HotA for Chinese?
We cannot agree more to build a Chinese Version of HotA,while I saw the HotA 1.32 in HC.But it remains lots of problems,I can't use hota.dat to translate it(when I do this,it could be cracked and even using WinHex),should anyone help me with it?Chinese characters are not equal to russian and english, adding more bytes should be forbidden in this game.So how can I solve it? 这个……是因为hc登不上才在这边发的……汉化hota的问题 看来应该是加密的问题,不过英文版有了吗? :nianjing:我怎么记得有中文版啊 caijian 发表于 2014-1-14 20:55看来应该是加密的问题,不过英文版有了吗?
有英文了,可惜是用dat文件编写的,不好改。。 VCMI 里可以加入 COVE 城池~可以汉化~ 英文完全看不懂怎么办。。。