ERA2.4最近下载出来,但老错误。请看图片 不知道是不是这版的HD高清补丁有问题,有些人也有这样的问题 生成的TXT的内容如下,但小生太菜,没看出来错在神马地方。Log
start logging
compability_dir = F:\H3ERA\_HD3_Data\Compability\#default
HOMM3 HD version: 3450000
Sun May 26 20:55:49 2013
Adress: 0x00619076
Flags: 0x00000000
Information: read of address: 0x00000000
Call stack
0x0319AEC6 called from 0x0319AEA3
(spliced) 0x0055C9C0 called from 0x100158CE
(spliced) 0x00450EF0 called from 0x00416143
0x004160C0 called from 0x00415DAF
0x00415D40 called from 0x004AA7BC
0x004AA710 called from 0x00408049
0x00407AE0 called from 0x0040AA31
0x0040A530 called from 0x0074E346
0x0074E179 called from 0x0040992B
0x00409740 called from 0x0074EF6E
0x0074EF37 called from 0x004089AB
0x04E661AE called from 0x04E6618B
(spliced) 0x04E9C7CE called from 0x04E9C7AB
? called from before 0x004B0C39
0x004B0BA0 called from 0x004F0516
0x03198D76 called from 0x03198D53
(spliced) 0x004EEA70 called from 0x004F824A
0x03195286 called from 0x03195263
(spliced) 0x004F80C0 called from 0x0061A95F
? called from before 0x7C81776F
? called from before 0x00000000
\\ main module:
0x00400000: h3wog.dll(size: 0x0253512C, entry point: 0x00701000)
0x041F0000: angel.dll(size: 0x0010C000, entry point: 0x041F1000)
0x04300000: zvslib1.dll(size: 0x005E4000, entry point: 0x04301000)
0x02B10000: BINKW32.DLL(size: 0x0002B000, entry point: 0x02B21705)
0x03960000: era.dll(size: 0x0016C000, entry point: 0x0398DDDC)
0x00400000: h3wog.dll(size: 0x0253512C, entry point: 0x00701000)
0x02B40000: ifc20.dll(size: 0x00023000, entry point: 0x02B4F04E)
0x26F00000: MP3DEC.ASI(size: 0x0002A000, entry point: 0x26F0A805)
0x21100000: MSS32.DLL(size: 0x0005F000, entry point: 0x2112F2E5)
0x03150000: patcher_x86.dll(size: 0x00026000, entry point: 0x0315C01B)
0x02AE0000: SMACKW32.DLL(size: 0x00025000, entry point: 0x02AF084C)
0x03C10000: Wogcn.dll(size: 0x00073000, entry point: 0x03C6D714)
0x10000000: _HD3_.dll(size: 0x000F7000, entry point: 0x10003F18)
Command Line
Main INI
<Version> = 3390000
<Language> = "#cn.ini"
<Resolution> = 1366, 768
<ColorMode> = 3
<StretchFilter> = 3
<SystemCursors> = 0
<ClipCursor> = 1
<NoCD> = 1
<CpuPatch> = 1
<NewerSoundLibraries> = 1
<Stereo44Music> = 1
<AsyncSounds> = 1
<InterfaceExtensions> = 1
<QuickArmyManagementMode> = 0
<ExtendedSpellBook> = 1
<TournamentExtensions> = 2
<EveryDaySaver> = 0
<SkipMapMsgs> = 2
<RenameRandMap> = 1
<AvailableInsteadGrowthInTown> = 1
<AutofixMap> = 2
<HD+> = 0
<Packs> = "SOD中文界面"
<HD.TE.Settings> = 4, 108, 2, 8, 7, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1
<CheckForUpdates> = 0
<UpdateServer> = "https://dl.dropbox.com/u/56675299/HD3_Update"
<Registered> = 1
<Show Intro> = 1
<AppPath> = "G:\Heroes of Might and Magic III Complete\"
<Music Volume> = 5
<Sound Volume> = 5
<Last Music Volume> = 5
<Last Sound Volume> = 5
<Walk Speed> = 2
<Computer Walk Speed> = 3
<Show Route> = 1
<Move Reminder> = 1
<Quick Combat> = 0
<Video Subtitles> = 1
<Town Outlines> = 1
<Animate SpellBook> = 1
<Window Scroll Speed> = 1
<Bink Video> = 0
<Blackout Computer> = 0
