<P><FONT color=#1a1ae6 size=4>新增怪物</FONT></P><P>http://tuke.52pk.net/data/2006/01/16/0112060.jpg</P>
<P>Wanderer of Desert</P>
<P>Sekhmeth embodiment</P>
<P>Anubis warrior</P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff size=4>新增英雄</FONT></P>
<P>Athon the Nomarch <BR><BR>Spezialization: Resistance Starting skills:Bas. Resistance, Bas. Logistics <BR><BR>Biography:<BR>In his childhood Athon was hit by thunderbolt. All who saw the occurence thought the boy died. But Athon was not hurt. He was sent to pagan-priests for investigation and was counted as "mark of gods" - he resisted all of their magic and even more - he could protect from magic his friensds. As Athon grew up, he choosed path of the mercenary and his shar eye and resitance skill serve the one who pay the biggest price. <BR>翻译:在他童年的时候,Athon被雷击中了。所有看到经过的人都认为男孩死了。但是Athon没有受伤。他被送到pegan-priests(他们的职业属性——沙漠牧师)队伍中观察,并被指为上帝的标志,他可以抵抗他们所有的魔法甚至可以保护自己的朋友们不受魔法伤害。随着Athon长大,他选择了唯利是图的人生,他吝啬的眼睛和抗魔技能让每个人都付出最高的价钱。<BR></P>
<P>Apie the Pagan-Priestess <BR><BR>Specialization: Haste Starting skills: Bas. Intelligence ,Bas. Air magic <BR><BR>Biography:<BR>Apie was sent by Priests to find the edge of the Earth. She hasn't find it but she returned alive. She hasn't find the Edge but she spent a lot of time in desert and learned to use powers of wind and ever call it when needed. <BR>翻译:Apie被送入牧师队伍中寻找地球的边缘。她没有发现地球的边缘但是活着回来了。她花了很长时间呆在沙漠中学会了使用风的力量,并且召之即来的能力。<BR></P> 英雄没啥新意 后面2只是猫还是狮子???
回复 #2 九阴九阳 的帖子
其实这个帖子只是测试用的,看看能不能从52PK那边直接引用帖子…… 激怒敌人只打自己人?????有这个魔法的吗 原帖由 逝者如斯夫 于 2006-1-16 13:08 发表激怒敌人只打自己人?????有这个魔法的吗
P S:放上偶的EG版Athon的翻译:
Biography: In his childhood Athon was hit by thunderbolt. All who saw the occurence thought the boy died. But Athon was not hurt. He was sent to pagan-priests for investigation and was counted as "mark of gods" - he resisted all of their magic and even more - he could protect from magic his friensds. As Athon grew up, he choosed path of the mercenary and his shar eye and resitance skill serve the one who pay the biggest price.
亚森小时候因为做了不厚道的事而遭到了雷劈。看到这事儿的都以为他肯定是挂了,但亚森却毫发无伤。于是他被送到了不正常人类研究中心做检查,最终被认定为“神之象征” -- 不管那帮大夫用什么魔法折腾他,他都能给抗了,甚至他的朋友们都因裙带关系而受到抵抗力的保护。亚森长大以后选择了雇佣兵这一不厚道的职业,因为反正也不怕遭雷劈。谁出的价最高,他就用他的猥亵眼神和抵抗能力为其卖命。 原帖由 逝者如斯夫 于 2006-1-16 13:08 发表
晕,楼上的把我害惨了,我还特意跑去论坛那边看下是不是真的写错了,虚惊:'(: 昏…………看错一个字…………
如果是打自己,那倒是很有可能的,只要把价值调成最大就可以了………… 大象越想越垃圾
尽管血厚,但是打远程兵吃不消啊 有些东西是魔兽里搬来的 很好啊 原帖由 iltly50 于 2006-1-16 23:30 发表
有些东西是魔兽里搬来的 很好啊
什么魔兽啊,都是埃及文化,别乱说 那家伙防那么低还敢激怒别人啊 呵呵,不就是沙漠一族
还是很有创意的. 那3J兵摆明就是要进攻的,可是…………速度5…………看来这个族的速度都是那么慢的………… 翻译:在他童年的时候,Athon被雷击中了。所有看到经过的人都认为男孩死了。但是Athon没有受伤。他被送到pegan-priests(他们的职业属性——沙漠牧师)队伍中观察,并被指为上帝的标志,他可以抵抗他们所有的魔法甚至可以保护自己的朋友们不受魔法伤害。随着Athon长大,他选择了唯利是图的人生,他吝啬的眼睛和抗魔技能让每个人都付出最高的价钱。
这个自转有点龌龊啊! 圣甲虫还没出来吗?
回复 #17 逝者如斯夫 的帖子
http://www.daugavpils.udens.lv/newtownwww/img/monsters/11.gif 建议不要这个新城镇的东西。太次了。什么啊? 那甲虫样子好搞啊~~~~~~~~~~