Autor: Liso1
Master fo Craft allows heroes crafting for mana or resources and relic artifacts for primary skills. Shift + Left-clik on artifacts in backpack to change craft outcome from resources to mana. Relics will still be crafted for primary skills. The outcome will stay as you choose until you Shift + Left-click again.
Actions:Ctrl+left-click on artifacts from backpackCtrl+left-click on Ammo cart or Ballista
Effects:For ammo cart and ballista get your money back, they will vanish
For artifacts:1) Scrolls: get a random resource set every day, the quantity is based on spell level. Mana = spell level * 102) Magic books: get 4000 gold3) No class, treasures, minor and major artifacts: get a random resource set every day, the quantity is based on artifact class. Mana = artifact level * 10.4) Relics: craft them for a random skill bonus (both are set at the beginning of each day). The bonus value is modifiable in the ini file.
我更愿意用资源换宝物,换魔法,,, 这个mod的实用性可能不强,一般到宝物当垃圾的时候,积攒的资源早就已经过百了,换不换这些宝意义不大。另外魔法点在这个时候也差不多是几百上千了,不差用宝物换几十点mana。至于增加技能点算还不错,不过这就把原来雪山城堡法师英雄的独门技能给抢了。 谢谢楼主分享,我自己试用一下
谢谢楼主分享,我试试看好用不 谢谢,我就喜欢这种实用而又不追求花里胡哨的mod,老外好多这种小mod都不错,比如那个能显示地图事件的,简直是玩bt图强迫症的福音啊 yyjzbl 发表于 2020-12-29 15:47
谢谢,我就喜欢这种实用而又不追求花里胡哨的mod,老外好多这种小mod都不错,比如那个能显示地图事件的,简 ...
你说的mod有链接吗? 凌茂冲 发表于 2020-12-30 08:47
同问! 好东西 ! hoen2 发表于 2021-1-18 19:03
同问! 好东西 !
https://www.h3wog.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=74053 感谢,这下就不会踩雷了哈 虽然不用!楼主辛苦 路过此地,顶一下!!