try to guess which creature it is. To aid in this endeavor, the hero may choose to ask three questions about the monster's characteristics (chosen from a list) and then may make up to three guesses
as to the identity of the monster.
If the hero guesses correctly, monsters of that type join his army for free (the number increases each week), but if the hero guesses wrong, three times that number of creatures attack the hero instead.
Each hero may collect any number of Frozen Food rations and use them at any time to gain additional movement for their army. Each Frozen Food ration used gives 300-600 extra movement points for that hero's army for the day.
This script enhances Dwarven Treasuries by allowing a player to deposit gold there to earn 25% interest for each full week or more for longer deposit periods. The gold can be withdrawn at any time withdrawn before a new deposit can be made.
This script enhances Schools of War when Stack Experience is enabled, allowing them to be used to train troops for gold.
Custom victory points
This script disables combat between Human Players so that their heroes cannot attack other human heroes and cannot attack or capture human-controlled towns or external garrisons (they can be passed through with no effect). Mines and other flagged objects can be captured but human heroes can no longer leave creatures to guard mines.
This script limits the number of troops that a single hero can take into battle. The main goal is to require players to spread out their army rather than using the tried-and-true (but somewhat boring) "superhero" strategy.
Town Treasuries
When you capture another player's town, you gain a portion of that player's resources, including gold (or all resources if you capture their last town).
Training facility
Upgraded troops
Only upgraded creatures will be available for Heroes to recruit at town and external dwellings, and all heroes will start with upgraded troops. Furthermore, Creature Banks, Pandora's Boxes and local events that give free troops when captured will always give upgraded troops.