对尊敬的 Salamandre 新作 的猜想
玩了两个晚上了,地图开了近1/4了。可是还没发现能加生物特技的建筑或事件,不知道男爵是否就一直这样直到通关?;yowe; 感想太少了
写个前沿介绍吧;oweojs; 老萨新作?你说的是星际还是罗马4? 说不定没有建筑和事件 是罗马四吧,还没开始尝试,主要是懒,安装起来太麻烦,还担心回头恢复不容易出BUG神马的;sign; 我和老狼一样的想法啊 其实安装相当简单!三部搞定!我之所以没玩,是因为看不懂英文剧情和介绍。等圣马回来汉化了地图再玩。 Ok, sorry for english, I wish I could know chinese. The story has no incident on the game, you can remove it or not read. What is important to understand is:
A few events relating the arrival of invaders and what weapon you need to defeat them
Help menu (important)
A few special objects which have special use (8-10)
So it is not so much.
For the story, maybe chinese can write a new one in chinese, as we did with TDS (some of events) for the english translation, when it was impossible to translate. It is so amazing.
Any topic about Salamandre will not escape your eyes. How could, all I see on front page is my name in english characters and around it a lot ofstrange signs ;ft;, chinese vocabulary.
Is the only thing I understand
[ 本帖最后由 Salamandre 于 2012-2-19 11:08 编辑 ] 不要说老萨本人来了,支持个。
呵呵,这次说的是 罗马4
原帖由 克招 于 2012-2-18 23:07 发表 http://www.wogcn.net/images/common/back.gif老萨新作?你说的是星际还是罗马4?
A few special objects which have special use (8-10)
原帖由 Salamandre 于 2012-2-19 05:45 发表 http://www.wogcn.net/images/common/back.gifOk, sorry for english, I wish I could know chinese. The story has no incident on the game, you can remove it or not read. What is important to understand is:
A few events relating the ar ...
;kaun; 已经开了1/3地图了,还没发现这些 special object,呵呵--期待中。
现在头痛的就是四围9各99的Tazar,无论如何都是只受1点的伤害,带的九头还免疫4级魔法,真正的钢板英雄。还没发现那里能学到五级雷暴,;misnn; 现在只能躲着他兜圈子,:deyi: 看来要开疆的同时要和他耗下去了。 yes that's the problem, if you don't understand the warning before Tazar, you can't fight him. You need this:
原帖由 Salamandre 于 2012-2-19 15:56 发表 http://www.wogcn.net/images/common/back.gif
yes that's the problem, if you don't understand the warning before Tazar, you can't fight him. You need this:
不知道是用百度还是google啊 Haha ,the maps is very good, thanks. though it 's very hard especailly for 200% difficuty.
As matter of fact ,have a few questions.
1. Expert water magic , not expert effect in Bless(single effect ).
2. For the EARTH NODE , there are two magics ,Resurrection and implosion ,however ,don't know how to learn these.
3. Early of the 3 rd month , Somlyr is coming ,so have to escape;dao; (Legions of ghost dragons). ;dao;
4. For the cuture bank ,it is aperidic or will appear every two weeks ,it seems like that can get different result by restart the game record .
5. for the CAVE OF GODS ,Fotunately enough to win the first battle(the defender is ..haha) ,the reward are thousands of resource ,what is the next reward ;;orz; I don't understand your first question. Resurrect can be learned in the first castle town you conquer. Solmyr has only 7 dragons. On map adventure I gave him legions, to allow him to be more agressive, but in battle he will have 7 dragons only. Creature banks respawn every 2 weeks, always.
Cave of gods reward is random.
1) 33% chance of primary skills (1 to 5 for all). If your primary skills are already 99 or more, then it is automatically changed into creatures reward (3).
2) 33% chance of resources (based on month in game)
3) 33% chance for creatures reward Thank you very much,Old S.!
You are the best poeple for our faimly.:deyi: :deyi: :deyi: 很喜欢老萨的作品 可以说都是 巅峰之作 他的秘银加攻击 防御 伤害系统还有给生物自己学技能这2点 就很有想法 比翡翠塔强的太多 翡翠塔太影响游戏 有塔的图都简单 原帖由 Salamandre 于 2012-2-20 00:25 发表 http://bbs.h3wog.com/images/common/back.gif
I don't understand your first question. Resurrect can be learned in the first castle town you conquer. Solmyr has only 7 dragons. On map adventure I gave him legions, to allow him to be more agressive ...
Thanks very much for your feedback ,that would be a great help for this game . now finished nearly 1/4 maps , let's keep going ahead .
the first questions is : learned the expert water magic ,when you cast the bless ,only for single not for all the creatures.!