** "Lord of Thunder Cave" by Grigor Minchev
** Save for map "Augment"
** 10 June 2003
Set flag 11 to 0.
!#VRz123:S^雷[wiki]神[/wiki]洞穴 (未访问)^;
Store text in ^ ^ to z123 string.
Set object's hint to z123 string.
Main part:
If Hero has won the battle visitor will get message: "Lord of Thunder Cave".
If Hero enters the Cave and he haven't beaten Lord of Thunder this trigger is activated.
!!IF:Q10^这里是雷神洞穴。 你要进入吗?^;
Hero must answer if he wants to fight or not. Answer is strored in flag 10.
Store owner's color's number in v5 variable.
Provoke a battle with 9 Lords of Thunder Cave
Store owner's color's number in v100 variable.
Give Double Attack Sword to Hero
Give Titan's Thunder to Hero.
If Hero survived set flag 11 to positive.
!!IF&11:Q3/34/-2/1^雷神领主给了你两件神兵,以及泰坦之箭魔法,但他们诅咒你,并使你失去了 2 点知识技能:^;
If Hero survived store text in ^ ^ to z123 string.
这是别人做的地图中的一个事件,要使此宝屋的守卫不止一种应如何添加触发?战斗刚开始时敌我双方在地图上的位置如何添加语句?高手赐教,再此谢谢了 |