<First Time> = 0
<Test Decomp> = 0
<Test Read> = 0
<Test Blit> = 0
<Unique System ID> = "IQ3"
<Network Default Name> = "Player"
<Autosave> = 1
<Show Combat Grid> = 0
<Show Combat Mouse Hex> = 0
<Combat Shade Level> = 0
<Combat Army Info Level> = 0
<Combat Auto Creatures> = 1
<Combat Auto Spells> = 1
<Combat Catapult> = 1
<Combat Ballista> = 1
<Combat First Aid Tent> = 1
<Combat Speed> = 0
<Main Game Show Menu> = 1
<Main Game X> = 10
<Main Game Y> = 10
<Main Game Full Screen> = 1
<CDDrive> = ""
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion
ProductName: Microsoft Windows XP
CurrentVersion: 5.1
CSDVersion: Service Pack 3
BuildLab: 2600.xpsp_sp3_gdr.130307-0422
PlatformId= 2
Version: 5.1
Build: 2600
CSDVersion= Service Pack 3
ProductType = 1
SuiteMask = 256
Some ingame values
FullScreen Mode = 1
Game Type = 0
Network Game = 0
Me: 红色
Active Player: 红色
Active is Human = 1
Map file = Player vs 电脑.h3m
start logging
compability_dir = F:\H3ERA\_HD3_Data\Compability\#default
HOMM3 HD version: 3450000
Tue May 28 21:17:26 2013
Adress: 0x00619076
Flags: 0x00000000
Information: read of address: 0x00000000
Call stack
0x0308A916 called from 0x0308A8F3
(spliced) 0x0055C9C0 called from 0x100158CE
(spliced) 0x00450EF0 called from 0x00416143
0x004160C0 called from 0x00415DAF
0x00415D40 called from 0x004AA7BC
0x004AA710 called from 0x00408049
0x00407AE0 called from 0x0040AA31
0x0040A530 called from 0x0074E346
0x0074E179 called from 0x0040992B
0x00409740 called from 0x0074EF6E
0x0074EF37 called from 0x004089AB
0x04B85BF6 called from 0x04B85BD3
(spliced) 0x04BBC23E called from 0x04BBC21B
? called from before 0x004B0C39
0x004B0BA0 called from 0x004F0516
0x030887C6 called from 0x030887A3
(spliced) 0x004EEA70 called from 0x004F824A
0x03084EEE called from 0x03084ECB
(spliced) 0x004F80C0 called from 0x0061A95F
? called from before 0x7C81776F
? called from before 0x00000000
\\ main module:
0x00400000: h3era.exe(size: 0x0253512C, entry point: 0x00701000)
0x03B00000: angel.dll(size: 0x0010C000, entry point: 0x03B01000)
0x03C20000: zvslib1.dll(size: 0x005E4000, entry point: 0x03C21000)
0x02A10000: BINKW32.DLL(size: 0x0002B000, entry point: 0x02A21705)
0x03850000: era.dll(size: 0x0016C000, entry point: 0x0387DDDC)
0x00400000: h3era.exe(size: 0x0253512C, entry point: 0x00701000)
0x02A40000: ifc20.dll(size: 0x00023000, entry point: 0x02A4F04E)
0x26F00000: MP3DEC.ASI(size: 0x0002A000, entry point: 0x26F0A805)
0x21100000: MSS32.DLL(size: 0x0005F000, entry point: 0x2112F2E5)
0x03040000: patcher_x86.dll(size: 0x00026000, entry point: 0x0304C01B)
0x029E0000: SMACKW32.DLL(size: 0x00025000, entry point: 0x029F084C)
0x04860000: Wogcn.dll(size: 0x00075000, entry point: 0x048BF714)
0x10000000: _HD3_.dll(size: 0x000F7000, entry point: 0x10003F18)
Command Line
h3era.exe <#default>
Main INI
<Version> = 3390000
<Language> = "#cn.ini"
<Resolution> = 1366, 768
<ColorMode> = 3
<StretchFilter> = 3
<SystemCursors> = 0
<ClipCursor> = 1
<NoCD> = 1
<CpuPatch> = 1
<NewerSoundLibraries> = 1
