wogfans 发表于 2013-9-28 07:53:06

Three kingdoms main topic

This topic is opened for foreign players who are play this map.
Any question about this map can be asked, including language explaination.

For foreingn players, pls write down you name and country after your question. Like this
------------by songfx from China

songfx 发表于 2013-9-29 10:54:16

Here is some links about this map.
Original post:http://bbs.h3wog.com/thread-37725-1-1.html

strategy with pictures:

Salamandre 发表于 2015-3-31 17:41:02

Map looks great but in chinese, english versions can't display text properly. Is translation still worked? If someone gives a approximative translation, then I can perfect it before english release.
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