Era 2.9.11 update. Era 3.0.0 is 85% ready (with ERM 2.0 support)
Here is the news from @Berserker :Era 2.9.11 update. Era 3.0.0 is 85% ready (with ERM 2.0 support)
Version 2.9.11
[+] Added Quest Dialog plugin by igrik. It allows to easily view quests contents and move view to seer huts.
[+] Added %T(translatable_key_from_json) interpolation in ^...^ strings. Thus json texts without parameters may be inserted directly.
Example: !!IF:M^Welcome to {%T(mymod.woody_castle_object)}!^;
[+] Heroes 3 PRNG was restored. VR:R uses it, as in old times. Mersenne Twister PRNG was moved to VR:T command.
Mersenne Twister generator state is NOT synchronized between remote PCs automatically. Do not use it in
battles for you mod to be compatible with multiplayer.
[+] Included macros for Erm Editor, enabling automatical indentation and comment insertion via ALT + END. Credits: Algor.
[+] Added "h3 structures and constants.txt" by BTB/RoseCavalier to Help directory.
[*]Reallowed SN:K#1/#2/#3/#4 to work with strings.
[-] Fixed OnUnequipArt and OnEquipArt named events. They were called instead of each other.
抢沙发,捧场两不误,辛苦了大佬!{:1_483:} 更新的真快,希望封魔早点用上 比较期待ERA3.0~~ 又有好玩的了~~~期待啊 3.0有啥变化,估计旧脚本好多不兼容了 越来越期待ERA3.0了。。 更新得真快!!!!! Glad,Glad to see [+] Added Quest Dialog plugin by igrik. It allows to easily view quests contents and move view to seer huts.