Fairy Town(童话之城)
Fairy Townhttp://www.celestialheavens.com/homm3/WoG%20Files/Images/Fairy%20Town.jpg
Here is a beautiful town that should introduce the kiddies to play HoMM3/WoG. And the town works as good as it looks. To get this town to come to life, you'll have to install all the files manually by using either MM Archive or DEFka. But once you do, I think you'll be very pleased with the results. Be sure to make up a backup file before you change anything. Made by bucazaurus.
Download: Fairy Town 新的城镇 还是只改外貌的呢 兵種呢? 替代元素城么 看着挺花哨 老實說...
顏色很難看~```;cool; ;cool; 二代的风格,坦白地说,我也不喜欢,但还是支持,因为这也是一种创作。 我喜欢,
我很喜欢 黑龙大哥加油 弄点新东西来~~~ 我看不见图,但是貌似在游戏之家看见过,赞