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    4级 Famous Hero

    Rank: 4

    发表于 2014-10-14 22:03:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

    Version 2.5  October, 2 (2013)
    [*] No more "wogification" notion on code level. Every map is WoG map. Scripts are loaded the same way for any map/campaign. WoG option #5 is free. Wogification settings (option #5) are ignored.
    [*] Map/campaign built-in scripts are not interpreted.
    [-] Bug with garbage triggers from previously run map with built-in scripts is gone.
    [*] Maps\[map name].erm is not loaded.
    [-] Bug with memory corruption when both [map name].erm and built-in scripts presented is gone.
    [-] Bug of Maps\[previously run map].erm script loading on campaign start is gone.
    [*] UN:J3 command does not reset commanders anymore. If value ":clear:" is passed as file name, all WoG options are dropped to zero and option #101 (Map Rules) is set to 2 ("use selected below").
    [+] WoG default storage for ERM scripts is not used anymore. No restriction on 100 script names remains. Scripts are loaded and interpreted after all WoG data is loaded but before "OnSavegameRead" event occurs. As a result, Era 2.5 cannot handle saved games of previous versions.
    [+] Each script is stored in saved game with additional information: file name, file size and CRC32 checksum. No scripts interpretation occurs on game loading if the same script subset is already in memory. It means that game loading speed was significantly increased.
    [+] Files "Data\s\*.erm", "Data\s\*.ert" and "Data\s\load only these scripts.txt" in Maps\[map name] or Maps\[campaign name]_[campaign map index] folder override the appropriate files in "Data\s" and "Mods\[any mod]\Data\s" only when this particular map/campaign is started. It means that every map, including maps in campaigns, can have unlimited number of own scripts and can flexibly control the script and language file subset which will be used.
    [*] The order of file names in "load only these scripts.txt" does not matter. If file names contain priority prefixes, they are taken into account.
    [+] "*.sys.erm" scripts are called System scripts and loaded always regardless "load only these scripts.txt" settings. System scripts usually provide support for critically important game aspects and should not contain any code which can be used optionally depending on custom map demands or player's preferences.
    [*] Maps\[map name].cmd is not loaded.
    [*] WoG.ini option "Alternative Scripts Location" is not used.
    [+] Scripts preprocessing is not used. Invalid ERM receivers in form of "!!XX" remain. New option "IgnoreInvalidReceivers" was added to heroes3.ini. If it's on, invalid receivers are silently ignored. Otherwise new diagnostics message appears with the following information: invalid receiver, file name, linear offset in file, error context.
    [+] Added new triggers OnGameEnter (77015) and OnGameLeave (77016). The first one occurs when map is loaded and player gets mouse control. The latter occurs when player leaves current game. This event can be use to revert special changes in game memory (like UN:C hacks).
    [+] Implemented redirection support for *.mp3 files using functions "RedirectFile" and "GlobalRedirectFile". This mechanism should be used instead of deprecated !!MP commands. Calling redirection functions with first argument "*.mp3" forces playing only one mp3 track in all game dialogs.

    Attention! Versions 2.50-2.55 were not tested and thus are recommended only for testers, advanced users and mod makers.

    Version 2.55  October, 13 (2013)
    [+] Routine producing ERM error report was completely rewritten. New dialog uses colored text and displays full error command, ERM file name and line in file. Default choice is skipping the error, not making ERM memory dump. There are no more duplicate or senseless error popups.
    [+] Routine making ERM memory dump was completely rewritten for better error diagnostics and supports apart from all associative variables (SN:W) and dynamical arrays (SN:M).
    [*] Error in any Era command (SN:) does not lead to leaving trigger anymore.
    [*] Era commands now obey error suppression rules (UN:P904) and do not change z1 variable on error.
    [+] ExecErmCmd can now execute several commands at once.
    [+] Added event "OnBeforeClearErmScripts". It occurs right before scripts are unloaded.
    [+] WoG built-in code tracing mechanisms were removed because of being slow and useless.
    [+] e- and y- are considered deprecated and are subject to remove in the future.
    [*] "r" color name now stands for light red, suitable for default dialog backgrounds. "g" color name now stands for game native gold color.
    [*] Internal code refactoring.
    [-] Fixed Era 2.5 bug. Event "OnBeforeErmInstructions" didn't occur.

    Era 2.46 to 2.55.rar

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