yunings 发表于 2020-1-16 10:45:35

New ERM Editor

Author:BersyNew ERM Editor

The EPM editor was developed on the basis of the beautiful and highly functional Sublime Text editor.
(It is highly recommended to familiarize yourself with the site of the editor developer, where many features of the software product are illustrated in the form of gif animation)

Main features:
-) Support for multiple cursors / selections allows you to edit a large number of document locations simultaneously.
-) Built-in Python plugin system and package manager.
-) Visual mini-map of the document, a panel with a file tree.
-) Ability to organize files into projects, search for hundreds of files at the same time.
-) Fast fuzzy search by IDs, ads, files. Go to function declarations.
-) Powerful autocomplete support based on any words found in opened files.
-) Sessions, AutoSave sessions, splitting of the working window into subwindows.
-) Search and replace by regular expression and more.

EPM support features:
-) Full syntax highlighting, including interpolated variables (%Y2), function and label names, macros, etc.
-) Quick input of triggers by "_xx" + ENTER and "on" + ENTER.
-) Quick input of receivers by " xx "+ ENTER, for example "UN"=>"!!UN:".
-) The autocompletion of Era event names.
-) Tooltips, allowing to jump to function declaration when hovering over the function name. Does not work for functions with dots in the name, but works the name selection + F12.
-) Support for snippets "if", "ife" for quick input of conditions, "exi", "exif", "exifo" for quick input of exit conditions from the trigger.
-) "For" snippet for quick input of loop with counter.
-) Quick jump to named triggers by CTRL + R.
-) Quickly navigate through open files and project files using CTRL + P.
-) Quick jump to any line by CTRL + G.
-) And other…

The editor will be distributed as part of the Era installer.
You can buy a license to disable registration reminders on the developer's website.

Download: link (14 MB)
Download only EPM support files for Sublime Text: link (7 KB)

琭琭有彧 发表于 2020-1-17 15:17:50

Good job。{:2_652:}

我是个好人 发表于 2020-1-17 15:24:10


bcshp 发表于 2020-1-17 15:39:10


咸蛋超人 发表于 2020-1-17 19:48:11


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