<Stereo44Music> = 1
<AsyncSounds> = 1
<InterfaceExtensions> = 1
<QuickArmyManagementMode> = 0
<ExtendedSpellBook> = 1
<TournamentExtensions> = 2
<EveryDaySaver> = 0
<SkipMapMsgs> = 2
<RenameRandMap> = 1
<AvailableInsteadGrowthInTown> = 1
<AutofixMap> = 2
<HD+> = 0
<Packs> = "SOD中文界面"
<HD.TE.Settings> = 4, 144, 1, 8, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1
<CheckForUpdates> = 0
<UpdateServer> = "https://dl.dropbox.com/u/56675299/HD3_Update"
<Registered> = 1
<Show Intro> = 1
<AppPath> = "G:\Heroes of Might and Magic III Complete\"
<Music Volume> = 5
<Sound Volume> = 5
<Last Music Volume> = 5
<Last Sound Volume> = 5
<Walk Speed> = 2
<Computer Walk Speed> = 3
<Show Route> = 1
<Move Reminder> = 1
<Quick Combat> = 0
<Video Subtitles> = 1
<Town Outlines> = 1
<Animate SpellBook> = 1
<Window Scroll Speed> = 1
<Bink Video> = 0
<Blackout Computer> = 0
<First Time> = 0
<Test Decomp> = 0
<Test Read> = 0
<Test Blit> = 0
<Unique System ID> = "IQ3"
<Network Default Name> = "Player"
<Autosave> = 1
<Show Combat Grid> = 0
<Show Combat Mouse Hex> = 0
<Combat Shade Level> = 0
<Combat Army Info Level> = 0
<Combat Auto Creatures> = 1
<Combat Auto Spells> = 1
<Combat Catapult> = 1
<Combat Ballista> = 1
<Combat First Aid Tent> = 1
<Combat Speed> = 0
<Main Game Show Menu> = 1
<Main Game X> = 10
<Main Game Y> = 10
<Main Game Full Screen> = 1
<CDDrive> = ""
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion
ProductName: Microsoft Windows XP
CurrentVersion: 5.1
CSDVersion: Service Pack 3
BuildLab: 2600.xpsp_sp3_gdr.130307-0422
PlatformId= 2
Version: 5.1
Build: 2600
CSDVersion= Service Pack 3
ProductType = 1
SuiteMask = 256
Some ingame values
FullScreen Mode = 1
Game Type = 0
Network Game = 0
Me: 红色
Active Player: 红色
Active is Human = 1
Map file = Player vs 电脑 (1).h3m
start logging
compability_dir = F:\H3ERA\_HD3_Data\Compability\#default
HOMM3 HD version: 3450000
Tue May 28 21:48:53 2013
Adress: 0x00619076
Flags: 0x00000000
Information: read of address: 0x00000000
Call stack
0x0308A916 called from 0x0308A8F3
(spliced) 0x0055C9C0 called from 0x100158CE
(spliced) 0x00450EF0 called from 0x00416143
0x004160C0 called from 0x00415DAF
0x00415D40 called from 0x0041741C
0x04BBC3CE called from 0x04BBC3AB
(spliced) 0x00417380 called from 0x0041A9B2
0x0041A750 called from 0x004A9581
0x004A8160 called from 0x00705FE2
0x00705979 called from 0x004AA766
0x004AA710 called from 0x00408049
0x00407AE0 called from 0x0040AA31
0x0040A530 called from 0x0074E346
0x0074E179 called from 0x0040992B
0x00409740 called from 0x0074EF6E
0x0074EF37 called from 0x004089AB
0x04B85BF6 called from 0x04B85BD3
(spliced) 0x04BBC23E called from 0x04BBC21B
? called from before 0x004B0C39
0x004B0BA0 called from 0x004F0516
0x030887C6 called from 0x030887A3
(spliced) 0x004EEA70 called from 0x004F824A
0x03084EEE called from 0x03084ECB
(spliced) 0x004F80C0 called from 0x0061A95F
? called from before 0x7C81776F
? called from before 0x00000000
\\ main module:
0x00400000: h3era.exe(size: 0x0253512C, entry point: 0x00701000)
