本帖最后由 找点东西 于 2023-7-27 16:09 编辑我主要玩大型的RPG地图,进阶职业Mod他改了魔法等级,例如把迟缓改到了3级。但是,RPG地图都是按照原版的魔法等级设计。有些特殊情况,例如诅咒之地啥的。完全就玩不下去了。看说明里面说可以单独禁用,有没有哪位大神知道怎么弄啊。只想把魔法等级改回来。万般感谢 修改过后的文件,可以将进阶职业MOD的魔法等级还原到原版等级(水平有限,应该是吧)。替换进阶职业MOD的同名文件 修改吧。调出设置,自己加上吧 in the mod folder I placed the original sptraits.txt file for such cases.
Mods\Advanced Classes Mod\Help and Readme Files\sptraits
use it and put it in the /Data folder
This will restore original spell properties 本帖最后由 找点东西 于 2023-7-26 10:15 编辑
thank you....like this? but There hasn't been any change 本帖最后由 找点东西 于 2023-7-26 10:14 编辑
PerryR 发表于 2023-7-25 13:32
in the mod folder I placed the original sptraits.txt file for such cases.
Mods\Advanced Classes Mod ...
thank you。but There hasn't been any change 找点东西 发表于 2023-7-26 10:10
thank you....like this? but There hasn't been any change
You will have to rename "sptraits as used in original h3.txt" to "sptraits.txt" The game actually crashed and couldn't get in:shangxin: Archer30 发表于 2023-7-26 11:30
You will have to rename "sptraits as used in original h3.txt" to "sptraits.txt"
The game actually crashed and couldn't get in 找点东西 发表于 2023-7-26 10:10
thank you....like this? but There hasn't been any change
感谢大佬 wjj1311802615 发表于 2023-7-26 19:08
你的有效么?我的游戏直接崩溃进不去了 打开编辑器,打开文件ACM Chn.pac,提取SPTRAITS.txt,修改参数保存,替换原来的SPTRAITS.txt,进入游戏,修改完成 具体参数请看上面对应的英文,第一个就是等级,后面五位是对应的派系,在后面是不同等级对应的几率 、法力参数、魔耗值,希望有用 renjieta thanks
yes this is the way. Also consider using the "Text Editor" for propper formatting of the sptraits.txt file.
PerryR 发表于 2023-7-27 12:56
renjieta thanks
yes this is the way. Also consider using the "Text Editor" for propper formatting o ...
Thanks for the reminder.“Text Editor” is very convenient. renjieta 发表于 2023-7-27 13:28
Thanks for the reminder.“Text Editor” is very convenient.
好像PerryR大大的格式不一样,我直接替换还不行,进游戏后点魔法书就报错了。得手工一个个改回来,哎,不过还是感谢两位大大。。我先弄着;exp; ;bf;修改完毕了,还是无效。 PerryR 发表于 2023-7-27 12:56
renjieta thanks
yes this is the way. Also consider using the "Text Editor" for propper formatting o ...
That's it. You need to modify the file with your method to modify the SPTRAITS. EXE file. TXT (the file name is also case-sensitive) is placed in the specified location to take effect. I don't know how it works. But it worked. renjieta 发表于 2023-7-27 13:28
Thanks for the reminder.“Text Editor” is very convenient.
已经搞定了,光修改文件还不行,还得按P大的说法将修改过的文件丢到指定位置,区分大小写,不然也会报错。 牛皮