去我的收藏夹吃灰吧! 哪怕是只修改了一点点,都会无法生成随机地图了。可用玩家会变为0 坐等大神们汉化,先感谢一下!:deyi: 多谢楼主无私分享,不过就我这英文水平根本不会用....... By default, zones will always stretch to cover the entire non-underground area of the map. RMG proceeds in two steps. First, zones are laid out without forcing all the space to be occupied. At this stage, zones tend to have regular, circular shapes, and do not cover the whole map: there are usually unoccupied cells next to the border and at the corners of the map. In a second step, all unoccupied cells are claimed by the nearby zones. As a result, these zones may expand significantly, regardless their size setting. When “rock blocks radius” option is enabled, some of the unoccupied cells are filled with obstacles, so they do not contribute to extend the playable area of the nearby zones. It results in zones that are more uniform in size and shape. The “rock block radius” setting controls the relative radius of the playable zone. Default value is 1.0. The smaller the value, the more cells are filled with obstacles, resulting in smaller playable zones, but with more regular shape. However, if the value is too small, the option will be automatically disabled. 非常感谢楼主的分享,找了很久了