0x03B00000: angel.dll(size: 0x0010C000, entry point: 0x03B01000)
0x03C20000: zvslib1.dll(size: 0x005E4000, entry point: 0x03C21000)
0x02A10000: BINKW32.DLL(size: 0x0002B000, entry point: 0x02A21705)
0x03850000: era.dll(size: 0x0016C000, entry point: 0x0387DDDC)
0x00400000: h3era.exe(size: 0x0253512C, entry point: 0x00701000)
0x02A40000: ifc20.dll(size: 0x00023000, entry point: 0x02A4F04E)
0x26F00000: MP3DEC.ASI(size: 0x0002A000, entry point: 0x26F0A805)
0x21100000: MSS32.DLL(size: 0x0005F000, entry point: 0x2112F2E5)
0x03040000: patcher_x86.dll(size: 0x00026000, entry point: 0x0304C01B)
0x029E0000: SMACKW32.DLL(size: 0x00025000, entry point: 0x029F084C)
0x04860000: Wogcn.dll(size: 0x00075000, entry point: 0x048BF714)
0x10000000: _HD3_.dll(size: 0x000F7000, entry point: 0x10003F18)
Command Line
h3era.exe <#default>
Main INI
<Version> = 3390000
<Language> = "#cn.ini"
<Resolution> = 1366, 768
<ColorMode> = 3
<StretchFilter> = 3
<SystemCursors> = 0
<ClipCursor> = 1
<NoCD> = 1
<CpuPatch> = 1
<NewerSoundLibraries> = 1
<Stereo44Music> = 1
<AsyncSounds> = 1
<InterfaceExtensions> = 1
<QuickArmyManagementMode> = 0
<ExtendedSpellBook> = 1
<TournamentExtensions> = 2
<EveryDaySaver> = 0
<SkipMapMsgs> = 2
<RenameRandMap> = 1
<AvailableInsteadGrowthInTown> = 1
<AutofixMap> = 2
<HD+> = 0
<Packs> = "SOD中文界面"
<HD.TE.Settings> = 4, 144, 1, 8, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1
<CheckForUpdates> = 0
<UpdateServer> = "https://dl.dropbox.com/u/56675299/HD3_Update"
<Registered> = 1
<Show Intro> = 1
<AppPath> = "G:\Heroes of Might and Magic III Complete\"
<Music Volume> = 5
<Sound Volume> = 5
<Last Music Volume> = 5
<Last Sound Volume> = 5
<Walk Speed> = 2
<Computer Walk Speed> = 3
<Show Route> = 1
<Move Reminder> = 1
<Quick Combat> = 0
<Video Subtitles> = 1
<Town Outlines> = 1
<Animate SpellBook> = 1
<Window Scroll Speed> = 1
<Bink Video> = 0
<Blackout Computer> = 0
<First Time> = 0
<Test Decomp> = 0
<Test Read> = 0
<Test Blit> = 0
<Unique System ID> = "IQ3"
<Network Default Name> = "Player"
<Autosave> = 1
<Show Combat Grid> = 0
<Show Combat Mouse Hex> = 0
<Combat Shade Level> = 0
<Combat Army Info Level> = 0
<Combat Auto Creatures> = 1
<Combat Auto Spells> = 1
<Combat Catapult> = 1
<Combat Ballista> = 1
<Combat First Aid Tent> = 1
<Combat Speed> = 0
<Main Game Show Menu> = 1
<Main Game X> = 10
<Main Game Y> = 10
<Main Game Full Screen> = 1
<CDDrive> = ""
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion
ProductName: Microsoft Windows XP
CurrentVersion: 5.1
CSDVersion: Service Pack 3
BuildLab: 2600.xpsp_sp3_gdr.130307-0422
PlatformId= 2
Version: 5.1
Build: 2600
CSDVersion= Service Pack 3
ProductType = 1
SuiteMask = 256
Some ingame values
FullScreen Mode = 1
Game Type = 0
Network Game = 0
Me: 红色
Active Player: 红色
Active is Human = 1
Map file = Player vs 电脑 (1).h3m
} 我上次和肥肉玩TE对战,随机图也出现过一次这种情况
回复 消灭零回复 2# 的帖子
我也不知道呀,向论坛的大神们求教 HD 高清补丁的问题,暂无法解决.属于编码级问题.
回复 发帖回帖人人有责 6# 的帖子
明了,3KS回复 发帖回帖人人有责 6# 的帖子
总的来说,不是非得走的步完全可以改变行进顺序、甚至等一天来化解这种问题 和我遇到的问题一样啊,还没解决的办法吗。