[VCMI] Courtyard. New playable faction
Original Posted: http://heroescommunity.com/viewthread.php3?TID=46393Thread Author:avatar
Trith, one of MDT Team head graphic designer, silently for years, was making a new faction (forget about old demo version). And now, something comes to fruition. He decided to post some promotional screens before the official premiere. I'm going to update topic with new pictures showing some of Courtyard stuff. Because new faction is not only new units and heroes - mod contains some fresh and cool small features than should lighten up traditional gameplay. So, stay tuned!
Courtyard is HERE!
Click on the envelope to receive the invitation.
Alternative: Acid Cave (Click on "Klonuj!")
Some new spells:
我看到老萨(蝾螈)和陆行鸟,真是亮瞎眼。 “Trith是MDT团队的首席平面设计师之一,多年来,他一直在默默地制造一个新的派别(忘记旧的演示版本)。现在,有一些东西要结出硕果了。他决定在正式首映前张贴一些宣传屏幕。我将用新的图片更新主题,展示一些庭院的东西。因为新的派别不仅是新的单位和英雄-模包含一些新鲜和凉爽的小功能,比应该减轻传统游戏。所以,请继续关注!”
现在这浏览器的翻译插件倒是省了不少事,虽然翻译不太准确。不过勉强懂大致意思了{:1_419:} @thread starter Yunings:
Wow,and actually I wonder what shows as the War Machine on the battlefield graph above. Seems like courtyard has a cart of potion as WM in town. So what is that one in the previous battlefield?
Is this Old Photographic Camera?
Looks like it's a HERO's specialty to contain this WM with himself or pass it to other heroes. I made a quick test. hoen2 发表于 2020-7-9 16:19
Looks like it's a HERO's specialty to contain this WM with himself or pass it to other heroes. I mad ...
lolz. "Tool man" on the next level Named "dark camera" from its original language hoen2 发表于 2020-7-9 20:20
Named "dark camera" from its original language
Well, I'd translated it to Demon Camera in Chinese. Agree to all ~ Btw,I think "fraction" could actually be "faction" on this thread's headline.