For the empire of wolrd IV
Salamandre,I am so sorry for disturbing you again and again, forgive me.;ym;Get to the point, The problem is the kingdom overview icon.
It's all fine in generally,but when I use the translation edition and click the kingdom overview icon,I cant get that custom dialog,just the regular one.I've not touched any ERM in the script,it's so weird.
And"com_menu.txt",do I need to translate this file,that's all.My expression of english is not very good,Please don't keep in mind if I say something wrong.;ym;
[ 本帖最后由 renlinfeng 于 2012-3-15 02:35 编辑 ] I released today final version, after receiving feedback from people who finished the map. Check thread below.
My thoughts are that you changed something in ERM scripts, when translating. You said that you corrected a few words, I think that you removed the codes which ensure the colors being correctly displayed.
This is what a color needs:
{~Colorname}colored text{~}
If you remove any of the signs before and after, the text will be dark. Upload your comodus.erm and I will show you were the mistake was.Your english is very good, congrats, much better than my chinese:)
[ 本帖最后由 Salamandre 于 2012-3-15 10:32 编辑 ] lol xd 233. my mood is suddenly much better.
[ 本帖最后由 renlinfeng 于 2012-3-15 20:43 编辑 ] 刚才的短消息是什么?我的收件箱满了,结果一下子把没看这条都删掉了;lan; ;jx; 是问兽哥你完美版怎么成功的 老萨明明说不支持358的 就是用我说的那个方法啊 ;lh; 这和板块好像不能用中文的阿 这个是以前的规矩,和外宾才用英文,;lan;
回复 8# 的帖子
;om; 真的可以了..但是宝物和好多生物属性技能还是E文;ym; 是啊,那些怎么搞?有办法吗?还是说要汉化ERA2.0?云斯说汉化ERA超级简单;yowe;回复 10# 的帖子
;ym; 不懂,直觉感觉是wog的问题,宝物和生物技能应该都是wog里已汉化过的啊;ym; 那好,我用SOD试试 试过了,SOD和WOG里面是一样的。回复 13# 的帖子
;ym; ;ym; 找高手 I checked the document, you need to leave color description in english, not translate it, it is only technical and will not appear in game. Here is an example, sorry the chinese text does not display in ERM:Example:
!!IF&-139:Q1/25/9/1^{~×ϺìÉ«}¡°´«´óµÛÂí¿ËÎ÷ķ˹֮Ãû, ²»ÔÊÐíÈκÎÈË°ïÖú¿µÄªµÂ˹£¬{~} {~×ϺìÉ«}ËûÊÇÅÑͽ¡±{~}
Should be:
!!IF&-139:Q1/25/9/1^{~Cyan}¡°´«´óµÛÂí¿ËÎ÷ķ˹֮Ãû, ²»ÔÊÐíÈκÎÈË°ïÖú¿µÄªµÂ˹£¬{~} {~Cyan}ËûÊÇÅÑͽ¡±{~}
Tell me if understood, this must be done with every phrase containing special colors codes. Names must be in english. Wow, I see you translated a lot, can I ask you to use v2.0 for future please? There are a few changes (I added possibility to leave creatures near red tent for example in early code), not much but still. Thank you very much.
If you send me when is done, I can make the changes.
[ 本帖最后由 Salamandre 于 2012-3-15 17:10 编辑 ]
回复 15# 的帖子
I got it. thanks a lot Thanks to you. Upload the commodus erm when done, I will add 2.0 changes to it and send back, to be updated. It dose not work, also cant get that custom dialog, but maybe the problem is plug-in of Chinese , wait a moment. Does the dialog works if not translated? If yes, then the problem is in the chinese text I think. Yep. I think so, but cant find that problem which makes the dialog done,anyway,it's our business.Please add the changes,thank you.
[ 本帖最后由 renlinfeng 于 2012-3-16 00:13 编辑 ]