所有中国玩家:请注意本版规则!(attention to all chinese heroes.)
This attention is only for chinese heroes.本版是英文版面,为了体现对国际友人的尊重,本版面绝对禁止使用中文发帖,一旦发现纯中文贴立即删除,管理员的贴也不例外!
如果需要同时使用英文与中文讨论一个话题,可以同时发两个贴,英文贴发布在本版面,中文贴发布在其它版面,并且在中文首贴中发布英文贴的链接,在英文首贴中发布中文贴的链接。 Sometimes chinese users can't speak well english, but they want to post opinions about if they like or not what foreign players upload here. Myself I had never a problem with translating from chinese to english via Google.
In my opinion, international forums should allow also chinese, so we get more opinions about our work. It is not big deal to translate for us and I never thought that it was a lack of respect if someone reply to me in chinese. Peace.
[ Last edited bySalamandre at 2009-10-8 00:02 ] oh,my god,you are so cool.;cool; I agree Salamandre.
回复 2# 的帖子
Rules are made to be broken. So it is normal that someone break the rule, and grants will be given provide that he has a good reason to break the rule.But if there's no rule, things get worse. when there is a rule, we could at least ensure peace in most cases and reduce the violation to minimum.
回复 5# 的帖子
OKay! I known that! I think should seek personal when translation, convenient communication . Totally agree with you, we should use Eng for foreign friends English edition piece good cold ah.;lan; So now we must strive to learn English:lianhong: