回复 81# 的帖子
WTF?So much damage?Good job,the hell troops which immunity againstfire magic will be glad to see it(It seemsmagic damage could be increase by resource……and……what`s the last one,Ult?Over Skill?Summon Magic?
[ 本帖最后由 suika 于 2012-1-5 08:29 编辑 ] The damage is useless against AI heroes, mostly against neutrals. AI heroes have all immunities to most spells. The last one is the fire bonus = cast twice per battle turn. Works only vs AI heroes, not vs neutrals. Sorceror faction can cast twice in all battles still. 原帖由 Salamandre 于 2012-1-5 08:47 发表 http://www.wogcn.net/images/common/back.gif
The damage is useless against AI heroes, mostly against neutrals. AI heroes have all immunities to most spells. The last one is the fire bonus = cast twice per battle turn. Works only vs AI heroes, no ... Can be cast twice? Google Translator may be inaccurate.
Almost no English level I only relied on exchanges with you, I am sorry. Do not know if you have to understand Kan Bukan I say? 定,住址
回复 83# 的帖子
For balance,I think XX% magic damage resistanceare better than immunities when duel AI heroes battle....or damage magic update will be useless at last( 兽哥没看错……火系大招是每回合施法两次……也就是所谓的双C……虽然BT图你们都喜欢控制不爱杀伤但是最近出的几个图让法师也能打后期了,魔法伤害也能几十万,不比什么兵海差,平衡后期的战士和法师路线还是不错的[ 本帖最后由 suika 于 2012-1-5 09:39 编辑 ] 超级期待啊。这个就是传说中的359么? 原帖由 suika 于 2012-1-5 09:36 发表 http://www.wogcn.net/images/common/back.gif
兽哥没看错……火系大招是每回合施法两次……也就是所谓的双C……虽然BT图你们都喜欢控制不爱杀伤但是最近出的几个图让法师也能打后期了,魔法伤害也能几十万,不比什么兵海差,平衡后期的战士和法师路线还是不错的 这样就真的平衡了。现在的BT图中可能也就沧海的诸神里面的魔法比较有杀伤力,其他的一些BT图基本都不怎么用杀伤性魔法,用了也等于白用。
回复 89# 的帖子
那图带兵多了会提高敌人的属性,接近于裸奔所以魔法输出还是比较重要的…… 虽然看不懂老萨在说什么,但看上去能再次升级的魔法和如此恐怖的杀伤,还是很期待的哦。如果不用下载其它太多的附件就最好了。 老萨是WOG地图最强制作者了吧 跳墙很简单的,有不明白的可以找我啊 原帖由 兽哥哥 于 2012-1-5 09:55 发表 http://www.h3wog.com/images/common/back.gif这样就真的平衡了。现在的BT图中可能也就沧海的诸神里面的魔法比较有杀伤力,其他的一些BT图基本都不怎么用杀伤性魔法,用了也等于白用。
偶的啊泰3魔力特300万+的爆裂伤害被华丽滴忽视了;dao; 原帖由 沧海一粟 于 2012-1-5 10:33 发表 http://www.h3wog.com/images/common/back.gif
好像只能对野兵有用,电脑英雄都是免疫魔法的;yowe; Oh, don't worry about balance, the player will suffer.
Here is something chinese may appreciate, as it uses a chinese tactic
.Fight Bron and his basilisks:
Each basilisk has the stats of my devils, so had to improvise. Bron has mass prayer/haste.
[ 本帖最后由 Salamandre 于 2012-1-8 03:14 编辑 ] indeed. quicksand, force field, fire wall, and landmine, are very useful in many chinese hentai maps.
回复 97# 的帖子
风侠说的很有道理……(英语水平太差,用不来英文)…………;dao; 原帖由 songfx 于 2012-1-8 07:36 发表 http://www.h3wog.com/images/common/back.gifindeed. quicksand, force field, fire wall, and landmine, are very useful in many chinese hentai maps.
,BTW,Songfx misses the Hypnotize,Hypnotize is the key spell in sum of chinese hentai maps;oweojs; 原帖由 songfx 于 2011-12-29 11:50 发表 http://www.wogcn.net/images/common/back.gif