New WoG Skin(For Foreign Player)
Now,let's look at some Pictures:This is WoG new skin for foreign player.
You can enjoy it by using Update progarm. :) Poet, please add some colours on my title. Thanks!
[ 本帖最后由 da3338280 于 2009-10-5 10:15 编辑 ] good
(Songfx: don't speak chinese here) 我来剖析一下
整体的文字用的是英文版的WOG very good, are so Cute.;ovo; 5#, I think you are wrong.The DEF was taken out from Heroes3 complete. The last pic is amazing. Thanks! These pics are also great for Chinese player to play English Wog! So beautiful! I like it. Thanks.
It's so cool~ I want Chinese Version;quq; me too. I have one question: is it possible to replace only the bmp ones or it must be replaced the defs too? :shuijiao: :shuijiao: :shuijiao: I hate say English ....... is any topic here in english?